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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:35 PM
Springer is by NO means stupid or off or anything. In my opinion, he is saying something that might be difficult to understand yet if you are unfamiliar with how the board works. You're going to get crazy ideas that make little sense, and most of those are sent to Skunk. There are other stories that have more merit- or at least seem to be coming from intelligent people- and those are given more thought and are allowed to be left in A&U.

If it were solely based upon proof, I believe we'd have the stickies and maybe 50-100 threads tops in A&U. The rest would be skunked.

ATS needs to change further. First, I want ATS moderators to check out the link on suppression via the Scientology Handbook. Every... single... troll is one of these characters. Every single extremely negative person falls into that category. Unless you've read it, you don't know what I am talking about at all.

Further, A&U needs to have three seperate categories:

1) Solid proof, or video/picture/document evidence/whistleblower (I.E. a John Lear).

2) Personal experiences + stories/Contacts/Sightings

3) Theory/Ideas/Speculation

I'd like to see these changes made soon.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
I agree with Reality Hurts to a certain degree.

But it is much easier for those that are aware of these things to talk freely about their experiences/ideas than someone with little mass on the subject.

There are normally varying degrees of misinformation even from those you might deem credible, and with that said I do not mean to imply the one you deem as credible knows they are spreading misinformation.

My take on ET is that any problem we encounter here, they also encounter to a certain degree. We are all spirits in bodies, not the other way around. And for most, none of real solutions that will work to bring change for the negative condition most beings are in.

To touch back on the previous statements, those that aren't aware need to sort out between evey story and figure out what they agree with.

As for the decent skeptics, keep searching what fits into your reality.

For the idiot skeptics... ignore them. You will know when you encounter one- don't let them get to you. Probed has an entire thread where is saying he is totally at effect to all these nasty individuals- this shouldn't be the case. The ET might have visited him, but ET doesn't even have solutions for nasty people (other than send them here... lol jk... not really).

Earth the "forgotten" prison planet... it's a mishmosh of trash, criminals, awesome people, and etc. We all have different ideas, all have different timeframes (some don't know when they are), different realities... there is bound to be a conflict. On top of that, do you know how many ET races there are/have been? If we are all decendents by spirit, in that we've lived countless lives in other bodies, do you know how much of a collective memory we've accumulated with no real solution (there is a solution now--> Link Signature) to sort it out once we are born?

The world is massive, and is a beautiful place. So are the stars, and other worlds. Don't EVER feel it's for nothing or boring or stupid. Life is in you, if it's ever been in you before, it can be there again. Think of the best time you've ever experienced... someone right now is experiencing that same emotion. Remember this.

The more you grow, the more you learn, the more you will figure out- and I wish you good luck.

p.s. Sleeper someone stated above you are going through a hard time? I don't believe that
But again, you know my take how to not be effected by the nasties!

[edit on 12-1-2007 by jaguarmike]

Hey JM!

I voted you WATS for this one, great post!


You have voted jaguarmike for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

MODS: I quoted the whole post 'cause I thought it deserved to be read more than once.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:45 PM
examplar said something very intresting

It's not a reasonable request to demand that a handfull of people sharing these stories provide proof for the skeptics out there. Do you think they have an alien ship in the basement that they could toss on a flat bed truck and drive around, just to prove their story? Imagine if they did....they'd still get the same reaction: disbelief. I'm not saying that this theory/story or whatever you want to call it is false or true. I just want to point out that proof in this case is next to impossible for the posters of these stories, so stop demanding it. Just read the thread and take from it what you will, while being mature and civilized about it.

he also said that pretty much anything that someone else sees as evidence may be seen by another as some other reasonable explanation

i'm sure this point is not lost on the MOD's

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Chrysalis
Let people tell what they want to,
Let the mods do whatever they feel necessary,
Let me chose on my own what to read, consider, believe or not.
If something doesn't please you, then who the hell are you to try and silence people.
I have a right to read what sleeper or others have to say, and then i'll make my mind about it alone.

Hi and thanks Chrysalis

You said it all in those few sentences why are people so afraid of what I or others have to say?

I will tell you what they have to fear, the truth, and the truth is coming---but if will not be forced down anyone’s wind pipe or into the space between the ears.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:55 PM
Sleeper can you give us a clue when it is coming so I can get my popcorn ready in advance, j/k

I must say I am anxious to read what you have to say. I am always curious to compare what I know with others.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike

p.s. Sleeper someone stated above you are going through a hard time? I don't believe that
But again, you know my take how to not be effected by the nasties!


Hard time? Not that I'm aware of, perhaps they meant someone is giving me a hard time. But why would anyone want to do that? lol

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Something big IS coming.

