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The Driver Shot JFK : REVISITED

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 04:20 PM
I tired of people pointing to the reflection on the passengers head! That's not where the gun is!

William Cooper miss analyzed the video but was telling the truth!

I re cut his video to correct this

What does everyone think?

mod edit, format links

[edit on 10-5-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I think that the guy who run the operation have come public and there was no driver shooter. That's it. His son released a part of the tape 2 weeks ago... and the remain of the tape will be public soon enough describing the whole operation.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:32 PM
That doesnt rule out the driver. E Howard Hunt didn't say ANYTHING about the secret service so I doubt he would have known about the fail safe. The driver was there to guarantee JFK died. If JFK got out of the kill zone alive after an attempt was made. ALL the conspirators would be in deep $h!t. So they made sure that wouldn't happen .

They controlled all the media so there was little risk of the driver being exposed. Besides its so hard to believe, who would buy it without absolute proof?

[edit on 10-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by The_Driver_Shot_JFK
That doesnt rule out the driver. E Howard Hunt didn't say ANYTHING about the secret service so I doubt he would have known about the fail safe. The driver was there to guarantee JFK died. If JFK got out of the kill zone alive after an attempt was made. ALL the conspirators would be in deep $h!t. So they made sure that wouldn't happen .

They controlled all the media so there was little risk of the driver being exposed. Besides its so hard to believe, who would buy it without absolute proof?

[edit on 10-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

I think you have a couple mistaken impressions or assumptions.

If they had been in control enough to have SS complicity in the event then they'd have either
a) built a device into the upholstery that could fire into JFK. No need to have a head shot if you use poison
b) done the deed in a less populated area

Though they didn't plan on Z filming it, I think there's some aspect of 'sending a message', i.e. we did it right out in the open and there's nothing you could do about it. This reins in LBJ somewhat too, since he knew they could turn on him if he crossed the wrong people.

Plus that's pretty darn crude - having to resort to the driver to turn around and fire a large caliber handgun while driving and hit the guy in the head as a backup plan.

Why didn't everyone in the car go deaf? Try going out in the desert with a convertible with some friends, take a .45 and then while driving down the road in a safe unpopulated area and then fire a shot out the back from the driver's position and try to hit a milk jug on a stick in the back seat. And see if everyone can keep from flinching, let alone jumping out of the car. It's kinda silly, besides being too crude and not a high percentage shot. (Plenty of stories of police being fired on point-blank with handguns and the perp missing).

Why the hang up on the driver? I mean it's almost a given that Greer was in on it to some level. He actually was smiling when he left the courthouse after testifying, he braked to nearly a full stop and kept looking back to make sure the shots hit. Does it further your research to 'prove' the driver did it or are you just trying to show you have keen powers of obser-ma-vation?

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Actually, if you're interested in the driver, a more productive line of research might be finding out why the presidential limo allegedly came to a full stop after it sped through the underpass. According to some researchers, they stopped for about 30 seconds, ostensibly to argue about the best route to a hospital.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:53 PM
If the driver shot JFK, then how did he manage to shoot a bullet hole in the FRONT windscreen?

Sorry, but the driver did not kill JFK. However, it is evident that he WAS part of the conspiracy, by the fact that he immediatly sped up AFTER jfk recieved the final fatal headwound, and that he was driving under the minimum speed limit for a presidential convoy/that scenario.

Again, the driver did not shoot jfk. The fatal headshot came from the grassy knoll.. do you really think all those public citizens ran towards the grassy knoll just for fun? No, they heard exactly where the shot came from, and tried to catch the assassin.

The driver did not kill JFK, end of story. Oh, and the fact that your username is "the driver killed JFK" is hardly very sly.


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:54 PM
Badge01 asked

"If they had been in control enough to have SS complicity in the event then they'd have either
a) built a device into the upholstery that could fire into JFK. No need to have a head shot if you use poison
b) done the deed in a less populated area "

"Why didn't everyone in the car go deaf?"

