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Is this guy for real?? theufokid on YouTube

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Okay. This may have already been posted before, sorry if it has.
There is this guy on the YouTube site, who claims to have filmed UFOs, aliens and even bigfoot! Yes thats right, bigfoot! His footage has to be some of, if not the worst that I have ever seen. He is recording everyday things such as planes, birdfeeders in trees, people in the street and people riding bikes and says they are UFOs and aliens! He also claims he saw some type of 'alien car' that drove down his street with no wheels! These are all on his YouTube account by the way. Not only do I believe this guy to be one of the biggest hoaxers I have ever come across, he's also one of the worst and certainly the most abusive and threatning ones I have seen when it comes to people disagreeing with him and his footage. He calls people "Stalkers," "Thieves," "Jealous" and a whole load of other things including asking people to come and "Fight" him! I leave it up to you guys to make your own opinions on this guy and his footage, but the proof is right there that this guy needs some sort of mental help.

This is just one of many videos he has of planes and says they are UFOs.

The link to his YouTube page.theufokid

[edit on 31-7-2007 by ProjectDreamland]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Completely agree with you there my friend.
He even threatens peoples families.
He is clearly a time wasting jerk who really has nothing to do than film aircraft in the skies.
in my opinion this person needs to be officially DEBUNKED and gotten the hell off youtube.
It's a disgrace to the UFO community, an absolute disgrace.
Thumbs down to him.
I'm glad you posted this actually.
CNUFOS.COM seems to have a put to pick with this 'ufokid' no matter what your views on cnufos are or the owner.. you have to admit they are straight inline with this one.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I have seen his comments on alot of peoples channels on YouTube, they aren't appropriate to show here. Either he truly believes that was he is getting on camera is the real thing, in which case he needs help, or he is a complete fraud and knows it. There seems to be quite afew of these people popping up on YouTube with similar footage. They must be Jeff Woolwine fans!

[edit on 31/7/07 by ProjectDreamland]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:16 AM
But cumon u do hafta give him some credit for trying to convince ppl that these crude home videos are authentic

But here me out im not suporting his threats just his pure perseverience of trying to make ppl beileve this bull

its like trying to sheild your self from a gun shot with a single peice of paper

it aint gonna happen

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:00 PM
I've been seeing his videos frequently lately just because I check bry3500's page as Bry sometimes has good orb & infrared footage. I tried giving this ufokid the benefit of the doubt the first two videos I saw of his claiming that he was seeing 'aliens in trees.' I have yet to see anything 'alien' in any of his videos.

I think he's just a little imbalanced, and I think a few people try to be nice to this guy because they know he's a little wacked out. It's a shame though that some people feel the need to abuse this guy, it just makes his condition worse.

I agree, a few nutjobs do discredit the UFO community, but I think we need to look past that in this case & realize that this guy needs some sort of help.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Just wondering why I cant see the ProjectDreamland's original post?

Ive never really paid attentention to theufokid ill have to check that out.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 04:08 AM
it's about time someone finally said something about this guy... it's a slap in the face to legitimate researchers and ufologists out there doing something for the greater good. i fully understand that everyone deserves a platform and has a right to their two cents but if this is some kind of joke or performance peice it should be clearly indicated on his site... he's the type of person you see on the local news in a wife beater drinking a beer and yelling at his kids while he tells you a sordid tale of forced sexual intercourse and anal probing... perfect for making ufo enthusiasts, abductees and sighting witnesses look like complete morons. this guy needs a girlfriend in the worst way...

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 04:43 AM
Theufokid does seem a bit out of touch... he's convinced that his video of a hellicopter as shown here, is authentic UFO footage.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:29 AM
If you read his 'bio' he's either not very educated or doing a fine job of making himself look stupid. He comes across as a classic Jerry Springer guest in all honesty and is a complete waste of time.

I have no doubt he needs some mental help from the way he relates to people and his promotion of himself. All written in a very childlike manner.

As we say, a nut job....

