posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Well I am not sure where to begin but it all started when i was about 12 years old. I was sitting in my parents bedroom and it was around midnight I
think and i saw a black colored UFO hover on top of the highway pretty fast and then dissapear. That very night I woke up only to find myself
hovering out of the room and into the hallway and all I saw where ghostly figures staring at me and then i blacked out for a sec. then found myself at
the top of the stairs.
A few years later on my birthday late night i was sitting downstairs when all of a sudden i saw a silhouette of a grey alien hover across my
hallway on the 2nd floor of my house i would estimate its height at around 3 1/2 feet tall from the shadow i saw. Then as years passed by i would
have pretty weird dreams of me and these greys for example i had a dream of me on top of my house sitting and chatting with these beings and men
dressed in black suits showing me 12 locations on the map for some reason and another dream was me sleeping in bed then i saw a grey coming and i
screamed so hard i woke my parents up and 2 or 3 other dreams were where i'd see myself and a woman having sex and then have a grey point at me.
Other dreams i'd have were basically about how this planet will have big disasters in the future and that theres something i can do to help in
I would have these dreams all up to till i was around maybe 21 years old involving me and these greys and some had hooded dark figures. And for
years i would see a few ufos near my house as well 1 was orb of light at night other was flashing red/green/blue orb near an apartment building and
another was at daylight i saw a multi window ufo and another was a pod type of ufo that was just big enough to have 1 person in it no taller than 4
feet tall. There were 2 moments where i actually saw part of a grey ...1 was when i decided to sleep on the couch downstairs i woke up for no reason
and i saw a greys hand touching my lip for w/e reason then i blacked out ...2 would be when i was sleeping in my room when i saw a greys hand come out
of nowhere and sort of move in a weird way then i'd black out.
The reason im posting all of this is because i am not sure anymore wether or not im dealing with bad or good greys and most people i tell this to
dont believe me for what its worth. Its frustrating because i've had my worst encounter yet which was on my birthday of last year..i got up to go the
bathroom from my room and all of a sudden i saw half of a grey's face staring right at me from the bathroom i saw the reflection off its eye. I had
a huge panic attack then i heard a helicopter and it dissapeared. After that day my life went downhill for some reason i developed depression weeks
later and then anxiety/panic disorder and it still continues till this very day and i have a feeling its their fault. I live in New York and i am 22
years old atm. Any sort of help i would greatly appreciate thanks for reading.
The link to this shows the ufo i saw at night it was hovering on top of an apartment building for well over an hour then it dissapeared. If you
look closely and you take some pictures out of the video itself you can make out some figurines using photoshop. This video is legit nothing else to
it. I had to cut the video down a bit as the file size was too big so you'll only see the first maybe 15 min or so I used a JVC mini DV camera to
take this.