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Neurocam ?

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:05 PM
A few years ago in australia there was a "game" called neruo mind ..
they talked about it on art bell once or twice .. basicly
you would sign up on the net and get instructions to do things like
get a bag from some one in the park at a set time and deliver it to some one else.
all the posts i read at the time made it sound fun and kinda odd cuz no one
knew who was running the site or what all the running around was for ..
iv been looking around for the last year or so on the net and cant find anything about it .
just wanted to see if any one here knew anything about it at all ..

oh i guess i should use this to say hey .. im new here and love the site so far ..
one of the few places where people "know" things on both sides of the game.
title edit

[edit on 17/5/07 by masqua]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:11 PM
I know who you mean: Neurocam International .

There are claims its an art by a certain New Zealand artist in Melbourne. However, they deny it and are very cagey about giving out any sort of information as to their "purpose", except in vague terms. This is despite having been around for at least 3 years now. Publically, anyway.

They recently went through what they called "Phase Two", where many of the original operatives who had joined were seemingly laid off. Word is Stage Three is to begin soon, however there has been no official contact from Neurocam International to its members since the end of last year. The website has been updated twice in that time, with two different videos.

If you go to the Wikipedia article on the organization, you will find links that will lead you to blogs, which can tell you far more than I can, and in much more detail. Just watch out, as there is a fair amount of disinformation floated by those who choose to speak about Neurocam openly.

I hope that is of help.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 07:57 PM
And now I'm officially intrigued... gonna do some research on my own and report back here if I find anything noteworthy..

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:55 PM
interesting .. i guess thats it .. tho i could of swor the title or name had something to do with
the mind.

iv been looking around and here are some links i found

LJ group
NC Boards
Another msg Board
operatives advisor

[edit on 5/12/2007 by chibihogoshino]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 07:10 PM
The rabbit hole on this just keeps getting deeper and weirder. I started with those links above, the wikipedia article, and I've been branching out, searching.. I've come across a few interesting blogs (all seem defunct now, as if some kind of a communication silence was ordered over this whole Neurocam business), that seem to implicate some serious weirdness.... even if this is all a scam, I'm too intrigued to let it go now without at least trying to chase down something more concrete.

If anyone wishes to join me in my hunt, the most interesting blog I've come across so far is this:

this guy applied to Neurocam in (roundabouts) june 2004, and was accepted, and so followed over the course of about a year, a flurry of bizarreness and weird communiques. in late 2005, he washed his hands of the whole thing due to some majorly negative attention he was receiving over it, and although the dedicated Neurocam Archive on his blog doesn't work, the information is still there if you're willing to sift through for it (it's a personal life blog, so you need to wade through a great deal of his ramblings about romantic misadventures and his drinking problem to get to the Neurocam stuff, but it's definitely worth the read for anyone who's interested).

He links to a few other bloggers that are heavily involved in it; I've only just finished reading this guy's misadventures, so I'm going to go back and read through the other ones too, to try and get a clearer picture of the story. but there's some serious weirdness here, and I recommend anyone who's the least bit intrigued by this that you do some reading on it.... you'll quickly find yourself up in it, and I could use more pairs of eyes busily searching the internet for anything on this phenomenon.

also, could we maybe get a mod to edit the title of this thread to Neurocam instead of Neuromind so it represents what we're actually discussing, now that we know the name?

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 08:24 PM
found some interesting things with a few choice google searches ..

Phaze 2 Frapper Map
NewroCam Black Report
Neurocam Support ?
posted to a jolt cola forum in the uk ..
first delivery masonic paper ...
this company is linked with NCI (Neuro Cam International) some how ..
Shelly Innocence
here is a shirt .. lol
ill post more when i find it ...

[edit on 5/13/2007 by chibihogoshino]

[edit on 5/13/2007 by chibihogoshino]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:51 PM
as far as i can tell but i dont know why .. they develop your intuition and reasoning skills ..
help you see what is really going on around you and teach you to look under the "normal"
workings of every day life. they would be really good skills to develop .. this is probly
as far as i can think the only way to expand them without joining the gov. unless thats what
this is too .. lol

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 02:30 AM
Still looking into this-- trying to find in-depth stuff instead of just posting a smattering of minor links. nothing to report yet, but I'd encourage everyone again to read the blog I posted above. Once I get some more background I'll link to some of the more important entries from that and the other, related blogs with all this.

just wanted to keep this topic active.... this is just too weird to be some random prank. People don't have THIS much free time, do they?

