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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by timedrifter
not sure if someone already asked but. if I volunteer, will I be able to come back the day I am picked up?

also, your friend, does he have a website or something or is he only going through you?

just wondering....
why ask questions you know the answer to?

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:17 AM
TY for your answers but why have you ignored Moonlits questions?
The Lost was was well thought out I

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 10:35 AM
Hi, all!!

Thank you for your questions. I have responses (in bold).

Hi, asthepalacesburn!! You asked,

1. I had a very weird dream recently where i was outside with my girlfriend then all of a sudden everyone was outside and loud creepy music was playing and everyone was staring up at the sky at a ufo. Then all I remember was I ran inside with her while military people in all black started coming through the streets causing chaos. Is that what the mass landing will be like or will it be that minus the creepy stuff and military people?
I think it is going to be more about the broadcasting and the show of numbers more than the show of force, the "mass" part of the mass landing is more for the safety and insurance that no violence will occur.

2. In the future what do people use most to contact eachother computers or phones? I wonder this because it seems like with things like my space and instant messenger younger people today use those to the point you don't really need a phone.
I think it is not to much different than now as far as physical means, I think spiritual communication or telepathy is also practiced quite a bit in the future

Hello, Outrageo!! You asked,

If your friend can travel back infinitely in time, to the point of the Big Bang (or whatever theory of the Universe beginning he subscribes to), please ask him to step even further back before this moment. Now please, can you describe for us what you see?
I think I looked for this so called big bang and was unable to prove it, and as far back as you can go there is still intelligent life around, just a little more spread out.

And finally, JSR!! You did the requisite nominal detective work and discovered my refractory associate's posts here. In other words, my friend posted as timedrifter LOL

You said,

just wondering....why ask questions you know the answer to?
because we need to spread awareness, you show off!

OK, he posted against my better judgment, and I didn't have knowledge beforehand. He's crazy like that. Although, I will attest under penalty of law that he's not certifiably "crazy". Just plays by his own rules...

Thank you for pointing that out. Obviously he's not concerned about being found out...Please don't see that post as anything other than playfulness, and a desire to draw attention to the subject matter...He does not want to create "marketing" for himself...

Anyway, he's sincere about wanting to introduce these ideas into these boards, and about getting a message out to everyone - that the control and oppression you experience right now, around the globe, is coming to an end.

A new period in our history is just around the corner. And he believes (as well as I) that he is a part of the beginning of this unfoldment.

Thank you all for your questions!! And JSR, don't hold it against him...

As I've said, he is totally open and happy to communicate and share with anyone who wishes to talk to him. He's even inviting people to engage in conversations that he would like to record and place on his site.

If you would like to get his contact info, website, etc., please u2u me.



posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 11:00 AM
"because we need to spread awareness, you show off!"

LOL, ah come on...all in good fun.

"...Please don't see that post as anything other than playfulness..."

i never did

"...And JSR, don't hold it against him..."

never would.

welcome back.

damb quotes, never could figure that stuff out.....
[edit on 6-2-2007 by JSR]

[edit on 6-2-2007 by JSR]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 11:34 AM
OK, glad to hear it. You know, I actually hadn't heard about the big bang exploration (or attempt at it)...

I've learned a lot since contacting this guy, but he still pulls out these zingers that I didn't know about...

I just got the following fortune in a cookie with my Chinese lunch:
"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."

Part of the reason that my friend wants to get this message out - the message about his experiences and what he believes our immediate future holds, is to enlighten people about the system under which they live, to show that it doesn't have to be this way, to share ideas, and to instill hope.

I'm not advocating for him as some savior figure, and I don't even have to agree with his views or philosophies. But I do see the truth in what he says about our system being "broken", and forced upon a helpless majority of the people on this planet.

This has become self-evident to me. I'm infuriated at what has been perpetrated in the name of greed, control and exploitation. The system sucks, so by sort of allying with Renato, I'm just supporting that message.

