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Is it about time Britain showed some backbone? (Iran)

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 07:59 AM
well i like others have been watching skynews with interest regarding the captured soldiers and i just get that feeling Iran is taking us for a joke:-

yesterday (female prisoner going to be released)
today (not anymore and all the captured brits maybe put on trial for spying).

Tony Blairs response "we don't want a confrontation with iran"

now i'm all for the diplomatic solution but there comes a time when someone is taking the biscuit and iran are just doing that. i would love to have seen iran capture one of our soilders during the British Empire, (they wouldn't have dared)

same for America i doubt they would have captured any American soldiers at gunpoint because the Iranians know the yanks won’t fart arse aorund, of course the US would go down the diplomatic route first, but they wouldn't think twice about a rescue mission or the strikes on Tehran (and Iran know that).

but am i the only brit who wants our nation to grow a backbone again, send in the SAS -'WORLDS MOST ELITE FORCE'

we are still a world military power (2nd highest defence budget, 2nd biggest naval) f-ing prove it i say! tell iran they can't bully us around, use the power of 'words' with threats of 'action' if they don't comply.

your views??

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[edit on 29-3-2007 by sanctum]

[edit on 29-3-2007 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:06 AM
We don't want a confrontation with Iran .... because Iran has lots of soldiers and aircraft and ships and stuff and all we've got is a rowing boat and 2 schoolboys with a catapult.

If Iran decided to invade the Isle of Wight we'd probably have to let them.

However, we do have lots and lots of useless politicians, administrators and bureaucrats. So plenty of cannon fodder

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:12 AM
just for arguments sake about our 'rowing boat and 2 schoolboys with a catapult'

"The Royal Navy is the second-largest navy in the world in terms of gross tonnage"

anyway back on topic, i don't want this to turn into a (you know what) thread again

[edit on 29-3-2007 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:18 AM
Personally I admire Britain's restraint in all of this. I have no doubt that if it comes to it the UK will make Iran very sorry it did this. But if anything can be learned from the last several years of George Bush it would be to not go off half-cocked. Iran is looking more and more every day as the villains in all of this and that is exactly what you want. Exhaust due diligence in gaining their release diplomatically and through the UN and if that fails, make this action unbearably expensive for the Iranian government.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:22 AM
Well being serious, I honestly don't think we have the military might to threaten Iran - and I also think Iran knows that. We'd only be able to do so with the backing of the US and Israel.

But, despite that, personally I'd have given them 12 hours to return our men and equipment, failure to do so or any signs of mistreatment of the men would be deemed an act of war and we would be forced to retaliate accordingly. The freezing of all Iranian funds and interests throughout Europe, the US and the Commonwealth would probably be enough without needing to actually send our rowing boat out there.

[edit on 29-3-2007 by Essan]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:23 AM
It appears to me that level heads and not testosterone is what is needed and so far I am pleased that this has not become a "my gun is bigger than yours" scenario, there is no doubt that the UK could use force and try and gain the freedom of the 15 marines held, but how many of them would still be alive when retrieved?

The UK, along with the 15's families, while upset and angered, would much rather find a diplomatic solution to bring them home alive.

This should be the one and only concern at this time, there safe return.

Once this is attained, then the UK can establish a much more threatening stance should another situation arise.

Attacking Iran right now would only make things worse and not guarantee the safety of their marines.

[edit on 2007/3/29 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:25 AM
The reason for not going in all guns blazing is because it's still possible to get these sailors and marines out without a fight. A rescue mission is extremely dangerous, and could result in either the capture of the rescue team or the death of both the team and the hostages.

The next step, if Iran doesn't play ball, would probably be to go before the UN. Present the evidence that the MoD released yesterday, demand that Iran release the hostages and their equipment, and then point out that:

  1. Iran must apologise to the Iraqi government for illegally entering its waters and trespassing, and disrupting an operation which was designed to protect Iraq from smugglers.
  2. Iran must apologise to the United Kingdom for kidnapping its personnel.
  3. Iran must apologise to the personnel themselves for doing this to them.
  4. Iran must apologise to the families and friends of the kidnapped personnel for the pain they have been put through.
  5. Iran must apologise to the United Nations Security Council for disrupting an operation sanctioned by them under a UNSC Resolution.
  6. Iran must apologise to the world for lying to them over the position of the incident, since their versions of what happened seem contradictory.

Now that's diplomatic pressure. So you see, the diplomatic screw can be tightened even further before some kind of military action has to be contemplated.