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:14 AM
I would say this is a statistical thing. Used to gather data about behaviours and information for things like market research and related stuff. It looks weird and unhealthy.

2c Selmer.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Nick Nightstalker
Still looking into this-- trying to find in-depth stuff instead of just posting a smattering of minor links.

its really not a smattering its the most indepth or interesting things i
could find. most of what is out there is just blogs and they dont really
say much .. alot start out with the first mission and then only have
vage references to things. but thats what the nci is like in it self ..
so i guess thats not suprising ..

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:19 AM
That's something I've noticed too. it looks like they've all died out a couple years back, which makes me wonder if there wasn't some call for comm silence or something among operatives. I haven't had much time to look into this today, but when I have a chance, I'm going to start scanning through operative blogs again and I'll post anything I find.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:28 PM
that could of been what part of fase one was about. how much interest
can a group that is kinda underground and in your face with so much as
nothing to sell , get exposure too. part of fase two and three is silence.

i find it odd that they would alow operatives to post anything at all if they
didnt want any one to find out anythng about it. kinda like a human viral
ad for nothing that is something cuz people think it is .. like santa .

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Operatives are not getting replies from Neurocam, currently. As you'd expect, Neurocam runs almost entirely via the Internet, with assignments being issued by email and so on. Very little is done via other forms of communication. For example, telephones seem to only be used by regionally close operatives.

This state of affairs has been going on since December 2006, more or less. Emails still get through to their intended destination, they do not bounce or anything, they just simply are not replied to. This has happened at least once before, in the fall of 2006 and it was claimed this was for "special operations" purposes, so it would seem the blackout was not as complete as it was meant to be (or at least that is what we are meant to believe).

The rumours about Phase 3 started nearly a month ago now. The Melbourne artist I mentioned, Robin Hely, is meant to be bringing out another film linked to Neurocam soon. A rather well known operative, who apparently vanished, gave a message out via a local applicant to Neurocam. Or at least, thats what the applicant claims. Odd messages talking about Neurocam appeared on Portland's craiglist (though this could be the work of rogue elements linked to Neurocam). A new video appeared on the website. Rumours were floated that mentioned you needed to contact current Neurocam operatives in order to join the organization. Things like that, a lot of chatter on the lines, after a few months of dead silence. So things may be gearing up again.

Most of this information is public, however. Its not hard to find, its just a matter of deciding which sources to trust and which are playing with you, in one way or another. Including me, that is. I wouldn't trust me. Check out the sources yourself, come to your own conclusions. Egotript's blog is a good place to start, as well as Graham Henstock's. But remember, that was a while ago, and there were certain things happening then (Yellow 1, Fiat Nox, Iocus Severus) to make it quite exceptional.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 04:48 AM
Exceptional indeed. I just finished reading Graham's blog (I've been occupied by a need to find gainful employment as of late) and was about to post the link to it now (I try not to post a link to anything, no matter how interesting the first bit looks, unless I've read it in it's entirety), and I suppose I still will. I'd also like to re-post Egotript's blog, and bring in another player. they all seem to have some cross-over in their adventures (the three Aussie Amigos of Neurocam, perhaps?). so we have, again: the blog I posted before; to be more exact, we've got this archive, which is the first month Neurocam is mentioned in his blog.

Next, Graham Henstock, AKA Capcoincidence: this one has a great deal more juicy Neurocam bits (in my opinion) but in 2005 it peters out very suddenly (as did his blog in general, for that matter). his first mention of the N-word: is there.

This brings us to 'Xade', who had a VERY active blog, and I'll admit that due to time constraints I haven't had a chance to read through his Neurocam shenanigans just yet, so I'll have to throw myself on the mercy of the court if the stuff in his blog turns out to be not worth the read, but since he's constantly referenced by the above gentlemen, I have a feeling this is worth a gander.

Xade's blog can be found here:, and his first mention of the 'cam, is there, although brief (I believe he officially joins in the next month's archives).

So we've got three rather interesting blogs of activity there. Now, my findings so far from gleaning through them...
We've got the 'cam and Robert Henley, we've got this 'Yellow1' and Iocus Severus (roughly translates from Latin to mean 'the serious joke'), we've got 'Fiat Nox' (Latin for something similar to 'let there be night) and the Nautonier (search me for what THAT means) with it's red octopus.

take a deep breath. just wanted to get all the weirdness out in one go.

