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Thoughts of a "mad" man, or just a fed up one?

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 01:20 PM
I have been keeping up with events in the world, both politically and spiritually, since I was about thirteen years old. I can tell you that not only this nation but humanity is at a cross roads. Whatever road we decide to go down, there will be no reversing the path. Once humanity makes its decision, that will be it.

When we look at the world today, it certainly seems that we are headed down a very confused and desolate path. I will approach this whole issue from a spiritual perspective because that is where it all starts.

While I certainly do not agree with the last sentence of the guy's statement, the rest of it seems to be fairly truthful to me.

Without doubt, there is great value in spirituality that emphasizes and supports withdrawal from society. But in our time, with its special needs, we require a spirituality of intense involvement and radical engagement with the world. It is in the real world that people live their busy lives, and it is in the real world that the wisdom of the monks must be made accessible. It is in the real world that awakening and development need to occur, not off in remote solitude.

Why do I disagree with the last sentence? How to you derive any spiritual significance from a world that has gone rampant with gross materialism? You don't. Materialistic minds and spiritual minds will forever be torn asunder. There will never be any conciliation between the two ideologies.

Despite what the quoted author may claim in his article, there is no unification between the mind of the mystic and those who are ate up with thoughts of materialistic wealth and greed. It'll never happen.

What the world really needs is a resurgence in ancient philosophy and spirituality. The so-called "churches" of the world have moved far and away from the original teachings. Compare the works of someone like Origen to some of the so-called "Christians" of today, and you will see what I mean.

The system that we have lived under for at least the last 1700 years has brought little but pain and misery.

Here are a few glimpses of what the current world system has brought to humanity.

Yeah, I know these are pretty down heartening images to anyone who has a heart at all, but just bare with me, please...

Most of the above images are a product of greed. Greed for power. Greed for control. Greed for excess.

Humanity has had its harbingers to wake up.. Actually, people like Stalin and Hitler were very good teachers to humanity. However, have we learned anything? We still hate. We still fight over rather petty issues. Yes, even I am guilty of this one, as someone is assuredly to point out.

We say, "Yeah, but look at how far we have progressed." My question is simple. At what cost? At what cost have we progressed? Is humanity any happier than they were say, 150 years ago? By all indication of the world situation, I'd have to say no.

We have more people being treated for depression and a multitude of other "mental disorders" than we did even 40 years ago. I am sorry, but 80% of the population being labeled as chronically depressed isn't very indicative of a happy populace in my opinion.

However, the worse we feel, the more we sink into the abyss that I call materialism. We think, "Well, if I just made 15,000 more dollars a years I'd be happy. If I just had a vehicle that was 3 years old instead of 10, I'd be happy. If I just had someone to love, I'd be happy." We get those things, and yeah, we are temporarily happy, but it is short lived.

The only thing that has any sustenance at all in this world is what we believe. If you are someone who believes in nothing, I know because I was once there myself, you live a very sad existence indeed. Even now, sometimes I catch myself thinking, "Is this it?Is this really all there is?" I have to bring myself back to the center. I have to realign my system after having such thoughts. Sometimes it takes weeks, even months to realign my mind with my spirit.

Here at ATS, we have many, actually, I'd say the majority of the posters here, who believe in absolutely nothing. They are free to believe as they wish. However, increasingly, at least it seems to me, they are in an all out effort to convince others that that is the way to live life... Well, I couldn't disagree more, but I digress on this issue, since my point isn't about believing or not; it's about the effects that our present mindset has had on the world situation.

I certainly am not blaming anyone per se. I am just analyzing the present state of the world, and tracing back some, not all, but some of the likely causes.

Of course, then we have the whole organized religions on the other end of the spectrum. We are currently witnessing a, at least in my opinion, a renewed crusade by the Islamic and Christian religion in an effort to regain power once had. What neither religion seems to recognize is that all they are gaining for themselves is hatred.

My feelings about organized religion has certainly changed since 9/11. I was never religious to begin with.. I have always been spiritual, but not religious. However, I once felt that it was fine and dandy for whatever religion to send missionaries here, there or wherever. No more. Every time I hear of "Christian" missionaries going somewhere to "spread the gospel," I cringe.

Islam, I have to admit that Islam is one religion that I know little about. It is one of the few religions that I haven't studied fairly extensively. However, I am not at all impressed by what I do know about it. I will say that.