How discontented are you with our governments, military, and corporate power, that sends countless numbers to die in the name of greed and power?

How discontented are you with a banking system founded on debt?

How discontented are you with the health care system; that third world countries provide better, affordable health care for their citizens, but our (U.S.) sick and aged go broke trying to afford theirs?

What about energy costs - fuel and electricity to warm your home, cook food, or get to work? People go broke simply trying to afford shelter.

To the degree that I am aware of this broken system I am discontent. And to this same degree I am infuriated that this broken system continues to exploit people while the minority sits far away from the toils of everyday life and make their living off of the rest of us, while people starve and die, along with their families.

Whatever degree of discontent you have about the condition of the world today, what my friend suggests is that this discontent will be ended, and soon.

Just merely talking about the possibility of removing these unjust systems around the world, and placing power and freedom back in the hands of the "majority" divine beings that populate this planet is enough to instill a passion and hope in people.

So take your discontent and feed it, then take that white hot flame and direct it toward exposing and destroying the fraud we've been fed since birth. That's why I'm here.

It just so happens that not only does my friend have the same views, he also believes that we will see a manifestation of these hopes in the form of several imminent contact events. And that's enough to keep me talking - to him and on these boards...

If you're posting on these boards, or even if you're not, most likely you share these views. And through that shared discontent, and more, we are connected...tick tock...

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:49 PM
on the deck, you are good, you tell those people how it is, you pull away that curtain from the wizard of OZ. and I dont mean the OZ dorothy went to, I mean OZ from HBO, LOL! the OZ from HBO is where we are stuck in a metaphorical sense.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:16 PM
ty for commenting back would it be kool if i just asked questions every once in a a while?

k i have like 3 more Q's

1. will the us goverment ever let the citizens know about the hidden airforce bases/etc?

2. and with the aliens revealing themselves will this happen within the next 10 or so years?

3. since your from the future i have a q about that. do the humans of the future have any major difference from the ones now? like have they evolved any bit? jw
and ty. b-bye

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 10:02 PM
Thank you for posting again. Glad to have your questions and thoughts!!

Responses are bolded.

You asked,

1. will the us government ever let the citizens know about the hidden airforce bases/etc?
sort of, it all comes out in the open at the mass landing, technically it sort of has been disclosed by whistle blowers but denied by the government or controllers (In my mind, and from what I've been told, the government per se will not be responsible for disclosure; and the U.S. Air Force will not act independently of the government, especially in this regard. The truth will be forced out by external forces. Too bad it's had to come to that.)

2. and with the aliens revealing themselves will this happen within the next 10 or so years?
I think it is going to happen within the next couple of years perhaps 2011 the latest (I've been told that the mass landing will likely occur during warmer temperatures in the U.S., so could be during the summer between now and 2011/2012. Really, they've been showing themselves for a long time, but I would say to expect larger and larger shows culminating in something big in this time frame...).

3. since your from the future i have a q about that. do the humans of the future have any major difference from the ones now? like have they evolved any bit?
yes I have answered this in my interviews, I think we can design our bodies in the future or upgrade, every design has its purpose, some bodies are better for telepathy and being multidimensional, some bodies are about being physical more and some are simply products of their environment. thats why there are so many types really, many not from earth

schmidty_beleives, thank you for your input!! Just getting people's thoughts on the subject lets others know they are not alone.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:03 AM
thanks again OnTheDeck for your freind answering our questions.If you don't mind I have a couple more.
1.Since there is going to be a mass landing what is the strangest looking alien species we will have the pleasure of meeting?

2.If you alter/change time does the new timeline try and fix itself to go back the way it was or keep things as close to the orignal as it can?Example you go back and kill Hitler before he takes power,takes over Germany/the nazi party,after doing that someone else rises to power and takes over Germany/the nazi party and plunges europe into war.See what I am getting at.

