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MySpace Truncated Your Password to 10 Characters

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posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 08:07 AM
I really thought people on this forum would have better morals and ethics than to use myspace.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by stopthenwonow]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Wanna know how people get hacked on Myspace? They aren't hacked, they give out their information freely and legitimately. They go to some Myspace profile website that offers to insert the profile codes into their profile and it asks for username and password. So instead of them copying and pasting the codes themselves they have them do it and not only do they place the code in for you, they also take over your web page as well.

This is exactly how people get hacked. When people click on a link it redirects them to another page and they don't pay attention to the URL address and they enter their user and pass. They use sites such as to assist with this.

But now, Myspace has included some niffty tricks where they have imbedded "msplinks" to filter outgoing links posted in MySpace comments. Good for the myspace communit, not so much for the so called "hackers"

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 06:13 AM
link is one of the many features of the internet2 currently being beta tested, when i first saw the internet2 thing, i knew right away this is a coming reality for most current internet users, after all, we all remember them aol jokes from the early days of the net, i had a fellow tell me that aol is kind of like a private internet, they do not allow questionable websites to be listed at their search engine, and well, there is a lot more, but, my point with aol, myspace, and internet2

the aol infrastructure will be easily 'copied' for those of the new internet2 as the ptb realized most aol users sit around lol'n each other and sayin yo and stuff like that, along came myspace, and the regular internet users jumped on bigtime, surely you know of the vid at youtube where they showed the myspace if being a country yadayada.....

so, this internet 2 will basically be a really large combo version of as most net users are only into looking at vids, checkin emails, chattin and of course pornin.... internet2 will not allow forums such as this, and certainly will not allow people to inform each other as to what various governments are doing to us and others, oh that's right, gwb just made another law saying 'thou shalt not protest my right to do as i please'

and of course what better way to ensure no one protests, give them all dig-id's and and then carefully watch what they say etc, oh yeh, look to china, they apprently have a pretty good team of watchers, somewhere around 40000 the last time i read... of course they probably use them smart computer programs to help filter all them instant lol chats etc....

ah it don't mean nothing anyway, i strongly feel this 2012 pole shift thing is gonna change everything we know of today.... and in the meantime, i got plenty better things to do then sit around myspace page and checkin out other people who are checkin out other people who are checkin....

besides, who needs myspace, we got this space here right? right? ATS! At This Space!!!

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Interesting, I love the Stalker story read, GOOD one!

My password is exactly 10 digits which was done at random with odd variations of words numbers and fictional information, Never use a password that has items that EVERY other person uses like apple42090 or A1p2p3l4e5 Wpuld be cool if yeah had to use something.

I love incryption I think its clever. 0U812 lol

934 758768 2636674 nd837dg3 dg7g38hdh83ghhs gy6rg7gh3jdyg2j78tgdh3h87dh hg7ydgh3h7dghj347dgh2u77rjj88gfjj4378egsh '

My Yahoo Password. lol

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