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ARTIFICIAL MOON, Bruce Cathie....Your theories?

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posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Hi there John.

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction with regards to reading material on your Moon theories....

......basically i would like to know the basis for your ideas regarding, soul collectors, gravity, atmosphere, the moon being "placed" there etc....

I know you will have gone through these a HUNDRED times or more, and are proberbly pretty sick off it by now, which is why im asking for directions to reading material.

Im perticularly interested by your "artificial* /Placed moon" theory (* words, not sure if you ever said that), As this idea parallels that which is found in Bruce Cathie's equations, which leads to a "counter-intuative" yet "logical" explanation.....the moon was PLACED there.

So before i go any further with these ideas, i would like to have a good read of your ideas and WHY you think these things.

I would also like to know if you are familiar with Cpt. Bruce L. Cathie and his work?

Thanks in advance for your time John, speek to you soon

[edit on 18-4-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism
Hi there John.

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction with regards to reading material on your Moon theories....

......basically i would like to know the basis for your ideas regarding

soul collectors: this is my own idea using information from Mind Trek, Joe McMoneagle
gravity: Moongate, William L. Brian II
atmosphere: William L. Brian II
the moon being "placed" there: The Ringmakers of Saturn, Norman R. Bergrun

These books will give you a start on the info. References in these books will lead you to other books.

Photos of the moon from Lick Obsevatory taken prior to 1960 are useful.

Lunar Orbiter photos released prior to 1970 are also useful.

Books on Apollo published in the early 70's are also useful.

Books written by the Apollo astronauts are good sources but only if you have a first edition. Later editions were sanitized. Alan Beans book of paintings are particularly revealing.

Watch the Neil Armstrong speech given at the White House on the 25th Anniversary of Apollo 11 landing for some hints.

Im perticularly interested by your "artificial* /Placed moon" theory (* words, not sure if you ever said that), As this idea parallels that which is found in Bruce Cathie's equations, which leads to a "counter-intuative" yet "logical" explanation.....the moon was PLACED there.

So before i go any further with these ideas, i would like to have a good read of your ideas and WHY you think these things.

I would also like to know if you are familiar with Cpt. Bruce L. Cathie and his work?

Of course.

Thanks in advance for your time John, speek to you soon

No problem.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Sorry to butt in but I can recommend Alex Collier's DEFENDING SACRED GROUND. It is free to read online. He claims to be a contactee of Humans from Andromeda who told him that the moon was brought from Ursa Minor by the non too friendly alien race of reptillians from Draco.

Alex Collier is also interviewed and can be viewed on Google Video.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 12:31 PM

These books will give you a start on the info. References in these books will lead you to other books.


Thats just the way i like to do research, I am VERY aware of how one book can lead to a million others.... the Harmonic Conquest of Space - Bruce Cathie was the first book i picked up 2 years ago that started me on my life changing journey of discovery.

Thanx for the references, i'll start with Ebay first, see if i can obtaion the "first editions".

Thanx again, once i've done some reading i may come back to you with some questions, or just for a "chat" about certain ideas/areas.

One last question, what are your personal views on B. Cathies work, have you had any contact with him?

Thanx for your time john, speak to you soon.


Alex Collier is also interviewed and can be viewed on Google Video.

Cheers dude (or dudette, rather an androgynous name you have there

I was just saying to a friend the other day, that the hardest thing about looking for interesting VIDS/conferences/lectures etc. is KNOWING the names of where this information sits.......

any other "names" we wish to chuck at me please feel free, tis much appreciated

[edit on 20-4-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Anomic of Nihilism you are welcome.

Pippadee is the name of my favourite cat. She is not the brightest bulb in the box but more than makes up for that with her love for humans which is more than can be said for the b******s running our planet right now.

Please do read Alex Collier as I think he is correct in what he is saying about the future of humanity and what we need to do. The benevolent ET races will not intervene unless asked to do so by enough people.