3.Does the timetravler have the option of freezing time around him so he can move around when everyone is frozen or can he reverse that and speed himself up in relation to his surroundings?(i know i have been watching Heros)

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:13 AM
What type of car was I driving in the game that I was playing on PC last night (February 6) ?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 08:13 AM

"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

No question, would just ask them to write down the 6 winning numbers of tonight's lotto....

Sorry, but 32 million $$$ wins out over any other question I can think of!

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:29 PM
I sent your posts off to my friend - yes, and yours Mogget LOL - and he responded.

His responses are bolded.

First, othello, you asked,

1.Since there is going to be a mass landing what is the strangest looking alien species we will have the pleasure of meeting?
the skeletal people, they have a very thin layer of skin over the skeleton, the winged people will be there (angels), greys and ebens and ET humans, possibly plejarens as well as others

2.If you alter/change time does the new timeline try and fix itself to go back the way it was or keep things as close to the orignal as it can?Example you go back and kill Hitler before he takes power,takes over Germany/the nazi party,after doing that someone else rises to power and takes over Germany/the nazi party and plunges europe into war.See what I am getting at.
indeed, some things are inevitable no matter who or what carries it out, then it comes down to nature and that is why nature is so important.

3.Does the timetravler have the option of freezing time around him so he can move around when everyone is frozen or can he reverse that and speed himself up in relation to his surroundings?(i know i have been watching Heros)
yes that is called hyperspeed which also may be known as hyperspace where you are moving so fast that everything else stands still, like the movie clock stoppers, and whats funny is at the end of the movie they mention the idea of reverse aging.

Hello, Mogget!! You asked,

What type of car was I driving in the game that I was playing on PC last night (February 6) ?
do you think I would risk my life to answer that question? not to sound harsh but fun or not, you endanger your life every time you time travel, everytime no matter what.

Mogget, you should read the thread. Although he said that he "did" time travel, he doesn't have the capability at the moment; although he plans to have access to it again soon...Maybe when he gets it he'll play that game...hahaha

Thank you both a lot for the questions!!! There are things that I haven't thought of to ask, so everyone's posts have been enlightening.

Please keep the questions coming. He's enjoying answering them, and you're kind of forcing him to remember a lot of stuff...

[edit on 7-2-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 05:10 AM
Isn't Earth supposed to be flying through space at 60,000 kmh or some such number. Why isn't there a danger of "missing" the planet because it has moved?

How do you know that the future you see is Earth?

How do you know that the inhabitants you see are from Earth?

Do you subscribe to the theory of divergence? If not, why?

As time doesn't exist other than on a 3 dimensional planetary body, isn't the whole notion of time travel pretty irrelevant other than for entertainment/interest purposes?


PS - I was going to apologise if these had been asked but I think you need to fill your day!

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 12:46 PM
Very sorry for the delay! Non-stop business today.

By the way, feel free to send as many questions as you want. LOL

OK, you asked (responses are bolded),

1) Isn't Earth supposed to be flying through space at 60,000 kmh or some such number. Why isn't there a danger of "missing" the planet because it has moved?
that is all part of the calculations of that type of time machine, the john titor type machine is static, the newer ones have the GPS ability, thats why there is no flat astrological map, all the planets move, so there has to be atrological maps of space and time indeed. I think I cover this briefly in an interview.

2) How do you know that the future you see is Earth?
buried treasure

3) How do you know that the inhabitants you see are from Earth?
bio/DNA scanners, but not really sure if that matters though.

4) Do you subscribe to the theory of divergence? If not, why?
I need to research that to give you an educated answer, sorry about that, I do not know what that is presently, I will get back to you.

5) As time doesn't exist other than on a 3 dimensional planetary body, isn't the whole notion of time travel pretty irrelevant other than for entertainment/interest purposes?
yes I think this is correct, time is irrelevant, it is more for plotting points.

