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French Disclosure push? 5 Translations of CNES UFO Reports

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:18 PM
The French CNES (National Center for Space Studies), comparable to NASA, has today put online its entire UFO documentation. The website is inevitably overrun, but a pdf file file, which presents abstracts of five presumably representative investigations, and entitled "Some Cases," has been provided separately and should give you a very good indication of the content of the entire archive.

Some general political background, as I recently lived in France for over ten years and know it very well. The French government has taken UFOs very seriously, and released the Cometa Report, prepared by a blue-ribbon panel of high-ranking military commanders, scientists, and aeronautics professionals, to the public in 1999. In fact, it was widely distributed in a condensed form in VSD, the French equivalent of People Magazine. It also has been translated into English (follow the link).

The report examines the most famous French UFO cases, surveys foreign incidents, and concentrates particularly on the United States. It confirms Roswell and the deep US involvement in the UFO/ET question. It concludes with an affirmation of the existence of UFOs, and considers France's strategic posture in light of their reality. It also affirms the US's leading role in these questions, for better and worse.

So today's huge "document dump" is in reality a calculated move by France to parry the US on the ET/UFO question. Approximately 1/4 of the reports are not resolved; i.e., are judged either mysteries or UFOs, which is roughly in line with US UFO researchers' estimates of domestic sightings, once they are corrected for obvious manipulation and disinformation.

Personally, I think the French are quietly pushing for US disclosure, for several reasons. UFOs are actually tangential to French interests, as incidents are rare and have posed no real security threat. However, politically, I believe France, and here I mean Pres. Chirac and the political elite in power, wish to discomfit the US, raising domestic pressure for the US to "come clean" and reveal over a half-century's worth of intimate--at times staggeringly deceitful and dangerous--involvement with ETs, UFOs, and alien technology. The result of US disclosure, forced or otherwise, would undermine the foundations of the government, as all the secrets and associated horrors came out.

The primary motive is revenge, and no people are more proud than the French. Chirac and France were made a laughingstock in the run-up to Iraq, and their wise counsel to stay the hell out, continue to box in Saddam, and let the WMD inspectors do their work was derided and ridiculed. "Freedom fries," "Old Europe," "the chocolate-making countries," etc. The US arrogance is compounded by the disregard for consultation--simple respect on the part of the Bush administration--and by the US blundering in and becoming a destabilizing interloper in the Arab world, historically France's to dominate.

It was also no help that Paris, the odds-on favorite, lost out to London for the 2012 Olympics, due to last-minute arm-twisting skulduggery by Tony Blair (the US and Britain are lumped together as "the Anglo-Saxons")--another hard blow to the French ego. And not one US airline has ordered the Airbus A-380 superjumbo to date. The list of grievances goes on and on...

So the UFO question is the perfect shiv in the US's back. With de facto disclosure having already occurred just recently in Mexico, the timing is opportune to build the pressure and watch the US squirm. It certainly seems as if we are also in a new domestic UFO wave as well.

So there's my take on the political background, in the next post I'll translate the five representative cases, which are surprisingly divided two false, three compellingly real. Note that this is 3 in 5, not 1 of 4--another indication of France's true intentions.

[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:44 PM
Great material, thank you sir.
Can't wait to get some time to go through this.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:18 AM
(Note these are slightly abridged translations)

1. Royan 1985

Two farmers saw a cylindrical metallic object 20 in. in length fall out of the sky and land less than 50 yards from them. They immediately called the local police and a nearby airbase, and once the object had sufficiently cooled it was taken to the airbase for examination.

Initial inquiries could not identify the object, which was not part of a French or foreign missile, and there were no corresponding launch activities...further inquiries with NORAD uncovered that a COSMOS 1629 satellite launch had probably led to pieces of the missile re-entering earth's atmosphere on or about the 25th Feb., the day of the incident, and the object was tentatively identified as a part of the 4th stage of that booster rocket.

Further study of the object indicated that it had suffered from prolonged exposure to humidity, and that it bore Nazi markings! It thus was evident that the object was no space debris but a WWII-era explosive that had spontaneously ignited. etc...

The inquiry, which lasted some 5 years, is a model of the genre, because of its evolution and its successive reappraisals.

2. Cergy Pontoise 1979

On the 26th Nov 1979, at about 5 am, a man informed the local police that his friend "had been abducted by a UFO."

3 witnesses claimed to have seen a light over the highway and one took his car to investigate it. The light enveloped the car in a sphere of fog, and when it and the light both dissipated, the friend was found missing from the auto.

From the very beginning, discrepancies appeared in the testimony, which only grew in proportion to the witnesses' interest in media appearances.

On the 3rd Dec, the friend suddenly reappeared in a field from another luminous cloud.

The witnesses's conflicting testimony and their thirst for media attention immediately indicated the incident was a fraud, confirmed by a blood test of the "abductee," whose blood showed no signs of altitude-induced thinning.

3. Cussac 1967

The Cussac case occurred 11 years before the formation of GEPAN, but its importance as a possible "close encounter of the third kind" led GEPAN to open an investigation into an incident that remains one of the most amazing encounters ever to have occurred in France.

