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Barometric or A-neutronic bomb, any more info?

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posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Because I know.

Still interested?

Very. Not a one liner.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
Anything that's particulate in nature can become explosive if it's dispersed finely enough. Common household flour is a favorite of practical jokers (Pardon me while I try to look really innocent!), and wheat dust has been known to blow apart reinforced concrete.

Don't forget silos that blow up because of fine particulate dust. Just my opinion.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop

I think Griff will like the engineering facts thrown in, during their discussions.

I probably will. Just have to actually read it now. Thanks for the info.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 05:52 PM
This link will not work in this forum software when you click it, so you have to copy and paste the next bit of text: !.htm ,behind the last word: circle ,in the newly opened browser window's address bar, then hit return again
(because the right link should be!.htm ) :!.htm
Introduction to the book "The last circle".

"We also discussed the Soviet directed weapons system referred to in the conversation as `Blue Death.' Michael and I were told by Olberg that witnesses stated the corpses did not decay even after being exposed and unburied for six months.

"We discussed the possibility of Michael analyzing one of these units captured in the field by the Afghan rebels for the purpose of having Michael help their technical experts develop effective countermeasures.


In questioning Michael Riconosciuto about the FMC agreements, he said he attempted to break away from Robert Nichols in 1984. "The guy nearly got me terminated," declared Riconosciuto. "At the time I was working with Nichols on a proposal to FMC Corporation, which is Food Machinery Corporation, they produced the Bradley Personnel Carrier. I've got a complete papertrail on the technology that was being presented. We conducted a test demonstration of an enhanced airfield device which I developed. We also conducted a test of a hydrodynamic implosion type of explosive device.

"The implosion device settled the Nevada Test Range by about 30 feet. The Lawrence Livermore Labs and the Gallup Ordinance people built a prototype of the device, but they overbuilt it because they wanted an impressive demonstration. It created an international incident because the demonstration was picked up by Soviet monitoring satellites.

"Anyway, the bona fides were established. The next thing was to get the business done and get me into harness in a program. I was all for it, but Bob [Nichols] started getting spooky on me. He wanted to receive the setup of our end offshore, in Singapore. He wanted to receive $20 million dollars in cash in Singapore, and he wanted to use certain of the technology overseas, namely in Australia, OK?


Moriarty and the Riconosciutos, father and son, had once owned Hercules Research Corporation together in Hercules, California. An old Contra Costa County newspaper article, dating back to April, 1981, gave the story of Hercules. The subheading of the article pretty much said it all, "Device Could Make Hercules a Silicon Valley."

In 1981, Hercules had developed a small electronic power supply the size of a tissue box, designed to specifically feed 30,000 volts of electricity to another device, a METC (Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer) unit, that would cut the heating and cooling time in food processing and of making glass, metal and other products by 40 percent.

The METC unit, patented by Interprobe of Chicago, worked by electrostatically exciting air molecules by moving them through a charged field. This removed a boundary layer of molecules that inhibited the exchange of thermal energy. Hercules' highvoltage power supply was essential to the application of Interprobe's METC unit, so both companies were in the process of working out a merger in order to market both technologies as a complete system.

Admiral Henry Rankin, vice president of Interprobe, was a longtime family friend, and was very enthusiastic about incorporating the Hercules power pack with Interprobe's high voltage electrostatic technology.

Patrick Moriarty and Marshall Riconosciuto had funded research for 15 years and spent about $1 million of their own money on the project.

I think some people will be interested to hear that Michael Riconosciuto had a meeting in the USA with Osama Bin Laden (Tim Osman) who attended that meeting together with a mr Olberg, who seemed to have been a triple agent for US, Russian and Israeli Intelligence circles. He also was a Trotkyist, and the guy who steered Michael R. into the arms of the CIA.
You can find all kind of interesting snippets in this book.
Make up your own mind what the intrinsic value is of the offered information.
And cross examine it with other online resources.
Then you will find out that most of it can be found in other sources, like these ones :

[edit on 1/6/07 by LaBTop]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Damning WTC explosions :

Now you could understand how a top-down demolition was engineered.
Every few floors, a thermobaric was installed, and ignited at the facades, thus forcing the explosion front inside the gaseous cloud, inwards to the columns, then imploding there on itself, and bouncing back to explode out of the window panes.