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:56 AM
filming planes and people and calling them aliens?
man this guy sux

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 06:11 AM
that is one xtremely bored kid......i say just let him have his fun, i mean he's not hurting everyone and they are so blatantly obviously fakes so who cares

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 07:36 AM
He calls people "Stalkers," "Thieves," "Jealous" and a whole load of other things including asking people to come and "Fight" him! I leave it up to you guys to make your own opinions on this guy and his footage, but the proof is right there that this guy needs some sort of mental help.

This is just one of many videos he has of planes and says they are UFOs.

The link to his YouTube page.theufokid

[edit on 31-7-2007 by ProjectDreamland] - what a nut!


posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 07:48 AM
What an idiot, in my eyes it's people like himw ith nothing better to do than film a tree/ light/ plane and claim it is a UFO or an alien. It's people like him who give real researches a bad name.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Wow, how cool is that?!? I mean, most of us spend our whole lives looking up and never see ANYTHING, and here's this kid who sees and videos everything from ufos, aliens, AND bigfoot. What are the odds, lol. Lucky sun of a buck he is.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 04:46 PM
I actually believe he has some psychosis of some sort. I think he has a mental disorder.

So, the point is, there are points were your mind just convinces you completely of something that isn't real. You see it clearly and to you it doesn't even seem extraordinary or strange, it feels perfectly natural and normal and I am sure that is the state of mind this feller is showing.

Edit: Drug references removed.

[edit on 16-8-2007 by intrepid]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Originally posted by OzWeatherman

......i say just let him have his fun, i mean he's not hurting everyone and they are so blatantly obviously fakes so who cares

My, my, my....
Let him have his fun, huh ?
Attempting to hoax people is ok ?
Seems a small leap to hoaxing
credit cards.
Fun, huh ?

Not hurting anyone ?

My dear Sir,
Since you are new to ATS,
I'll be gentle.

There is a very serious community
that researches UFO's. (personally,
I don't include aliens)
People such as this obviously "bored"
child throw a very dim light on those
of us who are quite serious on the

"So who cares".

THIS is why our youth are in the state
they are. "So who cares".

Sir, I care. I care very much.

With an attitude such as yours, our
youth can go far.
That is, if the city dump isn't next door.

Have a great stay at ATS.


posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:32 PM
I totally forgot I started this thread. I dont even bother watching this guys videos anymore, the picture quality hurts my eyes and the sound makes my ears bleed! Alot of people on YT know what hes about and take no notice of him, just a small minority of people in his tin foil hat group who upload similar material. I already know alot on this guys background and his lifestyle, although I wont mention it here because its not my place to say it. Lets just say your first opinions and feelings about this guy are probably correct.

[edit on 16/8/07 by ProjectDreamland]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Evasius
I think he's just a little imbalanced, and I think a few people try to be nice to this guy because they know he's a little wacked out. It's a shame though that some people feel the need to abuse this guy, it just makes his condition worse.
I agree, a few nutjobs do discredit the UFO community, but I think we need to look past that in this case & realize that this guy needs some sort of help.

that was the best and nicest ever way of telling someone that they have bad mental problems

evasius, you must be a very nice person or just damn good at making people believe that

or a mental health doc

maybe you should send him a post with a little advice
and if that does not help him......
jimbo999 said he is willing to fight, go round and knock him into gear.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Can people please stop calling him a kid. The guy is nearly 50 years old!

He just threatened to rip my head off because I said it was a plane. Quite how he is going to manage that I have no idea, though I suppose if he thinks these things are UFO's he may actually believe he can get to me by travelling down the wires.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by triplesod
He just threatened to rip my head off because I said it was a plane. Quite how he is going to manage that I have no idea, though I suppose if he thinks these things are UFO's he may actually believe he can get to me by travelling down the wires.

Hes said that to me also, and many other people who disagree with his footage. There is no reasoning with this guy, anything other than aliens or UFOs in his videos is not good enough. Another one of his favorite quotes is "You are just a jealous braindead moron." With typo's of course!

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