On the 29th August, 1967, a boy of 13 and his 9-year-old sister were guarding a herd of cows in fields near their village. Suddenly some 80 yards away in the neighboring field, the boy saw 4 black humanoids approximately 4 feet tall which he initially took for children. The beings stood beside a spherical craft set in the field. the boy cried to his sister, "Look, there are some black children!" The two watched the remarkable beings move through the air and enter the top of the sphere headfirst. Simultaneously, the sphere lifted off and the last being, who had picked something off the ground, caught up with the sphere as it cleared the tree line.

The sphere rose silently in a widening spiral from 4 to 6 diameters wide before rapidly disappearing with a whistle. As it rose, the sphere became more and more luminous, until it was blinding, and left a sharp sulphrous odor in its wake. The frightened children returned home in tears and their father immediately called the local police. Upon arrival, the officers noted the odor of burnt sulpher and the dried out grass at the claimed landing site. The shepherd, who had not seen the craft, said he had also heard the whistle and had smelled the sulpher lingering until evening.

11 years later, GEPAN's investigation proved that the testimonies given were perfectly coherent with those given in 1967, and measures of theodelite (in the soil) indicated the sphere was approximately 5 yards in diameter. The duration of the whistle was independently corroborated by all 3 witnesses, who also selected the same (suphrous) odor from a series of samples.

To this day, no rational explanation has been found to explain the remarkable encounter between these children and these strange beings, about which we cannot deny their intelligent actions or their possession of a technology unknown to us.


[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:51 AM
4. Trans-en-Provence 1981 (one of the most famous French cases)

On 8 January, a man is working in his vegetable garden when a whistle draws his attention to a descending craft. The craft lands some 30 to 70 yards below him with a loud noise and departs almost immediately afterward, rising almost vertically and speeding rapidly out of sight. The witness noticed three circular pads beneath the craft, which was a dull metallic zinc color and emitted neither flame nor smoke, and was about 10 feet long by 6 ft high. It was circular, with a thick band around its diameter. The incident lasted 30 to 40 seconds.

The witness found a circular spot about 7 feet in diameter at the landing site.

The local police interviewed the witness the next day, examined and photographed the landing site, and took soil and alfalfa samples in progressive steps from the center of the site.

GEPAN sent the samples to 4 labs for tests, each using different techniques, and their results were complementary. The synthesis of the results showed serious soil compaction, indicating the presence of a heavy object which left residues of iron, iron oxides, and zinc phosphates. A significant heating nearing 600 degrees C was also recorded.

The alphalfa samples showed multiple injuries to the plants diminishing from the center of the site. The cause of these injuries cannot be determined but the effects of an electro-magnetic field have been hypothesized.

There is no doubt that a phenomenon of great importance occurred on that day, and that the reality of the observation is highly probable.


[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:18 AM
5. Air France Flight 1994

The 28th Jan, 1994. The sky is perfectly cloudless and the plane is flying at 11,000 meters at 650 km/hr.

Over greater Paris, the chief steward signals the captain of the Airbus A300 linking Nice and London that he believes a weather balloon is to the plane's left.

The pilot and copilot view the object in turn and agree that it is nothing known to them. It is a large red-brown disc that is constantly changing shape and is estimated to be 500 meters below them, judging from the scattered clouds, and is extremely large. the plane progressively crosses this remarkable phenomenon's flightpath, which then disappears after about a minute.

The captain, fearing ridicule does not report this encounter until 1997, when a large-circulation newsweekly publishes the incident using Air Force documentation. He doubtless is convinced of the importance of the sighting and decides to give sworn testimony.

SERPA conducts an investigation ending in June 2000 with the aid of the world-renowned specialist in aerial observations, Dr. Weinstein, also a longstanding associate with GEPAN. Three years after the occurrence, the inquiry is difficult, and even though there is a perfect correlation between the observed phenomenon and the radar signature, there is little chance that the witness testimonies were altered by a belated reconstruction, and the phenomenon that is described--which remains exceptional and which has not been explained to this day--leaves the door open to all hypotheses.

Et voila. Bonne lecture!

[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Today's Figaro (the most respected daily Paris newspaper) ran the following article on its website.

The gist is nothing spectacular, but it does mention that 28% of the reports are unexplained, and offers links to 4 reports, some with photos and seketches, and a pdf of an official unexplained report.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:46 PM
[edit on 23-3-2007 by dmtking]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:58 PM
i don't see how this will make America "squirm." this may be big news in France but it barely makes the headlines in the USA. It sounds like there is a lot of animosity in France. Animosity that America could care less about.

France's discolsure is no better than my neighbor's information on UFO's. Everyone knows America is #1 in almost everything so naturally they can hope that the #1 UFO country will reveal their secrets. Other countries can only hope. I'm confident America has technology that "makes the Stealth Bomber look like a tinker toy."

Quote: William Cooper

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
i don't see how this will make America "squirm." this may be big news in France but it barely makes the headlines in the USA. It sounds like there is a lot of animosity in France. Animosity that America could care less about.