Recommended reading by Alex is a book The Gods of Eden by William Bramley which he reckons is about 80% true. Its the chilling truth about extraterrestrial infiltration and the conspiracy to keep humankind in chains.

Cheers Dude

Brian ( 100% red blooded male )

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:44 AM
I had some thoughts about the moon recently, which is odd for me, because I'm more of a people person and don't really bother much about "the heavens." I haven't read any books on the subject and don't know if other people have mentioned these things before. I'm sure somebody has thought along this line.

Our planet has a moon and that is not odd. Most if not all the planets in the solar system have moons. Our moon has a period of rotation which is equal to the period of it's revolution around the earth. That is odd. I'm only a layperson, but I think that is the sort of thing that might have reached me if it existed anywhere else in the solar system.

I'm not sure how many moons exist in the solar system. Just checked:

There are 169 moons in the solar system. I believe only one of them has a period of rotation equal to it's period of revolution. I'd be willing to bet that it is a very long time before we find another moon like ours in that respect. What I'm saying is that the odds of such a situation occurring are probably much much smaller than 1 in 169.

It's too early to say just how rare our moon is. It may be hundreds of years before we know that. I don't think it would be unreasonable to assume that a moon that moves the way ours does is an EXTREMELY rare item.

But the weirdest thing of all is that it is doing the unusual movement around one of the rarest objects we know, a planet with intelligent life on it. That is more than odd, way more than odd. That's conspiracy theory odd.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

This is a very interesting observation, and it's an observation that brought this thread back to life. I had been doing some thought experiments regarding this as well just two days ago, wondering if any other satellites (moons) exhibit what is called 'tidal lock' in the case of la Luna.

I'm hoping some more intelligent and knowledgeable folks will chime in. Here are some thoughts, questions really. What is the rotational period of Mercury, relative to it's orbital period? I believe Venus is the only planet that rotates about its axis opposite of the other planets, and, if what we're told is true, it rotates very slowly. Lastly, Jupiter is the most massive planet (almost a failed small star, in which case our Solar System would have become a double) and he has a multitude of satellites. Wonder if any of them exhibit our Moon's behavior? Guessing not.

My mind has a drogue 'chute, preparing to open it fully.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for reading.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:02 PM
I read somehwere that the moon maybe hollow, i'm sure someone recorded a hollow booming feeling/sound when a craft landed on it...

Any further info would be most welcome..


posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Regarding the Moons synchronous orbit with Earth it is called Tidal locking.

I will quote a passage from Wiki here:

Most significant moons in the Solar System are tidally locked with their primaries, since they orbit very closely and tidal force increases rapidly (as a cubic) with decreasing distance. Notable exceptions are the irregular outer satellites of the gas giant planets, which orbit much further away than the large well-known moons.

To read the complete entry on this go here

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by sherpa

Hi Sherpa,

I did some Wiki research, but it will take time to scrape the rust off my old Physics knowledge. Did Newton say that the force of gravity changed by the 'square' of the distance or the 'cube' of the distance? My memory tends to tell me it's a change in force as a square of the distance, but maybe I'm confusing that with the equations that describe acceleration in a gravitaional field, which have a time component.


posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by sherpa


thanks for posting 10 ounces of common sense on this board. I was going to google it but you beat me to it

A lot of planets have moons. I'm curious if John Lear stipulates that there is a Soul Catcher (TM) hosted on every single of them. Also, I'm curious if every moon in the Solar System is an alien spaceship. And how many of those move in violation of Kepler's laws, as John is insisting our Moon does.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by vannein]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:13 PM
I post what I believe to be true.

