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Knowledge of the Real Armageddon Weapon

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Comrads, the Armageddon Weapon is a weapon none of you even know about. It's a cheap weapon to use and can be used over and over again to bombard countries up to thousands of miles away without anyone even knowing that it is being used.

Terrorists all over the world are looking for this type of a weapon because it's cheap to use, easy to set up and operate, you don't need to be a country for which some other country can retaliate against, you can create continual bombardments thousands of miles away, can't be detected until it's striking; and its technology already exists. Even the DOD of the USA cannot stop this weaponry from killing tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of minutes to hours.

This technology is the perfect weapon to destroy superpowers, destroy their economies and put terror into their people like they have never seen before. Man in his quest to extract more oil out of the ground, injects liquids into the ground. Sometimes the liquids are gravity fed into the ground, and sometimes it's under pressure.

By studying the earth seismically, earthquakes can be detected hours/days/weeks and sometimes over two months in advance by Advance Warning P-waves; they are the largest waves seismically detectable, considerably larger than the well known S-waves. By watching these P-waves for usually days and weeks performing their well known cycles and pulses, earthquakes can be created at one site and sent to another site on the Earth itself; Nature does it all the time.

For instance, if terrorists wanted to bombard the west coast of the USA with an earthquake measuring between 5.0 and 10.0 approximately every two months, they would simply set up facilities hundreds to thousands of miles away in areas that are linked to the west coast of the USA. They would then start injecting water (if they didn't want to be discovered) from a river or an underground aquifer. They would set up multiple hidden sites for fast success results.

They simply have to watch Nature for a while, and then help Nature along scientifically by watching the advance warning P-waves. If the P-wave isn't increasing in strength, its time to wait until Nature releases. If the P-wave is an increasing wave, its time to add more water under more and more pressure. By watching the pressure anywhere within hundreds of miles of the site, it can be determined if the magnitude of the Man assisted earthquake cell is getting as large as desired.

Any sign of a leak or of destabilazation, then its time to quit and let it release and wait till it starts over. Others can be in the linked area and pinpoint where it will strike usually days before the striking of the earthquake.

Currently many large earthquakes are assisted by man, or almost completely made by man. Expected future targets for terrorists to hit in the western hemisphere from hundreds and thousands of miles away, are the Super Volcano of Yellowstone National Park, the Panama Canal, the west coast of the USA and an African mountain made to slip into the ocean to cause a tsunami to take out the east coast of the USA. It looks like North Koreas nuclear bomb test may have located a link to the Hawaii Islands.

Man assisted earthquakes from the USA already strike in other countries territories and have been recorded as such. Unless the DOD or the USGS is going to upgrade their seismic systems in order to detect the seismic activity in advance, or upgrade in order to see the visual effects that exist in the sky from hundreds of miles away they sure won't be helping anybody in the USA.

Destructive earthquake activity can be seen from hundreds of miles away in the sky directly above the fault that is under abnormal pressure. Emissions shoot into the sky directly over head, which are completely invisible, unless you are using the proper equipment. The Sumatra 9.2 earthquake emissions should have been detectable out to a maximum radius of 820 miles.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:58 PM
Source, please?
It tends to help with discussion.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 02:16 PM
The concept of geological warfare is a very valid one...the prime target for any attacker wanting to destroy the US Eastern Seaboard would be the Cumbre Vieja volcano on Gran Canaria

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:30 PM
Geological warfare, unless you talk to Stellar, is a myth.

There's typical 'conspiracy' evidence for it, but, I'd ask, if we have it, why not simply create an Earthquake in Iran? Call it an act of God on the current administration?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:34 PM
Comrads, geological warfare is a reality. Its cheap to use, which makes it basically available to all groups who are crazy out there. To release the information would mean that terrorist groups could run amuk causing destructive earthquakes all over the world, and no one could really stop them. By the time you found them, it would probably be too late, they would have probably have propagated their earthquake to what ever size they were hoping for, and left the equipment on automatic, and left; and if no one showed up, it would be time to reload for the next one. Every government out there would be testing and testing, secretly to see what they could do.

