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hallucination or Wraith Shadow creature?

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 04:12 PM
OK guys here's a weird experience that I had back when I was about 14 or 15.

I'm wondering if what I saw, which I'll describe in a second, was a rare form of hallucination similar to hypnogogic hallucination or if I actually saw something weird.

It was about 8PM. I was alone in my back yard. My parents were on the front end of the house and away from the rooms adjacent to the backyard. I was walking past my old family pool when it happened. THe house is located in a pretty urban area of Los Angeles, so factor that in when you are concidering what I saw.

So there I was. It was dark out. I was wide awake, not even the slightest bit sleepy. WOuldn't be going to bed for a few more hours. I was on the far end of my back yard near the deep end of the pool. the pool was between me and the house. suddenly I remember getting a funny feeling like I was being watched. In fact I felt for a few nights before that that I was being watched. THe hair on the back of my neck stood up and I turned around as if I knew something was standing there.

Suddenly out of the parameter wall of our property which is a solid cinder block wall painted white, slightly aged, a black thing "spilled" out of the wall about knee high and it was about the size of maybe a trash bag. THis thing was black, black meaning it reflected no light almost like a void or something. So it took maybe a second to spill out. This was maybe about 10-15 feet way. It was spilling out onto the dirt planter beyond the pool typical in many backyards. As it spilled out it formed the shape of a huminoid or man kneeling down and scrunched over like he was squating down with it's arms floded over infront of it. It then stood upright standing about 6 feet tall. Threw no shadow, but was pitch black and very defined. I could clearly see it like it was a full grown man wearing some sort of rubber jumpsuit. So it stood up sort of spread out it's chest like it was unfurling it's self or posturing to me, and then once it had looked right at me for maybe a second or so it non chalantly walked passed me (about 5-10 feet away) crossing the width of my back yard and walked right into the other property wall. My back yard wasn't completely dark infact the flood lights were on across the yard lighting up the pool. When it passed in the light it still reflected no light and no shadow

WTF was that that I saw? The whole episode lasted about maybe 5-8 seconds in duration and strangely I wasn't afraid, although sorta dumbfounded. I never told my parents sure they would tell me I just hallucinated or made it up.

So was this some weird rare type of hallucination? I had never taken hallucinagens at the time, and I wasn't sleepy at all. The episode kept me up for a while and I was sorta not cool with going into the back yard alone for a few days unless I brought my dog with me. Speaking of my dog. my dog never once barked from inside the house when it happened, and my dog used to bark at everything that walked by. the thing also sorta scrunched back down when it walked into the other wall sorta like how it exited the previous wall. There were no tracks or disturbances to the soil when I checked later.

any thoughts?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Hi Bassplyr,
This is the first time you've mentioned this
although you frequent this site regularly.

Are sure it wasn't neighbour?
The guy next to me likes to wear a dress!!
I haven't seen the 'troubled chap' for about 2 months,
he may be locked up or something.
His mates used hang around looking for him and
it used to drive me mad finding their Ice Cream van
parked at the bottom of my yard playing that damn
music.... you know the one, off the series Different Strokes.

I know of folk who sometimes wear black rubber, that damn
Ice Cream driver for one and his silly-looking side-kick.
His co-hort also keeps winking from the window, like...
I dunno... maybe, 'camera one, camera two'

Here's a thing... this rubber-suited fellow of the night,
Did he look like a naked Indian?
I have to ask, didn't you think it was a trifle unnecessary to
see the crack in the indian's bottom.
Yes, absolutely
I had the same dream. LOL! (sparingly)

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:15 PM
I experienced something similar when i was seven, till now i have no expalnation to what it was. I saw a giant about "10" feet tall dressed in metal armour clothing, with a huge spear in his hand and steered straight at me from the top of stairs in the hall way at the flats we used to live.
He was a white man with curly hair, i know it was not somebody messing about because i was living in west africa at the time, and there was no white person any where near where i lived.
I then remembered that i have been reading the book of bible stories with picture of goliath and looked exactly like what i saw but i coudn't work out how it came to life in font of me standing there so real

