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Loose Change working with 9/11 Perps

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:19 PM
It's sad but true. They've banned all discussion on TV Fakery so they can promote dead-end theories. They've now banned all of the top 9/11 researchers including Killtown, Genghis, Andrew Lowe Watson.

It's a disgrace.

[edit on 2-6-2007 by bsregistration]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:05 PM
So ... your point, here, is that all media coverage of the day's happenings are a result of hijacked airwaves and "TV fakery". (?)

OR, was it only a chosen few media outlets that participated in said "TV fakery"? [which would in effect nullify the possibility for such]

As an open-minded individual, I'm not dismissing the possibility of such however far-fatched it would seem, but I do have to admit that it's about the most outlandish and ridiculous "theory" I've seen/heard yet. If it's even worthy of being considered a "theory".
Honestly .... but, that's just me.

Do I believe the 9-11 Commission or NIST Report in their entirety? No.
Do I believe there's been absolute transparency throughout the various investigatons and reporting surrounding the events of that fateful day? No.

Do I think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that the videos you've shown demonstrate proof of "TV fakery", or even the potential for such? Absolutely Not.

In all honesty, and this is only My opinion, if your purpose in coming here was to shine light on or draw attention to the contents of those videos and the "fact" of TV fakery, then I have to admit that you chose your monicker well.

All the best, bsregistration, but I think I'll pass on this one.


posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
So ... your point, here, is that all media coverage of the day's happenings are a result of hijacked airwaves and "TV fakery". (?)

Yes, they all switched to military feeds and the supposedly live footage is all cut-and-pasted together.

OR, was it only a chosen few media outlets that participated in said "TV fakery"? [which would in effect nullify the possibility for such]

No, the military information warfare specialists brought down a "cone of silence" over the media.

As an open-minded individual, I'm not dismissing the possibility of such however far-fatched it would seem, but I do have to admit that it's about the most outlandish and ridiculous "theory" I've seen/heard yet. If it's even worthy of being considered a "theory".
Honestly .... but, that's just me.

Yes, because you're a brainwashed sheep who is deliberately trying to mislead others and you're impervious to proof being handed to you.

Do I believe the 9-11 Commission or NIST Report in their entirety? No.
Do I believe there's been absolute transparency throughout the various investigatons and reporting surrounding the events of that fateful day? No.

Trying to build up your credibility.

Do I think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that the videos you've shown demonstrate proof of "TV fakery", or even the potential for such? Absolutely Not.

Because you're trying to suppress the evidence.

In all honesty, and this is only My opinion, if your purpose in coming here was to shine light on or draw attention to the contents of those videos and the "fact" of TV fakery, then I have to admit that you chose your monicker well.


All the best, bsregistration, but I think I'll pass on this one.

Do as you please. The genie is out of the bottle and it's all downhill from here.

[edit: fixed quote tags]

[edit on 2-6-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:38 PM

as a "super moderator", your post is very suspicious. You come into a thread, one which hasn't even got started yet, and give your "opinion" on the OP..

I can only describe what i see, and i see a blatent attempt to try and tarnish the thread before it even gets off the ground. You didn't actually comment on what he posted to us, you merely gave an "overall opinion", which was in essence, a jab at the theory of no-planes.

You mite think your status/reputation can be used as a tool to mislead people, but you don't fool me.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:52 PM
I'm not looking to mislead Anyone. As I clarified in my initial post, "in My opinion", that's all. If you or anyone else feels different, then Please feel free to post such. I'm a member first, as are we all. no?

In my opinion, the supposed "TV fakery" theory is rife with errors and "debunks" itself with the very "sources" put forth to support such.

As for your interpreting my response as somewhat generalized and dismissive, it was intended as just that. I see no credibility in the "no planes" theory nor that which is purported in the linked videos, BUT that's just me.

[edit: to add]
ATS UserId#: 52052


[edit on 2-6-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Well I can see Loose Change's point really. If, and that is a very big if, all TV footage was faked or believed to be faked then LC which depends of that footage to make its point would also be based in fakes. Since LC would be completely discredited in a way that no professional debunker could do in their wildest wet dream. And sense LC is the gateway drug to the higher realms of Conpiracy Theory, places where energy beams and holograms come from, then the entire Truth Movement would be in jeapordy of being debunked. Well except that part about the government did it, since we have TV Fakery to follow. Except it is pretty easy to debunk too. Just takes real witnesses to say yeah, the day looked just like that. Smoke is like I remeber it. Planes coming in like I remember it. If the military broadcasts were off too much, then 1000's of mad New Yorkers (is here any other kind) would have been all over that. Not nearly six years later, but right from 9/12 onward.

12make if your member number is 52052, reverse it and drop the zero and it become 2525. Like the theme song for the the year 2525. Pretty actresses, lame show but not everything Sam Rami touched turned to gold.

Oh, and using jump cut edits in your youtube films, doesn't really prove a whole lot of things other than you might be editing out information that doesn't help support your theory. It would be like a video of Bush saying " There is no way that this was an inside job done by the govenment." And you cut out the bolded part and used it as proof the gov't did it.

[edit on 2-6-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:08 PM

Fine ladies and gentlemen of Above Top Secret this poster appears to be none other than Nico Haupt, also known as "Ewing2001." (Hello Nico, you became quite angry with me at an evening gathering not too long ago.)

A broad sampling of fine folk that ranges from raging actives, through refined alternative writers, to dedicated conspiracy debunkers concur that Mr. Haupt is likely a genuine Counter Intelligence Professional.

His "theories" are the absolute worst to be seen. They are contrivances of the most laughable order, specifically designed to solicit laughs.