Tied to these various organizations, we seem to have Robin Hely, a 'new media' artist who on his website,, has a number of weird hidden camera videos which seem to be 'new age art', some of which reference Neurocam, and many of which reference "Robert Henley" (weirdly similar to Robin Hely, no?).

We've also got 'Shelly Innocence' who's really the alter-ego of a man named Peter Burke (I had a net reference for this, but I can't find it now. it's heavily alluded to on the website though); this interesting pair reside at

Lastly in this procession, we have Jason Maling, who seems to be the inventor of some kind of.. well.. I have no idea what this thing is. It's called 'splint', and here's a quote from the splint website ( "Splint is a navigation device for journeys into the imagination. It is a toy, a tool, and a process for training inventive flexible awareness." Now, maybe I just don't have an 'artistic soul' or whatever, but that makes no sense to me. However, this Jason Maling guy seems to be somehow tied to Neurocam, so he may be relevant. I dunno. take a look at the website, see if any of you can figure this 'splint' thing out.

So to summarize, we have three sort of 'alternate theater' performing artists tied to Neurocam. that combined with the constant references to the book "The Magus" by John Fowles (wikipedia it and you might see the relation) leads me to think that this is all some kind of.. weird.. new-age theater, where the audience and the actors are one, which blurs the line between reality and story, where there is no script, only a start point, and a (sometimes theoretical) end point....

[edit on 17/5/2007 by Nick Nightstalker]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 04:57 AM
Bah. thoughts too long. to finish off what I was trying to say, despite the evidence above, a large part of me still thinks that all the stuff I've read so far is just TOO weird for this to be that simple. That part of me may very well be wrong, but for the time being, I'll continue my research (when time permits) with my mind as open as possible to the eventuality that Neurocam is more than some majorly wonky theater.

One thing that really leads me to think this is that there's no 'smoking gun' on Neurocam, no 'expose' that says "I was a part of Neurocam, they're frauds, this is what it ALL means" in any sort of manner that gives us any reason to believe it (name credibility, evidence, etc) which I find odd, since there are whistle blowers on everything on this planet from the Illuminati on down, so I find it strange that something that was just a whacked out theater company wouldn't have someone exposing them in a definitive manner over the course of several years.

Also, in regards to the links I posted, from what I saw there isn't too much of interest beyond what merits a cursory glance to see the Neurocam similarities at the Shelly and Splint sites, but I recommend that anyone who's interested in all this checks out Robin Hely's site (link above), and watches his videos, because several of them relate directly to this 'Robert Henley' guy who's supposedly a higher up in the 'cam, and the ones that aren't like that seem to be similar to the whole Neurocam experience in that they're some weird form of spycam/interactive theater.

That's all for now, kiddies. Hopefully we can get some others digging on this.. there has to be something juicy out there somewhere.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:08 AM
As you've read the blogs, you likely already know this, but its worth reading some of The Magus by John Fowles as well, for those who have not kept up. Not because its a great book (its very slow in getting to the point, in my opinion), but it does give context to the way Neurocam operates and acts. Especially page 404, which has extra meaning when you think about the links to the Melbourne arts scene.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Kaliayev, I have to ask at this point.. are/were you a Neurocam operative? you seem to know an awful lot for someone who wasn't involved in the organization.

and if you were, would you feel comfortable sharing some of your experiences of the 'cam with us?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:59 AM
what the hell is up with the drag queen shelly?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by jetflock
what the hell is up with the drag queen shelly?

Like I posted above, 'Shelly' is actually a performance artist named Peter Burke. to be honest, I don't really 'get' what they're trying to do there-- having a drag queen selling 'happiness' and whatnot. maybe making a comment on how the rampant commercialism and materialism of society is distracting us from the important things (like happiness), but I don't get why they're using a cross-dresser as their spokesperson.

But then, I don't fully understand much of anything tied to Neurocam.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:53 PM
All I can say is...this is why I joined ATS! This is a full-blown conspiracy my friends and I for one am on board. I did find some of the blogs a bit...uh...strange to say the least. Yet from what I can tell it seems like this Robert Henley fellow may be into some type of "Truman-Show" idealism.

When "Graham" recieved their first "mission" was to go to a billboard and spray paint it with a "Neurocam is .......", the first thing that came to my head was:"He is videotaping some of these so-called missions and using it as a huge human experiment to see if he can basically control people to do his whim." It seems a bit weird but it's only a theory not an answer.

Great work you guys....flagging this for sure.


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