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The moon: Its round, why? And where does it come from in the first place...?

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:00 AM
Hi there,

When I discussed the possibilities of the origin of the moon with a friend (non ATS) we ended with some questions not to be answered yet, and maybe never will.
One of the theories about the moon is his origin, its brought to our earth a long time ago. The moons orbit is maintained by some device... etc...

(I think thats a good possibility though)

So lets pick 2 questions I like to hear about from you:

1. Where does it come from?
2. Why is it round? (why is every planet round anyway?)

I hope some of you have thoughts about it, I really dont know. I think its worth to know within the framework of all the stuff like john Lear is coming up.

I dont expect we are able to answer it. But it intrigues me

(Please dont come up with stuff like: The moon was always there. Of course thats a possibility. But not in question now

Thanks in advance...!

ps: Please dont mind the grammar errors etc... It's not my native language

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:03 AM
The moon was probably some sort of rogue planet that was caught by our Gravity.

Most things in space formed from Molten products will, because of lack of gravity form a sphere

Just thought I'd get in first before the "It was towed there" mob arrive

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton

Just thought I'd get in first before the "It was towed there" mob arrive

Lets wait for them... lol

Its the intention of this thread and not to debunk the statement in first place. (I know your answer is the most easy and maybe most credible one

edit: spelling

[edit on 5-9-2007 by Lunica]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:12 AM
If you use the Search function - top right below log out and drop in moon theory all could be revealed


posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 02:21 PM
It was towed here

Let us imagine that our Moon was one time a star and it died= DEAD STAR

Maybe it was hanging with the wrong crowd so some aliens decided to borrow it and put it in the correct orbit to create life on Earth........or not

Maybe it was planet and called the third rock from the Sun (maybe Earth is truly the 4th planet from the Sun) but the aliens decided it wasn't doing much in the orbit it was in and so they towed her to the correct orbit and bam-hello people of Earth...........or not

I'm sure I can come up with more when I sober up j/k

The Big Bang our Moon the Scientist will tell you is all theory they don't have a clue and they go by updated theories.

The Grey's moved it there shhhhh.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by observe50]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by observe50

i think planets are round because of the gravity that atracts things to its center.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Anyone by chance see the TV program about this very same subject, it was called : "If we had no Moon" and it discussed several different theories and provided computer simulations, the main theory accepted by the presenters of that show is that a planet collided with the Earth, but not a dead on center to center collision, more like it clipped the Earth. They also go on to theorize that without the moon, the planet would not have the life allowing conditions it has.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:30 PM

do some research and you will find out. here is some.


Our Unnatural Satellite

One of the strange facts about the moon is that it appears to be hollow. As the Earth’s natural satellite the moon has always been assumed to be a homogenous sphere that was created at the same time as the Earth, but there are various indications that this is not the case, as we’ve already mentioned, the moon is older than the Earth.

and here is the

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:30 PM
[edit on [1Sep13]013030p: by slaveearth]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Decades ago I wrote to Stanford University and gave them this information.

Everything in that tape is right on. I have been trying to tell all of you within the Moon are Grey's and they have made beneath Earthlike. They collect trees and plants and water and animals from all over the Earth and they are TERRAFORMING our Solar System.

There are many humans that work with them but are in a controlled enviroment.

All those stars up there that you look at aren't all stars.

Take a deep breath Lorraine Take a deep breath.

The Grey's told me to make you look and see that the Planets and the Moons are all the wrong sizes for one another in our Solar System, why????

Our Solar System is all basically Earthlike the Planets are just all in the different stages of birth and life cycles.

Edit to add: Breathe Lorraine Breathe

ps you asked a great question by the way

[edit on 6-9-2007 by observe50]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Lunica
I will take a turn at this one. Number 1: I think the moon is a remnant from the birth of the solar system (possibly from the asteroid belt). It may have been drawn towards the Earth by the Sun, since it has the most powerful gravity field. Our gravity field then captured it, and has not let go since. Number 2: I would have to theorize the Earth is round because gravity would not allow any other shape (like a cube or oval) to take form. The farthest point from the center of the planet would be pulled down eventually making all distances relatively equal. The farther out you are the less mass there is relative to the rest of the planet. Because all matter is composed of atoms, the greater charge overpowers masses of lesser charge and pulls them down. I believe all major celestial bodies hold a critical balance between proton and electron charge. It's just a theory.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 10:24 PM
I am pretty lacking in scientific knowledge but ill give it a stab. Please feel free to correct anything that does not correlate with the natural laws of science.

My guess would be that the moon formed out of particles with opposite polarity expelledfrom the earth. These particles could have come from impacts orjust could have been repulsed by earth in general (think super volcanoes or something).