I know, everyone is wondering what my point is. My point is simply that people should have their own personal beliefs, and leave everyone else alone. The world would be much better off.

Instead, we fight over politics, religion, ideology, et cetera. Why? Well, I actually have a theory, and a possible solution. Bare with me.

We are at a solar cross roads.... We can either go down the path of light, or the path of darkness. Currently, we are very much headed down the path of darkness. Most of this, in my opinion, is going to come to a head in the years 2008-2012.

We, as humanity, will either make a turn for the better, or, the worse. The choice is really ours. We can use any excuse we want, but the fact is that it is our decision. It doesn't matter if the NWO comes to power tomorrow, it will be our decision as to whether that will be for the good or the bad. I think it's time that people quit scapegoating and start facing up to the fact that what happens is our own collective decision.

Anyway, I feel like I have ranted enough actually. I am interested in hearing from the rest of you. What do you think? Am I "mad" of just fed up? You make the call.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

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[edit on 2/8/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

We have more people being treated for depression and a multitude of other "mental disorders" than we did even 40 years ago. I am sorry, but 80% of the population being labeled as chronically depressed isn't very indicative of a happy populace in my opinion.

Speaker, that was a well thought out post. I can agree with much of what you say, except this. IMO, while most have good intentions and they do help some people, the pyschiatrists have created this industry to fill their own pockets in the end. They want as many people on medication as possible.

I think your mad and fed up. Thats the nature of learning how the world really is. You can't ignore these things now, though. You already know too much. Don't let it get you down, your better off for being aware of such things.

IMO it's going to take some type of event, natural or unatural, a world changing event to really wake the people up to what is really going on in the world today. Sad too, because it might be too late by the time that happens. Do what you can, it's better than doing nothing at all.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

IMO it's going to take some type of event, natural or unatural, a world changing event to really wake the people up to what is really going on in the world today. Sad too, because it might be too late by the time that happens. Do what you can, it's better than doing nothing at all.

IMO, you are absolutely correct.

Also, about the psychiatrist's, while this is beyond the scope of this thread, I have let it be known several times that I think psychiatry and psychology both have turned into little more than money making rackets.

You can have the most centered person in the world, and if they go to get "evaluated," chances are they are coming out diagnosed with some sort of a "mental illness." However,I think depression is very real in this world.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

We have more people being treated for depression and a multitude of other "mental disorders" than we did even 40 years ago. I am sorry, but 80% of the population being labeled as chronically depressed isn't very indicative of a happy populace in my opinion.

Speaker, I always wonder why this is as well.

IMO it has largely to do with the fast paced world and modern technology.

It's getting to the point where people don't have to do anything anymore, and as a result they don't know how to think or act. They don't even know what life is about anymore.

I mean it's ridiculous. They even have lawn mowers that are self driving now, you don't even need to push them, steering it is all that is required.

Have we really become that lazy as a society, where we can't even push a damn lawnmower?

Call me old fashioned, but I think some people can agree that we are becoming to damn lazy.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone

It's getting to the point where people don't have to do anything anymore, and as a result they don't know how to think or act. They don't even know what life is about anymore.

I mean it's ridiculous. They even have lawn mowers that are self driving now, you don't even need to push them, steering it is all that is required.

Have we really become that lazy as a society, where we can't even push a damn lawnmower?

You're right. It is getting ridiculous. I mean, it's to the point to where there are people who don't step outside their house for weeks at a time. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that that can't possible be healthy.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Do you ever find it strange how some of the poorest people are the happiest people?

They somehow always seem content with what they have.

On the other hand, we who live in this capitalistic society are always wanting more and more.

I think it's rather strange how capitalistic societies always have the highest percentage of depressed people.

Clearly money nor technology make one happy.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Humble,certainly. The Quakers and the Amish both, at least in my opinion, probably have the right idea. They believe that the best way to live is with as little as possible, and everything they do, they do in moderation. Yet, you couldn't find a happier,friendlier, or gentle people.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Anyway, I feel like I have ranted enough actually. I am interested in hearing from the rest of you. What do you think? Am I "mad" of just fed up? You make the call.