this video is hilarious. where do you expect all the air and smoke INSIDE the building to go if the ceiling COLLAPSES down onto it? ... well maybe the micro black holes punched a hole in space-time and the air was sucked into the vacuum. wait. what? [/satire]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer

this video is hilarious. where do you expect all the air and smoke INSIDE the building to go if the ceiling COLLAPSES down onto it? ... well maybe the micro black holes punched a hole in space-time and the air was sucked into the vacuum. wait. what?

you saw the flashes?

the point is the flashes.



posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:46 PM
there are no flashes that i can readily identify. watched the video again and i still don't see any "bomb flashes".

edit: oh wait. i see the flash you're talking about now. lmfao. one tiny chance reflection of sunlight on a broken windowpane is not evidence of a bomb capable of leveling a steel and concrete building. as is, the flash from the broken glass is about the same as a firecracker. i personally cannot believe firecrackers leveled the WTC.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by forsakenwayfarer]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:51 PM
my second point would have to beg the question; why in god's name are they detonating bombs AFTER the building has already achieved runaway chain-reaction collapse? no logical reason for this.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 05:08 PM
directly after the "editing" that loops the film the first time, you can see the glass flash again, as it falls down by effect of gravity. also, editing videos like this does NOTHING to assist your credibility.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:14 PM
there is more than one flash. i highly doubt it's a reflection, as it is in a cloud of dust.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:23 AM
i absolutely guarantee you if you compare the angle of the sun at the time of collapse to the camera angle you will find that this is nothing other than the chance reflection of a falling pane of glass. the simple fact that it flashes once at almost the exact level of the window, and again 3-4 frames later tells me without doubt that it is nothing more than "creative" film editing to support a false conclusion.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:29 AM
and i absolutely guarantee you that your guarantee is less than nothing to me.


i do science, not hearsay.

there is WAAAYYYY too much BS and rationalization, nebulousness, plain hiding and obscuration from official channels for there not to be a huge lie about what happened on 9/11.

you won't convince any decent researcher that 9/11 was less than a reichstag fire.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by billybob
and i absolutely guarantee you that your guarantee is less than nothing to me.


i do science, not hearsay.

you sir, have just affirmed, in your own words that; you are an idiot. you are closed minded and irrationally DEAD SET on your false beliefs. however, as it takes all kinds to make the world go around, i tip my hat to you. may your ignorance shine in such a way as to illuminate the falsity of any and all of your claims. good day sir. last post in thread.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:07 PM



p.s you're not supposed to defame other members. i'm no idiot, even my special teacher said so.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Billybob, this man really knows how to dig ones own grave.

""where do you expect all the air and smoke INSIDE the building to go if the ceiling COLLAPSES down onto it? ... ""

Did you pay attention at all?
What colour had the SMOKE billowing out the building before collapse?
Yes, black.
What colour has the smoke bursting out of the collapsing rows of floors?
Ye...ehh, No, not black at all, but white or light grey.
What does that tell you?
That the collapse did NOT START at the floors of the plane impact, to begin with, and certainly not at the floors above that point, which were smoldering, as can be seen by the black sooth rich, oxygen starved indicative colour of that smoke billowing out just before initiation of collapse.

And where would one expect initiation of a natural collapse?
Well, best chance for that would be at floors still having "raging" fires in them, so, those floors which could have some load bearing columns or beams in them, heated above such points that the steel would have had time to soften. (NIST found no steel heated above 600° Celsius, btw)

Most of the fires went already several floors up, leaving the initially impacted floors and left these behind, to cool down again.
And steel does a fairly fast job of spreading heat to other connected components.
And the wind at that height also did a fine cooling job on floors not on fire anymore.

On a side note, did you really thought that video was from my hands?
And you thus tried to insult me for the editing of that video. As you insulted Billybob again after that.
The reasons why your kind of posters, always resort to insults and personal attacks, goes beyond my imagination.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:11 PM
i didn't insult anyone, in any way shape or form. i pointed out ignorance. ignorance which is supposed to be denied on this website.

and i absolutely guarantee you that your guarantee is less than nothing to me.


i do science, not hearsay.

i don't call that the most considerate of comments. i don't call that denying ignorance. actually, at best i call that rude. at worst i call it evidence of a deluded individual. you make your choic... wait. you already have. there is no discussion here, so why did you even post this thread? some ego-masturbation? well, i hope you got off.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:31 AM
perhaps you didn't read my standing quote of the last four years...