His methods are replete with projectiles of anger-launched spittle and furrowed brows. Purposefully, the absolute worst representation of a "truth seeker".

His targets for baseless accusations of "COINTELPRO" amount to anyone who disagrees with him. And you achieve a special place of honor when he shouts it into your face, mere inches away (as he did me). The classic tactic of historically confirmed Counter Intelligence Programs.

Dear Nico, you have wandered into the den of those who will not be fooled. Leave now before your fading reputation is utterly shattered and laid waste for the entire Internet to see. Perhaps you can cut your losses, and your handlers won't notice.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Lol. OK, I'll be Nico Haupt, and you can be Mrs. Haupt. Let's play tea. Would you like a cup of tea, Mrs. Haupt?

Mrs Haupt, please enlighten us as to the fine detective work you did to make such a boneheaded and stupid posting.

Originally posted by

Fine ladies and gentlemen of Above Top Secret this poster appears to be none other than Nico Haupt, also known as "Ewing2001." (Hello Nico, you became quite angry with me at an evening gathering not too long ago.)

A broad sampling of fine folk that ranges from raging actives, through refined alternative writers, to dedicated conspiracy debunkers concur that Mr. Haupt is likely a genuine Counter Intelligence Professional.

His "theories" are the absolute worst to be seen. They are contrivances of the most laughable order, specifically designed to solicit laughs.

His methods are replete with projectiles of anger-launched spittle and furrowed brows. Purposefully, the absolute worst representation of a "truth seeker".

His targets for baseless accusations of "COINTELPRO" amount to anyone who disagrees with him. And you achieve a special place of honor when he shouts it into your face, mere inches away (as he did me). The classic tactic of historically confirmed Counter Intelligence Programs.

Dear Nico, you have wandered into the den of those who will not be fooled. Leave now before your fading reputation is utterly shattered and laid waste for the entire Internet to see. Perhaps you can cut your losses, and your handlers won't notice.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:23 AM
For comparison, here's work from Nico.

I hope you enjoy it, Mrs Haupt.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:28 AM
More Nico

Google Video Link

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by bsregistration
Mrs Haupt, please enlighten us as to the fine detective work you did to make such a boneheaded and stupid posting.

Nico is the only person who still pretends to believe his contrivances.

Nico is actively engaged in promoting and digging his work via the use of alternative identities.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:32 AM
lol. Whatever you say Mrs Haupt!

Here's Dylan Avery lying and attempting to discredit Killtown. For shame! Media Darling Perp Protector Exposed. Check out his supposed "facts" for yourself, and then ask why it's so important to him to protect CNN? Think a $25 million movie deal might have something to do with his desire to protect 9/11 perps? It's fun for Dylan to make up stories, tell lies about Killtown, and send people in all directions. Loose Change sold out a long time ago.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:34 AM
If I don't like your "Conspiracy Fakery", Nico Haupt, that does not automatically translate to mean I like the Loose Change "Conspiracy Tycoons".

Typical of your tired tactics, Nico.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:39 AM
What bothers me is ANYONE who calls someone a "brainwashed sheep" for disagreeing with them... personal attacks demean your claims, which have no merit.

You have chosen your ATS moniker wisely, because so far you've presented nothing but...

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Wow that's funny beyond words.

Trust the truth movement too label anyone who doesn't follow their new ideas as being paid off.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:56 PM
The reason they wouldn't include Killtown, I'd imagine, are because of some of his ridiculous theories. I wouldn't want to be associated with them either. But that doesn't make him completely irrelevant, just partially.

And from that point of view, its kind of damaging if they were to include him because then people might look to attack other areas of interest he's covered and manipulate his ideas.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:47 PM
My question is, why have you made 4, yes 4 flipping posts about basically the same thing. I mean, even the n00biest of n00bs to ATS can figure out that you can have a much more successful thread by adding this additional "information" to the original post. You know, give it some "depth".

I am very very disappointed in the OP's "claims". It's very hard for me to wrap my head around this, especially when there are 3 other posts that basically blab about the same thing.

Hmmm hope this guy isn't coming here to try and discredit/make a mockery of this community of ours.

I turn my nose up to you sir. Good day!


[edit on 3-6-2007 by DrOOpieS]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:28 PM
I have not seen loose change but to claim that they have dis info purposes just because they didn't showcase your theory bsregistration, is very low to say the least.

For all you know, they aren't even aware of the aspects of your theories...

Dis info is that terrorists hijacked planes, that's dis info.....

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 04:01 PM
Im still shocked by the response of people to this theory! Ive never witnessed so many people denying a theory so quickly.. i understand how crazy the no plane idea sounds, but the thing is, no one has actually presented a decent rebutal to it.. apart from the standard "thousands saw it live", "thousands saw it on TV"..

I think alot of "truthers" need to wake up for a second time, and realise that the truth movement itself has been co-opted by guys like JonesnJones and Loose Change.

People need to realise that the people who commited 9/11 are smart guys, and that alot of the truth movement has become very arrogant and attached to certain ideas/theories. This is no accident.

"Divide and Conquer"... "Smoke and Mirrors"... two phrases one should ALWAYS bear in mind when truth seeking.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Im still shocked by the response of people to this theory! Ive never witnessed so many people denying a theory so quickly.. i understand how crazy the no plane idea sounds, but the thing is, no one has actually presented a decent rebutal to it.. apart from the standard "thousands saw it live", "thousands saw it on TV"..

How is thousands of people seeing the planes hit not a decent rebuttle? I think it proves beyond a doubt that there were planes and they hit the towers. Or were these thousands of people all dis info agents or brainwashed?

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