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Is George H. Bush really nazi spy George H. Sherff, Jr.

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posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Apparently I hadn't gotten that far into the story then. You're right, it does make you want to take quite a hot soapy bath or two! I will have to look into that more deeply, when time allots.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by frayed1

frayed1, ihave some professional help on the way, from an aussie who does superb work on image re-sizing. He is an ATS member, so maybe he can help us settle the issue on where the picture was taken of him, by the car.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by janasstar
reply to post by frayed1

frayed1, i have some professional help on the way, from an aussie who does superb work on image re-sizing. He is an ATS member, so maybe he can help us settle the issue on where the picture was taken of him, by the car.

Update: ATS member watch_the_rocks has looked over the photo on the website link and reports that pic is too small for him to make out positive details, that we had hoped to find. He will recquisition ATS for the funds to buy Hi-def copy, to study. He did blow up pic of old license tag, and it does not seem to show state or country ID. Just the numbers that we see in pic.
He reports seeing blank billboard. I don't know what you folks see when you look at it, but I see an object in the center, resembling the front of a school bus. Then at the very top, it looks like a darker color band with lighter colored letters. But I can't make out what they say.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 09:06 AM

dont let him stub you to death!

this whole thing is wild. i dont think it is completely true.


i think parts of it may be true, some parts, the more 'generalized' parts.

but the specifics have to be a nice try at making up one heck of a story lol.

im not blaming anyone, but the only person responsible is the guy who wrote it.

[edit on 9/6/2007 by runetang]

but omg "what if it was true?"

a hormonally enhanced joseph mengele is on the prowl, and hes been keeping ole' hitler alive into the 100s, the old druggie, with the same stuff?

life must SUCK for them .. heheh

[edit on 9/6/2007 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by runetang

dont let him stub you to death!

this whole thing is wild. i dont think it is completely true.


i think parts of it may be true, some parts, the more 'generalized' parts.

but the specifics have to be a nice try at making up one heck of a story lol.

im not blaming anyone, but the only person responsible is the guy who wrote it.

[edit on 9/6/2007 by runetang]

but omg "what if it was true?"

a hormonally enhanced joseph mengele is on the prowl, and hes been keeping ole' hitler alive into the 100s, the old druggie, with the same stuff?

life must SUCK for them .. heheh

[edit on 9/6/2007 by runetang]

In response to your post, the whole point of this thread is getting to the truth. However, our aim is not centered on Mengele, NOR Hitler. Skorzeny may NOT be to be believed. That is our mission. We are not buying it, hook-line-and-sinker. We have people here earnestly checking this story out with an objective perception.
But I repeat: Menegele NOR Hitler is our focal point. In other words, "That's a whole other thread!" We are only concerned with George H.W. Bush and his father Prescott Bush, and any events that might lead us to the substantiation of truth, once and for all.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 01:50 PM
I've been trying to find some other info on the Bush/Scherff/Tesla
connection.....a boolean ATS search for "Scherff" alone brought back a
number of other threads where the name pops up....

search results

Some of the same information, so far.......some differing. When I have
a chance to ditch some more chores, I'll read more of it......

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by frayed1

Hi frayed1, as usual, your monumental efforts are appreciated. I petitioned ATS, several days ago, for some help on that picture of young George H.W. Bush, and as of yet, I've gotten no response at all. At this point, I think you are the only one putting serious effort in to this, and I pray that your efforts will be rewarded.
If there is any truth to this matter, the American people deserve to know. I'm not for creating trouble where there is none. But I didn't create this fantastic tale and supporting evidence, thus far. My intention is not to prove that it's TRUE. It is to FIND the truth! I think that it needs to be seriously checked out. Are we not the seekers of the truth here?

[edit on 9/9/2007 by janasstar]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Is George H. Bush really nazi spy George H. Sherff, Jr.

I guess we don't know yet.

How long will this take.

Apparently only the Jesuits that backed JFK II and JFK JR are thinking
about it. ( this is the word on the net as far as I can determine..
Bush and Nazi bashing by Jesuits and Jesuit bashing in return)

Now Alex Jones is a Jesuit... and has some bashing issues.

Sorry, but I have no idea who is backing who, or bashing who...
but reading what is out there on the net gave me this impression.

Please, now back to part of the story posted, since I know of one
that used to be in my signature.

