I feel that it is important to get this idea out to people, to have them start to consider it. I am not sure how much time we all have before things
get flipped upside down, but I don't think its long, I hope that I am wrong. On that note, it would be of interest to some to listen to David
Flynn's reasoning for suggesting this July 4th 2007 may be a date of tremendous upheaval. It's a little out there, but it's worth a look:
www.raidersnewsnetwork.com... (more David Flynn on Google video)
I have been a diehard conspiracy theorist for as long as I can remember. I mention this so you will know that I have heard many different theories and
considered many scenarios. I have tried to keep an open mind about issues as important as the ones I will be discussing here.
My primary concern today is the recent acceptance by people of the belief that aliens in whatever form, have genetically seeded the human race. While
I don't have a problem with this conclusion per se, it's the means of coming to it, and the unethical advertising by its proponents that concerns
me. One of the means I speak of is the work of Zechariah Sitchin. I am dismayed at how little it is known that his translations and work has been
thoroughly discredited by the people in the field in which he claims to be a part of. This would be almost trivial until you start to look at his
specific "mistakes" and when you do a more malicious intent threatens to emerge, I encourage everyone who currently believes the "aliens seeded
man" theory of Tsarion or Sitchin to go to
sitchiniswrong.com... You will be surprised what is not known about Sitchin. I also like to point out
for all the hopeless conspiracy theorist like me out there that Sitchin was implicated by Arizona wilder as being involved in the "illuminated"
blood rituals that she claimed to be a part of. (she said his "job" was to misinform)
(note: Sitchins "Niburu", or something like it, may very well be real, and may even be returning to cause problems, see this:
www.mt.net... the truth may be worse than the half truth however.
I have thought about the implications of what this could mean for a long time why the groups with all the power in the shadows want us to think this
way, I have come to a conclusion, and it is an unusual, but logical one. Many postulate that the "aliens" have made some type of agreement with
governments, I agree with them for the most part, It is nothing new in fact, the idea of 4 plus dimensional beings dazzling us with their "gnosis "
and striking deals with the "kingship" is old school. In fact I think if ancient history is read between the lines a little, you can see these
bargains all over its pages, much of what our ancestors gave in exchange however was sacrificial worship, not the authority to torture. I disagree
with what they are telling us they are. I see plenty of reasons to suggest something other that their story, and have very little reason to take their
word for it ( I will go into the data on this if you want) It is especially concerning to me that their story so perfectly fits in with the "New
World Order's" plan for a world government and particularly a world religion. And how their "free energy technology" will mostly save us from a
the promulgated fear of "global warming."