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"Christian"/Zionists Push for war with Iran

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posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 07:24 AM
Christian/Zionists have been lobbying for the end of the world for years now. But, over the past twelve months they intensified their push to have Bush order an attack on Iran to help trigger the Armageddon. They are convinced that this is what God wants. Political megapastors such as John Hagee of San Antonio have formed an organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), that have been lobbying for an expansion of the war into Iran. Last summer over 3500 members invaded Congress to push for their cause. Hagee specifically met with national security advisor Elliot Abrams to lobby for the end of the world.
As George W. Bush sets his sights on Iran, even Republicans are wondering how to constitutionally contain the trigger-happy king. But for an influential group of Christian fundamentalists -- White House allies that garner not only feel-good meetings with the President's liaisons to the "faith-based" community but also serious discussions with Bush's national security staff -- an attack on Iran is just what God ordered.

Biblical literalists, convened together through San Antonio megapastor John Hagee's Christians United for Israel (CUFI), are now seeing the fruits of their yearlong campaign to convince the Bush administration to attack Iran.

Hagee came to Washington last summer on the warpath, and many Republicans -- and even a few Democrats -- welcomed him as an alleged supporter of Israel. More than 3,500 CUFI members fanned out across the Capitol to meet with their congressional delegations. Televangelist power brokers, like rising star Rod Parsley of Ohio, who serve as directors of CUFI, now proudly display photographs of their meetings with senators, brows furrowed over the seriousness of the task at hand. But probably Hagee's most important meeting was smaller and not public, at the White House with deputy national security adviser and Iran Contra player Elliott Abrams.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Is there any better reason to keep churches out of politics than this? If federal oversights were working as they should this church would lose its tax exempt status. This is absolute madness. The fact that the government and specifically Bush listens to these fools is insanity. The so called "Christian" Zionists really don't give a flying boink about Israel per say. They are interested in its supposed role in the second coming (the rebuilding of the temple for example) and so back its (Israel) goals.

I wrote a paper in college about this very subject and traced its roots back to the middle of the 19th century, then such an attitude would be considered eccentric, since most churches were more concerned with building the "City of God" and the betterment of humanity. Now a days, impatient with God, these people have decided to push the issue.

In all reality there is absolutely no difference (besides religion) between radical Christian fundamentalists and radical Islamic fundamentalists, they are both dangerous. And to have Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pushing for the end of the world is no different than than these people lobbying Bush for the same, or him believing it for that matter.

It is madness.

Related News Links:

[edit on 18-1-2007 by grover]

[edit on 18-1-2007 by grover]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:23 AM
might want to edit your opening paragraph:

Christian/Zionists have been pushing for year not to have Bush order an attack on Iran to help trigger the Armageddon, convinced that this is what God wants.

i think you meant to say "pushing for years to have bush order an attack on iran."

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:33 AM
I know that they have but the original article was specifically talking about the specific lobbying going on over the past year. but thanks, I will make an amendment to that effect.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:47 AM
The power of money in politics, I mean the power of God in politics.

If you are a corporation like religion has become in American just like any other mega corporation, they have all that extra money no paying taxes . . . I mean because the will and Goodness of god, to use at will to pay lobbyist just like any other power in American to made government work for them.

It is the will of money and power . . . I mean of God and prayer.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 11:13 AM
So those Christians want the death of millions of people to occur, to trigger Armageddon, so that Jesus returns. Exactly why do they think Jesus will save them? Anyone pushing for the end of the world will be the ones who get punished when Armageddon does come, rather than the ones who are saved.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
So those Christians want the death of millions of people to occur, to trigger Armageddon, so that Jesus returns. Exactly why do they think Jesus will save them? Anyone pushing for the end of the world will be the ones who get punished when Armageddon does come, rather than the ones who are saved.

somebody need to tell ahmadidenutjob that. by all accounts, he's attempting the same thing from the islamic side: create as much chaos as possible to bring the mahdi back sooner (in his version jesus comes as an aid to the mahdi). the difference is that he doesnt have to lobby anybody....he's actually in a position to attempt it.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by snafu7700
the difference is that he doesnt have to lobby anybody....he's actually in a position to attempt it.

