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Hillary - Conspiracy to commit political hypocrisy (again)

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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:01 PM
Hillary is at it again. This time reviving her "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" theory by citing voting irregularities. What? This from the party that elected Kennedy by voting the dead? the party that elected the governor of Washington by counting more votes than registered voters? The party that saved Tom Daschle once by doing the same thing on Indian reservations in South Dakota? The party that screamed and cried in Ohio, only to have one of their own as the only person arrested for slashing the tires of vans to try and keep elderly people from voting?

Read this and then judge for yourselves ...

HRC - Hypocrites 'R Clinton

WASHINGTON - The "vast, right-wing conspiracy" is back, presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is warning, using a phrase she once coined to describe partisan plotting.

Once derided for her use of the phrase, Clinton is now trying to turn the imagery to her advantage.

Clinton was first lady when she famously charged allegations of an affair between her then-president husband Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky were the result of a conservative conspiracy.

As evidence of the affair eventually came to light, the comment was ridiculed.

Quote from the Democratic Party Manifesto:
A lie told often enough, will be eventually considered to be the truth.

Obviously, a book Hillary has read over and over ...


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