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Help me understand faith.

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posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Please help me understand why people believe in various religions, mainly westaer Christian and Chatholic denominations. i dont think it is because of the scientific evedince, but i am not sure, thants why i need your help. Note: this is not an attack an any group or singular person. Thanks

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Personally, I think the biggest reason is to give people's life meaning. People in general don't want to believe that when they die, everything goes black and it's oblivion for eternity. Faith gives people comfort that there's more after this life.

Personally, I'm agnostic. I'd love to have the faith that theists have. I'd love to think there's something better after this life. But my brain works too scientifically...I just can't buy into the whole heaven/hell thing (among other biblical ideas).

Anyway, hopefully this helps answer your question.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:48 AM
I suppose i might be agnostic as well, I just kinda think it is mabe a little selfish to think that the powers that be cant possibly allow my soul or my mind to "go to wast". no offence to anyone intended.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 08:20 PM
A lot of it has to do with family and cultural traditions; many people (less now than in the past, however) just naturally fall into following the religious customs and beliefs which their family and community have already established and 'approved' (as an accepted social in their own micro-society).

There are many similarities, though, beyond the superficial appearances which most of us see, as outsiders, to any other religion - which are largely cultural and more like a 'costume' or 'disguise' - the rituals become a bit more similar and at the bottom of it all, the beliefs end up being largely the same in most religions.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:09 PM
Well, its simple. First I love your sincerity.

I believe in christ because God appeared to man since beggining, workied miracles, Christ worked miracles, the saints worked miracles for 2000 years, and I have seen Gods grace work in my life.

Its a simple choice of faith or not. Miracles and teachings are proof, but some deny God because they like sin.

Some probably are sincere and find it so amazingly hard to believe but are still open.

Theres many other things.

Man/ Women perfectly made for each other, its impossible chance did this.

women have breast that hold their milk, the body parts, the enzimes that break down food into nutrients.

We are virtually the perfect distance from the sun. almost perfect gravity levels.

We have love and care, something nothing isnt concerned with.

Animals have personlities to make you know when they are happy like wagging a tale ect..

God created all these amazing foods that are incredible, evolution cant do this

Why does evolution want us to cry or smile?

Its just not chance, theres many proofs around, but it still takes faith to believe since hes a spirit.

This is why I believe.


posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Faith, simpy put, is like a blind belief.

You do not have the scientific proof, but you have your own reasoning, your own mind, and your own thoughts. You have your own perception of the world, and you see the world for what it is includng the people in it and the events that take place. From all this one can make a decision to themself that God is indeed real, usually after reaching a low point in their life or the lowest point, only then reaching the point of actually requiring assistance from God or the Holy Spirit or the Angels or the Saints, and only then receiving it. But only after you cry out for it and pursue it endlessly in your time of extreme distress.

Thats what I did when I had nothing left to count on, no one to help me, nothing to help me, nothing at all. It was just me, my severe problems, and .. a third entity, one I had summoned through my combined distress and prayer and pursuing the texts, reading the holy knowledge. And this third entity helped me beat my problems, become a better person, get back up from the bottom, and I never put it down ever since. Even though I have no scientific evidence, the changes that occurred once I had put my faith into God and truly asked for his help, and truly started living a righteous life and reading the books, the changes.. were so massive, so blatant, and so obvious, that to me in my personal day to day life, it was like having an entire squadron of Bombers on my Radar screen. No way to deny it. I had been blessed.

And now I have an intangible faith in this unknown. What reinforces it is the vastness of the universe as we call it, what we do not know about space, time, and other sciences, and the meagerness of man's true combined intellect at this point in history. So many proven facts in physics are being questioned nowadays, stuff from the 1800s and early 1900s, and some of it is actually being overturned and changed. Einstein isnt always seen as quite the 'Einstein' anymore. God is real.

Shema! Yisrael! Hashem Eloheinu Hashem Echad..
Shema, Yisrael, Hashem Eloheinu Hashem Echad!!

and God is one,

(protons & electrons always cause explosions)

[edit on 8/21/2007 by runetang]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Help you understand faith?

OK, that means you have to quit using you brain and believe what someone else tell's you is the truth. Not for me.

God, or whoever, didnt give us a brain to not use to its full extent.