Since when does the President of Iran tell the Supreme Leader or Assembly of Experts what to do? I must of missed that part.

"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century

Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as this article will prove.

Even if every media outlet in the world were to retract the mistranslated quote tomorrow, the major damage has already been done, providing the groundwork for the next phase of disinformation: complete character demonization. Ahmadinejad, we are told, is the next Hitler, a grave threat to world peace who wants to bring about a new Holocaust. According to some detractors, he not only wants to destroy Israel, but after that, he will nuke America, and then Europe! An October 2006 memo titled Words of Hate: Iran's Escalating Threats released by the powerful Israeli lobby group AIPAC opens with the warning, "Ahmadinejad and other top Iranian leaders are issuing increasingly belligerent statements threatening to destroy the United States, Europe and Israel." These claims not only fabricate an unsubstantiated threat, but assume far more power than he actually possesses. Alarmists would be better off monitoring the statements of the ultra-conservative Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, who holds the most power in Iran.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Seems nutjobs are all over nowadays, so which one is the most dangerous to humanity's existance? A nutjob(s) with 36,000 nukes or a nutjob(s) trying to make one?

Nuclear Armageddon? The Rapture Cult, Path of Death

[edit on 18-1-2007 by Regenmacher]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 12:51 PM
I am glad that someone else is wise to the christian Zionist conspiracy other than myself. This is a topic that I have posted much about.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:12 PM
link among other places has done an excellent job in trying to educate people about them.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
So those Christians want the death of millions of people to occur, to trigger Armageddon, so that Jesus returns. Exactly why do they think Jesus will save them? Anyone pushing for the end of the world will be the ones who get punished when Armageddon does come, rather than the ones who are saved.

Wait! This sounds just like the justification the islamic president of iran was using for his policy of baiting the West - in order to bring about the new mufti or caliphate or whatever they call it.

If the two opposing leaders are doing the same thing for the same reasons, maybe armageddon is truly on the way

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by grover among other places has done an excellent job in trying to educate people about them.

Or you could just call a left-wing propaganda rag ... - who we are page

II. The Challenge We Address

The right-wing media machine: ...
The negative impact of right-wing media: ...
Building the progressive echo chamber: The top-down delivery model of right-wing rhetoric ...

I'm sure you all get the picture ...

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:50 PM
I think this man made prophecy that armegeddon will occure is just a ploy to cause constant warfare between members of mankind

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:51 PM

You have it all wrong. The Christian/Zionists want to put a stop to the so-called "peaceful" pursuit of a their enrichment programs.

When a leader of a nation calls out for the destruction of another nation, not once, but several times, it's time to do something.

If nothing is done now, then one day we'll have to ask ourselves "How could we have let this happen?"

I believe anyone who really knows what's going on know what I mean by the last sentence.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:52 PM
God did not communicate to human being's through man made books. God communicated to human being's through the cycles of day and night. Through the divine phenomenon's of life and death. Through the miracles of the world. Through these thing's God is showing us his power. He did not ever write us books because it is evident that God speaks through the actual world we live in. Man could not have created Earth. That's enough to believe in God.

And people who believe in the end of the world are just people who wish to see the end of the world. Everyone will get a chance to die when they're time is up. They are just pushing they're time so that they can die already. Instead of living long healthy lives, the elitetists are cause man kind harm and suffering that would otherwise not exist.

Racism, flouride, radioactivity, nuclear bombs, factories, they are all a way to shift power into the hands of the elite. They do nothing to help man kind and are only doing harm while making it convenient for a few rather than the human race.

[edit on 1/18/2007 by atsrules]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:52 PM
I am a Christian. I went to Seminary (Conservative Baptist). No one I know in my neck of the Christian world wants either armageddon or the death of anyone.

Please be careful what rug yousweep whom under. Not everyone who calls himself a Christian IS a Christian. I for one do not relish Armageddon any more than you do. We do not long for it, either. It is prophesied in all the world religions. If we talk about it a lot it is because our scriptures have given us signposts that point to when it will happen, and those sign posts have occurred. But if I could sacrifice my soul and salvation so that you would not have to die, I would do it without hesitation. THis is how the majority of Christians feel about this topic.