It's place in the solar system is determined by its polarity. Opposite forces continually push on it, keeping its orbit relatively in place. Perhaps the big event everyone is waiting for will be circumstances allowing for the moon to be released from this orbit.

The moon is round because of these repulsive forces being applied from the other planets in our solar sytem. These forces eventually turned it inside out and forced it to repel the weaker magnetic items. That is why it is hollow. Dinosaurs died out due to this stormof debris.

Told you all i was bad at science.

[edit on 10-9-2007 by disgustedbyhumanity]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 05:22 PM
The moon is comprised of material from the earth. This is what science says all the time.

The odd thing: those materials are the lighter materials from earths surface. This is the biggest problem with current theories. If a giant asteroid struck earth & threw off all the material that later would become the moon, why did all the dense heaver things stay in place, but only the outer surface was skimmed?

The moon also, interestingly enough, has several micro cores that are scattered, instead of a dense center.

These two things combine seem to point to something really odd: The moon was created via an artificial means.

I heard the theory on coast and its probably the only one that can fully explain these components...

The moon was created by an ultra-advanced civilization while the earth was still in a molten stage. Several small artificial black holes were aligned around the earth's surface which slowly (over thousands or millions of years) pulled off surface material into an orbital state. Upon a large quantity being pulled, the black holes were re-aligned to a near single point, forcing the now drifting molten material to be pulled in, forming the moon as we know it. Each micro-core inside the moon represents a position of one of the artificial black holes...

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:48 PM
Many scientists out there will tell you that the moon came about as a result of 'the big whack theory', if you tap this into a search engine you'll easily be able to find info on the idea, yet what they probably won't tell you is that this theory has too many holes and difficulties. The fact is no-one is really sure why the moon is there or where it came from, scientists hang onto this theory simply because they have no other logical explanation. Sure we know the effects that the moon has on earth, for instance the stabilizing effect which keeps earth at a tilt of 22.5 degrees, a vital angle to ensure the correct conditions for life, the tidal effects, etc, but none of this answers the question of where it come from.

The first book i read about the moon was called 'Who built the moon?' by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler (Watkins Publishing, London, 2005) and i would definately recommend this to anyone wishing to delve deeper into the mysteries of the moon. The facts, figures, mathematics, and science in this book (which are too exhaustive to list but if anyone wishes me to i'll see what i can do!) basically state that the moon has no right to be there. It is bigger than it should be, older than it should be, much lighter in mass than it should be, it occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties. It is a fascinating read which explores all possible ideas for why the moon is there and where it came from, including the idea that it may have been created by some intelligent alien race.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Awww hell, ok here's some food for thought:

Firstly, I think that there is actually MORE evidence for the moon being put there than not. John Lear and Dr. Richard Hoagland (if you haven't heard of him, he is the ORIGINATOR for the life on Europa theory, and his credentials are through the roof) both agree with me.

We can't just say that the moon got "caught", that theory is more for giant gas planets, or really small moons. Also, we have the ONLY celestial body in the entire solar system that only shows one side constantly. The moon and it's orbit are also extraordinarily round. Even the break in soil tests that have been performed show that the moon wasn't always absorbing our sun's gases.

Originally posted by Lunica

Originally posted by Chorlton

Just thought I'd get in first before the "It was towed there" mob arrive

Lets wait for them... lol

Its the intention of this thread and not to debunk the statement in first place. (I know your answer is the most easy and maybe most credible one

Dismissing the fact that it's possible the moon was put there just because it might sound outrageous to someone who hasn't done their homework is just plain ignorant.

Another theory is the "Big Splash" theory which states that the moon was bigger and collided with earth, then over time all the particles collided and formed together to form the moon, instead of a ring I guess...huh.

[edit on 15-9-2007 by bigbert81]

[edit on 15-9-2007 by bigbert81]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:18 PM
double post. please delete.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:34 PM
All I know is two years ago the naval conservatory as reported on 'space weather' needed to 'revise' their coordinates of lunar orbit, suddenly. No follow up was ever given on story. Also I believe it was Segan that brought up anomolamies with the moon are so great the math would have been a billion to one probability. An astronaut said he literally had to kick aside gold to get at moon rocks. And there would be the little thing about well documented strange structures. Why did they make it round? Probably because it spins better that way. A natural sattelite? Could be but I think not for a multitude of reasons.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by jpm1602
A natural sattelite? Could be but I think not for a multitude of reasons.

I'm curious, could you explain your reasons?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 05:42 AM
The fact we only ever see the one side of it has always made me suspicious. I bought a nice telescope today to study it more and am going to rig a digital camera up to it.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Why would it make you suspicious? there are more things on earth and the universe than we will ever understand.

Does it make you suspicious that there are geostationary satellites in earth orbit?

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