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White Pyramid of China may not be White Pyramid of China

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by mojo4sale
Not sure if this can help in your search for info but Gaussman i read somewhere was ficticious, try Sheahan, i think that was his name, michael maybe. I cant verify this but he was also a pilot who was supposed to have seen the pyramid.


[edit to add]

Ahh it was Maurice Sheahan not Michael. Interesting read but take with a pinch of salt. I had a bit of a look on google earth and couldnt really see anything, but good luck with it.


One clarification was discovered: Don Sheahan found a letter written by his father, Col. Sheahan, on January 31, 1961, to a Mr. E. Leslie Carlson, who had a theory connecting the Chinese pyramid to the ancient Sumerians. He had also asked for a photograph. Sheahan wrote:
The large pyramid is probably between 500 feet and 600 feet high and the reported 1,000 feet was exaggerated in several translations from the Chinese li to metric to feet.

Nice thread no matter what you find out.

[edit on 27/6/07 by mojo4sale]

but sheahan is not the one that published it in the new york sunday times in 1947

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 02:08 AM
this thread is a complete travesty
heres whats been said so far

According to the info on the original sighting of it, by US Air Force pilot James Gaussman in World War II, the thing should be between Xian, China and Assam, India. At least 40 miles south west of Xian. In a mountain valley. It should be gigantic, white metal or white stone pyramid and be capped or decorated on top by something capable of holding a "Gem" of large size.

heres the truth

it is now believed that the Gaussman story was actually based on Colonel Maurice Sheahan, Far Eastern director of Trans World Airlines, who told an eyewitness account of his encounter with a pyramid in the March 28, 1947 edition of The New York Times.
Gaussman doesn't even exist
his claims therefore are at best fabtricated

Too bad the Chinese won't let us go look at them

heres the truth

The pyramids of Xi'an can now be visited on trips from Xi'an and no longer are located in "forbidden zones". Several pyramids have small museums attached to them.

so obviously the numerous websites claiming they are off limits are either lying or don't bother to research properly
and anyone using them isn't interested in the truth

this wreaks of cover up and i have no clue why it would be covered up.

well thats a great jump in logic isn't it
you haven't even established the veracity of the original report and you're already screaming cover up

The pilot was quoted as saying that he came around a mountain peak to a narrow valley in which he saw a beautiful white pyramid, capped by a gem

ah yes thats the Pilot who doesn't exist
says a lot does he

He supposedly took a pic of it at the time but since he was reconnaisance, the film roll was mostly of classified sites other than the pyramid.

and the original claim

James Gaussman is said to have seen a white jewel-topped pyramid during a flight between India and China during World War II

so this claim that he was on a reconnaisance flight is a complete fabrication by the OP
reconaissance flights do not iirc consist of journeys from one country to another one way

so lets see what have we got so far
a report that isn't substantiated
a fabrication by the OP
A claim of a cover up when it hasn't been established that the pyramid even exists
the OP is posting image after image of very flat landscape and claiming that the images have been doctored
thats some claim as the images come from Google Earth
are we supposed to believe that the chinese govt has influence over that as well
as for the claims of it being connected with Egypt
the Egytpian pyramids on the whole were built between the thrid and fifth dynasties
thats 2681 - 2345 bce
the chinese pyramids (which arent actually even pyramids) were built after 300bce

so really
this thread is a travesty of bad reporting and wild speculation without evidence by the OP
file it under B for Bosnian wannabe

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:13 AM
Interesting. I read the article but in the sources section, there was no listing to indicate Sheahan was the photo source. However, the original article may have been confused by me, as I've read several versions of it now. But the story said, the US pilot had a package drop to troops in china who were apparently fighting japanese on chinese soil, something I wasn't even aware was happening back then. Plus, he was taking pics of classified areas. The images of the "White Pyramid" were on the same roll. Honestly, the only way this is going to be answered to your satisfaction is if I pay money to get copies of the original information. I'm not going to do that. Will you pay for it?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:38 AM
the only way you are going to solve this is by using correct research methods
to start with you could try narrowing down the type of structure it is
do a search for actual pyramids with jewelled apex's on this planet
then do a search for true pyramids in china
then do a little research about the veracity of reports from newspapers over 50 years old and what type of people use them as evidence
you might want to look into what part of China Giant Pandas are native to as well and then ask yourself why it is that your huge pyramid is in a nature reserve frequented by naturalists from around the world and nobody has noticed it (are they part of the cover up)
is it possible that the pyramid was built by Giant Pandas
are Giant Pandas an extra terrestrial species

after that i figure you should have enough information to answer your own question
remember a good theory is based on verified facts
wild speculation from websites that have serious sounding adverts for tin foil beanies is not a fact

[edit on 28-6-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:09 AM
now marduk, that's not in the nature reserve and there's at least three or four mountains ranges between the two areas, with their own valleys. not to mention, if the area is off limits, no one is going to get there to see it, anyway. potentially, the only way to see it is either in the air (which is probably off limits now as well) or via satellite photography. restricted air space is not unheard of. that area is a special section for the satellite, as well. this means the country provides the detailed information for the satellite. the satellite, itself, is only responsible for a blurry approximation of color/shadow/light. the details are provided by the country in question.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:55 AM
prove your claims
you don't know where the mystery pyramid is so claiming its not in a certain area is ridiculous
you also have no idea what areas of chinese air space are restricted and to whom, thats quite clear by your use of the word "probably"
"probably doesn't cut it, all it shows is that you don't know what youre talking about
you also just lied about the country in question providing the maps, was that really neccesary
here is a google earth software engineers explanation on the source of the images, he says nothing about the images being censored by the people providing it
you are asking us to believe that Google have gone cap in hand to the chinese govt and said "please mister can we have some censored maps so we can make money"

here is a list of areas censored for google maps
China has no censored images at all

so we're going from bad to worse aren't we
you started off wildly speculating and now you're lying through your teeth to try to make your personal belief real
what a sad story

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Hrm, that article appears to support the idea that countries can ask to have or provide, mapped areas with detail blurred out, missing, or otherwise modified locations. It's not unusual, if the country in question feels the data is sensitive.