The Tesla connection intrigued me.
I have heard of the death of Tesla before:

In general, my inventions are
to liberate people from corporate energy and political slavery. In reality, no ethical
person has anything to lose by the widespread use of such inventions. This entire freight
train of ideas was derailed and abandoned by the P.T.O. and the National Security
Agency (of the Trilateral Commission). When Nikola Tesla took almost the same
approach as I have, the.F.B.I., with the aid of a specially trained German S.S. nurse,
tortured him to death, learned the location of all his secret files, and impounded them
under the "Alien Properties Act", even though he was an American citizen. Those
secrets ended up in the hands of the Nazis, thanks to our F.B.I. That was in 1943. The
Nazis traded the materials to the Rockefellers and the U.S. government, during a 1945
stalemate, and a large part of them are now stored in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

See for yourself in this pdf document download.

Some nurse... got some help it seems.

Thanks for posting such a controversial topic.

ATS Skunk Works: ever hear of such a thing as the power Tesla wielded?

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Scary if this is true... But I don't have an opinion on this!

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:58 PM

At the time the anthrax letters were sent out, I was readng about the Zodiac killings. When they first showed those anthrax letters, the first thing I thought of was how much the handwriting looked like the Zodiac killer. I printed out the pictures of the envelopes from the zodiac killers and the anthrax letters and to me, they looked exact.

The zodiac always wrote the addresses on the envelopes in an angle and they were exactly the same way on the anthrax letters. The letters inside were also written the same way. Plain white paper with no lines and the writing was at an angle.

I always thought it was just me seeing things that weren't really there. I don't know now

[edit on 7-10-2007 by nightmare_david]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:53 PM
The anthrax killed a Florida publisher.

From here

He was a scandal publisher and Bush basher:

A scandal and glamour magazine publishing group, American Media, Inc., headquartered in Boca Raton,Florida, reportedly has a picture showing George W. Bush and Victor Ashe, both naked, sex-squirming about in the coffin of the Bonesman 'Tomb' at Yale. The picture editor of the publications, Bob Stevens, was the first one in the fall of 2001 to die from breathing in weapons-grade anthrax in an envelope delivered to him. Known to being short-sighted, he held it up closer to his face, breathing in the fatal anthrax spores. For some time thereafter, the media group's entire building was evacuated and kept vacant, and their text and picture archives unavailable to the staff and others. The picture editor's widow has brought a damage suit against the FBI and others claiming their misconduct. All the circumstances support contentions of foul play in the death of the picture editor. [For related details visit other website parts of THIS series. Part 3, 'The Anthrax Commissars'. Part 13, as to picture editor Bob Stevens, sub-titled 'Anthrax Frame-up?' Also THIS series, Part 38.] [2] Another member of the super-secret Skull & Bastards cult is U.S. Senator John Kerry (D., Junior Senator from Mass.)

Too weird... and did you see the rest of that scandal link.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by nightmare_david

A TV show on the Zodiac Killer seemed to point out a few leads they never
followed up on.

His shoes were common among Navy carrier based personnel.

He knew codes as if in the signal core or the NSA or CIA, and thus was
working on ships or Naval Yards.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by frayed1

Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard
by Marc J. Seifer • Box 32 • Kingston, RI 02881
[email protected] • (401) 294-2414

Mentions Scherff many times without any conspiracy indications.
It a straight non CT almost approved cover story of Tesla.

After Lyne connected Nazi and UFOs and Tesla... I could imagine the
funding of Tesla and UFO/Alien writers got from the CIA.
Tesla science being Top Secret a cover must be set.

Scherff being close to Tesla and if a German citizen during those
time that America said No to Tesla, Germany might have said Yes.
And taking a few secrets on the cuff might have helped,
but where is this guy?

I would like to see old B&W news reels of those days of Tesla....
I mean he WAS popular and available.
Just to see who was around him. ... Scherff being one...

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by nightmare_david

Marc J. Seifer • Box 32 • Kingston, RI 02881
[email protected] • (401) 294-2414

He is a handwriting expert used by the FBI or law enforcemant
according to profiles on his books.

Wonder if he ever noticed.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Remember Nixon's hit list... wow this is outrageous.

But mere coincidental so many false flags arrived at the same time.

Or 'they' planed it that way.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by frayed1

The Bush Library has deleted the link to these photos - surely a coincidence but one might be led to wonder. Have any here downloaded these photos in order to post new links to them for other members?