I also post without real or implied prejudice towards other members.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by sherpa

Thanks for the link sherpa. I guess I was wrong about the rarity of the moon's motion. It turns out that tidal locking is the norm rather than the exception. Oh well, live and learn. One less conspiracy to worry about.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:00 AM
Well,here are my thoughts concerning our Moon, firstly, I believe that there are many more, at least five more in our Solar System.
I believe that they are are all part artificial, and part geological, imagine a sphere within a sphere, the innner being an asteroid, maybe rich in Titanium ore for example, at least something that would yeild a malleable metal. With a source of construction material 'on site', smelting and extrusion of a framework could begin, once having constructed a framework, the next stage would be to produce large sheets with which to skin the outer sphere. If the outer were constructed say 30%-40% larger than the 'rock' inside, this would leave an enormous area shielded from space within which to terraform and generate an atmosphere.
There are no doubts in my mind that this is precisely what took place, but not in the present location, and that there are others.
I am certain that the Moon has a significant population, and always has since it has been sited here [there are people referred to in ancient texts as pro-selenians, this should tell us something]
If you study early released NASA photo's particularly the Clementine series, you will see various spacecraft flying, evidence of mining operations,[John Lear's recent posting of the Copernicus 'Crater' shows millions of tons of derelict mining equipment and old spacecraft].
When you look up at the moon what you see is an artificial shell with a dense layer of mining spoil spread over the surface, there are no 'mountains' or natural geological formations, it is a combination of a massive mining operation/rubbish dump, and the most fascinating thing I have ever seen.
If you are really interested, get a copy of Galileo's Siderius Nuncius, a translation is still in print.
This is what I believe,
In Lucem,

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:00 AM
Well,here are my thoughts concerning our Moon, firstly, I believe that there are many more, at least five more in our Solar System.
I believe that they are are all part artificial, and part geological, imagine a sphere within a sphere, the innner being an asteroid, maybe rich in Titanium ore for example, at least something that would yeild a malleable metal. With a source of construction material 'on site', smelting and extrusion of a framework could begin, once having constructed a framework, the next stage would be to produce large sheets with which to skin the outer sphere. If the outer were constructed say 30%-40% larger than the 'rock' inside, this would leave an enormous area shielded from space within which to terraform and generate an atmosphere.
There are no doubts in my mind that this is precisely what took place, but not in the present location, and that there are others.
I am certain that the Moon has a significant population, and always has since it has been sited here [there are people referred to in ancient texts as pro-selenians, this should tell us something]
If you study early released NASA photo's particularly the Clementine series, you will see various spacecraft flying, evidence of mining operations,[John Lear's recent posting of the Copernicus 'Crater' shows millions of tons of derelict mining equipment and old spacecraft].
When you look up at the moon what you see is an artificial shell with a dense layer of mining spoil spread over the surface, there are no 'mountains' or natural geological formations, it is a combination of a massive mining operation/rubbish dump, and the most fascinating thing I have ever seen.
If you are really interested, get a copy of Galileo's Siderius Nuncius, a translation is still in print.
This is what I believe,
In Lucem,

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:02 AM
Well,here are my thoughts concerning our Moon, firstly, I believe that there are many more, at least five more in our Solar System.
I believe that they are are all part artificial, and part geological, imagine a sphere within a sphere, the innner being an asteroid, maybe rich in Titanium ore for example, at least something that would yeild a malleable metal. With a source of construction material 'on site', smelting and extrusion of a framework could begin, once having constructed a framework, the next stage would be to produce large sheets with which to skin the outer sphere. If the outer were constructed say 30%-40% larger than the 'rock' inside, this would leave an enormous area shielded from space within which to terraform and generate an atmosphere.
There are no doubts in my mind that this is precisely what took place, but not in the present location, and that there are others.
I am certain that the Moon has a significant population, and always has since it has been sited here [there are people referred to in ancient texts as pro-selenians, this should tell us something]
If you study early released NASA photo's particularly the Clementine series, you will see various spacecraft flying, evidence of mining operations,[John Lear's recent posting of the Copernicus 'Crater' shows millions of tons of derelict mining equipment and old spacecraft].
When you look up at the moon what you see is an artificial shell with a dense layer of mining spoil spread over the surface, there are no 'mountains' or natural geological formations, it is a combination of a massive mining operation/rubbish dump, and the most fascinating thing I have ever seen.
If you are really interested, get a copy of Galileo's Siderius Nuncius, a translation is still in print.
This is what I believe,
In Lucem,