In the beginning, if you just want to watch and learn about Natural earthquake activity, you wait for the last earthquake cell to make its release. Then you wait a day while the Earth rests. Then the next day an earthquake cell can make itself known. This one is not to be taken seriously on the first day of its birthing, it may be aborted. If it's still up and running on the second day, it should have doubled the length of time between pulses. The third day will be triple the first day, the fourth day will be twice the first day, and the fifth day will be equal to the first day; that marks the end of the first cycle.

If the earthquake cell recycles, expect the same, no matter how many cycles. During this time, Natural earthquake activity usually increases at the end of the cycle or the beginning of the next cycle. When the release is recorded at a link area, then the timer starts, and the other linked area is now the target of the actual earthquake. The moment the release occurs, the plotting of the travel time takes place.

If you wanted to bombard the west coast of the USA from a very large area that no one would ever find you in, which is a known area by the way, then you would know when the strikes would take place to within hours or less of the actual strike.

Actual/Real strike times are as follows: a Denver, Colorado strike is approximately 18 hours away; a Mexico City, Mexico strike is approximately 24 hours away, a San Fransisco strike is approximately 72 hours away, to reach Oregon is approximately 90 hours away. There comrads, you can easily plot the strike time along the west coast of the USA if you use 24 hours for Mexico City, Mexico at one end and the Oregon/California border at the other end at 90 hours away.

All of this printed herein comrads is real, this is no fairy tale. When the earth is under abnormal pressure, it emits an emission into the air directly above the fault. It can be seen for hundreds of miles in many cases. A 1.5 magnitude earthquake emission might be seen from only 20 or so miles away because it's weak, and other larger earthquake cells have stronger emissions coming out of their faults.

It is truly a wonderful site to see an earthquake cell emission pulsing up and down in the sky directly above a fault under abnormal pressure from 400 miles or more away from the source; and know it's invisible to others.

It's easy to create man made earthquakes, and there is a science into propogating them to the size desired. You can search on the internet and see "man made earthquakes" they are real, and scientists all over the world have wrote about them, there is even a long list on the internet of some of those scientists.

Its easy to use science to create earthquakes, especially if you can detect even the small earthquakes before they strike. I was over by New Madrid, Missouri and it took only a few hours to locate a small 1.5 earthquake sized cell and map it. Four days later it became the earthquake that it was supposed to be. The 8.3 magnitude earthquake off the Russian coast was not a Natural earthquake that took place within the last year.

There are many other large earthquakes that are not Natural, less than 2 months apart in a linked area, these earthquakes are in code in an American newspaper.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Comrads, geological warfare is a reality.

Still waiting for sources.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 10:51 PM
Not sources, but source. I've studied earthquakes of all magnitudes before they struck since the 1980's as an actual scientist. Refer to DARPA 07-21-Open-BAA-WP-109 "Defense against the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction"

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Advance Warning P-waves; they are the largest waves seismically detectable, considerably larger than the well known S-waves.

You sound an awful lot like someone who just took an EKG class to me.
There is no reason to make or employ such a weapon when there are far more effective and less power consuming methods which leave the property intact.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 06:17 AM
Still waiting for a source..

If you, a scientist, knows this.
Then others must know, and have written about it.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Iblis, I'm the source, in case your still having trouble reading what is inferred above in both posts.

Lets face it, not all countries in the world have the same fire power as other countries. If you are a small country, or if you are some group that feels the need to retaliate, this is a great weapon.

As for power, there is very little power consumed in order to take out 10s of thousands, to millions of targeted people; especially when others have no idea who is doing it.

As for leaving the property intact, yes, there would be lots of property left intact; that is... compared to what a nuclear war would leave behind. A bunch of countries or groups getting together could easily destroy any superpower or anyother small country without being detected.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, at can only change from one state to another.

