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After 6 years what has the Disclosure Project disclosed?

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by torsion
But in your previous posts you have implied that Greer already has the evidence and he won't share it with us, the unimportant people. He refuses to allow people who have paid him for a lecture to disclose what they have learned. He won't allow people to record supposed space craft that he somehow magically summons. You describe peole who cannot afford the entry fee as 'low lifes', or words to that effect.

So where is the disclosure? I see nothing but a deceitful scam that smells worse than a recently used alien probe.

We going in circle here. What a waste of time. Don't you read what I type?
I'm going to repeat this one more time.

NDA is used so they make sure the material doesn't get abused. I agree with this. You can make a request to show some of the material, but it has to be approved. I agree with this too.

There is videos on youtube and google video that you can watch today, that has CSETI recordings.

Google Video Link

Dig more, you will find more.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Forget it Torsion....Endless circle-babble is what tock dishes out with no real answer..........which I fully expected. Obviously he bought into Greer hook, line and sinker.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:18 PM
I also bought in the work of Steven Bassett, Alfred Lambremont, Martin Stubb, David Serada, Victor Viggiani, Carol Rosin, and countless great figures...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by tock
Why are you blaming me for trying to make this whole thing move forward?

Not really blaming you for anything, but you do seem to be fronting a money-making organisation

I don't get a single penny for all this. I do this entirely free. My lectures are free. My advices are free. And will always be.

So I take it that this, that is also on you blog, has been unsuccessful and always will be:

ANd you Torsion, how are you assisting this whole field of research? You have been asking me question, constantly, but you have never responded to any of mine...

Maybe because, you don't do anything to help, but rather bother the people that are trying to.

I think I have answered that question once - I assist the serious ufologists in avoiding the charlatans and hoaxers. If you think guiding people towards handing over $800 to be visited by 'space people' is helpful in any way then we have different perspectives on the definition of the word 'helpful'.

There was a question of mine that you didn't answer, either. Do you receive any commission from CSETI if you direct a successful applicant there from you blog link?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by tock

NDA is used so they make sure the material doesn't get abused. I agree with this. You can make a request to show some of the material, but it has to be approved. I agree with this too.

There is videos on youtube and google video that you can watch today, that has CSETI recordings.

A screen saver. and a couple of pin points of light against a black background ?

Empirical evidence? You betcha!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by torsion
I think I have answered that question once - I assist the serious ufologists in avoiding the charlatans and hoaxers. If you think guiding people towards handing over $800 to be visited by 'space people' is helpful in any way then we have different perspectives on the definition of the word 'helpful'.

There was a question of mine that you didn't answer, either. Do you receive any commission from CSETI if you direct a successful applicant there from you blog link?

Serious !
Now, that's a good one.
You have been less than serious ever since we starting debating on all this.
You have been trying to discredit, just like a good ole debunker. And I think that's what you are.

There is quite some people that I have met on these forums, that see the true value of my efforts, and I will not get discourage by a person like you, too much is at stake here.

Now, link to the good material on my blog please. I know you won't. That's not the work of debunkers.

Good luck to you Torsion.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Seeker PI
A screen saver. and a couple of pin points of light against a black background ?

Empirical evidence? You betcha!

When you are in the middle of it, You bet it's great.
When these things are flying above and around you, It is good evidence enough.
Am I going to convince you. No. No point.
There is never enough evidence to satisfy some of you.
It's either too dark or too far,
Or too close and to good, and you call it CGI.
Can't win. So i won't spend time debating the quality of such evidence. There is other evidence out there that are good enough.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by torsion
I've been studying ufos for 30 years and this is a meaningless statement that has always been used. Adamski promised revelations 'soon', so did countless others. How can you be saying things will be revealed 'very soon' when Tock is claiming to have witnessed events already?

And can you tell us exactly what it is we will see as your statement make it clear that you already know...

UFO's and people from other solar systems are a fact. I have seen them flying in action. I have a communication link with them.

They are organising a rescue mission that will be a world wide event and it will be to answer the cries of help from the millions of people who have no hope. All of you people in here who have your heads in the sand, just keep them there. You people are not the ones who will be the main focus of this rescue event.

At the moment, the people in control are driving humanity to the brink of extinction. They have built underground safe houses. Is your name on the list?

The mission will be to end the senseless destruction of the planet.

FYI- There have already been times when we have been stoped on the edge of destruction and our future is a very bright one. They will not let us destroy ourselves, like we keep trying to do.

There is a whole lot more, but if you balk at this bit, you will not be receptive to the rest and you will need to wait and see for yourself.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by tock

There is videos on youtube and google video that you can watch today, that has CSETI recordings.

Dig more, you will find more.

I have viewed the video and see an object commonly known as a 'rod'. They have been proved to be inects in flight which produce a strange corkscrew-like effect on the still video image.

This explanation isn't given on the CSETI video, however. They call it a 'energy communication anchor' directly beamed down by the ETs!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by tock
When you are in the middle of it, You bet it's great.
When these things are flying above and around you, It is good evidence enough.
Am I going to convince you. No. No point.
There is never enough evidence to satisfy some of you.
It's either too dark or too far,
Or too close and to good, and you call it CGI.
Can't win. So i won't spend time debating the quality of such evidence. There is other evidence out there that are good enough.

