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Is cold fusion back?

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posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:01 PM
According to these links, cold fusion experiments were being done in secret by some scientists in the US navy's Space and naval warfare systems center in San Diego. These scientists, Boss and Szpak are claiming to have been able to succesfully achieve cold fusion using an experiment similar to Pons & Fleischmann's in 1989.

Cold fusion, the ability to generate nuclear power at room temperatures, has proven to be a highly elusive feat. In fact, it is considered by many experts to be a mere pipe dream -- a potentially unlimited source of clean energy that remains tantalizing, but so far unattainable.

However, a recently published academic paper from the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (Spawar) in San Diego throws cold water on skeptics of cold fusion. Appearing in the respected journal Naturwissenschaften, which counts Albert Einstein among its distinguished authors, the article claims that Spawar scientists Stanislaw Szpak and Pamela Mosier-Boss have achieved a low energy nuclear reaction (LERN) that can be replicated and verified by the scientific community.

Navy Heats Up Cold Fusion Hopes

Check out the other links here:

Cold fusion back on the menu

Extraordinary Evidence (PDF file!)

Ten Years of US Navy CF Program

U.S. Navy Cold Fusion Research

[edit on 5-5-2007 by TheBandit795]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:10 PM
One of the scientists explains the process in this google video.

Google Video Link

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:48 AM
What do you guys think? Will this be the new energy breakthrough that will help out at least a little on energy crises? Or will it be thrown under the table again. Will other parties be successful at replicating the results?

Niet iedereen tegelijk a.u.b..

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
What do you guys think? Will this be the new energy breakthrough that will help out at least a little on energy crises? Or will it be thrown under the table again. Will other parties be successful at replicating the results?

Niet iedereen tegelijk a.u.b..

I read about this earlier this morning. I do find it interesting that over the years there have been various claims of success in testing cold fusion.

A few years ago I read an article (dont remember from where) that claimed that the successful text of cold fusion all came from scientist that believed it could work and the unsuccessful test came from scientist that did not think it could work. The observer effect at work I guess.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Pons and Fleischman are going to be vindicated. As well as the Dixie Chicks. Bravo!

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 04:21 PM
What do we think?, I can tell you what I think TheBandit, superb research and presentation Sir.
I know little to nothing about it, but I have already been a little more educated after reading your post and your links.
Thought the US Navy would keep their theories on such secret, or mayhaps they need some help overcoming some detail?

Thanks for the mind-info TheBandit795


posted on May, 6 2007 @ 04:32 PM
Doesn't the Navy also have a big non-thermal fusion research program running out of China Lake?

Another project that doesn't get talked about is the electrostatic confinement fusion reactor project that Navy was running. It used to be classified but now the program's defunded and I'm pretty sure they've declassed it.

It was going great. No problems. No setbacks. They were making steady progress, and the results were hitting pretty much dead-on to theoretical prediction, but they got a funding cut and the whole thing was crated up and stowed away.

The guy running it was top notch, no kidding one of the best plasma guys in the world. I can't believe they killed it off.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
The guy running it was top notch, no kidding one of the best plasma guys in the world. I can't believe they killed it off.

Not killed... simply changed hands Los Alamos National Lab and MIT

Levitated Dipole Fushion confinement using H3

Levitated - Antigravity whats the diff?

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Nuh-uh, that's not the same technique. Interesting though.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:10 AM
Perhaps you have some more info then?
I am always looking for new articles on alternate tech

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Come Friday, the load eases up, I'll try to get you project numbers and the guys running the project at Naval Weapons. It's in a file here somewhere.

In the short term, go look for Dr Bussard, IEC, EMC2 (it's the company he formed to do contracting work).

Oh, for background, google "Farnsworth fusor", Bussard's development was a sort of inside-out fusor with electron confinement in a magnetically insulated polyhedral trap.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Thanks I will look that up this evening

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:20 AM
Contrary to most of the existing “cold fusion” scientists, our company believes that certain well-established anomalous experimental results (e.g. He-4 production, excess heat, transmutations) that have frequently been reported by researchers in the field since 1989 are best explained by invoking the weak interaction, not strong interaction fusion or fission. Our theoretical model of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions is outlined in four readily available papers listed below:

"Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions on metallic hydride surfaces"
Eur. Phys. J. C 46, 107-111 (2006)

"Absorption of Nuclear Gamma Radiation by Heavy Electrons on Metallic Hydride Surfaces"

"Nuclear Abundances in Metallic Hydride Electrodes of Electrolytic Chemical Cells"

"Theoretical standard model rates of proton to neutron conversions near metallic hydride surfaces"

Importantly, no “new physics” is involved here, merely an extension of collective effects to electroweak theory within the context of the Standard Model.

Thus, the phenomenon is not strong interaction “cold fusion” and never was!

More recently, a short article by veteran science reporter Jon Van titled, "Nuclear reactions may produce phones' power," published in the Chicago Tribune last Monday, April 16. It can be found on the web at:

L. Larsen, CEO of Lattice Energy LLC and Prof. A. Widom, Dept. of Physics, Northeastern University

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 12:54 AM
Thank you very much for those links. As soon as MY workload eases I will study all that data

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
A few years ago I read an article (dont remember from where) that claimed that the successful text of cold fusion all came from scientist that believed it could work and the unsuccessful test came from scientist that did not think it could work. The observer effect at work I guess.

If you're refering to what I'm thinking - the unsuccessful test was conducted by Steven Jones, of more recent -thermate brought down the WTC- fame.

As recounted in this episode of Phenomenon Archives ...
The successful tests were conducted by Pons & Fleischman, who announced their results prematurely in a press conference (before having a chance to work out some of the bugs) out of fear that Jones would get a leg up on the patent.... but the bugs gave the hot-fusion partisans an in to debunk the whole experiment, thus preserving their much coveted research funds (whilst preserving the very lucrative and firmly entrenched carbon fueled world economy)

Now, some say Jones is at it again: throwing a monkeywrench at independent 9/11 investigators who are honing in on the cause of the virtually instant pulverization of WTC 1 & 2. Oddly enough, a few of these researchers are suggesting micro-nuke fusion bombs.

It is at the least very ironic that Jones is pitted in a somewhat similar role in these two separate issues concerning fusion... but irony alone does not a conspiracy prove.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by 0ivae]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
What do you guys think? Will this be the new energy breakthrough that will help out at least a little on energy crises?

I don't think LENR type technology is going to enable the type of energy gating we need to make a serious change in human progress and that might very well be the reason so many scientist are allowed to keep working on this while other long proven technologies are ignored. I have no little doubt that cold fusion is in fact real ( plants and animals do it after all) and they have been vindicated hundreds if not thousands of times in labs all over the world.

You should find all the resources you require here:

How long have we had good evidence that it's real?

We can in fact go back to the 1930's Germany to see that even then scientist were busy in this field.

Or will it be thrown under the table again. Will other parties be successful at replicating the results?

Several hundred parties have replicated the original experiment with positive results in one or more areas and there are hundreds of papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Niet iedereen tegelijk a.u.b..

I will pace myself.



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