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Are we at war with Islam?

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Seriously, official story is spreading democracy in Middle East, but so far we killed 655.000+ civilians or 500 daily. Since sanctions in 90's we killed over 3 million people in Iraq alone. That's half of the Holocaust, if figures from WW2 are real. So, no wonder most of the Muslims think West is in war with them and some of them are preparing for World War.

So, while you are fed lies on TV about causalities and nearly bankrupt US economy which is borrowing 3 billion DAILY from China to support the war, 2 billion of people are preparing for war against the West or at least against Israel and US forces in ME. Do you think Arab nations will just watch if Israel and US strike Iran?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 08:37 PM
No one is at war with islam
the only war is the war between the poor and the rich
the ones that have and the ones that dont have

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 08:46 PM
The war is between Us and the Illuminati, but since we out number them, they have to divide and conquer. Create enemies where none exist, provocateur incidents and blame them on others.

[edit on 18-6-2007 by Amelie]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by thesun
No one is at war with islam
the only war is the war between the poor and the rich
the ones that have and the ones that dont have

Right on! Yep - that's the truth alright.


posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:46 PM

but so far we killed 655.000+ civilians or 500 daily.

It would be more accurate to say the majority of these deaths in Iraq are due to factional violence, either car bombings or mass executions by Islamist death squads.

Whilst I do not support the occupation of Iraq and can understand how the arabs feel we've invaded their land, I think it is also fair to say that the Islamic radicals declared war on the West perhaps even long before 9/11.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Let me ask this, Hasn't Islam always been at war with any religion other than Islam? If they were the world power would they allow anything other than Islam? This won't end, it won't until one side or the other is gone!

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by sy.gunson

but so far we killed 655.000+ civilians or 500 daily.

It would be more accurate to say the majority of these deaths in Iraq are due to factional violence, either car bombings or mass executions by Islamist death squads.

Whilst I do not support the occupation of Iraq and can understand how the arabs feel we've invaded their land, I think it is also fair to say that the Islamic radicals declared war on the West perhaps even long before 9/11.

Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000 (WP)

Study: War blamed for 655,000 Iraqi deaths (

'Huge rise' in Iraqi death tolls (BBC)

3 million dead. For what?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by sb2012
so far we killed 655.000+ civilians or 500 daily.

that's bunk. Almost all the civilian deaths in that area are caused by those from that area and/or the insurgents. AND that number is inflated.

They are killing each other , they always have and they always will.

Also - Saddam and his regime killed many more than that.

Originally posted by GiantPanda1979
Hasn't Islam always been at war with any religion other than Islam?

That's the truth. Radical Islam is at war with the rest of the world.
Not the other way around.

[edit on 6/19/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:52 AM
Yes they are killing each other after 2003 because US and UK troops created false flag attacks and balkanized whole region, find links/info for yourself, i have no time for people who justify killing of innocent children.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
find links/info for yourself,

That's not how it works. YOU make a statement .. therefore YOU have to back it up. You haven't backed it up .. and you can't.

i have no time for ...

That was an innacurate thing to say. 'justify killing innocent children' eh?
So pointing out the errors of your statement equals 'justifying killing innocent children' ... :shk:

[edit on 6/19/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:41 PM
I have said repeatedly, and I stay by my stance, that this is an attempt by the Islamic and Christian religions to renew the crusades. They want to try to regain the power that they perceive that they have lost in this world.

Organized religion is dimming quickly and part of the reason is because it has always been used as a method of control over the masses. People are tired of being told how to live their life by a bunch of people who don't know anymore about God or his plan for humanity than the ones that they so "righteously" talk down to.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:32 AM
SB2012 your whole post is trolling. You make an inflamatory comment to bait people and then run away when you can't stand and argue the facts.

Most of these people were killed by islamic insurgents... Not US troops.

i have no time for people who justify killing of innocent children.

Who are you accusing ?

Nobody here justifies it. I certainly don't support children being killed by Improvised explosive devices planted by Jihadis.

You obviously have nothing else to add because you wont stay and debate the issue.

Actually Islam blames Christians and talk about the infidel Crusaders, but actually the crusades came after Islam invaded Spain in 711.

I am neither Christian nor Jewish, but it's an inconvenient truth for islam that the site of the Al Axa mosque in jerusalem was holy to Judaeism and Christianity long before the birth of their prophet.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 05:01 AM
No, its just one of those threads you open and then you are sorry there is no Delete Thread button. I know Iraq was peaceful before 1991 and yes, they had bad government, but nothing like this mess today. That's a verifiable fact.

There was no ethnic cleansing between Iraqis and nobody bombed children with smart bombs. After 1991 they let Saddam back in and then put sanctions in place, like they couldn't talk to him. He was not that intelligent anyway. Sanctions killed more than 500.000 children. That's verifiable fact too.

After 2001 and all twisted criminal Zionist propaganda most of uneducated people supported the war, which is nothing new. Gestapo did exactly same thing and people supported them with joy and happiness. Result: 5,533,000 German soldiers and 1,810,000 civilians dead. That even more than 'official' holocaust number.

