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Are Ouija Boards a Gateway of Evil?

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posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by theboxWalter is in there, smelling the cupboards and closets out. The ‘smell’ wanders the house, sometimes it’s difficult to locate, but it’s always there… How does one go about turning this into tangible evidence?
[edit on 8/6/07 by thebox]

Wow great story.
I used to do it alot.
Did you ask how you will die and when?, i wish i hadn't, could be BS, but i have never forgotten what was said.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Denied

Originally posted by theboxWalter is in there, smelling the cupboards and closets out. The ‘smell’ wanders the house, sometimes it’s difficult to locate, but it’s always there… How does one go about turning this into tangible evidence?
[edit on 8/6/07 by thebox]

Wow great story.
I used to do it alot.
Did you ask how you will die and when?, i wish i hadn't, could be BS, but i have never forgotten what was said.

Yep we asked the usual when and how questions... none of which came to pass. I was supposed to be hit by a red Volkswagen in 2001...

What did it tell you?

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by MrAndy
Since I've never used this though, are you not able to do it by yourself or what?

Of course you can do this by yourself, but many people would advise against it. Personally I have done it by myself before but couldn't establish if it was me that was moving the planchete of my own accord. Difficult to explain, but I moved it in certain directions but it didn't feel as if it was under any control (mine or a spirit). It was just gibberish being spelt and I didn't "feel" any presence as I had amoungst friends. I guess it just didn't feel right for me. But if you wanna try by yourself then knock yourself out

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Denied
Did you ask how you will die and when?, i wish i hadn't, could be BS, but i have never forgotten what was said.

This is what I mean about being responsible with the board. Don't ask daft questions like this, it will mess with your mind!

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by TheObserver
Of course you can do this by yourself, but many people would advise against it. Personally I have done it by myself before but couldn't establish if it was me that was moving the planchete of my own accord. Difficult to explain, but I moved it in certain directions but it didn't feel as if it was under any control (mine or a spirit). It was just gibberish being spelt and I didn't "feel" any presence as I had amoungst friends. I guess it just didn't feel right for me. But if you wanna try by yourself then knock yourself out

I think being with 'friends' actually helps. Maybe it channels some extra energy through the board or something...

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:59 AM
When I was a teen, I use to mess about with Ouija boards and the occult.

You name it, I've tried it.

Last time I did a Ouija board was a few years back, I think it was when I was 18 (I'm 21 now). It was REALLY freaky. It messed with our heads so much, it pretend to be me and started spelling out freaky things like "hello gentlemen".."lets chat"

Me and my mate started arguing over who is pushing it, we thought it was one of us messing around. Then it all started. Suddenly the glass moved and said "stop ticking, stop ticking" and the clocked then stopped. We stupidly invited it into our environment (which you should NEVER do). I asked it to do things in the room to prove it was real. Throughout the whole time, something was standing behind me. At one point, we felt something sitting with us around the table and felt another finger on the glass.

Remember, Ouija boards will mess with your head big time. My mate was getting really freaked by it, so we basically burnt the board we made. Afterwards, we couldn't go into the living room. The atmosphere changed in the flat. Something was still there and is still with us till this day. When we talk about it....we feel it in the room with us again.

Now, necromancy. I've messed about with that too. I did a spell, on my own, for a joke. After a while, I was like "this is boring, doesn't work" so I decided to go over my mates. When walking over, I kept hearing something behind me. I was getting scared, so I started speeding up...and so did it. Then I just thought, bollocks to that and started running. Something was running after me. No joke.

The occult is not something to mess around with. As the old saying goes, if you play with fire, you will get burnt.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by TheObserver

Originally posted by Denied
Did you ask how you will die and when?, i wish i hadn't, could be BS, but i have never forgotten what was said.

This is what I mean about being responsible with the board. Don't ask daft questions like this, it will mess with your mind!

In hind sight i know that now.
But only being 14 at the time, i did a lot of daft things.

I personally wouldn't touch a board now, I'm sure many people have made that same mistake as i did.
Certain spirits that we contacted seemed to like to lie and mislead us, but then again we did contact some nice spirits too, we were quite naive about it all.

Now, because i don't fully understand what I'm getting myself into, or how to control it, i would never use one again.

How do you use a board responsibly?
Its not a very clever idea in the first place......

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by infinite
Me and my mate started arguing over who is pushing it, we thought it was one of us messing around. Then it all started.

