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What shall we do?

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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:25 AM
I have followed and researched the New World Order, the North American Union, the cashless societies, and countless and unimaginable atrocities perpetrated on the American people and the Constitution by the U.S. Government over and over.

I see threads on ATS constantly being added describing more rights being taken away here, more rights being taken away there, this is unconstitutional, that's unconstitutional, etc etc.

I am very perplexed. There's a lot of bitching going on, but it seems to me that there's not many people doing anything at all about it. Is anyone doing anything about it? Is anyone writing to their Congresspeople and other representatives demanding answers? Is anyone calling them? Is anyone making their findings publicly known so that others may do the same?

I understand that we're supposed to deny ignorance, of which means to learn and spread the knowledge, but has anyone thought about denying apathy? What I mean is, if it's so important for everyone to know, then why isn't it important for people to act upon it?

I've written letters to my Congresspeople demanding answers: Asking Congress about the North American Union, I've attended Town meetings of which my Districts' Congressional Representative was there to hear the peoples' questions/concerns, I've made a website to advertise what I feel to be important issues, and I've even made an online petition to address the Government's oppression and the North American Union. I've spread the word in my hometown by passing out flyers pertaining to the misuse of power in today's Government by directing people to different sources on the internet to learn about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, to visit so they can monitor Legislation being entered onto the Congressional floor every day, and to several links within showing specific bills that are killing our Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

I am very curious to see what, if anything, people are doing to put an end to the ongoing raping of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I am greatly anticipating any type of feedback on this issue, of which is highly important to me, and should be to any American citizen.

What have you done?



posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:28 AM
I haven't really done much. Really, maybe an hour or two ago I was making a really lovely sandwich. Then I just got involved in reading about some great American stories about corruption on ATS. Wow.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 06:28 AM
Welcome to the party. Like many of your fellow American ATS'ers, you've obviously come to grips with an ugly reality that 99% of the mainstream U.S. just chooses to ignore. There are many posts like this scattered around... a thorough search of this site would reveal that these types of posts are, for the most part, quickly buried without fanfare. I have experienced this same frustration first hand, and I must say that I was quite disappointed.

I'm not sure the letters to your representatives will do any good, as they are well aware of what's going on. In fact, you might be considered a threat to the everchanging and all encompassing 'national security' as a result.

Here is a link to an earkier attempt I made:'

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Although I don't live in the US myself, I'm a UK resident, I do share your frustration at peoples lack of motivation. I'm trying to rally those around me at teh moment into some form of positive action....leaflet distribution, ,movie presentations that sort of thing...but it is hard, there is the fear of ridicule, and just the thought of actually putting thought into action can in itself be intimidating...but like you I urge everyone to do something, however small because if we, the enlightened members of ATS, can't do anything, then what hope is there for the rest........

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 12:18 PM

First of all I want to say that the work you've been doing IS important, it takes a lot of courage to talk to the people around you about these issues and hand out pamphlets etc, so whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!

You can't expect to start a revolution overnight. But as I mentioned
here, every time you educate another person about these issues, you take power away from the secret government, because their power is entirely contingent upon secrecy, deceit, ignorance, and willing compliance. And eventually we WILL reach a Critical Mass where we are able to make a real difference!

What's the next step? Lately I've been thinking that maybe it's time to try to tackle the mainstream media blackout of these issues. An Internet presence just isn't enough. We need people to somehow start talking about these things on live TV and mainstream radio broadcasts.

Mind you, actions like that carry some real risk of physical violence, or being labeled a Terrorist and whisked away to a prison camp or whatever, so they are not for the faint of heart!

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Build a log cabin in the woods, take a fishing rod and start planting some vegetables and live a happy and peaceful life. There is absolutely 100% nothing that can be done to affect change aside from violent revolution, ultimatly nobody can complain were all part the system simple as that.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:19 PM

Great attitude there Starvald!

You may be right in that violence may be a foregone conclusion - but if and when that time comes, don't you think we'll need as many people on the side of truth and freedom as possible?

That's why this work of educating people and raising awareness is SO important. People like soldiers, cops and judges who do the dirtywork of the NWO on a daily basis NEED to be shown that they are ON THE WRONG SIDE! That the "War on Terror" is a LIE and they have been brainwashed to believe that ordinary freedom-loving citizens are the enemy ("Terrorists"), when it is the secret government that is the REAL enemy!

