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Doubletree video

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posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 04:03 PM
9 minutes before flight 77 hits you can see something in this video flying from what appears to be the Woolworth building.

Watch the upper left, bad quality

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Well the last I have read is that people have said it was a bird.. but you know what comes after a bird don't you? From the favorite quote.... "Is it a plane?" The helicopter bit looks to be the prime suspect in this video as the time on the clock is flying fast, as well as the object.. and im sure heli's fly that fast.

anyways anyways anyways, I think it was a helicopter..

What bird reflects a sunbeam into your eyes? Such as that flying object?

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by BigMoser
Well the last I have read is that people have said it was a bird.. but you know what comes after a bird don't you? From the favorite quote.... "Is it a plane?" The helicopter bit looks to be the prime suspect in this video as the time on the clock is flying fast, as well as the object.. and im sure heli's fly that fast.

anyways anyways anyways, I think it was a helicopter..

What bird reflects a sunbeam into your eyes? Such as that flying object?

Problem is that what ever the object is it has some size to it so it can be a bird and if its a helicopter then its a large 1. I wonder if its the cause of the missile report to the police.

Also something caused some damage to the roof of the woolworth buidling and its pretty far away from the towers.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 03:59 PM
okay, i've watched the vid about ten times now. my observations:

first, it is definitely not a bird. the first glimpse you get of the object is a bright flash, which emplies that it is metallic in nature. second, i dont really think its relative motion is as fast as you guys seem to think. look at the cars and trucks on the road. the film is moving objects much faster than realtime, so i dont think we can rule out a helicopter based on the speed.

but i think that is about as much information as you will ever get. the vid is too grainy to get a good shot of this thing. i cant even make what i would say is an educated guess....just not enough data.

[edit on 19-1-2007 by snafu7700]

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by snafu7700
okay, i've watched the vid about ten times now. my observations:

first, it is definitely not a bird. the first glimpse you get of the object is a bright flash, which emplies that it is metallic in nature. second, i dont really think its relative motion is as fast as you guys seem to think. look at the cars and trucks on the road. the film is moving objects much faster than realtime, so i dont think we can rule out a helicopter based on the speed.

but i think that is about as much information as you will ever get. the vid is too grainy to get a good shot of this thing. i cant even make what i would say is an educated guess....just not enough data.

[edit on 19-1-2007 by snafu7700]

Yes, as i suggested it might be what caused a report of a missile to the police as stated in the 911 commission report.

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