That means you have to think, not just have faith.

Also beware of false prophets, there everywhere.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:12 AM
Understanding faith. It really amazes me that so little is understood about where faith comes from. Most people that don't believe in God assume that faith comes from what we are told or how we have been brought up from childhood, or that we can't handle our daily lives and need a crutch to support us. OK, because we are talking big numbers of christians here there are bound to be people that fall into that catergory.When we get to the spirit filled christians though, things change.
Some people (like me) could never be convinced that there is no God. Some people have given up their lives for thier faith. being shot or tortured because they won't deny God. What is it that that makes thier faith so strong?
The Holy Spirit. When we invite christ into our lives he sends us the holy spirit. Ok, how do we know that we are filled with the holy spirit? have you ever met a born again christian? the enthusiasm from them is overwhelming or they are a pain in the butt if you don't believe in God. But that enthusiasm is because God has entered thier lives and he makes it very clear to us that he has done so. It's not a case of make believe or over enthusiasm for something new in our lives, it is a real manifestation within us that is as clear as day. when God comes into your life he does it so powerfully that it leaves you in no doubt that he is there for you. This is why people who don't believe in God are for ever asking for proof, because they cannot experience God they have to try and look for him in science and logic. Problem is, it can't be done. there is nothing logical about how God works in this secular world. God wants people to come to him because they want him in thier lives.
The problem with people is that they have latched onto God in many ways to use him as a tool for thier own agenders. Be it wars or trying to control huge groups of people. This is why christianity has such bad press. Go talk to the average christian that lives in your town and you will find that they are nice guys really. Yes, we all have our bad days and can be just as grumpy as the next guy. But the spirit within us soon makes us realise that this is the wrong way to be, so we just try a little harder next time a bad situation comes along.
Have you ever wondered why so many paople have so many different ideas about God? just look at the posts above to see what i mean, because they don't know him they make up ideas that explain it perfectly well to themselves. But ask any spirit filled christian and they will all agree on the explenation that i have given, bearing in mind that a lot of people think they are christian just because of the works that they do.
Well, I hope this has helped you a little in trying to understand things.
Remember, your faith has to be only "as small as a mustard seed" to ask God into your life.

[edit on 22-8-2007 by jon1]

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by JesusisTruth

Man/ Women perfectly made for each other, its impossible chance did this.

women have breast that hold their milk, the body parts, the enzimes that break down food into nutrients.

We are virtually the perfect distance from the sun. almost perfect gravity levels.

We have love and care, something nothing isnt concerned with.

Animals have personlities to make you know when they are happy like wagging a tale ect..

God created all these amazing foods that are incredible, evolution cant do this

Why does evolution want us to cry or smile?

Its just not chance, theres many proofs around, but it still takes faith to believe since hes a spirit.
Isee, i have tried to accept it blindly, tried to find evidence for it and rashionalize it but i faild. i can see to many more logical explanations for the things above. I realize that faith is not about logic, its about... well faith i suppose. but i am a logical person, i would ratheer say " we are at the perfect distance from the sun because if we wern't life wouldn't have started in the first place. i am more comfortable with that than saying "God ( or the powers that be) did it. thak you so much for your imput.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by earth2
Help you understand faith?

OK, that means you have to quit using you brain and believe what someone else tell's you is the truth. Not for me.

God, or whoever, didnt give us a brain to not use to its full extent.

That means you have to think, not just have faith.

Also beware of false prophets, there everywhere.

Something happened long ago. The formation of the ego due to the serpent (symbolic yes, but nonetheless something occured to cause this). You have sinned and are imperfect due to your ego. I believe Christ was God made man, so I believe i'm putting my faith in God following his word. Not man.

God determines who will enter his kingdom and those who won't. Man has the power to kill, exert control, and forge his will. Man "became like God" when his mind was released from peace long ago. From free will comes desire, leading to pain leading to death. From Gods will comes life, peace, and utter harmony. But man, no matter what instruments he devises, what energy he wields, man does not keep the gates of heaven. The devil will do all he can to help man overthrow, out-maneuver God, but he will fail. It's happening all around us, check the news.

Prayer works too.