Considering the energy released by an earthquake, it would require a massive amount of energy input it to cause an equal amount of output.
Maybe they don’t teach basic physics to Russian Scientists though?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
this is a great weapon.

What is?
I have yet to be provided any sources of information?
Being a scientist does not allow you to say a weapon, one which has apparently been kept top-secret and only referred to, can exist, but that the physics may be possible.
Furthermore, unless you've researched on this subject directly, simply saying the basics physics work is not enough.

And now you're giving specifications for power?
That's fairly detailed.
Enough to warrant a source, unless you're now an engineer, too.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 09:24 PM
I like the way you think defcon 5, and I like it that you come right out and say what you think without holding nothing back, and I like that you think rationally and scientifically. But, I can see I need to show you what you aren't quite yet seeing.

So... here is something for you to chew on, to show you that this is real and doesn't really take that much energy from man, because Nature provides most of the energy already. I know you will understand defcon 5 what I'm talking about. I'll give you some examples.

Defcon 5, you are out in an avalanche area and the snow is deep and there are already great big cracks existing high up on the ridge far above you where thousands of tons of snow is ready to come crashing down (naturally, by Natures own way of doing things). Do you think you will have to exert a whole lot of energy to get that avalanche to come down? Or, do you realize that someone yelling might trigger the avalanche? Of course, you already know that a loud noise could trigger the avalanche; and that tremendous energy will take place if an avalanche is started by someone yelling. Did their yell take tremendous energy to start the avalanche? Did there need to be equivalent energy exerted by you in order to create the tremendous energy released? No. Do you see where I'm coming from Defcon 5.

The energy is basically already in the ground, all that is needed is a little bit of help at the right time, in the right amount, and walla you have tremendous energy being released, at the targeted area of your choice.

If you stood at the top of that avalanche mountain covered with snow ready to do its thing, and decided to not yell; but instead you threw a fist sized snow ball, do you think you could start an avalanche with that fist sized snow ball? Of course you could if the conditions were just right.

By studying the Earth with an advance warning P-Wave seismic system, you can see when the conditions are just right.

Well Defcon 5 do you still think they don't teach Russian Scientists physics?

Other references you might want to see is "RockTalk V5n2 v3" put out by the Colorado Geological Survey April 2002. Go to pages 6-7 and read about "Earthquakes Caused by Humans in Colorado" its an article telling about how an American geologist declared the Army was causing earthquakes in Colorado at "Rocky Mountain Arsenal". The USGS wanted to prove he was wrong, but instead they proved he was right; and the USGS found out they could turn earthquakes on and off, on and off.

Another American article that you might want to read about on the Internet is "Injection Induced Earthquake References" which lists 116 different references (books, manuals, and papers) where earthquakes were created by man. Don't forget this is also an old reference, with 1995 being the last references.

How much energy do you think it takes for a company to gravity feed, or inject water or CO2 into the ground? Not much energy is needed, and that is all the energy that will ever be needed. If you were down hill from a source of water that was uphill, all you would have to do would be to divert the water to your well and let it gravity feed.

If your well is in the right spot, then you can kill all that is at the wrong spot at the linked area to your spot on Earth with very little energy being excerted by whomever it running the show.

There's a newspaper in the USA that has codes in it, and I can't tell you what paper it is right now, but if you read the codes in the newspaper, you will see when the last entries are in the newspaper, and from there all you have to do is count at least 7 days from there, and you will see all of the larger earthquakes that struck, struck near to that time. Furthermore, you will see the two largest earthquakes mentioned beforehand also, and 7 and 8 days later; the two largest earthquakes struck from those dates. This is a science, with little required energy or money, for big results.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, at can only change from one state to another.

Considering the energy released by an earthquake, it would require a massive amount of energy input it to cause an equal amount of output.
Maybe they don’t teach basic physics to Russian Scientists though?