It is CRITICAL that we reach the soldiers and cops NOW - before they start beating us, gassing us, shooting us, hauling us off to prison camps..... comprendez?

[edit on 13-3-2007 by millerman]

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Here is a better question to answer:
When the bullets let fly, the cannons roar and the tanks roll, where will you stand? What will YOU do?

Never count on the military joining freedom, NEVER expect the cops too or other government organizations. Anymore this information is getting out more and more, yet they keep on going and turning a blind eye or they LIKE what they are doing. So at some point you must realize you have gone as far as you can with peace, and if nothing changes, well thats up to you to decide for what to do next.
Someone posted on the "conspiracy" about "the noose is getting tighter." It is already tight, we are already standing on the stool, all they have to do is kick it out from under us. Question is: who will be the executioner?
For your information I have said this a couple times on ATS, all got burried fast, but what the heck right? New crowd.

I would like to share a philosophy I have:
"One day we will all have to make a decision, this decision will change our lives forever. Do not falter on this day for if you do you will have passed up opportunity and your only chance in life at doing something profound."

This goes to say you will be given one shot at certain events in society, when oppourtunity presents itself: TAKE IT! Or time will pass you by.

Tanks roll down the street, military has taken control, martial law is declared, all rights suspended. Anti-NWO people are trying to fight back with signs and they simply gun the engine on the tank and run them over. What will you do? Stay in your home and let this go on or go fight them? Even if it means running into the woods for a while and getting a small army going.

Remember the saying: "The pen is mightier than the sword!" Well remember the pen is easily shattered by the sword, but the sword can be underminded by the pen. Should the pen fail, keep the sword handy, at that point it will be a free for all.
I think the pen has been shattered by an enemy who cares not for peace, they love those who use the pen because it gives them a few months to prepare an army to walk over them.
Here is my attitude right about now:
The only way I could get the song, YouTube... AMV but just listen to the song.

They declare martial law and go for it, I am turning that music up and saying: pass me the bullets. If I am going down I am taking them down with me, be darned if I die before them. As someone said:
"When it comes to dying for your nation, dont die, make sure the other bastard dies for his." Patton.
What you can do right now is prepare for the worst, because if nothing changes in 08, it never will by peaceful methods unless they WANT IT TOO. heh. Just remember: this problem is one faced by ALL of North America, not just the USA. So if any fighting happens, get used to seeing Mexicans fighting with you and Canadians. They are not just screwing us over, they are screwing the world over. If anyone is smart, they will realize this and get all of North America to fight back as one, thus increasing our chances of survival.

When the bullets fly: go outside and scream YEEEHAAAAA and get ready for total war. Keep a healthy attitude! That is key!

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:26 PM
realisticaly we all fuel the goverments we hate so much, the only thing to do is to begin massive boycotting of the material goods they rely upon so much for proffit, such as fuel. Dont buy gas for your car, dont use electricity, dont use public services as your directly funding the goverment and the corporations that use that money which you willingly give them to further their own ends which in turn is use against us as people. Really a good place to start would be to begin creating civil unions that act in the same way as workers unions however they would be directed at forcing change within the goverments administration with mass demonstrations, continual failure to adhere to goverment law and mass strikes from the workplace untill change was made.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Vekar

Never count on the military joining freedom, NEVER expect the cops too or other government organizations. Anymore this information is getting out more and more, yet they keep on going and turning a blind eye or they LIKE what they are doing.

Well I disagree strongly there.

Of course there's always going to be the real mercenary types who don't mind - or as you said, even ENJOY - harming or killing innocent people, as long as they're paid really well to do it....

But I believe they are the minority. And I believe that for many of the soldiers, and cops, there will be that GOD-GIVEN sense of compassion and justice and guilty conscience kicking in, like "Oh My God what have I done, this CAN'T be right!!!"

Especially when the innocent people they're harming are there own brothers and sisters, their fellow [North] American citizens!