All other stuff aside...

Have you noticed the A&U boom recently?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:17 PM
every single thread gets down to proof and the absence or validity or implications of. Do we think scientists are all idiots? No they are generally people who deal in facts. They will accept aliens are real the moment there is real PROOF. Which there isn't.

So if it came down to only provable alien cases are permitted then you're going to either have a big blank space or be mocked by the hardcore scientists for entertaining fantasies.

Now for the rest of us we can choose to be believers or not, regardless of what type of evidence is presented if any. It's like the 9/11 theories. If you want to believe then you are free to do so. But if someone came forwards without proof and said they saw something taking place in those buildings then they would be believed instantly even though they had no proof.

So people are experiencing contact with aliens and they know they didn't imagine it. Heck, if we could imagine stuff like that then people could just imagine any experience at all.

In one way I wish the aliens were not real, and the things they have shown me were not true. I wish the skeptics were the intelligent ones and the aliens were all fantasy. I wish I was simply insane and had imagined the whole thing. I wish for all of your sakes that this was true. But I have to be honest to myself and of service to humanity and tell people about the aliens that are around us.

I'd like to hear Sleepers story and what he has learned. But I don't know if I can handle another few gigabytes of people demanding proof so that they can believe more.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Sleeper can you give us a clue when it is coming so I can get my popcorn ready in advance, j/k

I must say I am anxious to read what you have to say. I am always curious to compare what I know with others.

As soon as I get it into the blog, perhaps sometime on Saturday, it should be worth the wait for some believers, and also entertainment for the skeptics to tear into

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Selmer2
Sleeper, I don't want to be intrusive or anything, but from reading your posts in previous threads your experience and correlating this with my own study, what you've experienced is not an illusion and I know you understand that, since I am new to the boards (

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

The inferences made are that there are entities called "aliens". The truth is that We are all Us.

Further, there is a statement claiming the Wright Brothers to Be extra-terrestrials.

Elaboration please.


Dear Sleeper,

A reply would Be appreciated.

Thanks again


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

They will be known by their fear; a few words are worth a thousand...

ye shall know the tree by the fruit it bears.

what fruit do you bear?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

The inferences made are that there are entities called "aliens". The truth is that We are all Us.

Further, there is a statement claiming the Wright Brothers to Be extra-terrestrials.

Elaboration please.


Dear Sleeper,

A reply would Be appreciated.

Thanks again

If you are asking if we humans are all “aliens” the answer is no.

The Wright Brothers were not ET but they knew ETs.


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
As soon as I get it into the blog, perhaps sometime on Saturday, it should be worth the wait for some believers, and also entertainment for the skeptics to tear into

this thread is a plug.
is this allowed?

it's just a question.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

The inferences made are that there are entities called "aliens". The truth is that We are all Us.

Further, there is a statement claiming the Wright Brothers to Be extra-terrestrials.

Elaboration please.


Dear Sleeper,

A reply would Be appreciated.

Thanks again

If you are asking if we humans are all “aliens” the answer is no.

The Wright Brothers were not ET but they knew ETs.

There was No inquisition about Humans all Being "aliens", all though the division of this planet has alienated Us amongst Ourselves.

From the perspective of another planet We very well are "aliens", and most of the time even to Ourselves while living on this planet.

We are Extra-terrestrial as viewed from Mars.

This would surmise that the Wright Brothers were indeed E.T. by matters of an Omnified perspective.

It is Not very difficult to look at a bird and begin figuring out flight.

What about Da Vinci? And those Chinese who were all ready working on flight and had invented large kites long before the Wright Brothers?

So We now see that the Wright Brothers are E.T.'s and that in fact all of Us are more "Extra-terrestrial" than "terrestrial". Earth is the only place that We are viewed as "terrestrial", everywhere else would have us called "extra-terrestrials", this of course only by the standards Being presented in the previous post.

Still curious as to what "race" of "E.T's" it was that it is said they "knew".

Elucidation, please.

The reply was appreciated,

[edit on 12-1-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by JSR
this thread is a plug.
is this allowed?

it's just a question.

Good question, mods please respond, I don't want to do all the work only to have it dumped.


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:32 PM

Why don't we just ban people that have a different opinion, higher intellegence and stricter criteria than the 3 infamous contactees that have contributed 200 pages with not one verifiable fact. Oh wait, what happened to Thucydides?

You didn't include spelling as one of your criteria, I noticed. I propose that anyone claiming to have a higher intelligence, who mispells the word 'intelligence', should be banned at once.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Right on the money...........

something tells me though you are afraid of the changes that are going to happen? If im wrong please just have a smile and ignore me.


