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What about the Firemen?

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:18 PM
I just got done watching the "The Ultimate Con 911 Documentary Trailer" which shows an incredible amount of evidence from news broadcasts and ground level video of bombs going off on 9/11.

In one case, a fireman says to a cameraman "There's a bomb in the building, start clearing out".

My question is: With all of the firemen that died on that day, why aren't more of them, especially the firefighters union, coming out to tell the truth about bombs being found in the building?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:33 PM
Whistleblowing in this case has severe consequences. Consequences include
loss of job without compensation (dishonarble discharge). A lot of the firefighters have families they need to think about and can't cover the court costs to get something like this off the ground.

Then again the bombs could have been placed in the building as a preventative measure to protect the surrounding area. In the extreme case the buildings may have collapsed awkwardly, causing more property damage than expected.

[edit on 3-14-2007 by websurfer]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:28 PM
What good does it do them to speak out? They will just be ignored like they were on 911 when they first exposed the bombs planted in the building. They will be accused of being conspiracy nuts, or illiterate firemen that are not experts on explosives or structural engineering, and the media will smear them. Character assassination, blackmail, lies, typical bull#.

The firemen were not allowed to testify to the 911 commission, why is that? The group that lost the largest number of members was not allowed to testify about it?! Even though they petitioned to testify??


Omitting or burying evidence is the very of a cover-up. Mineta testimony, Sibel edmonds, etc etc... What else havent we been told?


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