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:02 AM
Well,here are my thoughts concerning our Moon, firstly, I believe that there are many more, at least five more in our Solar System.
I believe that they are are all part artificial, and part geological, imagine a sphere within a sphere, the innner being an asteroid, maybe rich in Titanium ore for example, at least something that would yeild a malleable metal. With a source of construction material 'on site', smelting and extrusion of a framework could begin, once having constructed a framework, the next stage would be to produce large sheets with which to skin the outer sphere. If the outer were constructed say 30%-40% larger than the 'rock' inside, this would leave an enormous area shielded from space within which to terraform and generate an atmosphere.
There are no doubts in my mind that this is precisely what took place, but not in the present location, and that there are others.
I am certain that the Moon has a significant population, and always has since it has been sited here [there are people referred to in ancient texts as pro-selenians, this should tell us something]
If you study early released NASA photo's particularly the Clementine series, you will see various spacecraft flying, evidence of mining operations,[John Lear's recent posting of the Copernicus 'Crater' shows millions of tons of derelict mining equipment and old spacecraft].
When you look up at the moon what you see is an artificial shell with a dense layer of mining spoil spread over the surface, there are no 'mountains' or natural geological formations, it is a combination of a massive mining operation/rubbish dump, and the most fascinating thing I have ever seen.
If you are really interested, get a copy of Galileo's Siderius Nuncius, a translation is still in print.
This is what I believe,
In Lucem,

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:06 AM
Well,here are my thoughts concerning our Moon, firstly, I believe that there are many more, at least five more in our Solar System.
I believe that they are are all part artificial, and part geological, imagine a sphere within a sphere, the innner being an asteroid, maybe rich in Titanium ore for example, at least something that would yeild a malleable metal. With a source of construction material 'on site', smelting and extrusion of a framework could begin, once having constructed a framework, the next stage would be to produce large sheets with which to skin the outer sphere. If the outer were constructed say 30%-40% larger than the 'rock' inside, this would leave an enormous area shielded from space within which to terraform and generate an atmosphere.
There are no doubts in my mind that this is precisely what took place, but not in the present location, and that there are others.
I am certain that the Moon has a significant population, and always has since it has been sited here [there are people referred to in ancient texts as pro-selenians, this should tell us something]
If you study early released NASA photo's particularly the Clementine series, you will see various spacecraft flying, evidence of mining operations,[John Lear's recent posting of the Copernicus 'Crater' shows millions of tons of derelict mining equipment an old spacecraft].
When you look up at the moon what you see is an artificial shell with a dense layer of mining spoil spread over the surface, there are no 'mountains' or natural geological formations, it is a combination of a massive mining operation/rubbish dump, and the most fascinating thing I have ever seen.
If you are really interested, get a copy of Galileo's Siderius Nuncius, a translation is still in print.
This is what I believe,
In Lucem,

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by sherpa

Thanks for the link sherpa. I guess I was wrong about the rarity of the moon's motion. It turns out that tidal locking is the norm rather than the exception. Oh well, live and learn. One less conspiracy to worry about.

It is not all cut and dried though, for instance why is our Moon the biggest relative to its pairing than any other ?

Also it would appear to be a bit like a honeycomb, but I am hoping Kaguya may give us a bit more data on that with it's LRS system.

[edit on 18-11-2007 by sherpa]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by sherpa

I don't think that there is any significance in that our Moon is the largest in it's pairing, there are several in our vSolar System all of a similar size, which leads me to suspect that it is simply one of a fleet built thousands of years ago.
Just a thought,

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