If you are afraid don't worry our existence is just one big lesson a lesson for our spirit. If we perish, our soul (vessel for the spirit) will re incarnate deemed on the lessons learn't either promoted or demoted. You might find yourself on earth again or maybe out of this galaxy entirely, whatever happens you will have no recollection of your past life although there are techniques that can be used to fish it out. Eventually your spirit will be merged as one with the creator and then you intern become the creator.

This is my idea, based on discussions over the past years with psychics, religious personnel, people contacted by ET's.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Selmer2]

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:01 PM
I got the feeling this is going to turn interesting and funny, interesting because of what Sleeper is gonna say, and funny because of the desperate attempts by a certain category of readers to get this thread closed.

Since we're all sitting here waiting for Sleeper to put his blog up, i might take some time to losen up a few things.

The Scientist
He is THE man, he's been to Science School, you really got to trust this guy because he knows his stuff, who else would.
But don't be affraid by his looks, we know he kinda lives in his own reality, so obsessed by his research. He's got the bad habit of neglecting his personal hygiene, but what the hell, he's sacrificing his body odour for the greater good.

The Research
So there we find our hero in his lab, mixing random chemicals or whatever in his tubes, his scalp half burnt by his last experiments. But suddenly, thanks to his scientific empiric (doing random stuff until something good comes out of it) approach, he discovers a new material/molecule/whatever !!!
He's very excited but you won't see any stain on his pants because scientists have a very low testosterone level anyway, we all know that.
But he's got to tell his friends (which are all scientists of course, due to their relationship problem with anything else).

Scientific community
Well, his friends besides beeing jealous and kinda skeptic start asking where is the proof. He just says "look, it is here, it's proof".
But the scientific community knows better : unless it gets published on Nature or Science, it's all BS.
And they want this new toy for themselves too so they ask for a demonstration and a method. If they can't reproduce it for themselves then it's all crap.

After much efforts, our hero scientist gets his discovery confirmed by his pairs and then sets off to go get international recognition (the money, the booze and the chicks), after all this luck err %$!§ WORK.
But then he gets addicted on dope and needs more cash, so he goes find some industrials who have no clue about his stuff, but since the scientist says it, then its got to be true.

Hmmm ok, i guess there's only one word for what just happened : Sorry.
But that proof thing makes me go nuts.
I've seen so many silly stuff coming from skeptics i just don't understand.
When someone comes upfront with an account of an event, he gets asked more questions about himself than about the event itself.
I understand some might want solid credentials but it becomes silly when an account is considered more believable when it comes from a christian.
Don't laugh, I've seen it many times.
And this thing about mixing ufology with religion...
Talking about proof, where is the proof of god, the proof of the soul, the proof for parallel universes ?
Ufology, today is that, a theory, a conspiracy but its there and you can't deny it.
Just as sometimes scientists know something is possible but can't prove it *yet*, a big part of us know that there's something out there, we know it in our heart, in our guts.
I don't know, but if you skeptics can't believe there could be life out there on another planet, just look at yourself, we are the best proof that it's possible.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

There was No inquisition about Humans all Being "aliens", all though the division of this planet has alienated Us amongst Ourselves.

From the perspective of another planet We very well are "aliens", and most of the time even to Ourselves while living on this planet.

We are Extra-terrestrial as viewed from Mars.

The connotations of the words like extraterrestrial and UFO are usually incorrect and have little to do with the entities that are visiting earth from far away places or other dimensions.

ETs are not human they are something very different, they have powers beyond description and they are not here to experiment on us or out of simple curiosity---those are human type traits.

This would surmise that the Wright Brothers were indeed E.T. by matters of an Omnified perspective.

Many humans had ET mentors as did the Wright Brothers.

It is Not very difficult to look at a bird and begin figuring out flight.

NASA with all their techno toys tried to duplicate what the Wright Brothers did and failed.

What about Da Vinci? And those Chinese who were all ready working on flight and had invented large kites long before the Wright Brothers?

They also had ET mentors but only achieved what they were allowed to achieve.

Airplanes and everything we call leading edge technology has always existed--- thousands, millions, and billions of years ago throughout the galaxy---they are only new toys for earth.

So We now see that the Wright Brothers are E.T.'s and that in fact all of Us are more "Extra-terrestrial" than "terrestrial". Earth is the only place that We are viewed as "terrestrial", everywhere else would have us called "extra-terrestrials", this of course only by the standards Being presented in the previous post.

Many of us have been on the turnip truck more than once---reincarnation from other planets, so your statement is true.

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