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Youngest Sex Change Operation Initiated - 12 Year Old Child

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:42 AM

A 12-year-old German boy who insisted he was a girl trapped in a boy's body convinced his parents that something had to be done, so they agreed to allow him to receive a series of hormone injections, making him the youngest sex-change patient in the world, according to published reports Monday.

Now 14, the boy, who went by the name Tim, has now become Kim – a blue-eyed blonde with a growing bust line who is allowed to wear make-up at weekends.

Kim has no boyfriends at present but her parents say she is interested in what, now, is the opposite sex.

I had no idea that they performed sex change operations on children so young! They don't even let them get tattoos, because it's generally accepted that there's a possibility they'll change their mind in a few years (or decades). But they can get sex change operations?

That really throws me for a loop.

Kids are renowned for their ability to negotiate five more minutes in front of the television, or a half-hour later curfew, but genital reconstruction? What kind of 12 yr. old is capable of persuading parents to buy him a sex change? That is one persuasive kid. I would be very surprised if this person doesn't one day hold high office or make millions; talk about a gift for argument!

Either that, or the parents are just a real soft touch, easy to manipulate.

I have no idea what this will do to someone of that age. It could conceivably ease the transition,or cause irreperable damage. We're entering unexplored human behavioral territory, aren't we? Fascinating to wonder how this might turn out.

Have people that young ever been exposed to this sort of peer influence? It could have really interesting repurcussions, couldn't it? Major splash and a massive boost in tolerance, or the polar opposite, or nothing at all.

What are your opinions on this?

Is it possible for a child this young to distinguish between homosexuality and the desire to be a member of the opposite sex? If this became a trend, would parents in opposition to homosexuality be 'straightening' their kids by having their sex changed?

Boggles the mind...

[edit on 30-1-2007 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:14 AM
man i dont know what people are thinking these days cant wait for 2012 orlets kick off ww3 allready

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Would that even be legal in the US Australia UK etc?

How could they let that happen to someone so young,a twelve year old is not an adult to be able to make that type of drastic decission.

Nor should there be anyone,to make that become a reality for him.

Her treatment, which has cost £18,000 so far, is being funded by the German taxpayer.

I`ll bet there are fumeing people over there,knowing there tax`s even payed for it.

The sex change will not become complete for another four years because while German law does not forbid hormone treatment for minors, they must be 18 before gender-transforming surgery can be carried out.
Full Story

Glad they still have a bit of sense over there left.

If he changes his mind I hope he hasn`t done too much damage to himself by then.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:32 AM
Whats my opinion on this?

I think the lunatics have finally taken control of the asylum. What the hell is wrong with the parents, okay I have no particular opinion on sex change operations either way....if thats your thing,
no problem but
not at 12 years old

What 12 year old is mature enough to make a decision like that? None of course and I'm wondering if the parents don't need some kind of psychological testing.

gps777 I'm pretty sure it's ilegal in most countries for children to have sex change operations.
Although the article does say it won't be fully complete for another 4 years.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 02:34 AM

The sex change will not become complete for another four years because while German law does not forbid hormone treatment for minors, they must be 18 before gender-transforming surgery can be carried out.

Just wanted to point this out. It's not "official" as yet. The girl will continue with therapy and be under the supervision of an MD as well. If she chooses to complete the gender switch I say all the best to her.

I think there is a true and viable instance where a child "knows" who and "what" they are. The identity of most children is formed by age five, and then built upon over the following years.

I do believe it is possible for a child to express gender orientation and/or confusion at early stages - pre-puberty for example.

I have many gay male friends and they "knew" pretty much that they were gay by the time kindergarten started if not before.

This IS a rare case and not the norm. It IS being followed up by medical professionals and psychologists/psychiatrists. The girl is dang fortunate she has her parents support and understanding for what is for most mis-gendered kids a horrible experience - growing up in the wrong body with the wrong parts...I can't imagine...

One of my friends from years ago was trans gendered male and his mother bless her was supportive and loving. He opted to have surgery, after trying to live in a half and half body for years...he also had mass amounts of psychological testing and follow up as well as MD follow up pre and post op.