Could you please point the rest us unworthies to the " Good enough" evidence.

Enquiring minds could be swayed by such " Good enough" proof.

What you have shown in the two examples you have presented, really doesn't suggest anything to an analytical eye.

Lets get straight to the " Good enough" stuff.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by win 52
UFO's and people from other solar systems are a fact. I have seen them flying in action. I have a communication link with them.

They are organising a rescue mission that will be a world wide event and it will be to answer the cries of help from the millions of people who have no hope. All of you people in here who have your heads in the sand, just keep them there. You people are not the ones who will be the main focus of this rescue event.

At the moment, the people in control are driving humanity to the brink of extinction. They have built underground safe houses. Is your name on the list?

The mission will be to end the senseless destruction of the planet.

FYI- There have already been times when we have been stoped on the edge of destruction and our future is a very bright one. They will not let us destroy ourselves, like we keep trying to do.

There is a whole lot more, but if you balk at this bit, you will not be receptive to the rest and you will need to wait and see for yourself.

Ok. I'm convinced!

I'm going to quit my job first thing in the morning and try and get my name on that list.

How much does it cost, $800?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:16 PM
its a bug....

im sorry, but theres no such things as rods, and i really doubt is an "energy anchor", or whatever was said in the video.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:37 PM
I agree, and that's what I said in my post. 'Rods' have been irrefutably shown to be insects. 'Energy Communication Anchor' is some explanation that Greer has invented to dupe those who are not familair with the effect insects create on video stills. The poor unfortunate who paid $800 has probably got that photo in a frame on their wall!

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Hey are right about the disclosure. I also have a question as to why is it taking so long?

I started geting this information in the summer of 2005. I tell anyone who will listen. If I had the amount of information that this group has, I would be probably locked up or knocked off by now.

These guys were part of the program and I can only imagine that they have seen and done things that they are not so proud of. They have probably even considered that they may become targets at some point.

I guess old habits die hard.

The general public is ready to act out.

I do also know that ET is waiting for something, that I don't yet understand about, to take place before they get fully involved. Right now they are in a standby mode of operation. They are actively working to keep us from destroying the planet.

It is my understanding that buttons have been pushed but the weapons didn't fire. We would already be dealing with nuclear fallout if those weapons had responded.

I'm not saying go take the course. I am saying that you don't need this group to have a UFO or ET experience. It has a lot to do with your frame of mind.

The timing has to do with the Earth's position in the Galaxy. We have destroyed our civilizations in the past, and we are going to not be allowed to repeat our past mistakes.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Id love to see the rod you catched to based your affirmation on

Show me the explanation about these objects.
Give me a link to website

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tock]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:14 PM
There you go.

Its well presented and non sensational. Have a good read, its very enlightening.


You see in this article the evidence has been subjected to scrutiny and a conclusion of sorts has been reached.

Thats how things are analized - out in the open-.

It does not always lead you to the conclusion you would have hoped for.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Please use the quote function appropriately... I've just gone through and done some rather substantial editing... From here on out, I'll let the skittles do the work.

For those that need a refresher on quoting guidelines:

Mod Note: Quoting Guidelines – Please Review This Link.


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Seeker PI
There you go.

Its well presented and non sensational. Have a good read, its very enlightening.


You see in this article the evidence has been subjected to scrutiny and a conclusion of sorts has been reached.

Thats how things are analized - out in the open-.

It does not always lead you to the conclusion you would have hoped for.

But, they haven't catched one...too bad. We will have to go with more speculation on their true nature.

Yeah, unfortunately, the wikepedia explanation is flawed.
I saw many of these obects, in Mt. Shasta, and with naked eyes.
I called them black flying licorice

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tock]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by tock

But, they haven't catched one...too bad. We will have to go with more speculation on their true nature.

Yeah, unfortunately, the wikepedia explanation is flawed.
I saw many of these obects, in Mt. Shasta, and with naked eyes.
I called them black flying licorice

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tock]

Yes they have caught one.

Taken from the Wiki link provided.

"Flying Rod mystery solved?
In the early autumn of 2005, news bulletins in China and Hong Kong reported on a story which debunked the flying rods. Surveillance cameras in a research facility in Jilin supposedly captured video footage of flying rods identical to those shown in Jose Escamilla's video. The curious research staff of the facility, being scientists, decided that they would attempt to catch one. Huge nets were set up and the same surveillance cameras captured rods flying into the trap. When the nets were inspected, the "rods" were no more than regular moths and other flying insects. Subsequent investigations proved that the appearance of flying rods on video was an optical illusion created by the slower recording speed of the camera (done to save video space). This is the empirical evidence, showing that the "rods" themselves can be captured, and that they do indeed prove to be ordinary animals".

Again that is how evidence is collected and subjected to analysis, and again I say, the evidence is not always what you would hope for.


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:43 PM
I would like to see pictures of the body, or i'll have to say this is lies. For all i know, this entire article could have been done by debunkers.

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