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Foul Play in Rep. Gillmor's death?

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:27 PM
This is wild and rampant speculation on my part, and overall the news is only just now breaking that Ohio Rep. Paul Gillmor (R) died overnight. The cause of death has not been released, but Capitol Hill rumor says heart attack.

Either way, when a Congressman dies, it's always cause for speculation that perhaps the death wasn't so natural. And in the case of Gillmor, that speculation may have some basis, as he peeved some very powerful banking conglomerates in recent months, especially in his position as the ranking Republican on the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee.

Enclosed is a link to the recent bills he was sponsoring, including one that would recognize all freemasons nationwide for their dedication to charity.

But some of the bills that really got a crosshairs on him included preventing Walmart from entering the banking arena and better corporate disclosure of taxable income and charitable contributions. See the link above.

My CTist mind is probably overworking itself and there's nothing more than an unfortunate natural cause death.

[edit on 9/5/2007 by behindthescenes]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Some more research has found a very detailed and comprehensive story of just how much Gillmor was a thorn in the side of mega banking entities -- and those wanting to get into the banking conglomerations.

Gillmor really was the sole powerhouse standing in the way of Walmart getting into the banking world.

Now his death raises the real possibility that Walmart can push for a banking license.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 05:22 AM
Didn't Gillmor say that the Market will crash, or else certain investors will lose billions? Isn't this also what Ron Paul was saying? I've never heard of this Paul Gillmor, but if he uncovered a hornets nest, I fear the next attack might be on Ron Paul, as he's one of the leading advocates for cutting The Fed down to size. Let alone the fact that he's running for president. But yeah, the way the press keeps changing their story from 'heart attack' to 'blunt injury' to 'falling down stairs', without autopsy seems fishy enough. Poopy. Why is our damned government so evil?!

[edit on 9/13/2007 by Arcane Demesne]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne
Didn't Gillmor say that the Market will crash, or else certain investors will lose billions? Isn't this also what Ron Paul was saying? I've never heard of this Paul Gillmor, but if he uncovered a hornets nest, I fear the next attack might be on Ron Paul, as he's one of the leading advocates for cutting The Fed down to size. Let alone the fact that he's running for president. But yeah, the way the press keeps changing their story from 'heart attack' to 'blunt injury' to 'falling down stairs', without autopsy seems fishy enough. Poopy. Why is our damned government so evil?!

[edit on 9/13/2007 by Arcane Demesne]

Hey, thanks for the head's up. I had no idea that "blunt trauma" was a cause of his death. I was thinking I was just spouting off a crackpot theory, and now it's becoming fishy.
Gillmor died as result of falling down stairs?!

This especially got me:

It was unclear what precipitated the fall. The medical examiner performed toxicology tests as a part of the autopsy. The results of those tests were not released.

Now, why wouldn't they want to release the toxicology report? Something found in his system to suggest that -- well -- all is not right in the state of Denmark? It could be a simple coverup to protect Gillmor's reputation; perhaps they found high blood alcohol levels and he died drunk wobbling down the stairs.

Or something else turned up in his blood that may suggest wet works involved. Boy, am I paranoid.

But I'm not the only one questioning Gillmor's death.

Remember the infamous put options recently? Hal Turner -- while questionable at times and certainly someone who borders on racism -- says Gillmor was going to blow the lid on who placed those options and why! And here's the more scary scenario -- Bush will launch his attack on Iran to divert attention away from a full-scale market crash.

I don't know about that latter part. The way things are now on Wall Street -- I think an Iran attack would percipitate a market crash, not the other way around.

Here's the story.

For those who like the dense, here's the proposed bill Gillmor was pushing before his death that would prevent Walmart from opening banks.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:14 PM
There is enough conflicting evidence to give one pause. He was messing with some heavy hitters.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:45 AM
your not the only one I am sure there are a few who have yet to post. the day I found out of his death I did. being from Ohio and considering elections I was curious if he had any power in any aspect on the up and coming elections.