Thanks in advance,

Yours truly.


reply posted on 29-8-2007 @ 10:08 AM by frayed1

I did finally find photos of GHWB as a small child. In one, he is shown with his sister, Nancy...circa 1928...making him about 4 yrs old. There are others on this page from the presidential library....( you'd think the presidental library pages would be easier to find via google,(?) but I found them only after viewing numerous other pages.)

external image
about age 12
external image

source here
(follow the link on the left, "childhood / youth")


posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:17 AM
Many things corroborate the plausibility of Third columnists infiltrating the USA. Wartime newsreels show that During WWII the government was alarmed enough at such a threat to alert the population at large. How forgetful we are.

In policy terms alone, the consistent stream of Bush government decisions engaging actions against the interests of the nation, to the point where other countries wonder if they aren't agents working against their country, is in itself evidence pointing to subversion from within.

The US intelligence community has crossbred with Nazis. Officially they were only "used" as operatives. Unofficially is seems more likely that our agencies were used as vehicles to rebound after defeat. Tgat a paperclip insider would go on to lead the network, and then become our multiterm president shows that the people of the United States were likely abused by this Nazi presence within their most powerful organizations.

Said intelligence organizations, famous for masking murders as suicide, are relied upon to verify the deaths of nazis, deaths they are expert at faking. What is their credibility, and to what extent are they infiltrated?

If the wildcard hypothesis of the existance of a youth serum is confirmed (scientifically plausible even if the scientific community has not divulged such findings) then we could be infiltrated by seemingly youthful persons who cannot be suspected of being who they are given their plausible age.

In this vein, it might be interesting to compare some of these characters who might have bided their time while forging false identities until the reemerge to engineer the entry into the 4th Reich New World Order. One such candidate might be the unlikely son of a Chicago realtor who enters the scene as a Nixon advisor to then become the ideologue of the NeoCon movement. None other than our beloved great patriot, herr Rumsfeld.

Bone structure, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, forehead, lips, chin, ears, grin and facial folds bear great resemblance other than dental work (which many have redone for medical or cosmetic purposes). It would be interesting to dig up the true biography of this herald of the NWO.

Unsavory characters in your choice of flavour.



posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:07 AM
To facilitate research, here is a follow-up post.

It is relatively easy to assume that the most powerful person in Nazi Germany second only to the Fuhrer himself, Martin Bormann who purportedly set up hundreds of corporations worldwide and exported the Nazi agenda, would have been in the best position to secure for his own purposes and benefit any technology or medical advances inclusive of age regression biotechnology. If this is the case, attention could be paid to this hypothesis.

Our hero in this second story, central to financing the 4th Reich NWO Bush regime, can be likely found by reading Paul Manning's book "Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile" of which an instructive review can be found here:


This biography of Rumsfeld shows a picture of him a youthful sports hero and wrestling champion of his State who didn't join the US Olympic Team on pretext of an injury. The jury is still out on that excuse.

Funny, or is it? Rummy's start in life was working for A.G. Becker, an investment consulting firm which later merged with the Warburg bank that allegedly trained 5th columnist George H. Sherf alias Prescott Bush to launder and tunnel funds to Nazi Germany:

Rummy was also reportedly roommates at Princeton with Frank Carlucci who, aside from his Godfather behavior (was he part of Rummy's gang nicknamed the New Trier Mafia? ) heads up the Bush & Bin Laden "Carlyl" investment fund which amusingly happens to also employ French President Sarkozy's half brother.

He goes on to elected office thanks to the dirty tricks of Magruder of Watergate fame. On the House Committee on Science and Astronautics he supervised NASA, where a bunch of the old boys used to hang out with Werner von Braun. He went on to bring Gerald Ford to power, clearly a grey man in a suit following instructions from his "advisors".

Advisor to Nixon he hired Dick Cheney and brought over Frank Carlucci from the CIA. After a stint as the main power broker at NATO headquarters in Europe, he apparently continued to support Nixon during Watergate due to alleged "bonds of complicity" (see above biography at Once Ford in office and Nixon pardoned, his influence may have helped nominate G.H.Sherf Jr., oops, I mean G.H.Bush head of the CIA.

During Carter's term in office he went into the business world where he quickly earned a reputation for brutality and pressed through approval of Aspartame entreating consumers to the serious public health risks which ensued. Concurrently to his ethically dubious business activity, he nonetheless actively opposed the SALT talks on strategic arms reduction, referring to events which one would imagine he would have been too young to witness at the time they took place (see quote in article) stating that «the situation in our country today is much more dangerous than ever since Neville Chamberlain departed from Munich, triggering World War II».

