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Crop Circles, Cymatics and the Fractal Universe.

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:17 AM
Below are comparisons to cymatic images, these are created either by sand on plates or liquids that are subjected to certain sound frequencies. These are just a few that I’ve managed to match to certain crop circle designs. Some are better matches than others but I’m sure you'll agree that the similarities are beyond coincidence.


This discovery to me was incredibly profound to say the least, the message in them became much clearer. I'm hesitant to go it a rambling on how I believe these patterns relate to the universe. So I thought I'd share some links so people can make up their own minds. Just keep in mind that vibration or frequency gives rise to geometric structure the higher the frequency the more complex the structure.

The Vedas, Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Templar etc...... They all knew. This is the essence of the ancient wisdom. As well as a Unifying of the fields of physics, not only that but includes the pattern of evolution and biology...
Ok small ramble.

Nassim Haramein

S hort Video 5min
2 hour lecture (almost).

His research papers are here; including his theory for the source of all spin in the universe. It’s so obvious and just elegantly simple. There are articles in both scientific and layman’s terms.

Rotating Water
Divine Cosmos
More Cymatics
Roslyn Chapel and Cymatics

Are the glyphs in the fields the keys to the universe?

[edit on 28-6-2007 by squiz]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:23 AM
I've long been a fan of this theory, and feel there is something quite significant in it. It's far more logical than aliens attempting to contact us, just by virtue that there are far easier ways of making contact with us than drawing patterns in our crops!

Of course, it doesn't extend to explain some of the stranger crop circles - such as the alien face and code found in the UK. If that was a hoax, it was massively elaborate and would have required a huge logistical efforts, yet this theory could not explain that in naturalistic terms.

Either way, it's all the more amazing to see these patterns side by side with the crop circles, and note the comparisons. Thank you!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:28 AM
Hippies with sticks....

Actually, I'm joking. I actually stumbled across cymatics when I was doing an essay on the study of sound upon the human mood. I may post it on here one day...

Some of the patterns are very similar to the studies of thought form on water molecules.

A theory developed by a Mr masaru Emoto...

If sound and thought are just variable channels of the same thing (maybe at different frequencies), and our bodies are 80 odd% water, then what about the effects of mass thought (implemented by the media and TV) on the mass population.... or the frequencies given out by phone masts and tv stations etc...

Just a thought anyhow.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 12:51 PM
Interesting stuff!

I often wonder if geometry can be used as a language... perhaps a universal language of sorts.

The mention of thought forms on water molecules is another piece to this puzzle I believe. We know sound can create geometric shapes in the sand... I'd speculate that light waves and even thought (somehow) can do the same thing.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Very nice. I have never connected the two, but have been a fan of cymatics! Reverberations are key, Tesla knew a lot, and the government was very interested. To see where we really are with reverberative technology would probably make some peoples head explode.

Nice find and thanks for the connection!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 07:23 PM
I've always found fractals and geometry to be among the most beautiful things occurring in nature, right up there with salma hayak and shakira

I've always thought that crop circles are not really messages per se (aside from the arecibo and alien grey circles), in that they are not really meant to tell us anything literally, but rather depict the incredible benevolence and beauty of their race/s.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:08 PM
Id love to know the frequencys and sounds that those patterns actually represent. perhaps there is something to it, a message in the sound?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:11 PM
Onya Squiz. Love your work.

I believe that the frequencies needed to propel ET craft are made by mixing microwave radiation of different frequencies in not-quite-spherical chambers. The flattening of a portion of each chamber is what actually causes the microwave mixing resulting in multiple sum and difference frequencies similar to what occurs in any heterodyne radio. It is the lower half of these chambers than can sometimes be seen underneath ET craft.
The lights from ET craft could very well be waste frequencies that are generated in the "mixer".

The principles shown by Squiz and in some crop formations are closely related and I believe that the crop formations displaying such details are an attempt by ET to give us a leg up on what we need to do.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by corda
It's far more logical than aliens attempting to contact us, just by virtue that there are far easier ways of making contact with us than drawing patterns in our crops!

Yes, but what if aliens have a dramatically different means of thinking than we have? What if, in their opinion, this IS the best way to communicate?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:14 PM
This all makes sense, ive experimented with psychedelics and can say now easily that these ufo's are communicating peerhaps with a universal language, not mathematics, but order from chaos, or fractal images and patterns.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:27 PM
I love all the posts This is really stunning. I was going to suggest that crop circles are a form of barcode or tagging/ or directional markers that can be read by ufo as much as a message or gps map to us. This would be even more important if you are dealing with interdiminesional entry and exit points. These circles, as some emit energy, may be a linkage also to the the hardware in the Isacc post and its description of holographic software/hardware All the fields seem to be in food generating areas, so we have no choice but to see them. They don't seem to be concerned that a good piece of farmers livelihood is affected. So they may not understnd the concept of buying and selling, but perhaps bartering. When the indians sold the area of manhattan for trinkets, they really thought they were getting a good deal and were laughing all the way back to the village.To the indians the concept of "owning" the earth was as alien to them as the circles are to us. If we can create corresponding circles that are related to theirs then we have a common language and that would become a beacon that we are ready. What better universal language is better than the mathematics involved in these circles...