Also it would require some conspicuous and expensive hardware which would be extremely vulnerable to air-strikes.

I think that there is potential for this kind of thing but it would need to be develooped a lot further to be used practically.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Defcon 5, you are out in an avalanche area and the snow is deep and there are already great big cracks existing high up on the ridge far above you where thousands of tons of snow is ready to come crashing down (naturally, by Natures own way of doing things). Do you think you will have to exert a whole lot of energy to get that avalanche to come down?

Actually yes, it has required a lot of energy to get that snow up there to begin with. Now that the snow is on top of the cliff, it retains that potential energy. A shock of some type is simply the catalyst to cause the release of existing potential energy.

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Did their yell take tremendous energy to start the avalanche? Did there need to be equivalent energy exerted by you in order to create the tremendous energy released?

Yes it took an equal amount to heat the water to condensation point, cause it to raise up into the clouds, cool it so it precipitated as snow. The fact that the snow did not fall all the way back to the surface means that it retains potential energy to be released. That potential energy is the distance each flake of snow is from the surface, and its weight. The reason that an avalanche causes so much release of energy is because there is a tremendous amount of potential energy stored at that location which has accumulated over time.

Originally posted by RussianScientists
The energy is basically already in the ground, all that is needed is a little bit of help at the right time, in the right amount, and walla you have tremendous energy being released, at the targeted area of your choice.

So how do you measure the potential energy at each fault line?
In addition, there is a really simple way to avoid this weapon, simply don’t place your military assets near a fault line with a high potential energy level.
Bio stuff is far more of a threat then anything involving earthquakes.

Originally posted by RussianScientists
By studying the Earth with an advance warning P-Wave seismic system, you can see when the conditions are just right.

I had never heard of a P-Wave outside of EKG, but I see that such a thing does in fact exist. So how do you read potential energy from it?

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Well Defcon 5 do you still think they don't teach Russian Scientists physics?

That was only meant to be a joke to begin with, but the court is still out on that one. Yes you can trigger an event if you can locate a massive pocket of built up potential energy and somehow trigger it. But to use this as a weapon is infeasible as you cannot control where those pockets of energy are located. It’s a nice feature to be able to select your target location when your doing weapon design.

Originally posted by RussianScientists
How much energy do you think it takes for a company to gravity feed, or inject water or CO2 into the ground?

Again here the energy is stored in as potential energy in the fissure, its not provided by us humans. Even then, not all fissures have a great deal of potential energy stored up in them. In some places, Tectonic plates are actually moving apart and there is no potential energy. Same thing is true where two plates are sliding smoothing parallel to each other. Its only when you have two plates that are sticking and not moving that you get a nice build up of potential energy to cause a quake. These areas are known earthquake zones already, and while you may control the timing of the event, you certainly cannot control the force or location of the event.

[edit on 9/6/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Iblis, if you pumped water into the ground where ever you were at, into an oil well, and you found out that you could start creating earthquakes hundreds and thousands of miles away, you would have a weapon wouldn't you?

If you learned how to watch the development of your earthquake cell as you were propagating it, and you could control its size before it released, then you would have a great weapon, especially if it could strike areas hundreds and thousands of miles away; and no one knew you were doing it. And.. if you could cause these big earthquakes to occur within a period of two months or less at your targeted area, your weapon is really great. Especially when you realize you can find any area, to strike any other area, very easily, at very little cost, by basically just by sitting back and watching Nature.

Then once you've seen where Nature dictates is the other linked area to the area you are in, then of course, if you want to start earthquakes occurring in that area, there is not much stopping you, because others can't prove you are doing it; and they would never ever think you were doing it from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

How do I know? Almost everything that I write is first hand when I'm on this subject, unless I refer you to other sources. I've been there and I've watched all that I have described and much more. I've been doing this research through three decades as a Sr. Scientist, has that been long enough for you to appreciate my gained knowledge of earthquakes?