You have to believe. When you are raw, and empty and broken down and spent and used up and deluded and weighed down, and you cry out to the lord... if you cry to him without pride, as a hurt child crys for his father, he will not turn away! I bet my soul upon what I've said. He is a Father to the orphaned, a shephard of his flock, the human community. You can experience God.

When God speaks to you, no with the language of man, but God-speak, oppourtunity and chance shifting into your favor, prayers answered... It is real. God will give to those who ask in his name. True believers have felt that power, the have felt God in their lives. Those who don't believe are not exempt, his hand is over all who dwell here. God cuts down dying trees. This game of life and death is just that. Eternal life (peace), or eternal death (strife). You're never out of the game, never able to take a break from this race. Every breath a gift. God is great,

I ask you who are reading this. Where are you going?

Obadiah 1:3
"The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, 'Who can bring me down to the ground?'"

Bury your ego and follow the Fiery brilliance of God. Not the pale shine of mortal man.

Man was created! The creator is listening!

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 12:24 PM
come on leave no thread behind!

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 07:55 PM
Superevoman, you put faith in others to help you understand faith by first, humbling yourself and acknowledging that you don't fully understand God and having a relationship with Christ. That is all God asks, that you humbly come near to him and simply admit that you know not his ways, and that you would like to. The seed will be planted, and as you study scripture and maintain prayer with God, the seed will flourish, and bear fruit. God rewards those who sow their time in him with a plentiful bounty.

God will not make himself known to you, if you refuse to acknowledge his presence.

It hurts to be selfless, many people fear even the notion of faith, simply because they want to control the situation. They feel that themselves and others like them hold the answers to the problems of society, and the mysteries of life. Praise science they say, "worship these facts of science, your God is denied by them."

I say if man doesn't understand even one thing, what's to say he's right on everything else?

God has no time for ego, for by him alone are all works are accomplished. Your heart may be seized any moment, your breath taken away, do you not fear God? God does not kill babies, endorse wickedness, he does not hurt the innocent.

The world was tarnished long ago and things are askew. Man has free will, that's why some murder, steal and commit atrocities. It is because they can. All will be judged though, so worry not about the fate of others, focus on where you are in this game before you lose all your pieces. Everyones flesh will be defeated, no one will escape the fate of death. Some will escape the fate of the second death, others will wander blindly right into its pit.

No one can silence God, so let him be heard in this thread.

[edit on 24-8-2007 by depth om]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:11 PM
the problem i see with deep faith is that it has a large capasity to misslead others and cause suffering to many. i dont think many faithful just ignor this so what do you do about people who intentionaly otunintentioaly mislead people to commit some unsavory deeds.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 11:06 AM
As I see it, faith and belief are 2 seperate issues.
I think Christ spoke of faith as an action of belief, or as I see it, the power of belief in action, as in casting a mountain into the sea. Or maybe as in when He was reported to have walked on water, Peter was initially able to accomplish the same feat leaving the boat and walking onto the water until he looked away, probably in disbelief and his faith was unable to sustain his walk and he began to sink. Anyway, someone on this thread has given you the key you need to find what you seek. I guess it is a good thing that you consider yourself agnostic, because you have left the door open at least. You have not failed, and you are not finished, keep the door open and keep on seeking or at least honest questioning, the lie must be pealed away before you will be able to see the truth. It is an on going process that you must be willing to persue, and it is not without strife. There are many battle's ahead but the light at the end of the tunnel is not a gorilla with a flashlight, may the "faith" be with you...

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by superevoman
the problem i see with deep faith is that it has a large capasity to misslead others and cause suffering to many. i dont think many faithful just ignor this so what do you do about people who intentionaly otunintentioaly mislead people to commit some unsavory deeds.

The problem is deranged men using the Bible as a tool to control people for their own selfish agenda. Christians are warned to look out for these wolves in sheep's clothing for they are false teachers and false prophets bringing in destructive heresy. Sadly, people who rely on men to interpret the Bible for them are always the victim.

Jim Jones:


"Jim Jones, the pastor of Peoples Temple congregations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, had set out to create a socialist utopia in Guyana. But over time Jones was transformed from the caring, spiritual “father” of a large Protestant congregation into an Angel of Death."

