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"I Helped The U.S. Army Plan The 9/11 Attacks" (HOAX?)

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Flyingdog5000

Who? I didn't see a "Grillfire" in this thread.

And did the study also include how to convince 19 Arab men, who don't like the United States, to cooperate with US authorities and commit suicide in this endevor?


First of all, it's enlisted men, not "Enlistedmen" as your website says, sergeants are also enlisted men, not a seperate class as your site implies.

That's your contribution? An attack on spelling? BTW, you spelled "endeavor" wrong.

Next, you describe yourself as a DOD Federal Agent. Hmmm. What part of DOD did you work for, IG's office, SecDef, Joint Chiefs, anybody??? You can't have been CID because you would have said so. Who was your boss? What office did you work in? What was the phone number and address of that office? Who else worked there? Do you have any family members that will corroborate your whereabouts during that time?

Fair questions. I look forward to the answers.

Finally, your list of supporters doesn't seem to include a single comment in actual support of your comical tale.


F-Dog, if I may, you've been registered to this site for a week and a half, why did THIS thread get you out of your armchair and into posting? Just curious.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:23 PM
I wonder also why some may see very eagle to attack the source without taking the time to analize the story.

This information should be of interest to people that has dedicated their time and efforts around the 9/11 conspiracy, not some that just don't like to read what this thread is offering to the ones that listen.

If is a hoax it will be debonked just like other threads has been but meanwhile is worth to read and think.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I wonder also why some may see very eagle to attack the source without taking the time to analize the story.

The negative comments are from those who are analyzing the source .. which goes to the heart of the validity of the story.

When people see things that don't add up or that don't 'look right' .. they are going to speak up. That's what you are seeing here.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by RavenWolf
The question has been raised as to how this man could have known Clinton would be president one day.
Well, I do have a thought about that.

In the months that I've been helping my friend research the Masons, I have read a great deal about their stranglehold on the US govt. I even read a VERY long article by a newswriter about how Bush was a member of "Skull & Bones" as a college student, but that, unlike the other members, he was so unfocused and not taking it seriously that he never picked a new "name" for himself, which had been the custom for hundreds of years. Groups such as these are very influencial in dictating who becomes president. I mean... think about it, people. How else do you explain the legal loophole that allows a man to become president who did not get the most votes? They can't loose when they're holding all the cards (some of which are up their sleeves!)

SNIPwhile making important decisions about world domination.

About this guys story........I would believe anything out of our government anymore, especially after being subject to a dirty bunch of FBI, CIA, Secret Service people online who have ruined my life and I have pretty much given up on anything ever being done. I have been going through my ordeal 3 years now, there are a bunch of feds involved as well as employees from large corporations..I was a whistleblower in a Medicare fraud and Public Corruption case.

I have come to the conclusion that when citizens (government or private sector) witness crimes.........they should NOT report it. Ultimately, we are going to have to form our own underground network. It is as simple as that. The United States government has become the biggest terrorist of its own people and people around the world. I think you are going to see a lot of military and federal agents start turning against them because they are feeding their own to the wolves now.

Mod edit: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 22-5-2007 by sanctum]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

The negative comments are from those who are analyzing the source .. which goes to the heart of the validity of the story.

No really Flyers at least you have taken the time to quote, but some just make their nasty comments and that's it.

You know that this will be disected very soon but it should be within a good and interesting debate not with just one line comments.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:44 PM
I'm just concerened as to the fact that I flagged this thread before any discrepancies were given, as I supposed, to be submitted to a newsletter, the 'facts' would have been researched?

I'm neither here nor there though, and will learn from this no doubt.

Interesting none the less, I'm intigued...

edit- I realise I did'nt flag it actually.

[edit on 22-5-2007 by Xeros]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:46 PM
His affidavit have people by their names, now what I will like to know is if he has been sue for false statements by any of the people he has name.

Also any of the information he has given can be researched.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Nobusuke Tagomi

A product of the more relaxed security enjoyed in the 1970's, perhaps? It's probably nothing, but does this seem a bit strange to anyone else?

The same flight school in Florida that the hijackers were allegedly trained at was busted for drug smuggling before 9/11, and this kind of stuff was big in the 80's with the CIA bringing it in and then later using other agency's planes, so I would not at all be surprised.

Remember that the same security company that worked the WTC, Securacom, was working those airports too, if I remember correctly.

Actually, here's more accurate info on Securacom:

And on the connections between the Florida flight school, heroin trafficking, and Jeb Bush:

[edit on 22-5-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:50 PM
I just have to ask if the op helped plan 9/11....why isnt anyone calling for his head?? impeach bush..drag them into the streets...throw them in prision is all i hear from people usually regarding the admin. But this guy claims to have known all along and didnt say a word? And he gets applause from those same people??

If it is true and he helped or had knowledge of the attacks prior why is no one here at ATS calling for his head?

[edit on 5/22/2007 by Prove_it]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:52 PM
Mr McNiven, forgive me if I have not fully digested your message here. Before I continue I have a few questions and comments for you.

Mods, I apologize for the long quotes, but these are long sentances to address.

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
I like to point out to people that US Attorney General John Ashcroft, who was one of the Lawsuit's Defendants, did not have me arrested, or even questioned about my committing the US Federal Felony of impersonating a US Federal Agent when I testified before US Federal Court that, in fact, I am a US Federal Agent for the US Defense Department.

You had stated that you were a cpl in the U.S. Army. It seems there is a progression of your career that I have missed. How did you rise to the position of US Federal Agent?