Newsflash: America DID NOT WIN the Vietnam War. And a good part of the reason for that was because eventually they utterly lost support for it, both at home and abroad. And I believe the exact same thing will happen in America if the whole Martial Law scenario plays out.

Freedom, compassion and justice WILL eventually win the day, because they are qualities given us by GOD, and that is STRONGER than the will of a handful of old evil men!

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 04:42 PM
Miller you did not grasp what I am saying:
I was saying DO NOT expect the military, police and so on to back you. Why? As I said, over the past 8 years and counting more and more have realized what is going on, take a look at the number going AWOL since Iraq, they went there, realized they had done wrong, they refused to go back. Those were the ones you could count on. What we have now, is a GROWING majority that is JOINING AND DO NOT CARE! That group which USED to be the majority is fast becoming a minority group. So do not expect a whole lot to join you and run from the ranks, most already have. Here is a problem: if they care only about North Americans and not the rest of the world, do we really want them on our side? Especially since they are supposed to be the group we send overseas!
Ever since they COMPLETELY slacked off on the recruiting requirements just about anyone can go into the military, so as I have said: beware. The police are the paramilitary now, I knew a guy who left the police force BECAUSE of what they told him he would do in certain situations. He REFUSED to help their police state. The US military IS a mercenary force though, remember that, they are up for hire for whichever corporation can fork out the cash.
Never put all your hopes, dreams, aspirations and the total basis of why you fight in one area, let alone put all your effort into one small spot. Why? You have ignored the larger picture. The military is just a small faction of the whole picture, why? The power they have reaches across nations, plural. They have fallback points.

Boycotting will not work, the bulk of the gas used is true, people going and comming from work but ALSO: trucker drivers, trains, planes, ships, and on and on. Sure you could NOT drive your vehicle for a few weeks but it will not mean jack squat, The SUADIS are the ones who own that business. If you boycott their goods then they also get you elsewhere: food, clothing, housing, heat, water, and so on. So unless your going to get 70% or more of the USA to go on a hunger strike for the next two-three weeks just forget it. Also, go look up how much they make A DAY! Even a three week strike wouldnt even dent them!
It is hard to boycott someone who has tenticles ALL OVER the place so you cannot boycott one without boycotting the whole and your very means of survival.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Wow, sounds like the perfect information we need to fight an invisible war. If the NWO stuff is around, it's already around the globe already. You can't just stop one faction, as there will be no real faction.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Guy
I haven't really done much. Really, maybe an hour or two ago I was making a really lovely sandwich.

What kind of sandwich was it?

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
I'm not sure the letters to your representatives will do any good, as they are well aware of what's going on. In fact, you might be considered a threat to the everchanging and all encompassing 'national security' as a result.

I agree, however, I assure you they'll keep going to them. As far as being on a "watch list"... then so be it. At least I'll be able to live knowing that I've done everything that I could.

Originally posted by Malacalypse23
Although I don't live in the US myself, I'm a UK resident, I do share your frustration at peoples lack of motivation. I'm trying to rally those around me at teh moment into some form of positive action.

It's not only in the United States that these things are happening. That's good that you're trying to help. Keep it up.

Originally posted by Starvald
Build a log cabin in the woods, take a fishing rod and start planting some vegetables and live a happy and peaceful life. There is absolutely 100% nothing that can be done to affect change aside from violent revolution, ultimatly nobody can complain were all part the system simple as that.

Hmm.. you're actually advocating apathy? Thanks for continuing the disinformation agent talks that you spouted about in our discussion about the North American Union, of which you obviously are a stanch supporter of, and I gave you and others the proverbial smack down as to it's legality.

Originally posted by millerman
What's the next step? Lately I've been thinking that maybe it's time to try to tackle the mainstream media blackout of these issues. An Internet presence just isn't enough. We need people to somehow start talking about these things on live TV and mainstream radio broadcasts.

Mind you, actions like that carry some real risk of physical violence, or being labeled a Terrorist and whisked away to a prison camp or whatever, so they are not for the faint of heart!

That definitely sounds like a good idea. I'll start pondering something like that immediately. Maybe I'll even make a big write up for a few newspapers, like the editorial section.