David Koresh:

Mar. 15, 1993


"David Koresh -- high school dropout, rock musician, polygamist preacher -- built his church on a simple message: " If the Bible is true, then I'm Christ." It was enough to draw more than a hundred people to join him at an armed fortress near Waco, Texas, to await the end of the world. The same message tempted Koresh to entertain a vision of martyrdom for himself. He would die in a battle against unbelievers, then be joined in heaven by the followers who chose to lay down their lives for him. Koresh moved a little closer to that nightmare vision last week after more than 100 agents of the Bureau of..."

The Unification Church - The Moonies


The Unification Church - The Moonies

Teachings: Moon claims to be the messiah of the Second Coming and his wife is the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, called The True Parents where he is the True Father and his wife the True Mother, are the first couple to be able to bring forth children with no original sin. "The cross is the symbol of the defeat of Christianity."

More references:


Matthew 7

15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits.

Matthew 24

4 And Jesus answered them, "Take heed that no one leads you astray. 5 For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray.

David Koresh : "If the Bible is true, then I'm Christ."


Research dangerous cults of Christianity in the net. You might want to include the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses. The faithful Christians don't just ignore this, they expose all false teachings. If you are not armed with the correct knowledge of the Bible, these unscrupulous people are bound to deceive you.

One thing in common with these cults is that they have an authoritarian leadership, they love to claim that they are the only true church, and they have the exclusivity of interpreting the Bible correctly and everybody is wrong. They are also fond in setting up dates on the end of the world.

[Edit: removed unrelated cults to christianity]

[edit on 19-11-2007 by amitheone]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by superevoman


Faith is simply a mere expectation - a belief that things are a certain way.

Atheists have faith that there is no god.
Christians have faith that Jesus is their savior.
Agnostics have faith that they are unknowing.

...And me? I have faith that God is Love. (^_^)

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 11:39 PM
I smile because about half the posts responding to your question don't answer it, but rather thay just say THERE IS A GOD. Well, that demonstrates that they have faith, but it doesn't answer your question.

As I see it, faith is belief without first hand evidence. If someone tells me that a piece of metal is hot and I believe them, that's by faith. If I touch it myself and get burned, that's scientific first-hand belief. We all operate by faith to a great extent. How much we believe the source and whether we have the ability to verify it is a good part of determining whether we accept it.

For example, I believe New Zealand exists because I've talked to people who say they're from there, I've seen photographs, and I can get on a plane and fly there for my own verification. Still, without first-hand evidence, it's by faith.

However, when everything comes from an ancient book that contains a great many contradictions, many statements that we have learned are false (earth center of universe, weather, etc. etc.), we see that many of the stories came from other ancient religions but with some of the characters changed, and the fact that the presently sold bible (King James) is loaded with typographic errors of substance compared to the earlier editions in Latin and before because the monks transcribing them didn't like some of the stories so they changed them to match their own morality, I find it hard to figure how anyone can have faith in the word of the bible.


posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by earth2
God, or whoever, didnt give us a brain to not use to its full extent.

That means you have to think, not just have faith.

If we use our mind for evil who is responsible; God for giving us a brain or us for using it? Maybe God gave us something so that we would be tested to not use it to our advantage, much like owning a gun does not mean we have to wield it to gain advantage over any situation. Whatever the mind is, it is clearly capable of being used for bad purposes when it could be used for good things.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:21 PM

If we use our mind for evil who is responsible; God for giving us a brain or us for using it? Maybe God gave us something so that we would be tested to not use it to our advantage, much like owning a gun does not mean we have to wield it to gain advantage over any situation. Whatever the mind is, it is clearly capable of being used for bad purposes when it could be used for good things.

Why would "God" or who ever test us? seems kinda manipulative and sadistic to me.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by superevoman

hello There

I do not belive in religion, i belive in Christ and the Christ of the Bible.

My "Faith" is that i trust in the promises that God makes is and will be fulfilled. My own exeperiences are in Harmony with the Bible and my study leads me to trust the Bible is from God.

Before i was a Christian, i belived in some after life, BUT i was not bothered if i was right or wrong. I was very comfortable with dying and then nothing of me. I have never been afraid of that.

People say that religion is a Crutch, but as a Christian i am told to take up my cross, its certainly not easy following the will of God. Some topics will see you called many things and even Physically attacked for them

This is NO crutch!

I Love God, i want to do what is right, because it is right, but to please him also.


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