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VeriChip to implant RFID chips inside of US soldiers

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posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:10 AM

VeriChip is forging ahead with its plan to implant its RFID chips under the skin of U.S. soldiers, despite recent concerns over reliability and privacy.

Soldiers would not be able to refuse these, am I correct?

Then, if the draft is reinstated, more people would be forced to get the implant.

Eventually, they'll want everyone chipped would they not?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Alarming, but not unexpected.
Do you have any other sources for this info?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Alarming, but not unexpected.
Do you have any other sources for this info?

No, I haven't found any other sources for this particular targeted implant group. I have read articles where other groups are targeted for the goal of implantation though.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Click on advanced search, type in verichip, change the search parameter from 3 months to "the beginning".

There are a bunch of threads concerning this technology here at ATS.

I am glad I am out of the military now, this is very disturbing.....

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Article from 2006,

"We're not even aware of anyone attempting to forcibly implant microchips into people," says Albrecht. "That lawmakers felt this legislation was necessary indicates a growing concern that the company's product could pose a serious threat to the public down the road."
Dont know what to say apart from these things were designed for animals - or so they say. I think over time people may loose resistance to the idea of being chipped as more incentives and engineered 'advantages' are thought up.

And 2 seconds later - he finds this (albeit from jan 05)

Both the The Observer and the The Telegraph report that a night club in Glasgow is following similar night clubs in Barcelona and Rotterdam by offering to implant VeriChip RFID chips under their loyal customers' skin.

This has many advantages for the bar or night club, by allowing them to extract money from customers who have decided that even credit cards are too bulky or inconvenient to carry, or who cannot even remember their own names whilst high on drugs or drink

The same hype tactics of promoting the VeriChips as a status symbol "allowing" a customer easier access to the "VIP" lounge/party/promoted event are evident in Glasgow as in the other European trials of the technology. Almost all of these VeriChip "trials" involve free or subsidised equipment and/or implants, and are publicity stunts aimed at supporting the share price of the chip manufacturer

[edit on 20/3/2007 by Now_Then]

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 12:36 AM
This is hilarious. (In an ironic way I mean). In the movie "Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson made in 1997, his character talks about how the use of chips in dogs is to soften people up to the idea of implanted chips. Soon, he says, they'll want to put them in people! Wow, what a nut huh? Good thing the movie is just fiction...

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:25 PM
Geez. The idea of planting chips into people has been around for a few years (or more), but now the government is actually trying to do it. That's a big leap.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:41 PM
It feels like we homo-sapiens are going extinct because we'll eventually become homo-cyborgs....

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:51 PM
For anyone considering enlistment in the Armed forces, I would definitely hold off until we find out how the military plans to implement this chip.

My guess is if they give the go on this, it will not be voluntary, more likely mandatory. they could eliminate dogtags, id cards in one fell swoop. I can see the chips also being gps locators as this would help in the cyber battlefield HQ's.

Civilians should stay alert as well, if this is fully implemented, how long will it take to have the chip replace drivers license, social security cards, citizenship documents etc..

It is not a pretty scenario, but it seems to be happening before our very eyes.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:00 PM
By the way this is my first post, and I think this site very cool.

What if this kind of technology was used by aggressive groups against a persons will, who would the victims turn to for help? Also, I think there is a terrifying possibility that this is already being done.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:32 PM
However, you'll notice that there are several things wrong with this article.

First, the article's 7 months old, and there hasn't been any big push to do it yet.

Second, it's not really up to Verichip as to whether anyone gets implanted or not. The whole "Verichip forges on with its plans to implant soldiers" thing is bogus on the face of it. I mean, I forge on with my plans for my kids to cut the yard without being asked first but it hasn't happened yet.

Third, you'll have noticed that the article is a self-admitted collation of other articles "News reports have the chip maker lobbying the Defense Department to install RFID tags in soldiers" Well, first off, they're not a chip maker. Second, you'll notice that "htlounge" wasn't able to get any info from anyone and is simply mushing together "news reports". Whether those were accurate is anyone's guess, obviously 'htlounge' isn't all that technically savvy or they wouldn't have called Verichip a semiconductor fab.

This stuff's been studied for years. You see it pop up in various pitches from time to time, generally linked to battlefield medicine. Well, I do anyway. Generally the conversation gets down to dogtags, even info-laden ones, being less expensive and easier to modify.

There's really no compelling reason to use implants. You don't generally lose dogtags unless you're turned into mincemeat anyway, at which point you'll lose the implant as well.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by curiousbeliever
It feels like we homo-sapiens are going extinct because we'll eventually become homo-cyborgs....

Appologies in advance: Homo-cyborgs, are they the ones that are only interested in other cyborgs??

p.s. that question works on 2 levels.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Walk in through the metal detector/chemical trace sensor array/RFID reader everytime you buy groceries, gas or a Big Mac...BEEP...thank you Sir, here is your Big Mac, you account has been debited.

Have a nice day.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by newtron25

Walk in through the metal detector/chemical trace sensor array/RFID reader everytime you buy groceries, gas or a Big Mac...BEEP...thank you Sir, here is your Big Mac, you account has been debited.

Have a nice day.

Yeah it's just like the quick-pass freeway lane. You drive under the reader and the thing on your dash beeps. And the monthly fee is so low too... might as well pay to be forcefully chipped.. then there will be a chip-tax of course, to pay for the infrastructure, well to pay the interest on the borrowed money used to build the infrastructure.. then the virus they put in the chip will be released when the cell-towers send out a microwave pulse that blows the chips up inside your hands.. oops, too far.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by ViolatoR
Good thing the movie is just fiction...

My cat has a chip.
You can buy shoes with a chip.
You can implant a chip to open the lock to your home.
There's talk about chipping children over the age of 11.

Have we been "softened up" enough yet?

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:12 AM
id rather eat my own head than to have a chip put in my son or myself. not gonna happen. they consider the people breeders and workers for their little small dusty empire. putting chips in people like we are their property or something....wild eyed and foaming at the mouth trying to grab the last few pieces of silver. they know how the story ends.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:05 AM
I find, myself, local peoples to be quite humorous. Although the story doesn't read like it's spoken, here's a link:

It has been a long two weeks for the little black pug, but he's finally back where he belongs — for now.
Since the puppy was stolen from Petland March 8, he may be available for a new owner soon — one who will buy him, instead of smuggling him out in a diaper bag.
The pup was returned to Petland Wednesday by law enforcement officials, and was promptly placed in isolation until he can be checked out by a veterinarian.
"We have been reunited with our puppy," said Linda Brittingham, a manager at Petland. "We're just glad he's back."
Brittingham said the puppy was identified using information on its microchip.

The way it's told on the streets by those close to the investigation, they used this chip like a Lo-Jack and tracked him. Funny.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Chips are already being implanted in people against their will. Sedona,Az is where I had it done to me more than three years ago. They were very good at stalking and well organized. I was not the first and definately not the last. They play themselves off as if it were somekind of witch craft or voodoo because of the large occult presence in Sedona. They were very blatant with their stalking and definately gave the impression that it was community backed to some degree. I only came to the realization that it was an implant situation after years of looking for answers. The symptons are very unnerving and difficult to believe in yourself let alone trying to explain to someone. Even now, going through what I have , it is difficult to understand. I admit that had I not been subjected to this kind of treatment I would never believe that people were capable and willing to this to a person.

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