There you go! Really, these questions are things I wouldn't have (or haven't) thought of to ask, and it's brining interesting things to light...

The more questions posed that he answers, the more the mystery of his situation and experiences sort of deepens for me...very interesting...

Thanks a lot, Prote!! Great ideas!! Please keep 'em coming!!

Peace out!

[edit on 8-2-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Very sorry for the delay! Non-stop business today.

Haha...your boss must have found out you spend your entire day on ATS. lol.

With regard to divergence, this was Titors explanation for timeline splits. If I understood correctly, he was talking about the accuracy of the machine. Time travel has "slots" or "windows" on both ends, the starting and finishing points and the trip needed programming or co-ordinating.

The divergence was the accuracy or rather inaccuracy in those co-ordinates. If the divergence was out or inaccurate, the timeline or world line at the destination may be an altered line. The bigger the divergence, the bigger the change at the destination. For this reason Titor reckoned that there was limit to time travel. I think about 60 years in either direction if my memory serves.

Also, this answer...

2) How do you know that the future you see is Earth?
buried treasure

I must have my stoopid head on because I don't understand.

I will have to dust of my time travel hat. I am halfway through the interviews, perhaps i'm not this far. I will finish then see what questions I get, I usually get grief for having too many questions but hey ho.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Where would you like to see the Earth headed as far as the most probable outcome for future events?

What design do you see humans presenting in this new circumstance?

Where would you like to be present?

What event is worthwhile seeing from a cosmic event?

Hey this is kind of fun asking questions.

[edit on 8-2-2007 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 03:00 PM
Hey, Prote! OK, you're wrong on the job thing - I'm still flying below radar LOL

OK, you said,

With regard to divergence, this was Titors explanation...
the answer is I do not buy it 100%, when it comes to limits, I think that was propaganda from john titor, perhaps for secret government workers or something like that, I believe I went as far as I wanted to, in either direction, or another theory is the machine she used had limits.

2) How do you know that the future you see is Earth?
buried treasure


I guess what I was saying was, one sure fire way to know your back at the same place is to bury something and then dig it up however many years into the future you travel, it is better than a electronic device I think.

I will have to dust of my time travel hat. I am halfway through the interviews, perhaps i'm not this far. I will finish then see what questions I get, I usually get grief for having too many questions but hey ho.
thanks for listening, I hope your stay in this time period is pleasant. (and short...LOL - I am KIDDING!! hehe)

I submit that everyone's time on this timeline will soon make a turn for the better...

Thanks again for the questions!! Menguard, your answers are on the way!!!

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 03:50 PM
How's it going?

OK, have some responses to your questions (responses are bolded).

You asked,

1) Where would you like to see the Earth headed as far as the most probable outcome for future events?
global community that provides everything for each and every citizen that contributes to the community.

2) What design do you see humans presenting in this new circumstance?
the design comes from regular people on the mass landing message board; a place that everyone will be able to contribute their ideas. these ideas will then be voted upon, on a global scale. the only thing an ex-leader (i.e., president, etc.) can do is vote. that is, if they are allowed to, or are spared by the general population of earth.

3)Where would you like to be present?
please clarify your question. I'm not sure if you mean a time frame or what role do I play in the mass landing.

4) What event is worthwhile seeing from a cosmic event?
again, please clarify, I'm not sure what you mean. perhaps examples?

Thank you, menguard. If you want to, please clarify your last two questions. Also, I'll ask you where YOU would like to be (I'm assuming you meant what "time period".).

Thanks a lot!! I'm keeping an eye here...

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 03:59 PM
Dear Menguard

What can you tell me about "The Map"?

And don't ask for clarification, because if you know anything about the future, you know about "The Map"...

And if you know about "The Map," then you can identify me, can't you?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/8/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 04:00 PM
(This is in reply to ON THE DECK.)

Sure what role would you play in this time/circumstance?

The Earth becoming a Star?

[edit on 8-2-2007 by menguard]

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