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
which makes my US Defense Department US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information- the only US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information (that which has come from US Government Departments or Agencies), to be "Publicly Confirmed" to be true by the US Government.

No. Ashcroft's perceived affirmation that you are who you say you are, has zero effect on the validity of your 9/11 information. It is completely unrelated. The trial you reference also had nothing to do with 9/11.

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
do you have a higher US Government legal opinion than the US Attorney General's Office, under US Attorney General John Ashcroft, on whether or not I told the Truth when I Testified in US Federal Court, that in fact I am a US Federal Agent and a US Federal Law that gives you this higher US Government legal opinion? Not one Democrat has answered this question or had any further contact with me.

No-one answers that question because the question is rather hollow. To what extent does Ashcroft's affirmation that you are an Agent provide his affirmation of your 9/11 information? It is illogical.

You may quell this concern by providing a letter from Ashcroft stating his support of your 9/11 information, rather than stretches and connotations.

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
I have also been given the written support of the Canadian Government that what I say about the US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information is true over

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
it also has been given the written support of the Canadian Government through its highest military representative

This is what troubles me the most. You consider a letter from an assistant in McCallum's office as "written support of the Canadian government" when quite clearly the assistant was simply acknowledging receipt of your letter and nothing more.

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
Is the reason that Bush did not go after Mr.McCallum the way he went after the 'German woman Government Official' because he knew he would lose the US Government's closest Military Ally, Canada, on the issue of US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information?

You speculate about the U.S. President "going after" Mr McCallum simply because of your letter? Pure fantasy.

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
United States Defense Department Intelligence Investigative Office Supervisor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense,
Timothy S. McNiven

You stated you were a cpl. in the US Army. Then you stated to us you are a Federal Agent. And now your signature line. I am most confused, can you be clear about who and what you are, and how that progressed?

Originally posted by Timothy S. McNiven
My website

I have looked at your website. Unfortunately the letter of 'support' from Gov. Ventura is an automated email response . . .

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:56 PM
thanks for sharing

i enjoyed reading it...

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:22 PM

I would very welcome if you create and use an own avatar icon and resist from useing mine.

Just read the affidavid.
I guess you do not have contact to the 'one participant (nameless?) who's face you did not see during the study' or have his calculation somewhere that you can show us, do you? That 'one participant calculation' sounds very unbeliveable to me. So can you show us his or her calculations?
(I guess NIST/FEAM would be interested in that calculations also.)

+17 more 
posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:32 PM
Well, on his site he has these pics:

Aren't they the samne pic? THAT's the photo you choose for a government ID?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by IrvingTheExplainer
Well, on his site he has these pics:

Aren't they the samne pic? THAT's the photo you choose for a government ID?

Well, that decides it for me. As much as I wanted to believe this story I find it most likely to be a hoax/attention-seeking/disinfo... Apart from the picture, the issue date on the clearence is Dec. 2004. I got the impression you were nlo longer working for D.O.D at that time?! Anyway, I am waiting fr some real quality reply from OP answering all the issues dicovered by members so far... Otherwise, thank you for wasting my time to read your huge (fictional?) post..

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by IrvingTheExplainer
Well, on his site he has these pics:

Aren't they the samne pic? THAT's the photo you choose for a government ID?

Good catch, I missed that when I was looking at his site.

Theres no way thats an official ID.

You don't get to pick what photo is used, they take the photo for you.

Also here is an example of what a real DOD ID card would look like.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by IrvingTheExplainer
Aren't they the samne pic? THAT's the photo you choose for a government ID?

Yes... excellent catch. We had at least eight moderators looking through his site. This should prove interesting. I'd like to hear our author's response.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:01 PM
Mr. McNiven,

A pet theory I've been nursing goes like this: With cold fusion energy slowly creeping in the back doors of physics research, and electrical engineers and others becoming more aware of the terrestrial electromagnetic energy harvesting schemes of Nikola Tesla, which are partly classified by the United States government, it is my belief that major energy companies are making a "last stand" to create and maximize instability in the world's richest oil producing regions. Theoretically, this is so they can reap large profits from beginning to exploit the world's largest oil reserves, which are the shale oil reserves of the western United States, and achieve dominance over the world energy markets with the last great reservoir of fossil fuels, the oil shale and coal reserves of the world's last superpower.

Back around 1999 West Texas shales suddenly became of high interest to energy producing groups, including Halliburton, and communities from there to western Colorado began experiencing an economic boom as companies moved in and began mining. This was in a period, as you may remember, of record low oil prices. Two years after that the planes hit the towers, oil prices began shooting up, and you know the rest.

So I was wondering if you feel those economic factors I mentioned have much to do with the 9-11 attacks, and if and how you believe they might tie in. Also, given the approaching exhaustion of liquid petroleum reserves in some parts of the Middle East, how do you believe these factors will play into Arab ambitions (or frustrations) in the coming decades?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
I'd like to hear our author's response.

I honestly don't think there's going to be one -- at least not one that can explain why his "D.O.D" identification looks about as genuine as those sarcastic examples of use for your photograph that you sometimes see plastered over coin operated photo-booths.

[edit on 22-5-2007 by Nobusuke Tagomi]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:09 PM
Yeah that badge is very suspect. I've had a DoD issued badge since 97. They don't show your access level like that. It's usually based on a color, or in some cased a certain letter on the badge. I don't have a scanner but maybe I can scan it at work sometime. Of course I will have to black out the agency that I work for privacy and security. Who knows what type of stalking i'll get.


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:13 PM
You'd think that the DOD would be able to spell privledges right too. Or is that privileges? Oops?

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