This is how it started with my group of friends. At 14-15 we were together every evening, so we'd get the Ouija board out pretty much every evening and mess about with it. For months we took the p***. It was blatantly obvious when one of us was moving the glass. It took months of continual messing to make genuine contact. And when this contact was made, there was no finger pointing, we just knew it was real.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by thebox
This is how it started with my group of friends. At 14-15 we were together every evening, so we'd get the Ouija board out pretty much every evening and mess about with it. For months we took the p***. It was blatantly obvious when one of us was moving the glass. It took months of continual messing to make genuine contact. And when this contact was made, there was no finger pointing, we just knew it was real.

we even tested by trying to push it, but when you do, it does not move as smoothly. Plus, its hard to fake it without the whole group being involved.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by infinite
we even tested by trying to push it, but when you do, it does not move as smoothly. Plus, its hard to fake it without the whole group being involved.

Yep we did that too. It's quite funny actually; the difference between knowing it's being faked and the real thing. You just know...

[edit on 11/6/07 by thebox]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:07 PM
OK. After reading each of your posts, I decided to try one of these Ouija boards for myself.

Only thing is, I am totally new to this, and am half-skeptic/half-believer.

I must ask of you, felow ATSers, to help me with my endeavour.

As both as skeptic and a believer, I have to ask the following:


1- Is it truly, positively, all in my head? Before you answer, I want you to put your personal opinions/beliefs aside, along with science/religion. I just want an answer from the paranormal standpoint.

2- If I find nothing to come true or happen at all, then should I be surprised? Once again, opinions/beliefs/science/religion aside.



1- Who, or what will I be communicating with? Demons, or just asshole spirits?

2- Where should I use it? (Someone here posted, advicing us not to use it on our homes, or anyone's)

3- What questions are safe to ask? Mind you, I am fully willing to ask the most dangerous questions, but I might do this with several people, and I am concerned for their safety.


If this thread is still alive by the time I use the Ouija board, then I will try to post proof of it being real/fake.

I am not taking sides in any of this until the end result. I am 100% aethist, but I can also tolerate and co-exist with other people with other views, without having to push my views in their face.

I will only post this last bit:

I can't prove something is real, but I can't prove it's fake. Keep this in mind, everyone. If you can accept this, then you truly are denying ignorance.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:43 PM
I posted the following a long time ago...but this is what happened while I was a kid...not sure why adults would let a kid play with this and not sure why in the heck my school classroom had this as a game to play with...

Several things:
1> My experience - When I was a kid (around 4th grade and up a little), my mom became friends with a lady that was into using the we learned. I watched and I also touched the slider and joined in. We even made a homemade one at our house to use. It all seemed to work.
a> One time, when I was not touching it (at the ladies house) we were all told to clear our thoughts and not think of anything. What did I do, I repeated 'Blank, Blank, Blank' over and over in my head. What did the board spell out (I was not one of the ones touching the slider) spelled BLANK. When it did that, I just said sorry to the lady because I was thinking of it over and over.
b> The other thing I have heard since then is that you are not supposed to do it by yourself (or as stated above it does not work by itself). That is not true as I remember doing by myself and it moving. I would put my fingers very lightly on it and ask and it would move with no one else on it…others thought I was moving it but I was not.
c> There was one last experience that freaked me out but that was with my friends and they said they moved it - I hope they were telling the truth because it spelled ‘in u’ and pointed to me...I got up and ran the mmmppphhh out of there. They laughed and said they moved it (I hope so) but that was enough for me regardless and I have not used it since.

2> Subconscious Moving It Theory (why I do not think so but it may be)
-I like the idea of it being the subconscious and if that were the case I would probably do it again. The reason I do not think this is definitely true is because of the time when I was thinking 'Blank, blank, ...' and the board spelled it out (when it was the lady and others touching the board - not me). So, either I am able to extend my subconscious, or someone else was thinking blank, or something else was picking up on my thoughts and using the board. The fact that I was able to use the board by myself makes me think that the subconscious thing is viable, but again the 'blank, blank...' experience leads me otherwise.

I would like to know how it really works and what it really is too, but I am not sure. Just thought I would add to this with my experiences and my thoughts on the subconscious thing.

ugh...still freaks me

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:20 AM
I believe that the Ouija is a gateway to evil. I am Christian, and I know it's spread everywhere by mainstream Christians that Ouija boards are of Satan. They don't know why sometimes, they just avoid them like the plauge. I don't really want to mess with evil spirits, same with the other Christians, but it's only because I've got evil spirits in my house already. I've had my fair share of whispers every now and then, and just about 2 days of the week I will wake up and look at something that looks like a shadow, but then runs off immediately quick.

