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Was 9/11 a Ritual sacrifice

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posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:30 AM
as title says ...

i cannot find part 2 anywhere if someone else could help here that wuld be great.

david icke ... hmmmmmm wild claims sometimes..didn't he predict 911 in one of his books published way before this..

anyway discuss pls

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 12:52 PM
What's horrible is that he could build a time machine, prove 9/11 was done by the government, have a sit down talk with an alien, prove the moon landing was fake, create a human inhabitable building on Mars and I'd still have a hard time believing him just because of the whole 'reptilian' thing.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by HeadFirstForHalos
What's horrible is that he could build a time machine, prove 9/11 was done by the government, have a sit down talk with an alien, prove the moon landing was fake, create a human inhabitable building on Mars and I'd still have a hard time believing him just because of the whole 'reptilian' thing.

lmfao that is so true lol all breaks down right about there with mr icke now dosnt it

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 01:34 PM
Icke has some cool theories and stories if true, but since I found this site, well its better than being drunk on a football sunday..

In a new and catchy term called synchro-mysticism. He seeks to describe how 9-11 was eluded to in many old or modern cartoons and television shows today, claiming the illuminati are behind it using communication with each other and mind-imagery controls to influence a generation perhaps.

He is quick and his videos are brief. But the wikipedia references are plentifull, and he has alot of links to others like him on his blog.

after seen most of his and ben fairhalls site, I have found my own stargate. Dont worry, you will understand. Enter the pillarmid.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:35 AM
Found part 2 for you and am glad this is being discussed as 911 could have been for many reasons and this could be one of them. I just saw a comment on youtube from grimblix on this I must pass on

"Maybe it was a mass human sacrifice to awaken the sky demon Quetzocoatl, the Mayan "sky god" and possibly Lucifer himself.

Who knows...what we should ALL know for certain is that a building does NOT pancake collapse like that without DEMOLITION! A plane would have knocked out several stories, but NOT POSSIBLY the whole building.

I think they were celebrating the arrival of their demon messiah with the blood of innocents"
Good comment

Was 911 a ritual sacrifice part 2*

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Check out this interesting video series that connects 9/11, the three towers that fell that day, and their ritualistic connection with the Occult Trinity of the Illuminati! It's intense, and reflects what David Icke said about 9/11 being a ritual occult sacrifice too. There is a reason after all why three towers had to come down rather than just two.

Also mentioned is 2012 and the 11 year Sun cycles called "Solar Maxim", which is why 2012 is 11 years after 9/11 happened, and why 11 years before 9/11, on Sept. 11, 1990, George Bush announced a "New World Order".

Wow I'm starting to see the connections now.

In part 2 and 3, it gets into the 9/11 symbolism and numerology.

Interesting food for thought. Connects a lot of dots.

Incidentally, the Illuminati's occult religion originated in ancient Iraq, which may be another secret reason why we are there (besides for the oil that is).

Wow. Really spooky.

As Alex Jones said, the elite and their secret societies DO worship the occult. There's no question about it. That is no secret. Whether it's true or not, THEY believe it. And I'm sure they have their reasons, although they may be diabolical reasons

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
anyway discuss pls

Although the 9/11 conspiracy movement imade up of people who'd believe two plus two equals five, farts smell like daisies, and wood is a drink, if they read it on some internet site or another, but I have to give credit where credit is due. By and large, the 9/11 conspiracy people recognize Icke's claims are ridiculous and are without merit.

The only difference is that rather than being simply a crackpot who gravitated to the 9/11 conspiracy movement for the antiestablishment outlet it offers, the truthers seem to regard him as a secret gov't disinformation agents deliberately spreading drivel to discredit everyone else. When it isn't a conspiracy, it only means it really IS a conspiracy.

Of course.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 04:29 PM
Was 911 a Masonic Ritual Sacrifice?

Check out this 3 hour mind blowing and disturbing presentation by Mark Passio about how things in everyday life contain subversive occult symbolism and numerology in them. The connections he draws make it obvious that this is no coincidence. He also explains in precise meticulous detail why wars and big events like 9/11 are occult ritual sacrifices, and why they decided to demolish Building 7 on 9/11 even though no plane hit it, thus leaving a smoking gun. The mathematics and symbolism that he shows you step by step will blow you away. After the first hour, your jaw will drop! I promise.

He also explains how popular sports such as baseball are Masonic rituals too. Scary stuff. Perhaps we are all living in a world run by evil occultists? Check it out and ponder it. I guess it's one way of making sense out of why the US is always having senseless unnecessary wars. It can't be just because of money, since the elite have unlimited money and can print it out of thin air whenever they want.

See Mark Passio's site at:

Search his name on YouTube for more of his presentations and interviews.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by HeadFirstForHalos
What's horrible is that he could build a time machine, prove 9/11 was done by the government, have a sit down talk with an alien, prove the moon landing was fake, create a human inhabitable building on Mars and I'd still have a hard time believing him just because of the whole 'reptilian' thing.

Such is the nature of disinformation by proxy.

1. Isolate an individual who is disseminating information you need to be discredited.
2. Abduct and reprogram him/her with an underlying premise that is both false and obsessive.
3. Let him/her go their merry way, unaware of the damage they are doing.

Hypnosis and brainwashing is hardly a new science.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
anyway discuss pls

Although the 9/11 conspiracy movement imade up of people who'd believe two plus two equals five, farts smell like daisies, and wood is a drink, if they read it on some internet site or another, but I have to give credit where credit is due. By and large, the 9/11 conspiracy people recognize Icke's claims are ridiculous and are without merit.