The change in her "his" life was dramatic...melancholic and suicidal before and then happy and full of life after...had his mother not been supportive he would have likely been a statistic suicide.

12 seems young, but again try thinking back to the first time YOU noticed your opposite it was younger than 12.

Hormone therapy is the normal beginning and it's not permanent. If she decides (which in this case seems unlikely) that she made a boo problem, she can just stop with the estrogen and the testosterone will again take over.

I applaud the support her parents give, and the careful attention she'll get during the whole treatment. I think that's the key...naturally the story is sensationalized but realistically, I think there are many people investing a great deal of time and energy into this girl to ensure that the "right" and best decision is made.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by madhatter
gps777 I'm pretty sure it's ilegal in most countries for children to have sex change operations.

Thats the feeling I get too.

Though wouldn`t know where to begin to verify it either way.

Edit to add

The law says that children who have reached 16 years can make decisions about their own medical and dental treatment in the same way as an adult. This means giving and refusing consent.

So by this I`m assuming in Australia you can make that decission at 16.

But taken from the same source.....

It is an offence to have sex with a person under 17, even if both young people are under 17 and both agree.

But its ilegal for a 16 year old to have sex with another 16 year old.

So,they think their old enough and mature enough to change their sex at 16,but not old enough have sex with another.

Wow thats too young imo to make such a drastic decission,you cant stop anyone or to the point a 16yo jumping off a bridge,but no one should help push them either.

[edit on 30-1-2007 by gps777]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 06:52 AM
It doesn't say but usually when sex assignment surgery is done on child it is done because they are a hermaphrodite and the surgery is considered an act of mercy. When I saw this title that is what immediately came to mind... but sex assignment surgery like this is usually done within the first few months of life.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 07:39 AM
I don't think anyone that hasn't personally experienced what these people go through can judge. Medical professionals certainly don't dive into these procedures capriciously. They are extremely involved and take years. Clearly. what motivates these patients has to be extremely compelling to them.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:03 AM
They allow plastic surgery for children as young as him. With parental permission and guidance, girls as little as age 12 can receive implants. My law professor gave us news stories about events like these where the patient/girl grew older and wanted to sue the doctors. It's ridiculous how much pressure kids are put through to maintain an adult image.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:33 AM
OK OK OK ... I am going to play alittle DA .... If a kid is borned into this world being Gay/Lesbian/ or whatever ... Don't you think they outta just single out this Gene .. and possibly not even let God decide what they are !?!?!? We can just have a baby factory ... that says ok this one is a girl .. that one has male genitalia but has to many X chromosomes we need to ... Change it ... God made another mistake ... I mean this is the only thing that makes sense to me ... They found that they could keep all sheep straight why not start Experimenting with dying Homosapiens. ???? I mean by all means what else do they have to give to human civilization ?? Why else are they here !?!?!

Originally posted by madhatter
Whats my opinion on this?

I think the lunatics have finally taken control of the asylum. What the hell is wrong with the parents, okay I have no particular opinion on sex change operations either way....if thats your thing,
no problem but
not at 12 years old

What 12 year old is mature enough to make a decision like that? None of course and I'm wondering if the parents don't need some kind of psychological testing.

gps777 I'm pretty sure it's ilegal in most countries for children to have sex change operations.
Although the article does say it won't be fully complete for another 4 years.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:47 AM
My initial reaction is 'how the heck can a 12 year old know anything at such a young age', and yet, people who later have the operations done say that they've known even since they were little children. If anything, that seems like a good arguement for it, they know while they're even juveniles.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Just a note, this is happening in Germany and the legal age for sex re-assignment surgery is listed in the full article (click the link for the full story) as being 18 I think it said. No surgeries will occur until then. Only the hormone therapy. I think this is wise as well, gives the kiddo a chance to experience puberty, school, rejection and her own feelings about her future possibilities.

It's not only about sex per's about wanting to feel "normal". Imagine a kid born with a correctable with multiple surgeries. Parents and doctors will strive to give the kid all the best chances for normalcy right even at risk of being under the knife repeatedly?

I would think being born with a penis when a penis is NOT what you feel you should have would be a disfigurement. I know I wouldn't be happy with it LOL...I like 'em fine but hell if I want one.