Originally posted by Vekar
Never count on the military joining freedom, NEVER expect the cops too or other government organizations. Anymore this information is getting out more and more, yet they keep on going and turning a blind eye or they LIKE what they are doing. So at some point you must realize you have gone as far as you can with peace, and if nothing changes, well thats up to you to decide for what to do next.

I'm going to have to agree with millerman here. I believe that there will be some military, police, and other governmental personnel joining the freedom movement. However, your point is well heard by me, in the idea that "not too many" are going to be on our side of the fence.

I greatly appreciate all comments I've received on this subject. I'm not one that feels the only way to get our Nation back on track is to incite a full revolution... just yet. There's steps that have yet to be taken, for example this particular thread. There's not too many people that are taking the "bull by the horns" and demanding answers. But, the few that are will slowly spill over to the ones that either don't know, or don't care just yet.

Something I learned over the last eight months since I began this little journey, is most people will not show an ounce of concern until it effects them directly. When new legislation is pasted that makes it illegal to watch "Who wants to be a millionaire", you'll get a large sum of the population to take notice of what's going on.

Again, thanks for the input...


[edit on 3/13/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Vekar

What you can do right now is prepare for the worst, because if nothing changes in 08, it never will by peaceful methods unless they WANT IT TOO. heh. Just remember: this problem is one faced by ALL of North America, not just the USA. So if any fighting happens, get used to seeing Mexicans fighting with you and Canadians. They are not just screwing us over, they are screwing the world over. If anyone is smart, they will realize this and get all of North America to fight back as one, thus increasing our chances of survival.

When the bullets fly: go outside and scream YEEEHAAAAA and get ready for total war. Keep a healthy attitude! That is key!

yes! that is the key. the only way the revolution will succeed is when people overcome their conditioned minds of prejudice and racism. seems we are kept the way because it prevents the increase in numbers, the increase of people who will oppose the system. we live in the same world and i have come to learn that, the idea that you are a different ethnicity than others, is what is keeping us back. we are all human. as for doing something, i believe that most, are not entirely sure of what really is going on and would like to do more research before they start taking action, including myself. i do know i talk about this kind of situations a lot with friends, co workers and family and in turn, im sure they talk to other people about this. believe it or not, the only way to really spread the word until it hits the fan, is to use propaganda, propaganda that is used to liberate the mind. it makes sense because the people who do not know or do not want to know, where conditioned to that state through propaganda.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 06:15 PM
I have been noticing the amount of forest fires and how they're all over. Perhaps someone in government wants to rid us of the forests so that when it comes time for chip implants that there will be no way for someone to just live off the land?

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
Miller you did not grasp what I am saying:
I was saying DO NOT expect the military, police and so on to back you. Why? As I said, over the past 8 years and counting more and more have realized what is going on, take a look at the number going AWOL since Iraq, they went there, realized they had done wrong, they refused to go back. Those were the ones you could count on. What we have now, is a GROWING majority that is JOINING AND DO NOT CARE! That group which USED to be the majority is fast becoming a minority group. So do not expect a whole lot to join you and run from the ranks, most already have.

So that's your whole argument? "The ones that are joining now don't care"?

Maybe they are joining because of the giant propaganda machine training them to hate Muslims? Again, I don't believe that they will be so eager to fight when it's their own fellow Americans, and North Americans that they are ordered to harm.....

"souls" had a good point - they are being conditioned to think that way by propaganda, so we need counter-propaganda, propaganda that liberates their minds....

Never put all your hopes, dreams, aspirations and the total basis of why you fight in one area, let alone put all your effort into one small spot. Why? You have ignored the larger picture. The military is just a small faction of the whole picture, why? The power they have reaches across nations, plural. They have fallback points.

Yes. It's not just soldiers and cops we need to reach - it's firefighters, doctors, judges, lawyers, politicians, bankers, scientists, inventors, reporters; and not just here in [North] America but around the whole world. All the people who are DUPED into going along with the plans of the secret government on a daily basis!

Boycotting will not work, the bulk of the gas used is true, people going and comming from work but ALSO: trucker drivers, trains, planes, ships, and on and on. Sure you could NOT drive your vehicle for a few weeks but it will not mean jack squat

I am more interested in raising awareness of the fact that for at LEAST fifty years the secret government has been sitting on energy and propulsion technologies that consume NO fuel and create NO pollution, technologies which can END all burning of fossil fuels for energy generation, which can END our dependence on Middle East oil, that can END all poverty within a generation - and which can usher in a new age of peace and prosperity the likes of which we have never known on this planet!