The only difference is that rather than being simply a crackpot who gravitated to the 9/11 conspiracy movement for the antiestablishment outlet it offers, the truthers seem to regard him as a secret gov't disinformation agents deliberately spreading drivel to discredit everyone else. When it isn't a conspiracy, it only means it really IS a conspiracy.

Of course.

Why does anyone still believe the official 9/11 story, which has been completely discredited? See this airtight 9/11 film where 50+ professional architects, structural engineers, and award winning scientists explain with basic logic and basic science why the official 9/11 story is totally false and 100 percent impossible. In other words, it has a 0.00 CHANCE of being true. It's a no brainer. No sane clear thinking person believes in it anymore except a few fruitcakes and paid debunkers trying to obfuscate and confuse people, though to no avail. So far, every objective unbiased clear thinking person who has seen this film and analyzed the objective evidence has reached the same conclusion. Psychologists weigh in at the end too. This film is THE CLINCHER that settles the debate. FOR SURE. GUARANTEED! There is no more doubt. All that's left is acceptance or denial.

9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

Basic logic and basic science say that the official 9/11 story has a ZERO PERCENT chance of being true. There is no way 3 skyscrapers could fall at FREE FALL speed from fire, esp when one of them was NOT even hit by a plane. It's a no brainer. It's not possible for even one, let alone three. Buildings do not have zero resistance, if they did, the roof above you would collapse onto you right now. Duh.

Also, there is no way a 757 can crash and leave no debris. Not a chance. It's never happened. Yet on 9/11, it happened FOUR TIMES?! WTF?! That's 400 percent impossible! Four airliners crashed and left no debris? Yeah right. Who would be dumb enough to buy that? It's insane. Keep in mind that ALL the EARLIEST photos of the Flight 93 and Pentagon crash sites showed NO DEBRIS. So it doesn't matter if the government claims that there was debris or wreckage. And as we all know, words don't determine truth, objective physical evidence does. The physical evidence showed NONE. So no amount of propaganda can dispute that. Yet amazingly, most people still hold the programmed belief that "authority=truth", no matter how many times "authority" has lied to them. Go figure.

Another impossibility is that there is no way at all that those cell phone calls from the four planes could have taken place at 30,000 ft. No chance at all. Even today, when you are on an airliner, if you turn on your cell phone, you will see that you will have no signal at all. Sure the government can pay experts to say otherwise, but they can pay experts to say that the Moon is made of swiss cheese too. It doesn't mean anything. The bottom line is that ANYONE on an airliner can test this fact for themselves by trying to turn on their cell phone and confirm for themselves that it is NOT possible to make calls from a cell phone high up in the air. No amount of propaganda or obfuscation from government shills and paid debunkers can debunk that, because any random schmuck can test and confirm this. There's no escape from it.

I could list dozens of more reasons, but you get the point. Watch the film.
edit on 6-5-2012 by WWu777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Another impossibility is that there is no way at all that those cell phone calls from the four planes could have taken place at 30,000 ft.

Seatback phone service via the airlines air to ground service.

This is why you believe in conspiracies because you have no clue about reality.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
Was 9/11 a Ritual sacrifice

Everyone is always looking for more than the basics.

The simple answer to your question is yes.

Money is the God that 9/11 was designed to get the corrupt closer to.

Imagine the dollars stolen throughout the chaos, the clean-up, the wars and the simple folk that believe in the fairy-tales of democracy, capitalism and judeo-christianity or Islam.

The act was completed on the global stage of the world's theater.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:14 PM
9/11 was a terrorist attack...

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by dayve


But it was internal tyranny, right?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by zerozero00
reply to post by dayve


But it was internal tyranny, right?

I actually think it was al quida or whatever. Because they are still blowin sh*t up with suicide attacks in those other countries. But even if it was our own government, I'm sure they had good reason to do it.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by dayve

Originally posted by zerozero00
reply to post by dayve


But it was internal tyranny, right?

I actually think it was al quida or whatever. Because they are still blowin sh*t up with suicide attacks in those other countries. But even if it was our own government, I'm sure they had good reason to do it.

Just because your government and the MSM tell you it was Al Qaeda doesn't mean it was!

Hmm...Seriously, your governments reasons for doing it certainly wasn't good!

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 04:03 PM
I haven't read the thread or viewed the video yet but in a word....yes. I recall seeing a layout of the World Trade Center complex vs the pyramids of Giza (and they are modeled after stars in the Constellation of "Orion's Belt") and it was a virtual match. That adds a lot of credibility to the thesis that it was an orchestrated ritual sacrifice.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Quantum_Squirrel

I believe there is a big chance of it being a sacrifice considering how the elite/ hierarchy love being part of cults/ secret societies.

The history of powerful people will always point them to being connected to the masons and others, who do tend to use rituals and sacrifices!

Real scary if true and very interesting times to be alive
edit on 6-5-2012 by zerozero00 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by dayve
9/11 was a homegrown 'terrorist' attack...

Fixed that for you...

2nd line

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by zerozero00

Originally posted by dayve

Originally posted by zerozero00
reply to post by dayve


But it was internal tyranny, right?

I actually think it was al quida or whatever. Because they are still blowin sh*t up with suicide attacks in those other countries. But even if it was our own government, I'm sure they had good reason to do it.

Just because your government and the MSM tell you it was Al Qaeda doesn't mean it was!

Hmm...Seriously, your governments reasons for doing it certainly wasn't good!

That is true but, the government and MSM have a lot more proof to back up their claims than these conspiracy nuts... who have no legitimat proof whatsoever.

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