Most certainly fed up. And i share your thoughts my friend

Good post

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:02 PM
This is a great post. I think that we are at a crossroads as a species and as a collective conscienceness. The choice on the other hand I think has always been with us..just that now we are more prepared to answer it so it seems more relevant. Even if we choose corectly and the next 500 years are a total dream...that is to say..they are very fruitful in terms of science ,learning, morality, and overall human improvement, we will then have other issuse to concern our selves with...while not so much the dangers of a material , egotistical world, we may be faced with a dire spiritual dilema....or none what so ever which would be more significant. Maybe we will face a reality that threatens our very existance, making us resort to more primal, less sophisticated thoughts consisting entirely of survival. The fact remains that if we choose corectly and take full advantage of the opportunities emerging today...tommorrow is still uncertain. That being said , the past is then relative..maybe we have already reached our maxim. Maybe we cant choose anymore, we have already made a powerful predispostion to play out an endless,reaccuring story throughout time. I'd like to think not though. We can always choose again as long as we are still here, even if we get it wrong.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:09 PM
Yep we are all going to turn into robots. USA is just a commervcial country just looking for more and more material wealth, with most of there people the same.

Just listened to texe marrs and he talked about how truth is gone in the usa of today. Like i always said the world today is a tabloid newspaper world, where lies are so more important. The whole society is based on lies, and lies give people strengh, but does it really.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by newyorkee
Maybe we cant choose anymore, we have already made a powerful predispostion to play out an endless,reaccuring story throughout time. .

First, let me just say thank you all for the kind remarks.

Newyorkee, yeah, what you are mentioning is actually the theory of the "eternal return." Basically it's the idea that everything goes to a certain limit, and then it devolves again. It's kind of like rewinding a movie. It's playing now, but, 10,000 years from now, a composite copy of everything will happen again.

It fits well with the whole "nothing new under the sun" idea from the bible. Nietzsche also was a proponent of the "eternal return" idea. I can't say that I believe it, but it's possible.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:18 PM
Hope is not lost. As long as there is a lone person, seeking answers and showing love and concern.

Never doubt, truth will prevail.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:25 PM
We are all right in our thinking.
Common sense went out the window some time ago.
It all comes down to fundamentals.
Why are things going wrong so badly these days? Because nobody cares.
Sure they do, after it happens. But seriously, the work ethic and values, where did they go???
There is no personal responsibility anymore, it's always somebody elses fault or shared or something. So why bother going the extra yard to do the right thing.
Noticed that if someones watching, most people will do the 'right thing'.
It's what they do when no one is watching, or they THINK theres' no ones watching, that really says who a person is.
I see people taking the 'easy' way out every day.
Why bother keeping that soda can to recycle, just chuck it out the window, so what.
Yeah,I'm driving but I'll have another beer, there's no cops around here, so what.
Every day.
It's a slippery slope, but I choose not to ride.
And that makes life HARD.
Thats why society today is the way it is, because people are lazy.

It's too hard to always do things the right way.
They just make up for it by donating $20 to Red Cross or Greenpeace or whatever thinking it all equalls out.
Thats for those that actually have a conscience.
For the self righteous that think the world owes them a living, I can't even begin.
We have developed a culture of expectancy and brought this amongst ourselves as a society.

Is there a cure? I damn well hope so but there are sure to be a few fatalities while we develop one. Thats if enough people care to identify the 'disease' and choose to erradicate it before it's too late.

It is very difficult as individuals to effect change but it can be done.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by AstraGlo
Hope is not lost. As long as there is a lone person, seeking answers and showing love and concern.

Astra, true.

I actually, at least deep down, think that everything will be okay. I am just concerned about the path that humanity is going to get to being okay.You know what I mean?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:32 PM

There is no personal responsibility anymore, it's always somebody elses fault or shared or something.

That is actually something I am constantly driving home. People are so set into the "victim's mentality," they can't even see the real cause of things. I suppose that's the difference between the awakened one and those who sleep. The awakened ones actually see how their decisions and mistakes have led to their present predicament, to where those who sleep, can't see it at all.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:33 PM

I wish I had your way with words..A lot of problems are caused by a lack of personal responsibility. Taking the easy way out and not making the hard decisions and personal sacrifices.

Those values seem to be dying out every day, as the ones who held these values dear pass away...

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I actually, at least deep down, think that everything will be okay. I am just concerned about the path that humanity is going to get to being okay.You know what I mean?

Again, my thoughts exactly.

