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Tears of a President

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:07 PM
And yet in spite of the "tears" it looks as if we're gearing up to go after Syria and Iran.

Ideally those emotions he's supposedly feeling in that photo would translate into his actions. I've yet to see that. It's not too late to slow down the death toll and costs of an admittedly erroneous war.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:10 PM
I hardly doubt this is the lowest thread you will ever read. At least not when it comes to Bush.
So WE are low? Demonizing us for seeing the presidents faults?
I think some of you are so defeated on these boards that you will tune into Hannity and Rush to get the last few "resources" necessary for a debate.
I'm sorry but MY president has repeatedly led me down.
I would be a hypocrite if i said i simpathized with him now.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I hate to be thhis way, but...

Nothing like a photo op and a tear. Talk about trying to humanize him.

Sorry, it just doesnt cut it.

If you haven't noticed, this is not the first time that Pres. Bush has shown emotion. In fact, he has always shown great emotion when dealing with the men and women of the armed services. Not only that, but he has clearly shown emotion whenever speaking of 9/11. I think that in many respects, people have their own pre-concieved impressions of the man and those are justified (rightly or wrongly) but perceptions and opinions of his actions. (largely shaped on those underlying proconceptions)

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
There is no greater love than a man who laid down his life for his brother.

Semper Fi means some thing to these men and women, and they will fight to the death for each other, and lay down their lives if it means that others may live... His medal of honour is richly deserved. may he rest in peace.

Was this fight so that others may live? Really?! Methinks more would have still been living had this war not started at all.

Me also thinks GWB is upset because his war is lost, cowboy macho men hate to look weak.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:27 PM
mrsdudara, as i have stated between the lines in every other post
i have made about this administration i do not respect any decision
or fraudulent attempt at gaining the sympathy and support of the
American people or other world leaders.
Where has his emotion been towards the countless parents/wives/husbands/family members who have lost a loved one from this illegal war ?
Bush cannot even face those people who have even gone public
speaking about their loss. (i.e. Cindy Sheehan) and give them
the time of day, much less an apology or a handshake.
And to say I have no class for questioning the obvious ?
This current administration deserves no respect from me,
I live by the way our country was founded, to gain respect you
must first give it yourself.
This current administration has been disrespecting the Constitution
and every American citizen for the past 6 years and will never
get respect from me no matter how many tears they cry.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:30 PM
looks like a photo op to me. when i cry i usually tear from both eyes. He prolly cut an onion in his pocket or something LOL.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Patriot36
mrsdudara, as i have stated between the lines in every other post
i have made about this administration i do not respect any decision
or fraudulent attempt at gaining the sympathy and support of the
American people or other world leaders.
Where has his emotion been towards the countless parents/wives/husbands/family members who have lost a loved one from this illegal war ?
Bush cannot even face those people who have even gone public
speaking about their loss. (i.e. Cindy Sheehan) and give them
the time of day, much less an apology or a handshake.
And to say I have no class for questioning the obvious ?
This current administration deserves no respect from me,
I live by the way our country was founded, to gain respect you
must first give it yourself.
This current administration has been disrespecting the Constitution
and every American citizen for the past 6 years and will never
get respect from me no matter how many tears they cry.

He absolutely did speak with Cindy Sheehan, before she fell off her rockers and started coverting with the witless hack, Micheal Moore. Moreover, Pres. Bush has ALWAYS show sympathy and compassion to the men and women who have lost loved ones in the war. It might just be that those of you who feel so superior to him intellectually, and cannot stomach the thought of him being your representative to the world, are incapable of seeing the man in anything other than a negative light. For that alone, you all need a mirror so you can see how narrow your own self-righteous minds are.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Did someone mention a big Cocaine bust at the border a few days ago?

Might have been his personal suppy.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Respect for all the deads from this illegal war.

Bush must have been practicing the last 6 years to get a tear from his evil eyes.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, Bush has admitted that any mistakes made have been his...

Hard to respect someone who lies with such impunity. Even claiming responsibility for mistakes is a lie. Sure, he let them happen, but what about the coherts who coherced him into making them?

THEY get promoted. Condi, Negroponte, Karen Hughes. Name one Bush Admin official who's been promoted and it's been for bad behaviour.

So what's worse? Disrespect for the lying, conniving bastards or using a 'ceremony' and photo-op to garner sympathy when you're trying to sell more culture of death?

At this point, if he ever turns up at a funeral, we can be sure it's just another staged event.

Count me among the disrespectful.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by psyopswatcher
Count me among the disrespectful.

Me as well.

This is not below the belt cutting on a man that is so completely out there.

I love how people defend him by saying things such as "he's just inarticulate..."

Do people actually believe that is the reason that we dislike this man?
Inarticulate people are everywhere, and nobody else with the lack of much needed speech therapy during childhood is running around picking on the rest of the world and considered acceptable.

I personally think the only person disrespected here was that soldier. That had his commander-in-chief throwing out crocodile tears while trying to figure out which reason he is supposed to be currently using to explain why he sent that soldier to Iraq.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Keep adoring and worshiping.

Why is it necessary to relegate respect and admiration to those base terms? Is that a way of slamming another's opinion, or simple politically correct talking points?

Simply because you see President Bush as the ultimate evil of our time, does in no way make it so. It is simply your opinion and there are those of us that differ. Does not make us right either, but to supplant the emotion of Respect, with verbiage such as Worship, is simple landblasting and not conducive to the intellectual discussion and formulation of ideals...

This thread, perhaps more than most, is a perfect example of hatred for one man. Hatred for hatred's purpose. Words are bandied about such as "Illegal War", without so much as a mention of the members of congress that voted for the war, and still support it. Do you hate them as well? Or is your hatred simply pointed at one man? President Bush is not the only man in America that supports the war, and yet, all of your unmitigated animosity is directed solely at him????? Why is that?? One must wonder...

but pointing out the man who sent him to his death is a fraud....

