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Survivalists Manifesto

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:00 AM
+++ Survivalists Manifesto+++


I am a survivalist, enter my world...
Mine is a world that begins with preparation...
I'm more aware of my surroundings than most people, this crap they feed us on the news bores me...Damn survivalist. They're all alike.

I always take steps to be prepared for mostly anything that can or will happen.
You say buy a pack, I say buy a case.
You say why, I say why not.
You say i'm paranoid, I say I'm well prepared.

I woke up one morning realizing that this blanket of freedom and security that We live under is crumbling. The government would like us to think that everything is ok and they read us a bedtime story to fall fast asleep.
Well I'm awake! And I refuse to be caught in a crisis without doing everything Possible for my family and friends.

Society laughs at me and calls me a nut. I laugh back while I'm eating steak and drinking fresh water with my family while everyone else wonders around aimlessly looting for food and leftovers at the last minute.

You say guns are violent and are only for unspeakable things done by criminals.
I say they are an American freedom and can make the difference between me and my family living or dieing
from the hands of criminals that prey on the weak.

Another one got caught today, it's all over the news.
"Terrorist got caught today planning an attack on a big city", "American citizen with ties to Al-Qaeda "...Damn terrorists. They're everywhere

It’s only a matter of time. And I'm utilizing that time for the planning and preparation for the survival of my family.
Its funny isn’t it? eh.. Ill be laughing with you while I see you on the news freaking out with no idea of what to do.

My garage may be littered with milk jugs filled with water and kits packed with simple provisions labeled meticulously for some unknown situation but I'm ready none the less.

I live by quotes like "A plan without a plan B is not a plan" and those who would trade freedom for security do not deserve either”. You live by phrases like everything is going to be ok and don’t over react. You buy the illusion of security that the media spoon feeds you on a daily basis like poison blankets for the cold.
While I read between the lines to get the real truth of the possible dangers that lie ahead.

I am a survivalist, and this is my manifesto. You may fool some of us,
but you can't fool us all... after all, we're everywhere.


[edit on 17-1-2007 by Digital_Reality]

[edit on 17-1-2007 by Digital_Reality]

[edit on 17-1-2007 by Digital_Reality]

[edit on 17-1-2007 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:38 AM
well said.
Living in an aware state is not paranoid.
Planning ahead is not fool-hearty
Stocking up is not a waste.
Discussing plans with family does not make you an alarmist.

Evidence of being caught unprepared is evident all over the tv.
Relying on federal agencies to run to your aid when needed is an illusion.
There are just too many people and not enough help.
To be carefree is to be negligent.
Be responsible for your own.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
+++ Survivalists Manifesto+++


I am a survivalist, enter my world...
Mine is a world that begins with preparation...
I'm smarter than most of the other people, this crap they feed us on the news bores me...
Damn survivalist. They're all alike.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by Digital_Reality]

Agree with all of it except thinking of yourself as being smarter or some how better then those who do not prepair. We as survivalist are not smarter just have a different way of viewing things, and a steel like resove to live regardless of the odds. That doesnt make us better just different. Other wise good show.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:49 AM
Thanks, It was kinda written loosely based from the Hackers Manifesto witch I have always liked since I'm a Network Admin/Geek/Survivalist.
Kinda weird mix huh?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:49 AM
We aren't smarter, we just like being as prepared as possible. Our views of the world are different, not better, or worse for that matter; just different.

Other than that I'd say I agree with most of the rest.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:58 AM
Perhaps not smarter, but wiser is a better way to describe our beliefs.
Being confident in knowing that when it hits the fan, your family can rely on you to provide is far better than waiting to be rescued.

I never knew I was a survivalist until recently. I thought most everyone thought in a similar way. I mean why wouldn't you want to be ready?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:59 AM
I agree so I've changed the first part. Thanks for the input everyone.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 11:27 AM
Well done I applaude you.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:49 PM
The changes you made say it much better.

I'll add my cudos to aa's.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:53 PM
Thank you. I hope everyone on the survival forums can relate to it in one way or another.That was my intent when writing it.

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