As much as i believe we have free will to take the path we all want, i can't help but feel we will end up at our final destination regardless of the route we take. Im very caught in the past/present/future all happening at once idea. Having said that, i also believe that the date 2012 is of great importance, that i am sure.

But yeh, i too am still concerned with the route we are taking. Then again, do we really have the perspective to be so doom and gloom? Afterall, we only know whats happening around the world thanks to the controlled corporate media, and even then, the alternatives are just as controlled..

At present, i feel a big change is about to take place.. the news stories of late have been fostering that idea in me. All the warnings of another terrorist attack etc... could it possibly be that the elite are losing control? Or are we really in for a bumpy ride?..

Forgive me for detracting from the OP, i just had to include what i did.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Afterall, we only know whats happening around the world thanks to the controlled corporate media, and even then, the alternatives are just as controlled..

True... We only get the bad news going on around the world. We don't here about the good. Even in Iraq, there are some good things going on, but what do we hear. "Eighty-five more people were killed along with five U.S soldiers in downtown, wherever."

I personally think that the media, which is controlled by some pretty powerful, and dare I say evil people, want people to have a miserable outlook on things. What does misery bring? More misery.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:29 PM
It is primarily this awful rat race that we are all forced to take part in. Slaves to the grind, we ignore family, we go without personal time, we postpone vacations, we ignore the obvious problems that we have at home. The corporate greed merchants want you to work 14 hr days, they want you to buy more **** that you do not need, they want you to dig yourself into an abysmal pit of credit card and personal debt so that you will work yourselves to death for the rest of your lives. Someone has to keep this hamster wheel turning, many of the corporate "elite" are sitting back, making the rules, and getting wealthy off of millions of hard working adults who want nothing more than to keep food on the table for their families.

They tell you that commercialism is God, that you are nobody if you do not drive a new Hummer, or live in an expensive home, or buy the latest fashions. I can tell you this from working in the finance and credit industry - the average American is mortgaged and debted up to their eyeballs!! Keeping up with the Jone's will bury most of those who attempt it. There is no sense of hope in this country anymore. Our government is corrupt, our leaders are all on the take, spirituality is frowned upon, you are saddled with the difficult job of being a super consumer / workaholic. People in general have no empathy for their fellow man, the general nastiness of people these days is ASTOUNDING. People are no longer polite or helpful, it is all about ME ME ME and materialism and what can I get from you. Love thy neighbor has long since disappeared.

Country, God, service to fellow man, family unity, loyalty, being part of the solution instead of the problem, all concepts which have faded away from the average American citizens mind set. Greed, greed and more greed now fill those voids. Our kids are being raised on McDonalds and being reared by video games and television sets. Morals and personal accountability have all given way to personal entitlement and personal gratification at any cost. People are starving to death in areas of this country while we deliver million dollar bombs to kill other poor people half way around the world. Meanwhile home foreclosures are through the roof, people are getting to the point where they can no longer afford to provide for their families and live in the same places that they grew up. We are becoming a nation of wasteoids, people who stand for nothing, people who serve no purpose, people who could care less if they live or die. THAT my friend is enough to make anyone depressed.

Every time I take a hard look at what this country has become over the last ten years, it honestly sickens me and makes me ashamed to even live here. And the sad part is we are supposed to be the shining example to the rest of the world. What a joke.

The reason poor people are happier is simple...they live honest and simple lives, they do not kill themselves and sell their souls for things which do NOT MATTER. People need a purpose for living, they need to belong, they need family and friends, they need to feel worthwhile, they need a driving reason to wake up every day. And it just seems to me that many do not have one. With the onset of technology we as people no longer have to struggle to provide the basic needs for ourselves, with that free time (not having to work fields or hunt all day) came self reflection and inner searching. Once time and the requirements of daily life slowed enough for humans to question who we are and why we are here, it became dreadfully apparent that we have no Earthly clue as to what our purpose is or who we really are. Thus begins the search, the road which will ultimately lead to ruin.

Best of luck out there....stay vigilant....keep smiling if you will all be over one day. Until then be the best human being that you can possibly be. And if you get fed up and just can't take it anymore, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The end.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:53 PM
This thread brings to mind a quote by the great comedic genius George Carlin -

"They call it the American dream.......because you have to be asleep in order to believe it"

That about sums it up for me

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