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by bassplyr
So was this some weird rare type of hallucination? I had never taken hallucinagens at the time, and I wasn't sleepy at all. The episode kept me up for a while and I was sorta not cool with going into the back yard alone for a few days unless I brought my dog with me. Speaking of my dog. my dog never once barked from inside the house when it happened, and my dog used to bark at everything that walked by. the thing also sorta scrunched back down when it walked into the other wall sorta like how it exited the previous wall. There were no tracks or disturbances to the soil when I checked later.

any thoughts?

I have to admit I don't have a clue what it was. It could have been anything, there is alot we don't know about after all. For all we know it could have escaped from Area 51. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:36 PM

I don't know what it was that you saw, but I do know that people see things.

I remember when I was about 14, I was in my bed almost asleep. I then saw a little energy (like a ball of light in the shape of a very small person) creature at the foot of my bed.

I was instantly afraid, but the weird thing is his name popped instantly in my head. He was called Matter Man. This is no lie. I never forgot that experience.

I also told a friend of mine what had happened and he said that he had saw Matter Man in his bedroom as well. I thought that was freaky.

I only saw Matter Man once more after that about a year later, with the same result.

He was probably something like two feet tall and made of energy. He didn;t threaten me or anything.

It was just weird.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Your story is simular to mine and i was about 7 years old. I allways had a weird feeling somebody/thing was behind a curtain to a storage place in my bedroom. One night i was in bed and three figures materialised true the wall from outside the house. I was pretty scared and put my blanket over my head and they started to tickle my feet. Then it stopped after maybe 30 seconds and they where gone. Maybe a silly dream (but i could swear i was awake), and it never happend again.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:08 PM
this thing was like the opposite of matter man.

He was like 6 -6.5 feet tall. Muscular and seemed to be devoid of energy. It was like he was a void or something because it was like he didn't reflect any light. All light got absorbed into his body. It appeared almost two dimensional since it reflected no light it's contures weren't visable although it's outline clearly was. and it moved slowely diliberatly watching me as it took maybe a step and a half and then turned it's head and
torso and simply walked on on it's path and went through the wall presumably into my neighbors yard. She was about 85 and old with no lights on in her back yard so she wouldn't have seen it.

What I meant by saying it was sorta 2D and had no contour was:
When the thing turned it's shape moved with it giving me a new cross section or something. Like I said it was 3 dimensional but appeared almost 2D because it absorbed all light so you couldn't see it's muscelature except in profile. That make any sense? I could draw a picture of it but would be crude and I have no scanner or way to upload it that I can think of. The thing was buff though like an athleate and it looked right at me, in almost a dead pan sort of way. It saw me, took note, as if it wasn't expecting me, but wasn't concerned at the same time, almost like how bigfoot in the videos see you looks at you but calmly walks away. but this thing was definantely the shape and proportions of maybe a tall buff swimmer or something.

It was also dead silent, at the time there were also no crickets chirping that I could remember. Maybe not cricket season? but maybe the silence before it appeared it was What tipped of my senses. Birds and bugs sense danger or anything strange and stay quiet to not be seen. so maybe they detected it too.

SO my question was. what the heck did I see. A hallucination. I'm open to that idea. but I had never hallucinated like that in my life. Ever. THe thing walked on the ground seemed to make contact with it with each step, although silent and it seemed intelligent. It left no marks.

Was it some sort of ghost. a cloaked alien entity. a pan dimensional entity. the thing looked almost human, but didn't very human. Maybe it's indiffernce was what made it feel like it simply didn't belong there. there was something alien about it. Alien in the outright definition, not the extraterrestrial definition. although it could have been an alien.

but like I said this was in the middle of a suberb in Los Angeles. so howed an alien get there. so maybe a dimensional entity or a ghost like creature. maybe on of those skinwalker things?