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:37 PM
I forgot to include a reference to close encounters the movie. Our communication involved us interfacing musical notes with theirs. I really think all of you are on to something and is worthwhile pursuing. Good Luck

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:40 PM
The beautiful thing about or universe is you see crop circle patterns within galaxy formations..
resonance IS the universal language. Language however takes many forms and I'm betting we won't understand 99.9% of the languages in the universe for another 1000 years.

This subject is slowly burying it's hook into the public's understanding and awakenng a forgotten knowledge.. We've been misguided for so long and looking back to see our forgotten ancestors secrets in the form of Stonehenge, Pyramds and a host of other famous occurences is a sad acknowledgement to the evil of corruption.
If capitalism hadn't stepped all over Tesla, I'm sure he would have helped guide us a bit closer to this understanding of resonance and how it entertwines with nature vs sound vs light vs spirituality and put us a step closer to what our race is supposed to be doing -- evolving with the cosmos..

Tx for the post..


posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by squiz
This discovery to me was incredibly profound to say the least, the message in them became much clearer. I'm hesitant to go it a rambling on how I believe these patterns relate to the universe. So I thought I'd share some links so people can make up their own minds. Just keep in mind that vibration or frequency gives rise to geometric structure the higher the frequency the more complex the structure.

The Vedas, Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Templar etc...... They all knew. This is the essence of the ancient wisdom. As well as a Unifying of the fields of physics, not only that but includes the pattern of evolution and biology...
Ok small ramble.

Nassim Haramein

S hort Video 5min
2 hour lecture (almost).

His research papers are here; including his theory for the source of all spin in the universe. It’s so obvious and just elegantly simple. There are articles in both scientific and layman’s terms.

Rotating Water
Divine Cosmos
More Cymatics
Roslyn Chapel and Cymatics

Are the glyphs in the fields the keys to the universe?

[edit on 28-6-2007 by squiz]

If anyone has never seen this site, it is pretty interesting. It associates crop circles as being blue prints for a ship or piece of technology. These sites are anti-gravity and free-energy related.

Original site
New Wiki site

Link to two videos

Part 1 - Blueprints in the Crop Circles
Part 2 - The Watersphere

I believe this could coincide with John Kanzius’ radio frequency generator that can seperate hydrogen and oxygen from salt water. More videos of Kanzius' device.

Lighting hydrogen on fire is not what hydrogen is made for.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Some thought provoking replies, it's given me more to think about, thanks.
Great links spoodily

If you checked all the links you would have seen this. The salt crystal and nebula comparison.

This one truly mystifies me, again patterns repeated at all scales. As above so below.

Cosmic 'DNA': Double Helix Spotted in Space

Massive central black holes are the best sources for both the strong magnetic field and rotating body, and since most large galaxies have them, Morris expects DNA-like nebula may be common through out the universe.

I'm also a fan of the Holographic Universe theory. It's the same concept as a fractal view. We're not talking about an artificial construct, but the smaller pieces containing the information of the whole. Like a simple equation that spawns complexity as it grows.

This has connected so many dots for me. Questions I've asked all my life. The implications could truly be awesome. Scientificly, technologically and spiritually.

Make sure you check out Nassim's stuff. Here's some more.
Gr and Unified Field Theory: Nassim Haramein Pt.1
Gr and Unified Field Theory: Nassim Haramein Pt.2
Gr and Unified Field Theory: Nassim Haramein Pt.3

[edit on 29-6-2007 by squiz]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:50 AM
whao!... this is new to me,thanks for the info!

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:50 AM
whao!... this is new to me,thanks for the info!

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:56 AM
Crop circles are man made:


posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
A theory developed by a Mr masaru Emoto...

If sound and thought are just variable channels of the same thing (maybe at different frequencies), and our bodies are 80 odd% water, then what about the effects of mass thought (implemented by the media and TV) on the mass population.... or the frequencies given out by phone masts and tv stations etc...

I'm guessing you watched that horrible psuedo-scientific documentary What the Bleep Do We Know?. Anyways, Emoto's work is highly controversial and his experimental methods were flawed. I seriously doubt that he actually produced any valid results. Just take a look at

And I agree with 212121. It's been pretty convincingly shown that most if not all crop circles are created by humans.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 07:13 AM
I hate to de-hippy-tize you people but these destructive pulse microwave radiation beams/ they break off the first node of each plant, are man made. and have been weponized as seen on t.v. when you wacthed the twin towers melt before your you know it wasnt the thermit fairy...china shot down a satalite just to let bush know he best not let the fractal fairy visit there country....think about it folks..any thing in that crop circle is dead meat/ mice/ birds etc..the black-ops love for you to think this is some kinda love message from outer space...think back 15/ 20 years ago of what crop circles looked like??crude? you bet! but they got it down to a fractal art now..and ask any wheat farmer how much money he lost in crop damage for the practis shots on his crops..

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