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How do we end the ignorance?

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posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:56 PM
Ive noticed a recent influx on threads about spin, propaganda, media manipulation and conspiracies related to world events. I for one am of the belief that there needs to be a general system change, a big shake up shall we call it. The majority of the population are so deeply hypnotised into thinking everything is as it is portrayed to them in the media, that it is nearly impossible to convince them that they have been had.

People seem to be happy with working themselves into the ground for their whole lives and drinking, smoking, eating and watching tv to fill in the gaps between work. They have their retirement to look forward to, where they have the same life, just without the work part, all so shallow, meaningless and at the end of the day pointless. As long as people increase the number of material possessions they own over time, they are content with life, yet they are completely oblivious to the fact that their civil liberties are being taken away from them to the degree where they will soon have no control at all.

Anyway im covering old ground here, but I needed it to set the scene. My question is, how do the likes of us, people who want to help people wake up and change the world, convince the majority they have been lied to all these years. How do we contend with the immense media machine that has long been the antagonist to the work we are trying to do. The media machine has experience, billions of dollars and near complete world coverage. Articles from people like us may change a few minds, but mass coverage is needed. I have tried to change the minds of some people, using as much evidence as I possibly can, but some of them are just so mindlessly trusting of what they have been told. Undoing 20+ years of social programming seems a near impossible task in some cases, but for a real difference to be made, surely we must be the majority.

Do we try and create and legitimate contender to the current media, (using the same methods etc) or do we try something completely new. Do we try something drastic? Do we put all our eggs in one basket? Or do we just continue what we have been doing, gradually chinking away? I would appreciate any opinions on this that people have.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:00 PM
The problem is that everyone thinks its ok if it happens to someone else. That type of attitude is what causes what you write about.

Any person that thinks straight surely can look up the word conspiracy and know that the word describes alot that man does. Conspiricies happen all the time, but people like i say think stuff will only happen to someone else, so why should they care.

But for me it is to late the generation before ours should of spoke out, but back then there was no internet, and people had no clue about technologies and systems to run societies and the ways mind control works on the people.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:07 PM
The only way to defeat a government is to over throw it. We can't seem to get
the message out only using the internet. We can not use the TV because the
government is apart of the media. Radio? how many people listen to stuff
like this? In the morning they enjoy listening to the news, afternoon they
listen to music and evening even more music.
So how would we be able to send our message across North America?
I for one am not going to hold a sign on the side of the road. I don't know about
you guys but we put ourselves in this position, and now we must find a way to
dig our way out.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Before the internet their was heresay, chinese whispers, mis-infomation and lack of education. As this was spread over a generally small area and some legends and myths appeared.
Now, unfortunately the internet isn't confined to your local village

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
The problem is that everyone thinks its ok if it happens to someone else. That type of attitude is what causes what you write about.

Any person that thinks straight surely can look up the word conspiracy and know that the word describes alot that man does. Conspiricies happen all the time, but people like i say think stuff will only happen to someone else, so why should they care.

But for me it is to late the generation before ours should of spoke out, but back then there was no internet, and people had no clue about technologies and systems to run societies and the ways mind control works on the people.

Yeh I think 30 or 40 years ago it would have been a great deal easier to get the message accross and to sink in. I find it slightly amusing (or maybe disheartening) that now we have all the technology necessary to inform a massive amount of people, but they do not want to listen.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
The only way to defeat a government is to over throw it. We can't seem to get
the message out only using the internet. We can not use the TV because the
government is apart of the media. Radio? how many people listen to stuff
like this? In the morning they enjoy listening to the news, afternoon they
listen to music and evening even more music.
So how would we be able to send our message across North America?
I for one am not going to hold a sign on the side of the road. I don't know about
you guys but we put ourselves in this position, and now we must find a way to
dig our way out.

You could well be right, but there would have to be a strong majority of people supporting the cause, because otherwise we would all be classed as terrorists and locked up, tortured or killed (thanks to the new anti terrorism acts)

The problem is nobody listens to informative radio anymore and nobody reads books and to get sufficiently large numbers of people to visit a particular website (which could easily be censored anyway) would be extremely difficult, because the web is just so immense these days.

The other problem is that simply removing the government would not be enough, there are many people behind the scenes as well, who would have to relieved of their corrupt authorities.
[edit on 8-8-2007 by mrmanuva]

[edit on 8-8-2007 by mrmanuva]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:05 PM
the news even didnt show what happend in the istanbul with the ufos
hided everything again

everything is corrupt
the government,the news
THE EDUCATION they teach us so many wrong stuff!
they teach us that our national heros are GODLIKE,sure they are heroes i respect them...but they make them look like god himself.....
and what to say about lies in history class......are they brainwashing us or sometin?
im glad atleast i know some truth not like the other people

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Well internet is a great victory. For once, we can say the government got owned. The government has always tried to hard and long to keep control of all sources of information. And then idk what happened, but before they knew it, internet was out of their hands. Sure they control it to an extent, but they're slow, and it's complicated. They can't remove something quickly enough without people noticing it. One victory for us.

Other than that, some people are so ignorant it's impossible to cure it. I think the best way is to let them come to you. If you aggressively come to them and offer help or proof, they will reject it because they're not ready to hear the truth.

Where I live, in Quebec Canada, we have been exploited and stolen by our government throughout history. After all, the english[government] always hated the french population. People are a lot more aware of the ways of the government, and realise most things they say are tissue of lies. Unfortunately, our government has changed our educational system for the worse, and the kids going out of Quebec schools in the future are going to be utter idiots. Much like the american government has made sure american schools stem ignorant and easily controlled people, they're doing this here, it's an outrage. But my point here is that for the USA it's probably too late, but the rest of the world is not dupe. By example the NWO, perhaps the americans will accept it readily in given time, but the rest of the world has not been subject to the same brainwashing americans have, and will never accept a NWO. Perhaps country leaders would bow down to the NWO, but the citizens of those country wouldnt. Imagine how people would react if they learned they would have the same laws as in the USA? They'd never accept it.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Atlantix
...Imagine how people would react if they learned they would have the same laws as in the USA? They'd never accept it....

I know I would fight as hard as I can against it. If I wanted US laws, I'd move there.

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