The area I think the modification has been made in, is 3-d till you get down close to ground level, then it flattens out to a 2-d image, while the mountains around it, remain 3-d. it looks odd, like its been camoflaged. you seriously don't see the dragon in the image?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 12:38 PM
and neither does anyone else
please provide evidence that google earth got any of their maps from the chinese govt like you claimed they did in your last post

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
and neither does anyone else
please provide evidence that google earth got any of their maps from the chinese govt like you claimed they did in your last post

Hrm, perhaps you have a point. I'll have to just chalk it up to a "I think it looks like..."

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:48 PM
The problem is not with Chinese govt hiding away secrets, those clamis about Chinese govt is a lie.

The real problem is with the westerner US Air Force pilot James Gaussman, he is the liar or wrong doer.

And to add more problems, some people think US Air Force pilot James Gaussman was right and prejudice Communist Chinese govt was wrong.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Dr. No
The problem is not with Chinese govt hiding away secrets, those clamis about Chinese govt is a lie.

The real problem is with the westerner US Air Force pilot James Gaussman, he is the liar or wrong doer.

And to add more problems, some people think US Air Force pilot James Gaussman was right and prejudice Communist Chinese govt was wrong.

Good point

Although I think it's more down to a tendency of people believing what they want to believe is true, and rejecting anything that upsets their preconceptions and beliefs.

One person claims to have seen a pyramid. Why believe him in the absence of any other evidence?

I found the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave on the remote, uninhabited, west coast of the Isle of Jura, Scotland - presumably hidden there by the Templars. Do you believe me?

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Essan
I found the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave on the remote, uninhabited, west coast of the Isle of Jura, Scotland - presumably hidden there by the Templars. Do you believe me?

Yes, because that's where i left it. You can keep it. I have Thors hammer. The elder Gods are much more powerful.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by zorgon

Last I checked "Pyramid" simply refers to the SHAPE

Exactly. And a pyramid has a point at the top. It has a square base, four sides each of which are triangular in shape.

Technically I suppose the Chinese tombs are trapezoids (as for that matter are most of the Central American temples which people also erroneously refer to as pyramids

As for the Chinese 'white pyramid' - the originally structure allegedly seen by Gaussman appears not to exist - leastways, no-one has been able to find it in the location he gave (there was a good write up on it in Fortean Times a few years back, by someone who had actually explored the region)

There's also some useful photos here: along with the suggestion that the 'white pyramid' is actually a modified hill and the tomb of Empress Wu from 700AD

Nice pics in that link, but none of those match Gaussman's description.

It would be interesting if there was one that matched his description as it would tie it into two other monuments - the Etemenanki was said to have a different color for each successive layer. in a report given by someone other than Gaussman as regards the "White Pyramid" said something similar, and that the color since faded and it was now a dusty white.

I don't know what the big worry is. The ancient Chinese were in Egypt. Some of them were Pharaohs.

[edit on 29-6-2007 by undo]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by undo
. in a report given by someone other than Gaussman as regards the "White Pyramid" said something similar, and that the color since faded and it was now a dusty white.

you said earlier that only one person ever reported this white pyramid
we have established that claim wasn't supported
now you're claiming someone else saw it and claimed that its similar to the Etemenki

so youre saying that something no one has seen is similar to something else no one has seen

credibility 0 %

Mod Edit: Image Hotlinking – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29/6/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 03:22 PM
Actually, I just said the "original" sighting, not the only sighting/mention.

Like i said, i see no reason for it to be that big of a deal, considering there were ancient chinese in Egypt, some of whom were pharaohs.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by undo
Actually, I just said the "original" sighting, not the only sighting/mention.

Like i said, i see no reason for it to be that big of a deal, considering there were ancient chinese in Egypt, some of whom were pharaohs.

prove it
once again your Imagination has been unleashed on real history to little or no effect

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Osorkon II (this one actually looks a bit more japanese)
The pharaoh Osorkon II was the fourth king of the 22nd Dynasty (945-712 B.C.)

Amenhotep III

not a pharaoh. this is one of the guardians of Hathor's Temple at Dendara.

This describes political marriages were part of Egyptian culture. I can imagine with a sea-worthy crew, the Chinese would've encountered the Egyptians and struck similar deals for financial and political reasons.
Marriage as a tool of foreign politics

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 05:05 PM
This was Amenhotep III's father, Thutmose IV. Even his eyebrows are far eastern in style. Cut the face out and paste it on a buddha head and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference

Amenophis III
Tie between china and possibly india. both cultures melded somewhat along the buddhist line. Check out those eyes, eyebrows and sculpted nose, even the curvature of the lips.

[edit on 29-6-2007 by undo]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 05:31 PM
none of those look asian
once again its your perception thats at fault
I said prove it
not post more of your personal beliefs without any evidence at all
if you can't prove it then why bother claiming it in the first place

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
none of those look asian
once again its your perception thats at fault
I said prove it
not post more of your personal beliefs without any evidence at all
if you can't prove it then why bother claiming it in the first place

actually they all look Uyghurs from East Turkestan , i.e northern western China .

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