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WTC Molten Metal Before Collapse?

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Many people still look at the molten material pouring out of WTC2 at 9:58 am. and claim this is actually evidence of thermite and a controlled demolition.

Many times skeptics have stated that this was anything other than thermite.

A paper done by an Italian man has gathered quite a bit of information that I believe offers the most sound reasoning behind this anomily.

It is translated into English for those non-Italian speaking ATS'ers.

In part the author claims that Fuji Bank that occupied the 81st floor did upgrades in that area of the tower to the floor trusses and is backed up by the NIST report and Port Authority (PANYNJ) rules for alterations to the supporting structure of the Twin Towers requested by tenants.

page 50 of the NCSTAR 1-1C report

This alteration was done to the floor trusses to support the UPS systems. Uninterrupted Power Supply That were installed for Fuji's computer systems.

These batteries are pretty heavy and often take up large spaces. The battereis were obviously damaged during the impact and fires that followed....

Here is a picture of A UPS room. This is NOT WTC2

the authors final notes:

Given these facts, it is very likely that the flow was due to light-alloy aluminum but also to the lead of the batteries, combined with other materials originating from the contents of the 81st floor. This combination of materials, after the failure of the floor, poured onto the 80th floor and from there flowed out from the building face. In my opinion, the weight of the batteries and the weakening caused by the fire on the 80th floor (which compromised the structural capacity of the overlying floor trusses) had an important role in the failure of the 81st floor.

Although I can't say I agree with the later part of his opinion (weight of the batteries) I do agree with his opinion on the flow that was cascading from WTC2.

[edit on 14-7-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

I am bumpping this thread since Henry62 has actualy signed up in here as a member.

Great job on this piece Henry

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
the authors final notes:

Given these facts, it is very likely that the flow was due to light-alloy aluminum but also to the lead of the batteries, combined with other materials originating from the contents of the 81st floor.

I know molten aluminum is silvery when it's molten, and I just did a search for molten lead, and now I'm having trouble finding any molten lead that isn't also a silvery color. The physics of what color the material will appear at a certain temperature is important information to verify this theory. If the metals won't glow the proper color within the given temperature range, then the data is apparently contradictory.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:37 AM

Unaware of what other material the aloy and the lead may have come in contact with...In your opinion, how would one go about proving or disproving this theory?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Would that explain the huge gob of metal found in the basement of the WTC?

Its funny how this comes out now. It still dosen't explain how those beams were cut at a angle.

But batteries have a warning don't expose to heat or flame it may leak or expode.

I'm not convinced that those batteries caused the collape. I still believe they were pulled by Silverstien.

[edit on 9/7/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Leyla
Would that explain the huge gob of metal found in the basement of the WTC?

Its funny how this comes out now. It still dosen't explain how those beams were cut at a angle.

But batteries have a warning don't expose to heat or flame it may leak or expode.

I'm not convinced that those batteries caused the collape. I still believe they were pulled by Silverstien.

[edit on 9/7/2007 by Leyla]

Gob of metal..and computers and concrete and plastic...and so on. More than just metal in that gob.

We have explained time and time again how those beams were cut, and even showed them being cut!! What else would you like?

Oh.. please explain how Silverstein demolished 1&2. And please tell me why!

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
In your opinion, how would one go about proving or disproving this theory?

I just said, you should know what color molten lead glows around the given temperature range. If all molten lead is silvery then the theory doesn't even need to be debunked, it was misinformed from the start.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

I understand....hypothetically, say lead glows more of a white... and mixes with the silver aluminum. How can it be determined what color the two of them mixed together would be knowing that you will have many OTHER metals in the mix there.

Carpet, glass, aluminum, lead, plastics, human remains, gypsum...etc...

IMO..i think it will be pretty hard to prove or disprove this theory. Right now appears to me the one to fit.

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