Whoever helped you form this opinion of Christians has mislead you. You would know this if you had taken the time to genuinely research this topic, and not just believe what someone else believes. And I didn't come by MY beliefs lightly, either. I was not "Born" into this faith, wasn't brainwashed. In fact, I used to hate Christ and Christianity worse than you ever will. I just had to stop and see why I was so angry at and then do my homework. I came to my conclusions on my own, by my own volition, through my own research. So did CS Lewis and Watchmann Nee. They went into it to disprove the Bible and came out changed men.

I do not long for Armageddon. I do not slaver at the idea of millions of people dying. Neither does GOd, as it is written that it is not God's will that any one should perish. But if anyone perishes, it will be because they have not taken the time to do their home work. It is written that (God's) Children perish for lack of Knowledge". You are God's child, even if you are in rebellion of him. He loves you anyway.

But I can speak honestly here, and do so after over 30 years of research. No genuine, real christian longs for Armageddon, or for the death of anyone. If you are being told that we are, you are being deceived.

David P. [email protected]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:00 PM
Perhaps then, as we so often hear when the discussion centers on Islam, the moderate Christians need to speak out a little more vocally against the extremists?

Much like moderate Muslims don't like being lumped in with OBL and his ilk, moderate Christians don't much like being lumped in with the fanatics in their own faith.

And the Christian Zionists are a real political force these days - if we want our nation to stand for something, we need to put our own interests before those of a tiny European colony established by force in the Middle East. Unfortunately, our political leaders seem to be more concerned with the well being of Israel than that of the US.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:07 PM
Normally I would agree with you. All the real Christian is allowed to do is to give an answer for the faith we have. Being diverted from that is not productive to us. That is why it is so easy to take pot shots at Christianity. We do not feel the need to defend our ego, but we do have a passion for what we believe. Many times through out world history (And YES, we Christiand DO believe the earth is older than 6000 dispell another misconception about Conservative Christianity) evil has disguised itself as light in order to decieve many, and to throw everyone off the scent of who is really doing the deed. This is also mentioned and prophecied frequently in our scriptures.

I am not trying to change you, jut trying to be understood.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:26 PM
Is funny how this type of Christian extremist team up With Zionist in their own pursue of war on other nations but remember who's sons and daughters will be dying for their madness.

I also find very ironic that these people are allow to mingle with politicians looking for support for their extremist causes but nobody complains about how groups like this can dare to influence the politicians that are to serve the people that voted for them and not the agendas of groups for exchange of money.

They should all be burn in the hell of the end of times.

No that I believe in any of that BS.:Lil:

[edit on 18-1-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
Perhaps then, as we so often hear when the discussion centers on Islam, the moderate Christians need to speak out a little more vocally against the extremists?

I suppose they could or should, but "extremist Christians" are more likely to be laughed at, or you just roll your eyes, because they are a tiny minority and don't seem to be hurting anyone really.

Much like moderate Muslims don't like being lumped in with OBL and his ilk, moderate Christians don't much like being lumped in with the fanatics in their own faith.

Can't speak for the muslims and haven't really seen any evidence of this from them, but true regarding moderate Christians.

And the Christian Zionists are a real political force these days

I'm sorry, but at that line
Where do you get stuff like that? No one even gives them a 2nd thought, let alone takes them as a "serious political force".

- if we want our nation to stand for something, we need to put our own interests before those of a tiny European colony established by force in the Middle East. Unfortunately, our political leaders seem to be more concerned with the well being of Israel than that of the US.

And here we get to the root of your post and your beliefs. Just more anti-semitism.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:49 PM
link can't say that the christians and zionists are trying to usher in the end of the world (through war with Iran) without mentioning Ahmedinejad's strange love affair with the 12th Immam (which is like the Muslim harbinger of Armageddon). Frankly, I think there are nuts on both sides.

You at least need to be fair with your criticism.

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