'deny this'.

there are several quotes from firemen and first responders and citizens on the street that reported 'FLASHES', 'SPARKLING', and 'SECONDARY EXPLOSIONS'.

so, once again, whatever.

i see VERY bright flashes, and i see them coming from inside a cloud of dust, and i see that , if i 'imagine' they are bombs, they are occurring at the right time to cause the effect observed.

deny this.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:52 PM

8 Pounds of Plastic Explosive vs A Fuel-Air Explosive vs Thermobaric Explosive

After watching that video, and seeing just how powerful thermobarics are, im starting to reconsider my ideas as to how the towers came down..

Oh, and the woman on that video who helped in the development of the thermobaric... what a total slave of society!

[edit on 20-6-2007 by shrunkensimon]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 08:44 AM
This theory is not so out there folks. The government is actually looking into thermobarics and terrorists.

"Is the world facing Thermobaric Terrorism?"

According to Tom Burky, a leading explosives expert: " Thermobaric bombs, which the U.S. military is striving to perfect, may also be emerging as a weapon of choice for terrorists".

And leads us to

"Who Signed Sakher Hammad's
WTC Basement Level Pass?"

A photo ID pass for Sept. 5 found on one of the men charged with fraudulently obtaining a Tennessee driver's license from a Memphis woman gave him access to the six underground levels of the One World Center building.


The original story on Denko Mechanical began with the arrestment of Sakher "Rocky" Hammad in 2001, who was carrying a WTC pass for Sept 5th 2001. He told police that he had been working on the sprinkler system. He showed them his business card: Magic Plumbing and Heating. Hammad was later involved in a trial on drivers license fraud, which was interrupted with the bizarre death of witness Katherine Smith (->). The following results are based on an independent investigation by Du member Rebecky: "Rocky was released on $250,000 bail. The nature of the work was not specified. The Port Authority of New York claimed no knowledge of hiring a Denko Mechanical and said Denko must have been hired by a tenant. Denko Mechanical Ltd's address and phone is the residential Manhattan apartment and phone of Mr. Sergei Davidenko. Mr. Davidenko obtained a business license in Feb, 2000. Denko is not listed in any yellow pages or in any type of NY contractor list. Denko simply could not be the sprinkler system contractor for the WTC. Not only would the Port Authority have had records, but companies that install and maintain sprinkler systems for large buildings are heavily regulated major operations with civil engineers, inspectors, warehouses full of delicate equipment and highly trained specialty crews.

So, when is the government going to take my advice and blame these people for what they did? Just because some are Israeli, does that make it ok to lie to us about it?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Latest additions :

This is a patent from that female researcher from one of the above links, , May L. Chan (Ridgecrest, CA, US) :
Title : Advanced thermobaric explosive compositions.

Very conveniently, they left out the devices to make these fuel-air compounds into real thermobaric devices.
But, we already unearthed that technology, as quoted below :

In 1981, Hercules had developed a small electronic power supply the size of a tissue box, designed to specifically feed 30,000 volts of electricity to another device, a METC (Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer) unit, that would cut the heating and cooling time in food processing and of making glass, metal and other products by 40 percent.

The METC unit, patented by Interprobe of Chicago, worked by electrostatically exciting air molecules by moving them through a charged field. This removed a boundary layer of molecules that inhibited the exchange of thermal energy. Hercules' highvoltage power supply was essential to the application of Interprobe's METC unit, so both companies were in the process of working out a merger in order to market both technologies as a complete system.

Admiral Henry Rankin, vice president of Interprobe, was a longtime family friend, and was very enthusiastic about incorporating the Hercules power pack with Interprobe's high voltage electrostatic technology.

A few more recent information links :
Thermobaric weapons in service with the British Army.
U.S. Army's Bunker Defeat Munition (BDM).
US Military Begins to Experience the LAW Again.
Marines Quiet About Brutal New Weapon.
British Army deploys new weapon based on mass-killing technology.
Is Israel using ‘thermobarbaric’ weapons?

Do further searches with these words :
Thermobaric Urban Destruction Talley
Defense Technology Thermobaric

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