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Charlie Sheen To Narrate Loose Change Final Cut

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:32 PM
Charlie Sheen is going to take over the Narration for LC Final Cut!!! Do you think that this will be a good thing for the movie when released??? Will it help bring more attention to the film?? I think it will be great, it's about time someone in Hollywood stands up for what they believe in no matter the reaction from the public and MSM.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I think its great, Fox News just trashed Sheen and LC, I get so pissed off...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:52 PM
I'm sure he's a great guy, but not the best for this. Analyzing photos and video of the attacks to find and explain all the clues of mass murder we all know and love. Problem is, as we'll be reminded, he can't tell a fake snuff film from the real thing. This could harm the credibility of Loose Change.
My article on this: y_28.html

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:22 PM
Alex Jones is gonna go ape when he finds out about this!!!!!

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Charlie Sheen won't hurt the credibility of Loose Change, because it has ZERO to start with.

A piece of crap narrated by Wm. Shakespeare is still, well a piece of crap.

And this is a big steaming pile of it.

So I say 'have at it young Charlie, you can't make your caeer any worse than it already is."


[edit on 22-3-2007 by Midwest Agenda]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Charlie Sheen won't hurt the credibility of Loose Change, because it has ZERO to start with.

Oh.. because YOU say so? it doesn't quite work that way Mr. Agenda.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Midwest Agenda
Charlie Sheen won't hurt the credibility of Loose Change

I agree.

A piece of crap narrated by Wm. Shakespeare is still, well a piece of crap.

I agree again.

So I say 'have at it young Charlie, you can't make your caeer any worse than it already is."


You claim that L.C. is a 'steaming pile'.
Lets compare your opinion of L.C. with your opinion of Mr. Sheen.
You claim that Mr. Sheen "cant make his career any worse than it already is".
And exactly how bad is his career right now M.Agenda?
Well, he is the STAR of the highest rated sitcom of the 2005-2006 season on American television.

Your 'agenda' is obvious to all but the most ignorant, and I want to assure anyone reading this post that you by no means represent the 'midwest'.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by 11Bravo]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Considering I don't know of any qualifications that would put Sheen in any position to confirm or deny anything from a technical standpoint, isn't this just some sort of appeal to celebrity? "Look, a famous/powerful figure endorses us, so we must be right!" Isn't that the sort of mentality the average conspiracy theorist avoids and actively campaigns against?

I'd be more impressed if they got an accredited engineer or professor to narrate it. But Charlie Sheen... might as well be Homer Simpson.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
But Charlie Sheen... might as well be Homer Simpson.

You're the same type of person that would say
"Dylan Avery? Who is that clown? Might as well be Homer Simpson."

So what? Its only relevant if its a guy in a white coat talking?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:21 PM
well, look on the bright side. At least its not rosie!!!

i dont think charlie sheen will hurt the credibility of loose change at all, if anything he peaked the interest of a billionare (mark cuban) and Mark may be able to bring this film to theaters... god knows hes got the cash to do so. So if anything, this is a good thing for the truth movement.

And if loose change is inaccurate in any way, it does its job by making us think, and ask questions. And that is the first step to gaining a public stance on a private investigation.

...and for those of you who found the loopholes in Loose Change, have you not found loop holes in the official story yet?!?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo

You're the same type of person that would say
"Dylan Avery? Who is that clown? Might as well be Homer Simpson."

So what? Its only relevant if its a guy in a white coat talking?

Tell me why Charlie Sheen narrating this is important in any other way than: "A famous person believes in the conspiracy."

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
Considering I don't know of any qualifications that would put Sheen in any position to confirm or deny anything from a technical standpoint, isn't this just some sort of appeal to celebrity? "Look, a famous/powerful figure endorses us, so we must be right!" Isn't that the sort of mentality the average conspiracy theorist avoids and actively campaigns against?

I'd be more impressed if they got an accredited engineer or professor to narrate it. But Charlie Sheen... might as well be Homer Simpson.

Spot on,

He's merely a name, to boost the 'status'
It might not do any harm.. but i certainly think people will look at it and think.. hmm... why do they need a celebrity to sell their story?

sort of like the makeup adds

'' I use this that and the other, and i feel 10yrs younger.. yes this cream will bring your hair back, make you thin, attract and sexy... and you too can smile at the beach ''.

all the while we are thinking.. '' yeah... maybe for a million dollar celeb ''

Loose change was good,
But I think a third film, with a celeb isnt the best idea.

Lets make an entirely NEW film, with no CELEB..
why do we need a celeb voice when we have 6years of video footage, interviews, bush stuff ups, accusations, lies, and so forth?... shouldnt we have enough to make something so rock solid... people wont be able to deny the reality of this admin?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:42 PM
I think it's just a voice stating all the questions that the movie raises. It's just a narration, it's not like he's saying he's an engineer and he is an expert on every point raised in the film. He's basically just lending his voice, and if it raises the interest of some housewife, or young kid that is unaware of the Truth Movement, or even unaware about Building 7, than his voice will benefit the film.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Nice attempt to spin out of that.
You turn my question around on me.
I Never claimed that Mr. Sheen was important.
On the other hand, YOU did say ....

Originally posted by Esoterica

I'd be more impressed if they got an accredited engineer or professor to narrate it.

TO which I asked you...

Originally posted by 11Bravo
So what? Its only relevant if its a guy in a white coat talking?

In other words, Why is it important that an engineer or professor narrate it?
Its just a narration for petes sake.

I couldnt care less who narrates it, basicly all they are doing is reading a script.....Hmmmm, maybe it should be an actor.

No, thats stupid, actors know nothing of reading scripts, lets get one of those boring, stodgy old professors to drone on about the most important issue of the our time!

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:00 AM
That was exactly my point. Unless they're getting a qualified person, technically, to narrate it, it doesn't matter who they get. Charlie Sheen is just another person. I'm saying that it's not really important that he's narrating it.


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:00 AM
The problem with promoting a film like Loose Change is it argues unprovable points. It does, however, get people pointed in the right direction. I agree with Agit8 about a new film. I think a film more along the lines of Who Killed John O'Neill is what needs to be put into the public and discussed. Discussing explosions in WTC, no plane at the pentagon, or Flight 93 shootdown is never ending. Nothing can be proven either way. Discussing topics like 1) origin of Al-Queda and its ties to ISI and CIA, 2) our officials ties with people associated to "terrorists", 3) our dealings in South America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East concerning the drug trade, 4) exploring the offices and the destroyed cases that dissappeared in the collapse of WTC7, 5) the 9/11 Commission and the ties of the people assigned to be on the Commission ... These are just a few points that are the real topics that need to be seen by the masses.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:12 AM
I'm all for Mr Sheen putting his weight behind this.

It's a simple matter of name recognition.

This is great and one of the better developments recently

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:25 PM
His career was in the toilet..this is the flush! Perfect.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by rdang
His career was in the toilet..this is the flush! Perfect.

Well if it isnt Rdang, the guy with the Churchill misquote in his sig.
Nice of you to chime in here with a one-liner.
Showing off your superior intellect no doubt.

Oh yeah, about your post.
We have already established as fact that Mr. Sheen is the lead actor and star of the number one rated sitcom on American television.
Is this what you mean when you say 'his career was in the toilet'?

You never fail to astound me with your amazing powers of observation and deduction.
Keep up the good work Sherlock!

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[edit on 23/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Another cut of loose change?

Is this going to be the one where they edit out all of the misleading information and half-truths?

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