posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 05:30 AM
Originally posted by Neon Haze
Having looked at this footage I have to say it looks real but can't imagine what it could have been.
I can confidently predict that this thread will be locked very shortly. A link to this video continues to crop up on Above Top Secret and other
forums about once or twice per month...
The relevant video was a television advertisement for the Sci-Fi Channel's website.
I've added some tags to the bottom of this thread. Just clicking on any of them will give you links to a few of the previous relevant threads here
on ATS.
For anyone that doesn't know, the woman in the helicopter is Barbara Sicuranza, a New York City actor, writer and director. Her website is at:
The resume on that website includes the following entry:
“SCI-FI Promo (The Blimp) Principal Sci Fi Channel”
A detailed technical analysis Alejandro Franz highlighting some of the compositing errors in the video can be found here:
Even Jeff Rense has debunked this video:
At some point, someone is going to have to write a full article about this video so that anyone can just be given a link to the full background.
I've made some notes myself, but before writing any article:
(1) I'd like to see the other videos in the same Sci-Fi advertising campaign ("Sci Fi Happens"), i.e. "Magnet Man" and "Geometric Bugs". (If
anyone has links to these videos, I'd be grateful if they could let me know). Some material relating to these videos (but not the videos
themselves...) are available at the website below:*/
(2) I'd like to see a translation of the comments from a mexican TV show which featured this video:
All the best,
Isaac Koi