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Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert?

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:51 AM
Originally posted by DIRTMASTER

I had always heard the Enterprise could do" donuts" and obscure things. A unique propulsion explains a lot. 5 reactors.. for what? would never put that much energy on a screw. the extra reactor could be for the hybrid propulsion..?!
Am i close?

Close? I'm speculating like you. It seems that with all that extra power they could generate a charge powerful enough to create a boundary layer. But the real question is with all of that power could they generate a field large enough to make the carrier invisible?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by DIRTMASTER

I had always heard the Enterprise could do" donuts" and obscure things. A unique propulsion explains a lot. 5 reactors.. for what? would never put that much energy on a screw. the extra reactor could be for the hybrid propulsion..?!
Am i close?

Close? I'm speculating like you. It seems that with all that extra power they could generate a charge powerful enough to create a boundary layer. But the real question is with all of that power could they generate a field large enough to make the carrier invisible?

OK, first time in this thread I really have "the little ehrmmm" moment.
With such amount of power on board they have to do somehting out of the ordinary with it.
And why not the abillity to get invisible...

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:10 AM
A Sub base in the middle in the Nevada desert seems a little bit extreme but I would be surprised at this.
Just another way the government wastes your tax money.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by DIRTMASTER

I had always heard the Enterprise could do" donuts" and obscure things. A unique propulsion explains a lot. 5 reactors.. for what? would never put that much energy on a screw. the extra reactor could be for the hybrid propulsion..?!
Am i close?

Close? I'm speculating like you. It seems that with all that extra power they could generate a charge powerful enough to create a boundary layer. But the real question is with all of that power could they generate a field large enough to make the carrier invisible?

Like the Philadelphia experiment.. despite what happened they had too much success not to try again. especially with everything they learned just in the following years.. wave forms, convergence zones in the field [antennas everywhere was bad] range regulation to keep the layer away from the hull.. then also they had no idea just how high to turn up the reactor..

There are a lot of things if changed out of the old known experiment could make such a platform successful. although this probably belongs on another thread but.. exactly what type of reactor where they using that day in Philadelphia anyhow... from what i remember they didn't build a reactor on the Eldridge. they would have to rip out the entire engine room.. they brought it on board. last year a guy at mit made a reactor that could fit on a table... but would lack cooling capability for power output like the Eldridge..

Anyone wanna start a thread on mystery/stolen foo reactors?[ just a guess as usual)

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by vincebaby
A Sub base in the middle in the Nevada desert seems a little bit extreme but I would be surprised at this.

This isn't anything new. The navy has been testing subs in Idaho for a long time, why not Nevada. Here is a thread.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by testrat

Originally posted by vincebaby
A Sub base in the middle in the Nevada desert seems a little bit extreme but I would be surprised at this.

This isn't anything new. The navy has been testing subs in Idaho for a long time, why not Nevada. Here is a thread.

That cross thread makes sense since the navy doesn't build their own subs. they buy them from contractors like electric boat in Groton. the Virginia was assembled by two companies in a joint venture. they no doubt test stuff all over the place. most of the major companies test in Nevada for privacy and access to other major companies also testing stuff. they use "cots' now commercial off the shelf stuff. a lot of the computer systems are developed by Boeing and Lockheed martin. which test their mystery stuff in well... Nevada for the air force. it may not be base. navy project.. you could be most certain.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:07 PM
I find this idea to be very interesting. I wonder how deep the tubes are. Hawthorne sits at around 6000 feet above sea level, and the sea, obviously at zero. So if the tubes are there, how deep are they at sea level? and then add that to the altitude of Hawthorne, and you have a pretty deep underground base!


posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:17 PM
Originally posted by DocMoreau

Hawthorne sits at around 6000 feet above sea level,

Hawthorne sits at 4300 ft. Reno sits at 5600 ft.

and then add that to the altitude of Hawthorne, and you have a pretty deep underground base! DocMoreau

If you add the altitude of Hawthorne (4300 ft.) to sea level you come out with 4300 ft, above sea level.

Most deep underground bases are about a mile down.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Hawthorne sits at 4300 ft. Reno sits at 5600 ft.

Sorry, I was looking at a Topo Map, and was thinking Hawthorne was green, not light green... never mind. The map was Small...

If you add the altitude of Hawthorne (4300 ft.) to sea level you come out with 4300 ft, above sea level.

Most deep underground bases are about a mile down.

I guess I was not clear in what I said. So would that make the base about 9500 feet under Hawthorne? (5280+4300) and a Mile under Monterey Bay? Or do you think the underground tubes change elevations? If that is the case, I bet its tricky manuvering with no windows! It wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of upward oriented water filled shaft that they were able to identify and thats why they chose the base's location. Still, its all very Z.O.W.I.E. to me...

Derek Flint er, I mean...

P.S. While looking at the regular google map, if you go down the coast from that bay, to an area near Limekiln State Park, put it on the sat view, there is a strange 'un natural' looking feature to the ocean floor to the west. Long before I heard your proposal, that straight line has always bothered me... Best Wishes!

(edit for spelling and to add postscript)

[edit on 18/9/2007 by DocMoreau]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau

Originally posted by johnlear

Hawthorne sits at 4300 ft. Reno sits at 5600 ft.

Sorry, I was looking at a Topo Map, and was thinking Hawthorne was green, not light green... never mind. The map was Small...