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Miller you failed to catch my point again, Infoholic is slowly grasping it:

Remember that! Just because you counter propaganda does not mean they will change! Also who knows how far they are willing to go when it comes to brainwashing. As I said: Do not wholey trust or put all hope and aspiration in ONE SPOT!
Bankers? Screw them. I say we need the people as the whole, not the richest 1% who is already against us. So long as we have the popular support we will gain ground unless they decide to go to war with us. Also keep in mind: They may not use the domestic military to oppress us! They very well could use foreign forces! The NWO takes in all and melds it as one for a SINISTER ideal. Besides I recall some people on ATS talking about those joining the military quietly being asked to fill out forms and one question was: "Would you be willing to open fire on Americans?"
When the question is asked before the fight: "Will you help us or fight us" make sure to keep a good distance between the military and yourself while asking the question, because you might just find yourself fired on.

I can sum up what we would see though if they do not QUICKLY take TOTAL control and solidify it: Total War. As I told a guy who was Norwegan who was in the USA at a buddist stupa: "Should another civil war or revolution break loose in the USA, it will forever redefine the the meaning of total war and brutality."
After all: We Americans are experts at blowing stuff up, and love to put a whole new shine on the word overkill.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:20 AM

propaganda alone will not work. writing to you representatives alone will not work. raging revolution alone will not work. that is a good point by your part because it is obvious that we are running against a well oiled machine with the advantage of television, the most powerful form of propaganda, and the pre-conditioning of past generations. when it comes to the issue of whether the military will support the resistance or not, i'm not taking my chances either. like you said, for all we know hey could be using soldiers from other nations. in reality there will be some who will support us, but let them come to us not the other way around. the only way out is the development of home made technologies that disrupt electronic devices (i.e. electro magnetism). chips, monitoring devices, A.I., pretty much all devices designed to "watch over us" seem to be vulnerable to electro magnetism. the only thing that would work is if there was a unification of every creed, and every kind here on earth.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:21 AM
Heres pretty much what would happen if you ever thought the need to conduct your little revolution. Crack anti-terror squads traind in counter insurgency warfare for the majority of their lives come to your house and kill you.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Vekar
Miller you failed to catch my point again, Infoholic is slowly grasping it:

Says YOU, but since when do you speak for the soldiers and cops? They have minds and wills of their own, let them decide for themselves! And since when do you speak for Infoholic?

Remember that! Just because you counter propaganda does not mean they will change! Also who knows how far they are willing to go when it comes to brainwashing. As I said: Do not wholey trust or put all hope and aspiration in ONE SPOT!

And how am I putting all hope and aspiration in ONE SPOT? I am talking about alerting and educating all different types of people all around the world! How is that putting all hope in ONE SPOT?

Bankers? Screw them. I say we need the people as the whole, not the richest 1% who is already against us. So long as we have the popular support we will gain ground unless they decide to go to war with us.

Well, this is what I've been trying to say, there is strength in numbers, but in order to achieve the unity that we need, people need to know the truth. We need to get all these secrets out, like the existence of the shadow government, the truth about the Federal Reserve, IMF etc, the fact that people are being taxed illegally, the fact that the "War on Terror" is completely contrived in order to further their agenda, the truth about suppressed energy technologies like cold fusion and zero-point energy...

I can sum up what we would see though if they do not QUICKLY take TOTAL control and solidify it: Total War.

Yes that's another thing people need to know: They aren't about to simply declare Martial Law on a whim; they will need a way to create mass chaos, fear and confusion FIRST. So they will likely resort to the old "problem-reaction-solution" or "false-flag" attack. I don't know if it will be a nuke, or supervirus or bioweapon, or even an EMP blast to disable the power grid or God forbid one of the many types of Scalar Wave attacks.... but we must be ever vigilant against this!!!

People need to know that if and when such an attack occurs, they MUST NOT cooperate, and they MUST NOT surrender their weapons!

[edit on 14-3-2007 by millerman]

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