I still have no idea. but the memory is very clear about it, has never changed and pops up every few months.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:59 PM
bumping this up so that someone might amble across it and find it of interest.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:52 PM
I find your story to be very interesting.

You seem to have handled the experience very well. I would have been scared to death.

Question: Are there any military bases nearby?

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:27 AM
I have had similar events/sightings. At my current residence once and many times at my old residence, I have seen some sort of shadow like entity. Most of the time it was in a wolf/cat/dog like shape about five feet tall sitting. Once I saw it or another entity in the shape of a boy. The incident with the wolf like one were pretty much just sightings. It just watched me from afar or was just running by. (note that both these residences are farms with near by forests) The boy incident how ever was much more dramatic. I was doing the dishes at my old residence ( I was about 7 at the time). I just finished the dishes and walked past a double door with windows on each door. Then all of a sudden the doors swung open and a saw a boy run by. I figured the boy did it and chased after him. At first I thought it may have been one of my friends, but as I chased it, I clearly saw that it had almost no figure or substance. It got to the corner outside of my house and it just vanished. I didn't know what to think at the time. The only people that age in the area(It was a pretty spaced out farm community) where my two brother, one was gone at the time and the other sleeping. The nearest kid that age other then me and my bros was about 12 miles away. I would have passed all of these sightings off as child fantasies it it wasn't for this one incident. I have had no evidence of the wolf like thing other then sightings, so I am not sure it was anything other then a wold or stray dog. If what I saw was anything, the sightings were very similar to yours. They seemed to be made out of some void like not solid material, that didn't reflect light or cast shadows. I haven't seen any for years most likely do to my new home. There was one sighting here, but it was most likely a dog. (My new area is much more populated.)

[edit on 21-6-2007 by halfmask]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:57 PM

There are lots of military bases near Los Angeles. But they are all about 50-75 miles away. which is close for LA. the suberbs extend out about 20 miles to the county line and then new citys continue on seemingly forever.

We have Edwards Air force base, Point Magu navel base, Long beach naval yard, camp penelton, 29 palms, Plant 42, alot of strange stuff going on in Kern county (north of LA)
DO you think what I saw was some sort of military application? To me it seemed sorta alien to me. again not in an extraterrestrial way although it could be. It just seemed out of place like it didn't belong, it was not human in action but very humanlike. Although it looked just like a human or huminoid in the right proprtions as a human.

It wasn't scary cause the shock sorta numbed me, things sorta happened in slow motion to from the minute I noticed it first permiate through the wall. tachycephela or whatever-when time seems to slow down. I wasn't scared because it didn't act menacing in any way although it did look right at me. i know because I stand 5'3" this guy stood 6' + and its head looked down at me slightly not past me. Although it did look at me rather emotional lessly in a dead pan sorta way, not with contempt or anything menacing just meer observance. So I never felt scared just dumbfounded. It wasn't a frightening experience at all, just very very strange.


Yeah the description of jet black and void like with no shadows seems like it could be the same thing I saw except mine was of a full grown man. ANd my guy didn't interact with any object like the door episode you were describing. It was just passing through. Could you describe how it moved, if it made any noise, how black was it. Was it see through or totally a void like mine. I want to hear more about what what you saw looked like.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Well, BASSPLYR, for the wolf like thing, I never saw it closely. The only thing that makes me wonder about it is its unnatural size and its pure blackness. I have seen many large wolves before, but this one looked so pure black and its figure was all wrong compared to a wolf. I could easy say it was a giant cat too.

The boy how ever I saw very clearly. I was like about half a meter away from it. I could see some color underneath the blackness. Like some of the face I could see it had color. More towards the middle it was like a void then lower to the feet it was sorta transparent. When it disappeared, it melted through the wooden deck, like it just turned into goo and fell through the spacing in the 2 by 4 wood. As I was chasing it, it seemed to move like that of a real boy, solid and all. When it "melted" it was sorta uneven and quick. Like a liquidly puff of smoke going down, I guess I could say.

