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What would you have in a simple civics test

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:09 PM
What tests would we suggest. An extention of who can and can not vote threads

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:38 PM
A workable grasp of the english language and a clear understanding and acceptence of western secular democracy would be a good start.

An essay about what cultural and societal ideals appeal to you enough to want to settle in the UK.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:46 PM
The ability to :

Tell what day it is.
Who is the current or past PM, President,etc.

Keep it verbal

There are plenty of people who can't read, but that doesn't mean they deserve to lose the right to vote on who rules them

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:51 PM
If you cannot read and write the language of the country you desire to be a citizen of, then you do not deserve to be a citizen there.


[edit on 2-13-2007 by groingrinder]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Ok fair enough, if you can't read and write, an oral exam but with a clear commitment you will learn in the very near future.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:37 PM
I think everyone should take a Civic's test. If you fail, no vote or other privelidges. Take it again in a year.

I think we need to get rid of this notion of "equal right's". Not that I disagree with the concept, but rather the notion that everyone has a right to something, even though they haven't earnt it.

Make people earn "citizenship credit's". maybe join the Military, or work in a key sector or perfrom a vital civic function for a period of time. I'm think along the line's of Starship trooper's here were people have to earn the right to be a citizen. Anyone else is a civilian and, whilst having basic right's, have to earn the right to have a say in what happens in the country.

there are too many people who have the right to decide many issues or what Government we have, but barely the brain power to think for themselves or have an attitude where they think they are entitled to the World. Make the bugger's earn it.

Even I would accept this and I have done no service for my country. I work, I have a career, but I haven't served or helped my community in any way. I also don't claim benefit's I might add. Once people realise they have a stake in the country and have to earn certain right's, I think alot would change....

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Such tests have been used in the past to disqualify minority voters. Like blacks would have to pass a test of extremely advanced English literature while whites just had to read a nursery rhyme.

In NYC, it's become insane though, voting materials are available in so many languages, I don't even know what they are by looking them.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Such tests have been used in the past to disqualify minority voters. Like blacks would have to pass a test of extremely advanced English literature while whites just had to read a nursery rhyme.

In NYC, it's become insane though, voting materials are available in so many languages, I don't even know what they are by looking them.

Well, the test would obviously have to be fair. I have no problems with a Black guy, Indian guy or even one of those Shape Shifting Reptilians applying for citizenship, as long as they can prove they want to be part of the country and do their bit.

As I said, even British kids should be subject to the test and even have to do some form of national Service to earn certain right's.

Too much is placed on the "God given" right's of man, when most people seem incapable of also accepting the responsibilites that come with it.

Give everyone a choice.

You can have the right's if you also accept the responsibilties that come with it.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:35 PM
I have been thinking about the actual test and here are my ideas:

Name the monarch:

Where does the monarch live:

What is the civil list?

What battle did Lord Nelson died at:

Name the the houses of parliament

What happens to Black Rod during the state opening of parliament

What is trooping the colour

Where is Big Ben

Name the countries that make up the British Isle

What is the Union Jack Flag comprised of

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