Still looking for motive. The elction bit was just a first thought gut feeling I got when I heard the death. Didn't Ohio electoral college over ride the people's vote last time around and Ohio was the last state in?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 04:35 AM

Then last Wednesday, Congressman Paul Gillmor (R-OH) was found dead in his home.

Gillmor was investigating a series of option trades that are suspicious- someone is betting billions of dollars that the market will fall 50% by September 21st. Link

Great work behindthescenes! I just happened across this story tonight in one of my favorite StockHouse forums...did an ATS topic search, and found your thread

I don't know anything about the news source, or about the author of this piece, Carol Wolman...other than they both appear to be a bit left-of-center.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 05:28 AM
The only [somewhat] detailed information I can find linking Rep. Gillmor to the options deal comes from a questionable looking (yellow journalism?) site called Big Head DC?...and then this. If there's anything to this story, hopefully a journalist with credibility & cajones will break-it. Yeah, I know...Snipe Hunt.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by OBE1
The only [somewhat] detailed information I can find linking Rep. Gillmor to the options deal comes from a questionable looking (yellow journalism?) site called Big Head DC?...and then this. If there's anything to this story, hopefully a journalist with credibility & cajones will break-it. Yeah, I know...Snipe Hunt.

I'll agree with you on this OBE. Right now the sources of original reporting on Gillmor are questionable at best. That being said, perhaps FOIA-ing the autopsy and medical examination reports plus FOIA-ing his D.C. office for any records concerning the S&P (I'm assuming that's what they're referring to) put options may be in order....wonder what are the open record laws of Virginia.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 08:50 AM
Unfortunately, getting the medical records will probably be next to impossible.
I'm not surprised that Virginia (the defacto home-away-from-home for most of the U.S. Congress) has restrictive laws on what they're willing to release in autopsies.

The Code of Virginia classifies any information regarding a medical examiner case as confidential and allows the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to release only the cause and manner of death after the medical examiner’s office has completed its investigation of the case. This information may be obtained from the Medical Examiner District Office that handled the case.

I've subitted it anyway. We'll see what happens.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:08 PM
As far as faking a heart attack, what about epinephrine ? I am pretty sure this would not show on toxicology reports and if he was to call for help they will give him more epinephrine which would assure his death and cover the chemical if ever tested for it after death. I am unaware if adrenaline would show anything unnatural if that would even be tested for in an autopsy.

just a thought

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by diedagaincraftsmen
As far as faking a heart attack, what about epinephrine ? I am pretty sure this would not show on toxicology reports and if he was to call for help they will give him more epinephrine which would assure his death and cover the chemical if ever tested for it after death. I am unaware if adrenaline would show anything unnatural if that would even be tested for in an autopsy.

just a thought

The key seems to be the head and neck trauma. I'm not saying someone bludgend him to death, and I do believe the stair fall. But an accident? This is where the toxicology report would be interesting. Was something in his system to indicate being drugged, hence easier for someone to make sure he falls down a flight of stairs?

That's the kind of old school foreign intrigue assassination scenario I'm theorizing....

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:10 PM
I havn't heard of any toxicology reports being public. However I found this little snippet:

Updated: 12:34 a.m. ET Sept. 8, 2007
COLUMBUS, Ohio - U.S. Rep. Paul Gillmor, who was found dead in his apartment in suburban Washington earlier this week, died of blunt head and neck trauma consistent with a fall down stairs, according to a medical examiner’s report released Friday.
This death was first reported as (mysterious) "natural causes", seemingly plausible for someone 68 years old.

Then, a couple days later, the blunt-force head and neck trauma involved came out. This was immediately claimed as above, "consistent with a fall down stairs", though one should expect to see trauma to more than the head and neck in such a fall. Rep. Gilmor was investigating the recent "put actions" placed upon the market, gambling that there would be a 50% drop in the market between Sep.14 and Sep. 21, like the put actions placed preceding 9/11/01.


If there is any truth to these things in recent days I guess no one should ever get to close eh'? At the top of the link it mentions multiple deaths at the base where those nukes got transfered. I hope this is just our wild imagination. I mean conspiracy theorists are always wrong right??? so says fox news often.

[edit on 16-9-2007 by diedagaincraftsmen]


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