I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me or what. It was really strange. It was a very windy day, so that is what could have opened the doors, but I swear by the truth of if that I saw this "boy". I never had imaginary friends and have never hallucinated wide awake ever before, or even up to now if you don't count this incident as a hallucination. I may never know and hope that is the worst of it. At least this info could potential help you out.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:37 PM
yeah man. the way you describe it dematerializing and oozing through the floor was exactly the way it happened in my experience except he crouched down a"BHgnd oozed through the wall instead. but yeah I would say it acted like a very viscouse blob as it melted into the wall. My guy was solid from head to toe. thats the only difference and my guy wasn't running like a kid but very gracefully and deliberatly walking, almost like how a ninja would walk. choosing each step or just plain grace ful about it. the body didn't seem to bounce around or anything but moved very fluidly.

The time frame for the experience was about the same duration as yours.

I think we experienced a similar phenomina. Except for minor details it seems like they were very similar. SO what was it. A ghost? a entity of some sort.? I really have no clue. All I know is that it didn't act like some hallucination. So I don't think your crazy either.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:22 AM
Sadly we may never know. I guess we should just wait and see if anyone else has seen something like this. Anyone else have an incident to share or any idea on what this could have been?

[edit on 24-6-2007 by halfmask]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:33 AM
I have a question for all those that believe they saw something like this, including the author of the thread especially ,

Did this dark void like being seem to sort of , use the darkness around it to construct itself??
When it disappeared did it seem to in a way just like blend into the darkness behind it? or maybe gently seem to fade out eventually disapearing into the darkness around it??


The figure was dark and it was night time? did the figure seem to be darker then the atmosphere around it? which made it sort of stand out ?
Hence you being able to see its shape in alot of detail even though you couldnt see the contour of this thing??

I think this is important. I look forward to your reply.


posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:35 PM
90% of my sightings including the one boy form one, where during the middle of the day, towards the center of the farm, not near anything casting shadows. The shadow figure of these things I saw seemed to be self sustaining and did not draw from shadows around them. Hope this helps and clarifies.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:08 PM
no it literally moved through the wall. it didn't materialize but seemed to just ooze through the wall in a shape roughly spheroid at first like the size of a large beachball or trashbag. It almost (once clear of the wall) looked like a blob forming into a man scrunched down onto the ground. Then it stood up and unfurled it's self and continued walking. It did not fade in or out. Entities that act like that I am almost sure are ghosts. It didn't seem to have any effect on the objects around it. The back yard was lit up by floodlights which cast long shafts of light through the yard. The lights never dimmed or anything. It didn't seem to draw any energy from anything other than it's self. There was no sound though, but that could be from my own shock. When it passed infront of the lights the object was not vaguely shaped. there was a sharp contrast between it and the background. it had very defined outlines. It was solid, just jet flat black like a void.

It seemed like it was in the hear and now, not a residual haunting.

I did grow up in a haunted house in the hollywood hills and there i did experience seemingly paranormal stuff. Cold spots that moved around, eerie feelings of being watched. Lights turning on and off. Music or conversations heard through out the house. Stuff diappearing and then reappearing days later. I could start uo a thread about that and I'll be happy to discuss it here in this thread too if you want.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Omega85
I have a question for all those that believe they saw something like this, including the author of the thread especially ,

Did this dark void like being seem to sort of , use the darkness around it to construct itself??
When it disappeared did it seem to in a way just like blend into the darkness behind it? or maybe gently seem to fade out eventually disapearing into the darkness around it??

Old thread, and never checked back. So i'll answer it now since you are still online. The 3 shadow figures just came true the outside wall. I have no idea how they left, scared the crap out of me at 6-7 years old and i was under my blanket.


