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Steven Greers latest conference

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posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 08:32 AM
Hi all.
This is the NEW Steven Greer conference from february.
It deserves it's own thread, no one has hardly seen this here.

I'd like to thank BJ TruthSeeker for filming the conference and googling it for us all

Google Video Link

If this doesn't work link here

[edit on 11-3-2007 by SKUNK2]

[edit on 11-3-2007 by SKUNK2]

[edit on 11-3-2007 by SKUNK2]

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:10 AM
Ok, I am watching it - I think Greer is loosing some credibility because he is turning this into a "New Age" religion.

He should have left it to a scientific / witness discussion - instead of "Cosmology" - I am very disappointed.

It's now about money.

Sorry for the edit - but HOW can anyone with a scientific mind take anything what he says at face value... I thought the disclosure project was going to get the ball rolling - now I see that it is just a wacky ride for people who are caught up in the 'new age' religious beliefs of the minority of the UFO believers.

Seems very dis-informative to me... thus placing Greer among a long line of non-scientific 'kooks' making mass profits off of people with books, conferences and DVDs...

I know many will attack my views about this - but look at it from a scientific level. I believe UFOs exist - but for the public to accept this as fact - you don't make it spiritual - you make it scientific and present facts.


[edit on 3/11/2007 by kroms33]

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:18 AM
I followed this thread with great interest so I didn't mind killing nearly two hours to watch the video.

Steven Greer is an intelligent and charismatic individual who speaks of his UFO experiences as casually as one might describe a trip to the grocery store, and his lecture contained liberal doses of the usual new age terms and philosophies. In fact, so much of the lecture was religious in nature that it seemed he is using the UFO/ET phenomenon as a vehicle for advancing his theological views.

Greer spoke of Earth, "Gaia," as a living female entity. Mars is male and Mercury, apparently, androgynous and "gay." There was a lot of cosmic or universal consciousness stuff. A whole lot.

He briefly talked about the Bible, and while not coming out and discounting prophecy per se, he did indicate that it was interpreted incorrectly.

Apparently he and his group "vector" in UFOs by going to a rural location and meditating, getting on the same vibration, then the ETs show up. He didn't show any photographic or video evidence in this particular lecture, though I could have missed something during the last 20 minutes because I was simultaneously watching CNN.

I don't want to raise the ire his loyal followers - and I've seen the ferocity with which they defend him - but Greer seems much more an environmentally conscious, peace advocating new age prophet than a UFO researcher.

Not a bad thing in my book.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Well, the problem with Greer wanting the government to disclose the information is that the US government has "Separation of Church and State".

No one will take him seriously in any scientific analysis or forum - he just shut the door on disclosure.

I have a better opinion of Stanton Friedman - even though many think he is a disinformationalist - at least he believes UFOs exist in a scientific spectrum.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by kroms33
Well, the problem with Greer wanting the government to disclose the information is that the US government has "Separation of Church and State".

Yeah, can you see the gov't cooperating with a fringe new age guru with the 08' elections firing up, especially the republicans with their fundamentalist base?

If Greer was a Bible-thumper I'm sure they'd overlook the separation issue though.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Greers bigger picture is starting to look alot like Ickes bigger picture doesn't it? (Without the reptilians that is)

All is one and we are all part of an infinite contiousness manifesting itself in all and everything.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by befoiled

Originally posted by kroms33
Well, the problem with Greer wanting the government to disclose the information is that the US government has "Separation of Church and State".

Yeah, can you see the gov't cooperating with a fringe new age guru with the 08' elections firing up, especially the republicans with their fundamentalist base?

If Greer was a Bible-thumper I'm sure they'd overlook the separation issue though.

Yeah, because at least the 'Bible thumping' would be relatively earth based LOL.

I think he really shut the door on his own project - he could have kept all this mumbo jumbo to himself and let it play out - let the people and scientific community decide - and let the Government examine what he had before he come out with looking like some "Heavens Gate" operative. It just sickens me - because a 'grass roots' organization such as the Disclosure Project perhaps had the power to get a large movement going to pressure the powers that be - now, everyone is going to see this garbage and poof - he is just another crackpot.

This really REALLY puts the UFO research field back many years, and it really puts disclosure back many years. There are no more credible organizations left - are there??? LOL

How pathetic.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
Greers bigger picture is starting to look alot like Ickes bigger picture doesn't it? (Without the reptilians that is)

All is one and we are all part of an infinite contiousness manifesting itself in all and everything.

yeah, I hate to go the DISINFORMATION route - but it looks like it again. I mean, now every time you hear anything on the news about UFOs it will be made fun of - and all they have to do is quote Greer (no, I wont even call him a doctor).

ALL this guy had to do is get the ball rolling in Congress and let the American people push that movement forward... Now, no one is going to back his claims and I am sure all the 450+ people he had stating that they will testify to the accounts that UFOs and Aliens are real will dissociate themselves from him and his kooky beliefs.

what a crock.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by kroms33
This really REALLY puts the UFO research field back many years, and it really puts disclosure back many years. There are no more credible organizations left - are there??? LOL

How pathetic.