If you add the altitude of Hawthorne (4300 ft.) to sea level you come out with 4300 ft, above sea level.

Most deep underground bases are about a mile down.

I guess I was not clear in what I said. So would that make the base about 9500 feet under Hawthorne? (5280+4300) and a Mile under Monterey Bay? Or do you think the underground tubes change elevations? If that is the case, I bet its tricky manuvering with no windows! It wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of upward oriented water filled shaft that they were able to identify and thats why they chose the base's location. Still, its all very Z.O.W.I.E. to me...

Derek Flynt er, I mean...

just to throw in a tunnel navigation possibility.. not that i'm convinced.. but the same under ice sonar tech we use for under the ice shelf might work.. same conditions just without the cold..brr

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Originally posted by DocMoreau

I guess I was not clear in what I said. So would that make the base about 9500 feet under Hawthorne? (5280+4300)

No, I said most underground bases are about a mile down. Hawthorne is 4300 feet above sea level and sea level is where they operate the submarines. So the base below Hawthorne, if there was a base would be at sea level.

and a Mile under Monterey Bay?

No, Monterey Bay is a sea level, just like 4300 feet below Hawthorne. I would assume that he entrance to the sea under the California, Nevada plate or crust wold be many hundreds of feet below Monterey Bay.

Or do you think the underground tubes change elevations?

I think you are confusing the underground tube system with the Pacific Ocean that underlies California and Nevada The underground tube system (actually there are several different ones) are at different levels and have nothing to do with subs getting from Monterey Bay to below Hawthrone Nevada.

If that is the case, I bet its tricky manuvering with no windows!

Its very likely that you have no knowledge of how submarines are navigated.

It wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of upward oriented water filled shaft that they were able to identify and thats why they chose the base's location.

It would surprise me and also surprise the laws of physics.

Still, its all very Z.O.W.I.E. to me...

Of that I am sure.

Thanks for the post Derek.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Area 19 Nuclear Test Site...

Did extensive drilling and hit what they believed to be an underground lake...

It was the recollection of a former worker at the NTS that "an awful lot of drilling" was done in Area 19, but relatively few nuclear blasts. He says there was a story released that the drillers hit an underground lake as a result the NTS was not able to fully utilize the area.


Well of course there is an Area 19 you didn't think they just picked "51" out of thin air? Think about it...

Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley National Park

Ubehebe Crater system contains several volcanic craters, cinder cones and ash hills, all relics from an explosive steam eruption about 2,000 years ago, when rising magma met an underground lake.

I wonder if any of these feed into the tunnels...

I got my scuba gear

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 02:13 AM
We've got Crater lake here in Southern Oregon that I was once told had lava tubelike passages that filled with water. And it's a deep mother as well...

Perhaps it's in the tube network?

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 08:39 PM
Check out the tire tracks going in an out for big trucks...
but don't drive by too often.

What about power plant development... they would still call it weapons
development even if it was the nuclear reactor power plant for the
weapon system submarine.

See bottom item reactor... atomic not nuclear

From a online pdf link

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 02:26 PM
I have not read all the responses [yet] so PLEASE forgive me if Im repeating someone else...

But the Navy is not just about "water". They even have jets that fly in the air! They even have members who do covert operations outside of the water!

Just sayn'

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
But the Navy is not just about "water". They even have jets that fly in the air! They even have members who do covert operations outside of the water!
Just sayn'

Yes I know They even have a Space Force with 700 'space experienced' officers in one cadre alone that has 256 'space billets'

But that is for the shuttle thread...


posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Syntaxstealth
very strange area. look at the base with google maps. good post John! for visual evidence use this (38.565998, -118.641357) in google maps to search. its very strange

38.565998, -118.641357

These are either

1. water treatment for the base or 2. testing holes for example: they will put the front end of a jet in the water for the pilot to train on how to escape - its a controlled environment, thus the reason for not doing it out in open seas.

There is nothing strange about this image at, im a little confused
am I not looking in the right place?

Also, to those who wonder why a Naval Base would be in the middle of the desert. Simple. Not all things done by the Navy are water related. They have jets that need to train and do bombing practice. They have Navy Seals that operate on dry land that need to train. There are many reasons why there would be Navy inland.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Majic
The Other Kind Of Crop Circles

There are many circular irrigation fields in Nevada, including some around Rachel which invariably draw attention when folks see them on Google earth.

I've seen some amazing theories regarding what they are, but I can attest that when viewed up close, they look remarkably like...

Circular irrigation fields.

They can also be target ranges for jets and their bombing exercises

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Originally posted by greeneyedleo

Also, to those who wonder why a Naval Base would be in the middle of the desert. Simple. Not all things done by the Navy are water related. They have jets that need to train and do bombing practice.

Thanks for the post greeneyesleo. Its possible you didn't read the whole thread. NAS Fallon is about 70 miles north of NUWC. Thats where they fly the jets. The bombing practice is conducted on the Fallon range.

There are many reasons why there would be Navy inland.

This has been explained also. NUWC is a joint operation with the Army for munitions disposition.

You can learn more about NUWC here:

What we are talking about in this thread is the submarine base below the Hawthorne NUWC.

But thanks for your input, it is always welcome.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 10:52 PM
I might get crapped on by my fellow "debunkers" on this, but I actually believe -most- of what john is claiming in this thread. Can't believe I just said that.

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