Under Reagan he was said to have been erroneously side-stepped as Vice-Presidential candidate and instead he focused his efforts in a CIA front company specializing in arms trade. This was possibly a useful "active observation post" regarding highly charged events, given that shortly thereafter, upon the loss of 300 American lives in Beirut that Rummy claimed brought a great strategic opportunity for the USA, on the off chance that he might be on the inside track he was entrusted by Reagan to sort out the problem and hang out with Bush recruit Saddam Hussein.

During Reagan, he helped Oliver North and GH Bush create an "interim government" simulating a presidential "takeover" by insiders, a coup d'etat illegally giving pawns full executive power under various scenarios: the secret government today ruling the USA ?

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:49 AM
A new try as my last post was censored - what gives, you said skunkworks is the proper venue for wild speculation? Thanks for posting it.

Martin Bormann set up hundreds of corporations worldwide and exported the Nazi agenda. He was in the best position to secure for his own purposes technology or medical advances inclusive of age regression biotechnology. Also, Bormann was polygamous and wanted his seed spread as widely as possible. Is Rummy from his loin? How else to explain his incredible accession to power in the industrial military compl.

Central to financing the 4th Reich NWO, Paul Manning's book "Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile" is authoritative of the extension of the Nazi agenda to present corporate globalization:
Free download -->
Reader reviews can be found here:

And here is an unapproved biography of Rummy:

Funny, or is it? Rummy's start in life was working for A.G. Becker, an investment consulting firm which later merged with the Warburg bank that allegedly trained 5th columnist George H. Sherf alias Prescott Bush to launder and tunnel funds to Nazi Germany:

Rummy was also reportedly roommates at Princeton with Frank Carlucci who, aside from his Godfather behavior (was he part of Rummy's gang nicknamed the New Trier Mafia - see for reference - heads up the Bush / Bin Laden "Carlyle" investment fund which amusingly happens to also employ French President Sarkozy's half brother. Bio:

Rummy gets into elected office thanks to the dirty tricks of Magruder of Watergate fame. On the House Committee on Science and Astronautics he supervised NAZA, where a bunch of the old boys used to hang out with Werner von Braun. He went on to bring Gerald Ford to power, clearly a grey man in a suit following instructions from his "advisors".

Advisor to Nixon he hired Dick Cheney and brought over Frank Carlucci from the CIA. After a stint as the main power broker at NATO headquarters in Europe, he apparently continued to support Nixon during Watergate due to alleged "bonds of complicity" (see above biography at Once Ford in office and Nixon pardoned, his influence may have helped nominate G.H.Sherf Jr., oops, I mean G.H.Bush head of the CIA.

During Carter's term in office he went into the business world where he quickly earned a reputation for brutality and pressed through approval of Aspartame entreating consumers to the serious public health risks which ensued. Concurrently to his ethically dubious business activity, he nonetheless actively opposed the SALT talks on strategic arms reduction, referring to events which one would imagine he would have been too young to witness at the time they took place (see quote in article) stating that «the situation in our country today is much more dangerous than ever since Neville Chamberlain departed from Munich, triggering World War II».

Under Reagan he was said to have been erroneously side-stepped as Vice-Presidential candidate and instead he focused his efforts in a CIA front company specializing in arms trade. This was possibly a useful "active observation post" regarding highly charged events, given that shortly thereafter, upon the loss of 300 American lives in Beirut that Rummy claimed brought a great strategic opportunity for the USA, on the off chance that he might be on the inside track he was entrusted by Reagan to sort out the problem and hang out with Bush recruit Saddam Hussein.

During Reagan, he helped Oliver North and GH Bush create an "interim government" simulating a presidential "takeover" by insiders, a coup d'etat illegally giving pawns full executive power under various scenarios: a secret government today ruling the USA.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:20 PM
It's obvious Bush is not a member of the Nazi Party,
although Many People call him Aristocratic, and fascist .
However, He maybe something far more dangerous to the
life of the American Republic . He is on the insular right

and a closet Isolationist. Actions speak louder then words.
Under Bush our freedoms have been curtailed. Under the Nazi's
freedoms were curtailed.Although we don't have a Gestapo.
We do have Homeland Security. We have had men in positions

of power who apparently believe like the Nazi's that torture i
s a valid tool in the pursuit of information that "saves lives".
We need to be thankful to those who have continued to speak
in favor of human dignity , and the rights of the individual
human being. Democratic Tyranny is still tyranny.

The rights of the Group above the rights of the individual.
That is why many countries try to create "Republics" and not
democracies though not always successfully. It remains to be seen
if the United States will stay a Republic or not.
Remember the price is freedom is Eternal vigilance.

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