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Democrats - The Real Political Conspirators

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posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:44 AM
If Hillary were to win the U.S. presidency, plans are already being made to appoint her husband - that's right, ex-president Bill Clinton - to replace her and finish ou her term as Senator from New York.

Senator Bill Clinton?

WASHINGTON - If Hillary Rodham Clinton wins the presidency, some top Democrats would like to see her husband, former President Bill Clinton, appointed to serve out Hillary’s unexpired Senate term.

“As a senator, he’d be a knockout,” said Harold Ickes, who was once a top White House aide to Bill Clinton and now gives behind-the-scenes advice to Hillary. “He knows issues, he loves public policy and he’s a good politician.”

Some Democrats and political analysts say Bill Clinton would thrive in the world’s greatest deliberative body, much like Lyndon Johnson did before he became president. ...

Such a scenario is not beyond the realm of possibility now that the governor’s mansion in New York is occupied by a Democrat, Eliot Spitzer, who succeeded Republican Gov. George Pataki last month. If Hillary Clinton wins the White House, Spitzer would likely appoint a fellow Democrat to take over her Senate seat.

Say what you will about a so-called Bush dictatorship. Many here at ATS seem to (love to?) fear that scenario, and they author thread after thread on that possibility.

But here, is such a conspiracy in the making, and actively being talked about by the Clinton camp. Wife succeeding husband as president and then husband succeeding wife (but unelected) as NY Senator? This is a total mockery of the U.S. constitution and an "in your face" to the American public.

Hopefully, people will come to their senses and put a stop to this conspiracy before it is too late and another nail is hammered into the coffin of the system our founding fathers created.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:59 AM

But here, is such a conspiracy in the making, and actively being talked about by the Clinton camp. Wife succeeding husband as president and then husband succeeding wife (but unelected) as NY Senator? This is a total mockery of the U.S. constitution and an "in your face" to the American public.

How is that a cospiracy?She is not succeeding him as president;she would be elected on her own merit.As far as husband succeeding her as senator,it would be the governors duty to select a replacement.That,I could be wrong as it varies from state to state,is the law.How would that be a mockery to the constitution,or an insult to the American public?Because they knew the rules?Who do you think a Dem. governor is going to appoint?
Just because you,and I not being a Dem.,have a differing political opinion does not make it a conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Bill Clinton looking to run for President again?!?

Could Hillary serve for 8 yrs then Bill would run again???

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Centurion, unfortunately, both major political parties are a part of the conspiracy. There is no good guy vs. bad guy in this scenario. Unless a politician is from one of the independent parties, I seriously doubt that he/she has our best interests in mind.

As we all know, the independent parties really don't have much of a say in anything because the Demopukes and Republipukes have all of the cash sewn up into their coffers. The Clintons are no better that the Bush's... They're all in it together...

[edit on 19-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:01 PM
It says nothing here about a conspiracy. It is not unusual for spouses to finish out Senatorial positions when their spouse becomes very ill or dies.

I think you're reaching here, Centurion.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 04:20 PM
So, if condi rice won the presidency and helped arrange for GWB to be appointed to another high government position, you and the other libs would leave it alone and not scream "conspiracy!"?

I don't believe that for a minute.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 04:35 PM
senator isn't exactly a "high government position"
he'd be 1 of 100

if she tried to make bill a cabinet member, then i'd be concerned

and it isn't like he could become president again
there's an amendment to prevent that

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Except that Bill Clinton would almost certainly end up in a Senate leadership position with the ability to control committees and the bills that pass through them. If he became majority leader, given the right (!) circumstances, he might be in a position to become president again, or at least force a constitutional crisis while they tried to figure it out.

You have to admit that it would be much less troublesome if Bill just stayed out of the government. I would think that the dems would be really concerned about playboy Bill ending up embarrassing Hillary like Billy Carter did to Jimmy.

[edit on 2/19/2007 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:39 PM
well, he wouldn't be the first president to go back into government

taft became a supreme court justice
and i think it was john q adams who became either a senator or representative

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:56 PM
I highly doubt he'd ever want to become a Senator. He can do much more just as an ex-President and First Man (or Husband or whatever we would end up calling him) without having the scrutiny and the work that would come with being a member of Congress.


If it did happen though it'd be completely legal. I think the Lisa Murkowski appointment (while still legal) was more scandalous than if this happens.

[edit on 2/19/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:07 PM

If he became majority leader, given the right (!) circumstances, he might be in a position to become president again, or at least force a constitutional crisis while they tried to figure it out.

Hypothetically,the president would have to die,the vice president would have to die,the speaker of the house would have to die,then president pro tempore of the senate would be in line for the presidency.
5th in line to be president when his wife is president,boy that would create such a constitutional crisis.

You have to admit that it would be much less troublesome if Bill just stayed out of the government.

Why?As a former president he is forever linked to the government.What are you gonna do if Hillary gets Bill to run as her VP?He would have the qualifications as he is a former president.

I would think that the dems would be really concerned about playboy Bill ending up embarrassing Hillary like Billy Carter did to Jimmy.

Bills shenanagins had much less of an imact on the country than the current presidents.You won't win an arguement of lies about sex vs. lies about WMD's.

Again I will tell ya I'm not a Dem. ;you are really reaching here centurion1211.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Presidential succession laws that govern what happens if both the President and Vice President are both vacant cover this. Anyone following in the line who's not qualified to be President would be skipped over. This would include any foreign-born citizen as well as a President who's already served two terms.

So no Constitutional crisis IMO.

[edit on 2/20/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:33 PM
Could work this into 24 too. But I wouldn't be surprised by this happening the way you said.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 12:46 AM
Hmmm, Hitlery wins presidency. Bill becomes senator or first lady

I just wonder, is hitlery gonna stain someones dress or is she going to have her dress stained

Either way, they have to be stopped!

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:45 AM
This is the Spoils System all over again.

Anyways..I'm not even worried...I find it unlikely that Hilary will ever get elected.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by CautiousCrab
This is the Spoils System all over again.

um, if it was ANY OTHER POLITICIAN instead of hillary, would people be complaining?

i'm from missouri
in 2000 mel carnahan was running for office (i forget which one it was)
he died
the democrats couldn't issue a new candidate, so his wife took over
is that a spoils system?

and, bill wouldn't necassarily get the seat
it depends on the law in NY
if it says that it's the spouse, it isn't the spoils system, it is the result of a previous law
if the law says that the governor or state legislature chooses, then bill probably won't get it

Anyways..I'm not even worried...I find it unlikely that Hilary will ever get elected.

isn't that what people said about bill?

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