France's discolsure is no better than my neighbor's information on UFO's. Everyone knows America is #1 in almost everything so naturally they can hope that the #1 UFO country will reveal their secrets. Other countries can only hope. I'm confident America has technology that "makes the Stealth Bomber look like a tinker toy."

Quote: William Cooper

Wow--amazing jingoism, didn't know it still existed...But I don't even want to get started about all the things we're no. 1 in...

Seriously, I think this is running on 2 levels, like all politics. What's for public consumption and what signals are being sent between govt's. Here the signals are very clear.

I'm not fluffing France up for you or anybody, I'm trying to explain the context and provide info on what the French released as their most interesting reports.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by gottago
5. Air France Flight 1994

The 28th Jan, 1994. The sky is perfectly cloudless and the plane is flying at 11,000 meters at 650 km/hr.

Over greater Paris, the chief steward signals the captain of the Airbus A300 linking Nice and London that he believes a weather balloon is to the plane's left.

The pilot and copilot view the object in turn and agree that it is nothing known to them. It is a large red-brown disc that is constantly changing shape and is estimated to be 500 meters below them, judging from the scattered clouds, and is extremely large. the plane progressively crosses this remarkable phenomenon's flightpath, which then disappears after about a minute.

The captain, fearing ridicule does not report this encounter until 1997, when a large-circulation newsweekly publishes the incident using Air Force documentation. He doubtless is convinced of the importance of the sighting and decides to give sworn testimony.

SERPA conducts an investigation ending in June 2000 with the aid of the world-renowned specialist in aerial observations, Dr. Weinstein, also a longstanding associate with GEPAN. Three years after the occurrence, the inquiry is difficult, and even though there is a perfect correlation between the observed phenomenon and the radar signature, there is little chance that the witness testimonies were altered by a belated reconstruction, and the phenomenon that is described--which remains exceptional and which has not been explained to this day--leaves the door open to all hypotheses.

Et voila. Bonne lecture!

[edit on 23-3-2007 by gottago]

There was radar in this case? The description doesn't state the source of theh radar data/

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Yes there was radar verification--that is what made the pilot come forward, when he learned of it in the newspapers.

What you have to remember with these reports is that they're abstracts--a bit like the greatest hits, in a way, or were at least chosen to be representative; the official reports should have the details, but I haven't been able to access the site yet to see just what is available.

But the report is clear that French military radar was tracking the object. I assume that data is on the site as well.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:30 AM
Thank you gottago! Glad i can finaly read some of the material.
Keep brining stuff here if you can.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by gottago
3. Cussac 1967

Two children encounter UFO and small humanoid beings in Cussac, France

4. Trans-en-Provence 1981 (one of the most famous French cases)

Trans-en-Provence Physical Trace Case

5. Air France Flight 1994

Air France Flight 3532 sighting of brown-red disk-shaped object

[edit on 26-3-2007 by sergejsh]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 02:18 PM
They fired a broadside at the Pentagon with the COMETA report - in essence saying "we know what you have - you need to let your allies know what the deal is". They want us to disclose,no doubt. They know full well what we have.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Haha, that is pathetic. Are you going to make this into nationalism? If there are aliens they must shake their head and sigh about humans stupid nationalist ideas.

From my perspective this french space agency is showing a lot more courage and openess than for example Nasa. Ok, you can always suspect they are not revealing everything they got, but atleast they seem to have an agenda for free information... which you can not exactly say US got.

And y'know.. you're an american hill billy boy so of course you think your country is number one... Don't expect the rest of the world to agree with you though, lol.

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
i don't see how this will make America "squirm." this may be big news in France but it barely makes the headlines in the USA. It sounds like there is a lot of animosity in France. Animosity that America could care less about.

France's discolsure is no better than my neighbor's information on UFO's. Everyone knows America is #1 in almost everything so naturally they can hope that the #1 UFO country will reveal their secrets. Other countries can only hope. I'm confident America has technology that "makes the Stealth Bomber look like a tinker toy."

Quote: William Cooper

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Yeah, I wouldn't misunderestimate the French; they are great triangulators and play politics really well; they thrive on it in fact. Turn over a rock in France and you find politics underneath.

This whole UFO document dump is a fascinating development. And you're right, essentially they're making the point its beyond nationalism, one country's interests.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:08 AM

Trans-en-Provence Physical Trace Case

I'm mostly a lurker on ATS, but the thing that caught me about this particular case, was it's date...January, 8 1981.

Now I thought that approximate date was familiar in my head with some other UFO incident, and I looked it up and the Rendlesham Forest case occured December 26-28, 1980.

Many details of the case are very similar such as landing evidence in a triangular form and a visible engine signature.

Could have this been the same craft? It's less than 500 miles between Trans-en-Provence and Rendlesham Forest.

Just my thoughts...


[edit on 27-3-2007 by TheMule]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 12:42 PM
It's an interesting possibility, tho at Rendlesham the craft appeared on two nights and was apparently interested in the military base; the French incident was a quick touch-and-go in a back field--maybe just navigator's error

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