Quotes such as this are misleading and also unproductive. I am fairly sure we have an all voluntary military. That would imply that any individual volunteered for service. Once in the military, what is the soldier supposed to expect? A rose garden? No, it is the military and it is their job to fight wars, conflicts and other such nasty things. Also calling ONLY President Bush a fraud is also misleading as was stated before, numerous members of congress voted for the war and many still support it. If you feel the war is wrong, are they not as deserving of your disrespect? Or again, is your hatred only for the one man?

Now i guess anyone siding with me is the person who truly cares.

Is this indicating that those of us that feel a free Iraq, those that care for the people over there and want their suffering to stop, that we do not care? So according to that quote, only those that feel one way can care. The rest of us are heartless?

And now... all of a sudden... mistakes were made.

So now another politically correct talking point will be at what time it was appropriate for President Bush to realize he made a mistake? What yard stick will we use to measure the correct time? Who will make the final say as to when it is appropriate for a President to admit a mistake? You? Me? Who?

"Well they're some sad things known to man
But ain't too much sadder than
The tears of a clown when there's (MEDIA) around"

Again, was he the only one there crying? If not, were the other tears valid? Or were they from clowns as well? Is the hatred directed at ALL who were crying? Or just the one man that is apparently the target of hatred?

admittedly erroneous war.

Who admitted it was erroneous? You? Other posters? Does that make it so?

illegal war

And yet Congress approved it. What makes it illegal? Because you say it is?

Funny how the President has had to fight the war in Iraq, Afghan. and other areas, and his greatest enemies are right here. He perhaps would have been more effective if not for some unexplainable hatred that has been showered at him his entire time in office. Hatred for what? The war? Well do you also hate members of congress? I don't see you calling this the Congress war...

No all of your hatred is focused on one man. One man that has stood up to your hatred and done what he felt was right. Stood up for those that could not. Fought evil in the face of evil being driven into his back at every turn here at home. Home where he should have support. Yet you single him out, him, among all of those that supported this war, all of those that voted, all that continue to support the war. Still only the hate is shot at the President.

I wonder why?


posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:10 PM
hes prob crying because he hurt him self with a pretzel again

seriously though just because he may of she a tear doesnt wash away the fact that he was responsible for the death of that person.

his and the rest of those that have died
their blood is on his hands

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:46 PM
he appeared human as soon as he was informed about 9/11

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:10 PM
The president has shown emotion over the loss of life ever since 9/11. There is nothing new about this.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:35 PM
The tears were faked, that's why all of the soldiers present were prohibited from talking to the press about the event. Just another poor atempt to hoodwink the public.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Terapin]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:43 PM
I feel we too easily vilify our fellow human beings when they become the focus of our disaffection or the cause of that which we vehemently oppose. I vehemently oppose the war and share the fears and concerns of many regarding the social and legal precedents and acts established since this man took office. Nonetheless, because of my beliefs, and if I am to truly remain loyal to them and avoid being a hypocrite, I must remind myself continuously that no one is innocent of causing harm to some degree, and that no one is entirely without emotion or, indeed, even virtue.

Are we to believe that, to use an extreme example, Adolf Hitler never in his life shed a single tear? I find that difficult to believe. He was born, grew up, and no doubt experienced the full range of human emotions in his life. If he did, then so has this man. Could it be an act? Certainly. Do we know that it must be an act? I do not believe so. We are all on the gradient of human personality and psychology, no matter how far removed from everyone else on that gradient we may be. Even if it were an act, I choose not to judge, but rather, to be saddened and dismayed.

When someone I have observed to be capable of justifying harm on a large scale (for reasons they consider just and worthwhile, but with which I disagree vehemently) shows signs of compassion, I try to see the good in that. It is a reassuring departure, and not necessarily an act. It could be, but why should I assume or, worse still, hope that it is? I feel I should wish that it be genuine, if for no reason other than that it gives me hope.

How can I say I am saddened and dismayed by this man's actions on the basis that he justifies harm to other human beings, if I then deny him his status as another of my fellow human beings or feel hatred toward him? His actions – however strongly I oppose them – and tears are not mutually exclusive, in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:45 PM
semperfortis said:

without so much as a mention of the members of congress that voted for the war, and still support it. Do you hate them as well? Or is your hatred simply pointed at one man? President Bush is not the only man in America that supports the war, and yet, all of your unmitigated animosity is directed solely at him????? Why is that?? One must wonder...

Maybe it's because, like he even said himself, "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best,".
So I suppose people are justified in their focus on him.

Scary, but true, he is the decider

Oh yeah, he's also the PRESIDENT!

Blame away!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:57 PM
Remember, kids! Don't agree with someone politically? Easy, just turn a political disagreement and turn it into hatred and a chance to whine at every little thing he does!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

but pointing out the man who sent him to his death is a fraud....

Quotes such as this are misleading and also unproductive. I am fairly sure we have an all voluntary military. That would imply that any individual volunteered for service. Once in the military, what is the soldier supposed to expect? A rose garden? No, it is the military and it is their job to fight wars, conflicts and other such nasty things. Also calling ONLY President Bush a fraud is also misleading as was stated before, numerous members of congress voted for the war and many still support it. If you feel the war is wrong, are they not as deserving of your disrespect? Or again, is your hatred only for the one man?

Maybe the soldiers can expect to only be sent to war when the cause is just and worth sacrificing themselves for. That's the trust they put in the CIC when joining, that they will be defending our freedom, not forcing it on others. But you're right, it's not just Bush that is a fraud, there are many others in his administration, but he's the figure head so he takes the brunt of our anger. Rest assured though, when I say him, I mean them.

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