The sexual orientation does factor in of course, and at 12 most kids are starting to give some serious (if not obsessive) thoughts toward eventually "doing it". Imagine having the wrong parts?

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 10:31 AM
wow, that was young, if true. not sure they should do something like that to a 12 year old, but thats there life.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 11:33 AM
I disagree with what they have done- yes, the boy may be happier now at least for the moment, but you can hardly say someone who is 12years old has experience enough of what life has to offer to make such a big life changing decision. Tattoo's can be removed if you have the money, but the effects of a sex change operation can be permanent. I mean, has this kid even gone through puberty? I think he's going to regret this decision in years to come, i know guys 25years old and even then they havn't decided exactly what they want out of life of where their sexuality stands exactly etc.
I know most parents want to the best for their child, but they shouldn't take such huge risks with their childrens lives until they are more than grown up enough to take on such decisions by theirself even if their children think they know what they want.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 11:50 AM
This is what happens when we live in a world without morals...

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:06 PM
This has nothing to do with Morals, This has nothing to do with God. This person was born with the wrong parts bottom line, its a science thing IMHO. a birth defect if you will. Twins can be born attached, people can be born the their hearts outside there bodies, or any other of the millions of birth defects that could happen. But someone gets the wrong genitals and they are a freak. Maybe they are a freak, all the more reason to help them to be who they should have been. Would you not detach the twin if medically it wouldn't hurt the person, would you not fix the child's heart, help them with there defect?

This has been mentioned twice. NO SURGERY CAN BE DONE UNTIL SHE IS 18 So please drop the subject of the legality of this and what are her parents thinking.

This poor child has been telling her parents since she could talk that she was a girl, and went out of her way to wear dresses and other "Girlie" things with out here parents help. Most doctors have said this is a clear cut case of this child being the wrong gender.

Bottom line open your mind and think like this.

What if you were born the wrong gender?
How would you feel to know you are in the wrong body.
I bet half the people here think the government is being run by Lizards but when it comes to sexuality people freak out. Open your mind to at least the level that you do on other subjects on this board and thank what ever God/Being/light source that you are not in this persons shoes/heels lol

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by madhatter
What 12 year old is mature enough to make a decision like that? None of course and I'm wondering if the parents don't need some kind of psychological testing.

12 year olds can't, by the definition of law, have sex yet. How can they start hormone therapy?

Although the article does say it won't be fully complete for another 4 years.

It says four years because he/she is now 14 and has undergone 2 years of hormone therapy already.

I'd say the damage has already been turning back now.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by justgeneric
Hormone therapy is the normal beginning and it's not permanent. If she decides (which in this case seems unlikely) that she made a boo problem, she can just stop with the estrogen and the testosterone will again take over.

I'm not so sure about that. What happens to "her" breasts? Would he have to wear a "man-zeer" or "bro"?

I applaud the support her parents give, and the careful attention she'll get during the whole treatment. I think that's the key...naturally the story is sensationalized but realistically, I think there are many people investing a great deal of time and energy into this girl to ensure that the "right" and best decision is made.

I also applaud the parents, but also don't think that the German people should have to pay for this.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
My initial reaction is 'how the heck can a 12 year old know anything at such a young age', and yet, people who later have the operations done say that they've known even since they were little children. If anything, that seems like a good arguement for it, they know while they're even juveniles.

I agree. But, to add, there are also people who have gone through with the operation at the adult age and came to the conclusion that they made a mistake. I know of one man (not personally, but was my friends friend)who had a sex change, then found out he/she made a mistake. Unfortunately, this person committed suicide.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:49 PM
Yeah, I imagine there are quite a few German taxpayers who are uber-pissed.

I know I would be, if it was my money being spent.

I'm not against sex change operations for people who desperately want them, it's their body and they can do as they please. But not with my money, and not before they're adults. Seems to make sense.

How is it any different than a tattoo? Nobody offered to foot the bill for my ink, and I had to wait until I was eighteen before I could legally go under the needle. What if someone wants to have horns surgically implanted, can they claim medical necessity?

Why are children not allowed to make other life-changing decisions before they're legally considered adults?

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