So far we killed only 3 million Iraqi, so it's not that bad. You want me to stay in debate... OK, what should we debate? How many bunkers incredible nuclear low-yield bombs can take out? How innocent is Israel and how bad Arabs are? How many children are born dead or disfigured because of Depleted Uranium weapons? Google for it, i won't, because i just had lunch.

Some people will justify war and killings no matter what you tell them. Of course all this changes if FOX or CNN tells them something without any proof, just a bit of scare propaganda, and they all dance like trained Pavlov dogs.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by GiantPanda1979
Let me ask this, Hasn't Islam always been at war with any religion other than Islam? If they were the world power would they allow anything other than Islam? This won't end, it won't until one side or the other is gone!

I agree, we are at war with Islam, physically and spritually,

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by GiantPanda1979
Let me ask this, Hasn't Islam always been at war with any religion other than Islam? If they were the world power would they allow anything other than Islam? This won't end, it won't until one side or the other is gone!

I agree, we are at war with Islam, physically and spritually,

So please go to some desert with Bibles and Qurans and Talmuds, exterminate each other completely and leave rest of us alone. We can only dream...

Seriously. Imagine for a second this scenario... It relaxes me.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
So please go to some desert with Bibles and Qurans and Talmuds, exterminate each other completely and leave rest of us alone. We can only dream...

Seriously. Imagine for a second this scenario... It relaxes me.

You're not getting it, you don't have to be a christian. It would be great if Jesus was your Savior, but I can't make you believe in Him and I'm not going to kill you because you aren't going to do it.

Islam on the other hand outlaws other religions, kills those who convert from it to other religions. They are seeking to destroy those who don't belong to it. And it is on a course to take over the whole world and make everyone become a part of it, and if you don't you will be killed.

You need to open your eyes to the truth.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by dbrandt]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by dbrandt]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:02 PM
All holy books are full of violence, outdated laws and contradictions. No wonder you hate each other, even if some of you accept Jesus and some Allah. In the end all this hatred will lead to World War 3, as predicted and even planned many times.

This is why i said to go to some desert and carry out Armageddon plans. Because i feel sorry for all the people who don't want to be involved and will die because of old books and fools who can't realize they all believe in same God.

I accept Satan as my savior.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
All holy books are full of violence, outdated laws and contradictions.

they all believe in same God.

I accept Satan as my savior.

I am concerned with the Bible. As far as outdated laws in the Bible, alot of mankind thinks they outdated which is why we have alot of our problems. The violence listed in the Bible is there for examples and lessons to us in today's world and as far as contradictions, there are none if a person seeks to uncontradict them.

Jesus and "allah" are not the same. allah also is not a god or God.

You need to really get a grasp of what your last statement means.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by sb2012
All holy books are full of violence, outdated laws and contradictions.

they all believe in same God.

I accept Satan as my savior.

I am concerned with the Bible. As far as outdated laws in the Bible, alot of mankind thinks they outdated which is why we have alot of our problems. The violence listed in the Bible is there for examples and lessons to us in today's world and as far as contradictions, there are none if a person seeks to uncontradict them.

Jesus and "allah" are not the same. allah also is not a god or God.

You need to really get a grasp of what your last statement means.

Hm, a bit weird way to teach us with clear instruction about stoning, raping, killing (even children) and burning people. I am not making it up, it's in Old Testament. Same in Quran and Torah.

According to Holy Qu'ran Jesus is a prophet, like Muhammad. But i know Christians would never accept that. Or believe Egyptian Pharaohs were also God incarnated. People believed it back then just as much as you believe Jesus was God in flesh.

All this creates a lot of violent conflicts, because each religion wants to force others to accept it. Makes me wonder, who really inspired those books.

About last statement, no worries, it's just the fact i accept Satan as my savior. Just like people accept Jesus. Or Krishna or Flying Spaghetti Monster.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
Hm, a bit weird way to teach us with clear instruction about stoning, raping, killing (even children) and burning people. I am not making it up, it's in Old Testament.

I know you are not making it up, I read the Bible. As far as some of the Old Testament things that are hard to understand and grasp mentally, I know some of the answers but not all of them.

The world was extremely bad when God called out Abraham to be the beginnings of Israel. The tribes were told that they would have to be extremely diligent towards God or the pull of evil nations around them would cause them to seek evil also. Some of these things God told them to do were meant to show how horrible sin is. And as the Bioble states Israel didn't follow God wholeheartedly but alot of the time followed the evil of the world.

Another reason whole nations were wiped out was because some of these other nations were still infected with the problem of Genesis chapter 6(they were nations that were still offspring of the fallen angels who intermarried human women).

But let's look at the other side of things back then for a moment. Rahab, a prostitute, and her family were spared when the Israelites destoyed her town.

Ruth, from Moab, a group of people whose beginning ancestor was the offspring of Lot getting his daughter pregnant, was also spared.

And both of these women are in the human lineage side of Jesus Christ.

Yah, there are some rough things in the Old Testament, but there is also alot of grace there.

And no one will ever understand everything this side of eternity, but some answers can be found if you look for them. One of the things anyone alive today should be thankful for is that you were born on this side of the cross.

Guess I missed something, nowhere in the Bible does God tell anyone to rape someone or burn them. Those events are in the Bible but God didn't tell people to do them.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by dbrandt]

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