One other time I was going through a tour of a college, and I see this lady, staring at me through a window from a pitch-black classroom. The image of her stuck out like a sore thumb, and I could not pay any attention to anything else whatsoever, her presence was so incredibly drawing. I was in a group of about 30-40 people on this tour, and as we passed by this classroom door I looked at her, and we made direct eye contact. But as I looked around to see if anybody else saw this woman, I was surprised to notice that they did not even give her the slightest turn of a cheek. They just kept looking forward. After that incident, I jokingly made the thought that it might have been a ghost, and that nobody else could see it, except for me. I asked some other people if they saw something that was anything like what I saw, and not one of them said anything about it. About 7 months after that, I took the chilling image of that woman, and went into a trance.

I was trying to find out if she was a ghost or not, and I ied to "look" inside the image of this woman, and come to find out the image that I saw when I "looked" into this woman was the image of a jet black figure, with two blood-red dots for eyes. It looked exactly like a demon. With all this expieriance of seeing the paranormal, I now have the ability of clairsentience. I can tell you where all of the ghosts in this house are right now, and can always feel them when they get close. With this warning I shall tell everybody that messing with Ouija boards, asking the spirits inside of it to tell you something, that you may be spewing out demons that inhabit the form of shadows, or whispers. And you asking the Ouija some question, no matter how important, is not risking harming youself or others. Demons that come out of the Ouija can manifest in your house, the house next door, or the house on the other side of town. They can travel wherever they want concerning that. So, just my side of the story and a fair warning.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by A Visioner

1- Who, or what will I be communicating with? Demons, or just asshole spirits?

2- Where should I use it? (Someone here posted, advicing us not to use it on our homes, or anyone's)

3- What questions are safe to ask? Mind you, I am fully willing to ask the most dangerous questions, but I might do this with several people, and I am concerned for their safety.

As a 'believer' in this phenomenon, as in - 'I've had first hand experience', all I can do is tell you what I know.

1. We only ever spoke to one 'being' that identified itself. It claimed to be a 'person'. It didn't classify itself as a 'spirit' or 'ghost' etc. The only other encounter was with a 'being' claiming to be Satan. This wasn't very convincing might I add.

2. Try not to use it home.
We inadvertently awoke several 'beings' that proceeded to haunt my friend's house. I don't think there is such a place as a 'good' place to use it, but out in the wilderness is probably your best bet.

3. Ask it whatever you want. We asked it every question under the sun and lived to tell the tale.

The recurring 'being' we contacted once told us to never leave the board without permission; this can lead to hauntings. And guess what, we left without permission many times before it told us this.

As I've said before, I'm not claiming that the Ouija board was directly responsible for all the oddities surrounding that time but I'm sure it didn't help...


posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by A Visioner
1- Is it truly, positively, all in my head? Before you answer, I want you to put your personal opinions/beliefs aside, along with science/religion. I just want an answer from the paranormal standpoint.

Yes It is truly, positively, all in your head. However that is not to say it is not "real".

2- If I find nothing to come true or happen at all, then should I be surprised?

Nope. Did you fall over the first time you rode a bike? Did that mean that riding a bike was impossible?

1- Who, or what will I be communicating with? Demons, or just asshole spirits?

Who will you be asking for? You wouldn't punch in random numbers into your phone and expect and interesting conversation.

2- Where should I use it?

Inside a conscrated circle.

3- What questions are safe to ask? Mind you, I am fully willing to ask the most dangerous questions, but I might do this with several people, and I am concerned for their safety.

Ask what you wish, but never believe it if it can't be tested.

::edit:: I should clarify that. Ask who you summon something they would know about, or is within it's "powers". For example if you call something that has knowledge of love, it can't answer questions having to to with say health for example.

Originally posted by infinite
The occult is not something to mess around with. As the old saying goes, if you play with fire, you will get burnt.

Or you educate yourself about fire, and get a hot meal.

[edit on 6/13/2007 by Cug]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:07 AM

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 09:57 PM
I have never read such a poorly written piece of fiction in my life. If one word of that is true may the Quija fairy come down and smite me.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Densha82

Though I agree, science acts as a means of understanding the universe, while the idea of god has been used to comprehend things we did not know, science cannot make up the spiritual part of a human being, this necessary part that causes us to ask about existence and the meaning of it (if there is such a thing).

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:18 AM
Yes, yes they are.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by TheObserver

ok well i want to do it myself but my friend says i shouldnt and i could get posessed and all that and i dont know what to think because iv always thougt of it as a talking to the spirits type board

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