The figure was dark and it was night time? did the figure seem to be darker then the atmosphere around it? which made it sort of stand out ?
Hence you being able to see its shape in alot of detail even though you couldnt see the contour of this thing??

I think this is important. I look forward to your reply.


Yes, 3 dark figures at night. Much darker then the surrounding area, i could see their humanoid shape perfectly. No details visible though, just the dark shapes.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by BugZyZuncle

I don't know what it was that you saw, but I do know that people see things.

I remember when I was about 14, I was in my bed almost asleep. I then saw a little energy (like a ball of light in the shape of a very small person) creature at the foot of my bed.

I was instantly afraid, but the weird thing is his name popped instantly in my head. He was called Matter Man. This is no lie. I never forgot that experience.

I also told a friend of mine what had happened and he said that he had saw Matter Man in his bedroom as well. I thought that was freaky.

I only saw Matter Man once more after that about a year later, with the same result.

He was probably something like two feet tall and made of energy. He didn;t threaten me or anything.

It was just weird.

funny you say that. i experienced something very similar when i was about 3 years old. i saw a little tiny person.. but like with no features, just kinda in the shape of a gingerbread man i guess you could say, walking out of the bathroom towards the edge of my bed.

it was really odd. i didnt feel threatened by it, because it loked just like this doll my granny was making for me that she never finished making because she died before she could finish it.. so it was just the outline of a doll.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Question, do earthquakes have anything to do with host activity?

Interestingly I was talking to my sister the other day. her bedroom wall was the one the entity walked right in front of. She says that when she was around the same time that I saw the entity. she was woken up at night on a few occasions by an old smiling man. The man was in her bedroom. Which was only 10 feet away from where I saw the entity outside. The man looked to be solid and in full color (just a normal looking man standing over her bed) At first she thought it was a old family friend that she had seen, but was half asleep and didn't remember that her parents had friends over. but then she would remember that the incident happened in the middle of the night when no guest would be over. It is possible that she was having a hypnogognic hallucination. but I doubt it cause she saw the same man more than once.

I too in the next room over saw what looked to be a teenage boy (about 14) in my bedroom, right as I was about to fall asleep. The kid was standing near the light switch near the door to the room, was looking at me, smiled when I tried to talk to it, and then disapperated right as I was about to throw a pillow at it. Here's the weird part. My best friend at the time was falling asleep on the floor right next to me. At first I thought the figure was him. so I started talking to it like it was my friend (what are you doing up? etc...) my friend said "what are you talking about I'm right here on the floor. theres nobody else in the room." I chalked it up to a hypnogognic hallucination experienced right before sleep. but now to find out that my sister was having the same thing right next tomy bedroom. weird.

My cousin and I both saw a shadow figure of what appeared to be an old cloaked man standing in the corner about 5 feet high (very short) staring back at us for a good 15 minutes. the shadow was just slightly darker than the normal shadows of the bedroom at night, but you could make out an old man staring back at us from the corner. We both saw it and commented on it.

I asked my family what was up with the property a few days ago. they said that although they never saw anything in the house, and a good friend of mines dad actually grew up in that same house and never saw anything. we know the entire history of who lived there. Two interesting facts came up. The time my sister and I were seeing all of these things was right around the major northridge earthquake in los angeles. for about a two year period around the time of the earthquake. Neither of us ever saw anything else after this time period or before it. everything happened in that two year period. The old owner of the house, who died wishing his family had never sold the house so many years ago (it was his favorite) had died right around that time. maybe he was haunting the place one last time before he departed for good.

Who knows. one thing I can say for sure. is that I am willing to accept that the kid and the old smiling man my sister and I saw could have been a ghost. or ghosts travelling through (due tothe earthquake maybe facilitating that) but the shadow man outside standing under the floodlights, was no ghost of an old man. this was something else all together. Maybe the earthquake allowed him to pass through the area that is my back yard and house along with the ghost activity.

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