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 10:12 AM
I'd say it's the bigger man who can walk away from a fight.

I'm all for restraint and diplomacy if it gets those 15 sailors back unharmed.

Does it really harm us what people think? There are countries that go in guns blazing at the slightest chance, and people don't exactly have a majorly high respect for them.


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 10:24 AM
I tend to agree with the general consensus, UK is doing what is needed to ensure the safe return of the Countrymen/women.

If in the hands of another country,
value of human life may not be as respected, therefore 'guns a blazin' would probably be more likely and in turn... causing unnecessary bloodshed.

IMO, If push comes to shove, I think things will happen quite quickly.

Two Snaps up for UK and their patience in this matter.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by CX
Does it really harm us what people think?

Yes and no.

What I think the British government is trying to do is make sure Iran comes out worse off than it went in regarding this whole event so they don't try it again, and preferably doing so by discrediting Iran as opposed to attacking it. In my opinion, discrediting Iran even further is going to have a much bigger effect than attacking it is.

Discrediting them in the eyes of the world will put further pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme, and discrediting the Iranian Revolutionary Guards will go further towards making the hard liners unpopular inside Iran - a very important step when discussing the nuclear programme, Iranian involvement in Lebanon and so forth.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Well, I guess logically the UK is doing the right thing, but my inborn American bloodlust makes it hard to accept logic. But if they continue to hold the soldiers and decide to put them on trial, I hope the UK lets us off the chain. As was stated before, Iran wouldn't dare take US soldiers, sometimes others see a level head as a weakness.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:04 PM
ste, about the UN

i never thought about the iran entering iraqi waters thing, i bet the new iraqi government arn't best pleased about that.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Iran is stalling and milking this for all they can, latest news - British PM calls for the �Unconditional release of all our people�


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Everybody is missing the big picture here!

This is a globalized world, everything is conected and Iran Knows that they hold a BIG card, they will get symphaty from the Arab world, and I am talking about Mohamed Doe here not the sheiks.

If Bush &Blair and Co. do something stupid , Iran wont jhave to attack, they just need to close the big oil pipe and make some wackos on other arab nations to sabotage or disrupt Oil deliveries...willl John and Jane doe be happy for a 6 to 10 dollar a gallon, for a huge recesion, fall of markets etc etc...???
Oh wait maybe its th eperfect excuse for a recesion or depresion ! (the famous "they did it to us").
Remember that Europe is filled with arabs and people whose loyality is still with the land they left, not the land they live in, so messing with that is dangerous to say the least.

The outcome of all this problems boils down to this:

Will the spoils of war will be enough for the contestants?

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:51 PM
Given the oil price rise from this and the daily output of Iran, they (Iran) have netted roughly 38mil USD in extra income from this little charade....

Anyone want to guess why they are milking this for all it worth so to speak..??

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Here's what will probably will happen if you attack Iran:

1. Oil production will grind to a halt.

2. Iran will launch all their missiles at Israel.

3. A humongous anti-Jewish counteroffensive will begin.

4. A huge explosion in global terror.

5. Eventual and agonizing defeat because you can't beat the counterinsurgency, just like Iraq.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Breaking News

from REU a new 2nd letter from the Female soldier is asking why are UK troops still in Iraq from Iran.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Well I feel that the UK is doing well holding back, Lets hope we get this sorted ASAP

Suprised US has not said much about this, maybe pressure from UK?

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Interesting line of thinking Kix.

So is it safe to assume those with the oil shouldn't be held accountable. This pasifistic mentality only emboldens these third rate countries.

This endless dribble about negotiating with these people is so frightening. Sure you can respect them but to allow this type of behavior is dangerous. It has been proven endless times negotiating with these regimes is impossible.

How many more UN resolutions do the liberal leaning folks need before they come to the realization that "It just doesn't work!!" Comparatively these people are barbaric. They can't be reasoned with. Wait yes they can as long as you and your bretherend declare yourselves as muslims.

I'm so tired of this weak and submissive attitude people are taking with these rogue dictatorships. Get rid of them I say. The world will be a better place without them.


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 01:20 PM
So I take it you're volunteering to go over and handle it yourself?

... didn't think so

I'm curious how anyone thinks the UK has failed to "show backbone" over this incident. Should Tony Blair challenge Ahmedinejad to a throwdown in the playground after class?

A link I am going to start posting whenever I see this kind of nonsense raise it's ugly head:
Do you suffer from Tough Guy-izm?


[edit on 3/29/07 by xmotex]

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