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The Truth About Diversity

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posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:57 PM
Let’s get right to the point. I am going to offend those in power who would like you to believe that they actually care about true acceptance, which is looking at people as people and not their nationality. Diversity, by the very beginning of the word is the opposite of acceptance. English 101: usually a word that is based on another word begins with the beginning of that word, or root word, of which the other word originated from. Let’s look at the word diversity shall we? It kind of looks like the root word, but what word could that be? Let’s play fill in the blanks. See if you can fill in the rest of the letters of the root word. Here we go. D-I-V-_-_-_-_-_. How did you do? The correct answer is division! That’s right people. It means to keep separate, or to divide! The word diversity is being misused on purpose to separate the people of this country for a political agenda! No, I am not a Republican or a Democrat; actually, I refuse to give my loyalty to a political party, I prefer to put my loyalty in the people! Having stated this I would like to get started. I am an American, not an Italian American, because to be that would mean that I would have duel citizenship and I do not. My nationality is Italian, but other than that and my weird ability to cook my own spaghetti sauce, that’s pretty much as far as it goes.  Sharpton and Jackson, as well as anyone else that thinks that unless you tell me you are African American, I cannot tell that you are black are part of the problem, and many people of all nationalities fit into this category! To me, if you are a good and decent person, then that is how I feel and I will do anything I can for you, if however, you are a rude ass, then so be it. What does nationality have to do with it? Look, I feed birds ok? I see several kinds of birds eating together daily. What I do NOT see, is Doves on one side of the yard and the Robins on the other! I have never seen a Blue Jay look at a Cardinal as if to say “Hey Charlie, what’s with the red bird? What do you say we teach him that we don’t like “red birds” hangin’ out with us Blue Jays?” Sounds funny right? Ask yourself why it’s expected of us to see things in that way about each other and actually take it as something good. In my yard, birds eat with birds. To a Blue Jay, a Dove is just a bird like themselves. Amazing how simple it is to them, yet for an agenda, people actually want to separate people from people like it’s a good thing! . What difference does it make if we need to cross a body of water to see where are great-great grandparents lived? Truth is, there are great people and idiots everywhere. It doesn’t matter where their country of origin is! Yes I am from Italian decent, do I like Lasagna? You betcha’! Do I think that’s funny? Yep, I sure do. There are several strange coincidences in life. Yes, there are a lot of people of Indian descent that own 7-11 stores! I do not know how this happens, but it is funny, in the ha-ha funny way. Question, if I make Chinese food, is it still Chinese?

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