The gun was gas powered so the noise would be relatively low. The toxin may have been used to guarantee a kill even if the wound isn't fatal. The exploding pellet filled with shell fish toxin probably made some noise this might be why Jakie tried to escape the car.

If they used just the driver they couldn't use the lone nut pastie and there would be too may questions. And a gun built into the seat? What is he sits some where else. Come on guys your not even trying to make it fit your just
acting like It could not happen. With that attitude the drive is perfect since you would never believe it. That is unless it was caught on tape!

shrunkensimon asked
"If the driver shot JFK, then how did he manage to shoot a bullet hole in the FRONT windscreen?"

I've heard that that there was a hole in the windshield but I'm not sure can it be substantiated at this point.

Say what you want the jpg and the animated gif is all I really need after William Cooper's video. He may have been pointing to a reflection but I think after seeing the video on Image of an Assassination(released by the the Zap ruder family) Its clear he was telling the truth just misinterpreted the blurry video and got stuck on the refection. Its like miss direction your not even looking for it so it doesn't exist.


[edit on 10-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:11 PM
OK, I thought you were postulating a .45 as the weapon, though you did post the vid about the tetrodotoxin. My bad.

Again, too many tasks for the poor driver and too much depending on accuracy in a moving vehicle, too much dependent on timing. Why not give the job to the passenger - Livingston?

I think if you had a good copy of the Z-film and not Cooper's 3rd or 4th gen copy you'd see there's really no 'object' in the driver's hand.

Don't you think that if he was firing a gas powered close range weapon he would have a miniature, maybe even like a tube, not a 'gun-shaped object'?

What I was getting at with the weapon in the upholstery is that it's more subtle and leaves no visual clues. If they had the SS in full compliance, they'd have been able to 'shoot' him at the same time as the assassin's shot, and tied it to an easily removable electronic so the driver could just press a button or something subtle.

I mean imagine that you are given the job. You'd feel like everyone was looking at you turn and shoot him. People don't realize that it depends highly on the observer and distractions. But you'd have to take the shot and not disturb Nellie and John, too. Don't you think they'd have noticed something funny, sitting right behind him?

So - negatives
Bad Location
Accuracy problematic
Other methods better
Opportunity - low.
Witnesses between you and target.

Positives? Can't think of any. If the driver, I'm not volunteering for this. What's his motive to agree to do it personally?

You forgot my other question. What's the big payoff, for you, with 'proving' the driver did it?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Badge01

I think if you had a good copy of the Z-film and not Cooper's 3rd or 4th gen copy you'd see there's really no 'object' in the driver's hand.

What I was getting at with the weapon in the upholstery is that it's more subtle and leaves no visual clues. If they had the SS in full compliance, they'd have been able to 'shoot' him at the same time as the assassin's shot, and tied it to an easily removable electronic so the driver could just press a button or something subtle.

I mean imagine that you are given the job. You'd feel like everyone was looking at you turn and shoot him. People don't realize that it depends highly on the observer and distractions. But you'd have to take the shot and not disturb Nellie and John, too. Don't you think they'd have noticed something funny, sitting right behind him?

You forgot my other question. What's the big payoff, for you, with 'proving' the driver did it?

Actually I have the best copy you can buy on dvd its : Image of an Assassination(its an official release from the Zapruder family(LMH Co) the owners of the film. Please check out the trailer

You can't aim something preplaced you need a person to aim it. William Robert Greer was the inside man he worked as a chauffeur and servant to several wealthy families, including the Lodge family. He nearly stopped the car so I think aiming it at that short of a distance wouldn't have been a problem. Governor John Connally actually moved out of the way clearing a path for the gun man(maybe on purpose). Remember as long as you take out the Kennedy you can cover everything else up. As long as you have the vice president (LBJ) to help cover it up. They also had Hover according to Hunt. So who was going to do any thing after JFK was gone? The question is would any one in the car have the guts to go public. When there were a lot of powerful conspirators that could spy on you and kill you if you so much as breathed the truth. Besides I don't think they saw or heard him do it.