You nailed it. The search for extra terrestrial life will continue to be relegated to the fringe because of guys like this, the gullibility of 'believers,' and an openly hostile government.

Nothing against Greer, really. I actually like his message of peace, unity, and environmentalism. I could personally do without the mysticism, though, and I find the lack of evidence to support his claims very disturbing.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:17 PM

I wonder how much he charged those poor people to listen.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by kroms33
...yeah, I hate to go the DISINFORMATION route...

I had the same suspicion. I'm wondering if one of his followers will come on this thread and give a convincing argument against that notion.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:43 PM
He mentions imminant contact with a G-8 country he is co-operating with. He explains that there will be cameras and the world will see it.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by befoiled

Originally posted by kroms33
...yeah, I hate to go the DISINFORMATION route...

I had the same suspicion. I'm wondering if one of his followers will come on this thread and give a convincing argument against that notion.

I don't know - but if I was at that conference - I would have wanted to hear what was going on with 'disclosure' instead of hearing about metaphysical realities and communication with our "alien brothers" and garbage like that.

I would have created a scene.

"You gotta be kidding me - I thought you were going to talk about the Disclosure Project, not your new age spiritual awakening and belief systems. I want a refund."

My major concern is this: why didn't Mr. Greer go on tour for the Disclosure Project and present the facts about what he is doing to get disclosure on the issue by discussing what his 'witnesses' saw? why didn't he go on tour to discuss exactly what is being done to force the government to come clean?

Now, it seems he is on some kind of new age tour - and perhaps the Prophet Yahweh will be the opening act (and the Prophet Yahweh would have more credibility)

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:49 PM
you know what makes him even more suspicious that he is disinfo? the fact that he associates himself with jaime maussan. jaime brings up videos and "evidence" at random, and promotes them as truth. some are the ones we have all seen, but some are just fake. remember that jonathan reed story. man i was so excited, seemed so real, but it was fake the dp is a good cause but just for that fact, i have to doubt greer also. just for the record jonathan reed was a supposed man that captured an alien in a forest after he killed his dog. he was running from the government, had to seek refuge in mexico, he had video, skin samples, artifacts, scheduled encounters. he was set, but was a hoax. dam yous maussan, dam yous!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SwingingMonkey
He mentions imminant contact with a G-8 country he is co-operating with. He explains that there will be cameras and the world will see it.

I will believe it when I see it. Its all talk and no action.

Other then that - right now, Greer in my book is a Kook - someone who has just caused the researchers in this field great heartache...
If I could swear and call him a four letter word to express exactly how I feel about him - I would - but I have more respect for this message board then filling it up with four letter words, and I don't want to be banned.

This guy could have reserved his beliefs until congress looked into it and there was a large scale debate on the issue in the US government.

But NOOOO.... he chose to express his new age religion to the public - and now, any serious UFO research will be suppressed because of the categorizing aspects of being "out of this world / kooky"

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SwingingMonkey
He mentions imminant contact with a G-8 country he is co-operating with. He explains that there will be cameras and the world will see it.

Yeah, saw that though I thought he was rather cryptic about it. I hope in this case imminent means really, really soon.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by souls
you know what makes him even more suspicious that he is disinfo? the fact that he associates himself with jaime maussan. jaime brings up videos and "evidence" at random, and promotes them as truth. some are the ones we have all seen, but some are just fake. remember that jonathan reed story. man i was so excited, seemed so real, but it was fake the dp is a good cause but just for that fact, i have to doubt greer also. just for the record jonathan reed was a supposed man that captured an alien in a forest after he killed his dog. he was running from the government, had to seek refuge in mexico, he had video, skin samples, artifacts, scheduled encounters. he was set, but was a hoax. dam yous maussan, dam yous!!!

LOL - yeah, I think people have a right to be angry about this kind of stuff.

perhaps we should all right him and thank him (Greer) for discrediting the subject even more.

I know I am going too... and I know he wont respond.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 01:13 PM
I will check out this vid soon. I used to think that Greer was the real deal but now I'm starting to lean toward quack. I believe him to be exploiting not only us but the people who may truly have seen something!

Edit- Thanks for posting the vid by the way
Can't wait to check it out!

[edit on 11-3-2007 by kleverone]

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Yeah i was dissapointed in what he said. Especially when he said he levitated. Though there has been some good telekenisis/phsycic research done in the past by russia/america.
I feel the G8 country could be france, arn't they supposed to be releasing some sort of report soon that was mentioned months ago?

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Greer is smart enough to understand his actions. Why is he bringing up new age metaphysics when it can be used to discredit him? Even if true, there is nothing positive that can result from his new age metaphysical claims.

I've personally had experience with spontaneous telepathy but will never share in public. Why would anyone want to be branded as a kook? He is basically asking for it. When it comes to UFOs and their technology, the only facts that matter are what can be proven and independently duplicated. Greer, please stick to the issues that are solid (meant literally and figuratively).

There must be a reason behind Greer's public claims and I don't think it is a good one. Has he given up or given in to the fight for disclosure?

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