My favorite thing to do is to watch American companies that start injecting liquids into the ground to recover oil. When they first start up they can build up huge earthquake cells right under them, and then when the release occurs, you simply start counting the days and hours. When it strikes, you mentally mark down its strike area, and the approximate time it took to reach there.

Over the years you gain considerable knowledge of which areas affect which other areas. The areas that I've studied of course have already had earthquakes strike near Denver, Colorado; Mexico City; Los Angeles, San Fransisco and quite a few other places in the USA and including Russia.

It isn't hard to create destructive earthquakes that can kill tens of thousands of people in one rupture of the Earths crust. Companies around the world do it all the time by accident.

Linked areas never change, they are permanently linked to the other linked area. If you build up an earthquake cell, it can only strike in its linked area. If Mother Nature builds up an earthquake cell, it can only strike in its linked area.

I have a beautiful chart of an enormous earthquake cell build up in America. Guess where and when it started? Of course, it started when the American company starting injecting fluid into the well, and how far away do you think it started growing at? Approximately one mile away. I charted it for over 2 months, as it started off as an approximate 1.6 magnitude earthquake. When it stopped growing I estimated it at being a 6.7 magnitude earthquake. I drove into other states just to measure and record its size so I could see how big it really was. Then I stopped putting my coded classified ad in the newspapers when it released. Seven days later, it did its thing at exactly the time it should have done it, and in the area it should have done it for that time period; USGS recorded it at 6.8 magnitude.

I have many fond memories of that earthquake cell and resulting earthquake. I actually saw "earthquake fog" at that earthquake cell. It was about 1 PM in the afternoon, and it was a bright hot day without a cloud in the sky. I drove down the rode a little ways, and there it was, dense, so dense that I had to turn my head lights of my car on so incase someone was coming from the other side, they would not hit me. The earthquake fog must have been approximately 400' by about 1000' in size, it was truly amazing.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

Hello JimmyBlonde, that upside down Mona Lisa is quite interesting. I would like to know who is going to strike it with air strikes, if they can't even locate it.

Lets face it, companies all around the world are creating these killer earthquake cells that get released, and I haven't heard of any of these air strikes yet.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

So how exactly does pumping gas or fluid into a gas pocket thousands of miles away cause an earthquake at that fault line. I can understand if you triggered it at the location where the potential energy is stored by nature, but then you fall in to the limitations I stated above. If you are claiming that humans can store up the potential energy to cause the quake, then trigger it, you fall back under the original rule of physics I posted.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Wow, Defcon5 you are tough. But.. it's good that you told all of the others about all of that energy stuff you are up on. I like to refer to stored energy as latent energy myself; and the ground is full of latent energy just waiting to be released. I like to explain it in the simple way, and I can see you like to go deep into things; that is fine, let us continue...

How do I measure the potential energy at each fault line? Basically how it is measured is still top secret, but it is measured seismically and it can be looked at visually. The greater the potential energy, the more equalizers you will have to add in order to measure the greater potential energy. Only when the seismic system is equalized with the potential energy can it measure the potential energy in the ground.

I doubt that there is any place where you could put your military assets that couldn't be reached by this weaponry, there are faults everywhere.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 11:31 PM
Defcon5 can't tell you how you read the energy from it; top secret. Its highly feasible to use, your facility only needs to be within the area of the link in order to help grow Natures earthquake cells, you don't need to move your facility around in order to grow earthquake cells.

Just as there are known earthquake zones, there are also earthquake links, and earthquake links are still unknown to the public. The only control of the timing that can be done is to speed the frequency of the larger earthquakes up. To within approximately a two month window of time for larger earthquakes.

Yes, the force and the location of the event can be controlled. Simply by applying the liquid at the right rate, at the right time, the earthquake cell will grow. The resulting earthquake is never smaller than the largest growth of the earthquake cell. The location is controlled by the Earth itself and its links. Get in the link that is located to the area you want to destroy with destructive earthquakes, and you can have a hay day.

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