Whats the big payoff? hum..... Maybe I just like being right. Nah, its just my point of view so take it or leave it. I'm sure I cant change your mind I just hoped to clear up what I see as confusion on the subject.
Whats the pay off off posting here at all?
I think we all enjoy being opinionated and hearing different opinions. What more of a pay off do you need.

Hope that made sense

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Well sure it's fun to speculate.

Let's look at it this way.

We're planning the hit. We need a 'mop up' guy in case something goes wrong.

They approach Greer and say, 'we want you to be the backup guy. Here's a dart gun. If we miss, keep an eye on JFK and shoot him with this.'

Wouldn't he be a fool to agree to this?

So what, he's got to drive the car, stop it and enable the hit and then if they miss, he has to blatantly turn and shoot him and then dispose of the weapon and hope nobody noticed?

That's just ridiculous on the face of it.

So you've seen what you thought was an object in his left hand. You've seen the CIA weapon and you put two and two together.

But in promoting this theory you have to throw out common sense.

The SS is high profile. If they have any involvement it has to be subtle and enabling, rather than blatant or overt.

Having a weapon concealed somewhere in the car body is the way to go -IF- you're going to insist on a man there to mop up. The SS have control of the vehicle and can remove all traces. You really can predict where he's going to sit.

Though it's fun to make theories, what do you really have? A dark shape in his left hand near the steering wheel? Most people can't even shoot that well with the non-dominant hand, let alone turn and reach across their body and at the same time drive the open top car.

I'm telling you, the guy might have been an enabler, but he's NOT going to agree to pull triple duty like that.

There's nowhere to dispose of the weapon. There's a chance he could miss or the weapon misfire, and the location not isolated enough.

Now you have Livingstone -and- Gov Connelly in on it?

I think you're just too far afield on too many points for this theory to have any validity.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:51 AM
You don't know much about the oaths these people take do you? Its like skull
and bones. I seriously doubt if he was asked that he would say no. Knowing that in those circles saying no might be like saying kill me.

Look at it like this. Say your Greer and suppose you belong to a club like skull and bones. You have a great job driving rich and powerful people around and protecting them. You didn't get the job by your self, you got it through your connection's with the club.

One day they ask you to repay your debt to the club and show your loyalty. Loyalty to the the club's oath first and all other oaths second. You cant say no.
It's just like the mafia you can't say no.

It could happen. Most people just are not use to thinking about this kinda crime and motivation. Its not the same as an average hit.

Remember with Rifles going off who is going think to watch the driver. You would look for a sniper position or at the president. If there wasn't video we would even know that he slowed down and turned completely around twice.
We would just think Oswald did it.

Finally figured out how to post pics so here ya go

[edit on 11-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:44 AM
OK, first I don't see any reason to hurl insults. I know about oaths and Skull and Bones and I've seen JFK II, where they explain this in excruciating detail.

Next, I don't see anything in your photos or videos besides the position of his hand. You've circled the 'murder weapon', but how about outlining it, because I don't see anything, and I've tried. Where is the image that shows him pointing this thing you say he's got in his hand?

I think you're showing -your- naïveté because a successful cabal doesn't ask its members to do things so blatantly. If there's too high a risk it not only exposes the agent, it also exposes the cabal, here, unnecessarily.

They are all about influence, enabling, and other more indirect means, such as having the SS 'stand down', having the DPD motorcycles pull back and not flank the limo, allowing an entrance to the underground garage go unguarded. The DPD was complicit but except for certain key personnel, those in the motorcade were probably only vaguely aware of the reasons they were told to do certain things.

If you look at my replies, you'll see I gave a long list of reasons and some thoughtful arguments to your premise. All you've done is post the same grainy image with a big circle around something that's too dark and low resolution to make out. I'm sure you realize that once you start enlarging things beyond the actual image resolution you create artifacts.

So before I'm going to buy this idea you have to explain to me why they'd ask someone to perform an almost impossible task like this, again, driving, steering, slowing, turning, firing in a crowded car in broad daylight with their non-dominant hand and not get caught.

Sure if they told someone they had to get 'blooded' he'd have to comply, but unlike Ruby, he had plenty of opportunities to do the deed in a less spectacular fashion. Ruby didn't have much time to silence LHO and had to do what he did or face something (apparently) much worse.

I don't disagree with your basic thought, which is that Greer could have been in on it, and the SS as well, or at least a small group of agents, including Sorrels. But I don't think you've demonstrated your theory objectively even if you stretch things to the maximum.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:07 AM
The kill shot came from the grassy knoll, and was either fired by:

*James Files--an ex military sharpshooter and Giancana underling, who has confessed

*Roscoe White, another Giancana underling

*or the French sniper, believed to be Michel Mertz.

The conspiracy was:

--LBJ, who wanted the presidency

--the Texas PTB, especially Murcheson and Hunt, who wanted their cash-cow, Cuba, back

--the CIA, who wanted revenge for Bay of Pigs and the firing of Dulles

--the Mafia (which is really a part of the CIA, as they often subcontract jobs to the mob), which wanted the Kennedy bros. off their backs.

The Secret Service was told to stand down. Right before going into the kill zone at Dealey Plaza, the SS outriders were pulled from their positions riding on the rear fender of the Presidential limo. Greer slowed and apparently even stopped to allow the kill shot.

There were redundant shooter teams all over the Plaza area. The three tramps were one of them. There was a mob squad, and the French snipers, too.

Apparently, there was even a shooter in a storm drain in the curb near the grassy knoll, according to one researcher.

Oh, and the day they shot JFK is the day the US became a police state. The conspirators and their heirs (both literally and figuratively) have been in power ever since.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:33 AM
"OK, first I don't see any reason to hurl insults"
Wow really? Your up set about me saying you don't know much about oaths!?
Just forget it dude we can agree to disagree then.

gottago: im aware of James Files.
I'm pretty well read on the whole topic but thanks.


[edit on 11-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:34 AM
i don't know where you get your information or
what tricks your eyes are playing on you in that video but
yes , the driver turns around , several times in fact , but NEVER
fires a gun of and kind . go to this page -
and see for yourself . this is a very clean version of the film
by Zapruda and leaves no doubt what so ever . thats a good site
with tons of cleaned up versions of film , just cut off after the dot com to
view the entire page . i just happened to stumble on it one day using
stumble upon .

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:11 AM
Do you at least see the left hand come off the steering wheel and move across his body left to right? Its plain as day!

[edit on 11-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:12 AM
The Zapruder film is a complete hack job. It has been so thoroughly reconstructed while sitting that decade "in a vault" that it is absolutely untrustworthy as any kind of evidence.

It has been analyzed quite convincingly by several researchers who have posted their findings and videos about it on the web; sorry to be lazy, but it's been ages since I looked into JFK but do a little Google and you'll find the links.

Cooper is a disturbing character. He held so many outrageous CTs with such conviction, only to go back on them later on. Brilliant but in the end, slightly deranged. You can't build a case with him as your foundation stone.

And the driver is just beyond any reason. Just far too obvious. He was supposed to drive. Why not his sidekick, who had nothing to do but sit there?

Fundamentally makes no sense to give Greer all responsibility for the two most crucial elements of the plot--driving and shooting. Just. No. Way.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:20 AM
Does any one see his hand come off the steering wheel? Just try to see if you can see his hand come off the wheel.

Just humor me. I know his hand comes off the wheel.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:02 PM
Is that driver left handed? That seems to be the hand we are talking about correct? And we are speculating that there is a gun in that hand?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:07 PM
WOW!I was ready to laugh this thread off BUT i can see the gun in the drivers hand in the video!!oh my god.What i dont get is how could have gov.connely,his wife and jackie not seen it???

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