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Protesters Demand Closure of Gitmo Base

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posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 12:48 PM
This is a story about protesters demanding the closure of Guantanamo Military Base in Cuba in regards to the War on Terror "suspects" being held there. I say suspects, because these people haven't even been charged with a crime yet. The protesters have the right idea about to close down a facility such as this, but they do not know to keep looking for other precursors after this event.
GUANTANAMO, Cuba (AP) - Peace activists marched to the Cuban military zone wrapping around the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay on Thursday, demanding the United States close its prison for terror suspects five years after the first detainees arrived.

The dozen protesters, including relatives of one prisoner and American "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan, walked along a lonesome, asphalt highway connecting the Cuban city of Guantanamo to the military zone. Sheehan wore a peace sign medallion around her neck.

"Gitmo prison is a source of shame, no more torture in our name!" the protesters chanted, holding signs saying "due process is overdue" and "there are no justice-free zones." The brother of British citizen Omar Deghayes carried a large color photograph of the detainee that read "justice for my brother."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The only problem I see with this, the protesters being in front of Gitmo protesting is that they do not realize in the world of Politics and especially military politics is that they do not realize that if they actually get their way and Gitmo is closed is that it will not actually physically close down.

What I mean to say is that any person with half a brain knows that when the military or government closes down a facility of this magnitude, the sheer size of something supporting military strength on a foreign soil like Cuba's it does not really in true reality close down for good.

When the Federal Government closes something like this down it closes "on paper", meaning it is officially closed to the world, officially closed to the public eye because once everyone hears of the closing and sees it's doors lock "forever" it is not "out of sight and out of mind" from the mass public because they think they got things accomplished and never think again about such places, except to use for themselves as a positive propaganda tool. There will be more to follow, but you should really read "IMB and the Holocaust" by Edwin Black.

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[edit on 11-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

[edit on 11/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 01:52 PM
This is when a place like this becomes either a "secret military base" behind closed doors, or they move the entire facility elsewhere under the guise of being a "factory" or some other inane building with a smokestack. This is when the World's public should really begin paying attention even more but through selective thinking about only "what they can actually see" they will not. The reason I state they should be very much paying attention is that when this facility like Gitmo closes down "officially" and becomes some innocous "factory" or some other inane building it may in fact become a concentration camp which will become a death camp after so many years of operation.

For anyone who actually studied World War II you will begin to understand what this means. People who are working under slave labor, being experiemented on, being tortured without "public knowledge". This is how Hitler opened places like Dachau or Auschwitz and when our troops found them after the fall of Berlin they were appalled at what happened. When the concentration camps became death camps people were marched into "harmless showers" for gassing by cyanide or put into ovens and their corpses were cremated to destroy the evidence, or even worse yet they were cooked alive.

It sickens me that anyone can actually deny that the Holocaust happened to begin with and it is my hope that this does not turn into another Holocause visited on the World's people at the "cost of Freedom" because people do not remember what happened with Hitler's Third Reich. The precursors of Hitler's madness were the Jews being identified by tracking them down through the census, a seemingly harmless thing, which it can be. If you want to see how I mean this better, I suggest you read "IBM and the Holocaust" by Edwin Black.

The story of IBM and the Holocaust tells all kinds of things about Nazi Germany but what few people know is that our illustrious company IBM, yes...that IBM had a hand in the Holocaust. The book written by Edwin Black is written by a survivor of the Holocaust. He was literally there and saw these things. He didn't write this book with a skewed view of a conspiracy theorist...HE WAS THERE.

The book underlines how IBM and it's subsdiary company in Germany used the Hollerith card counting machine to track down the Jews to be able to later come back and kick down their doors and take them off. The thing is, this is clearly pointed out in the book about how not only the subsidiary company of IBM was helping Nazi Germany, but that the American beans counters and other company workers actually came over to Nazi Germany and helped with the upgrades of the Hollerith card sorting machine, helped with technical difficulties, etc...and they saw the horrors of the concentration camps...and they said nothing.

Edwin Black uses the financial records, the paper trail of the Nazi's and IBM to sort all of this out. The only reason IBM let it come to the light of day is that they took this as an opportunity to admit to it first so they wouldn't be slaughtered mercilessly in the news press and other news media of the day and used it is "positive propaganda" to further their company.

These types of things are precursors to unimaginable horrors at the hands of our own people. Do not let America become the next Nazi Germany through the ignorance of the people who are supposed to be in charge.

We The People...

[edit on 11-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 02:24 PM
What I am speaking about here in regards of the "closing of Gitmo" and being out of the public's view is that by them actually closing down this facility, it will be taken out of the "view of public" or closed from the "Mind's Eye" by the illusion of shutting the doors physically but only stepping over one city or one country and re-opening this type of facility somewhere else.

Down at the bottom of this post, there's a link to a letter to Donald Rumsfeld...if it's on the's public I don't want someone knocking on my door later. I had put in the "Search Words"...:"Closing Bases" + "Secret Bases" + "Closing To Public View" to see if some more detailed information was available for this thread and news story.

I noticed the use of the word "re-alignment" within the document, which could be an innocous word there, like changing the miliatary base from Army to Marine use, or could be the use of the word towards covering things up. I do not know. You make up your own mind there.

The Mind's Eye is likened to a castle. If you imagine the mind as a castle and that people are attacking it, this will help you to easier understand what I am talking about.

If a castle is being attacked from the front door, or the "drawbridge" the "men" attacking it will usually draw the defenders to the area of an attack, thereby leaving another walls or all of the other walls un-attended which would leave that areas open to attack by someone else from the "attacker", an ally of the invader or another "seemingly" innocous person who may be your ally or may be a "Trojan Horse" which would be infiltrating your safety.

The Mind's Eye

Letter To Donald Rumsfeld

Modality Of The Mind's Eye

[edit on 11-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 02:57 PM
Another way to think about this would be as a "Shell Game", like where someone has three shells with a pea under it. Here's a link to how I explain the "Shell Game" in more detail.

Shell Game - 3 Card Monte - Chess Games Of Politics

Divid and Conquer is another name for it. Here's a link to that in explanation.

Divide and Conquer

Here's another link about the "Blood Oath" of a Skull and Bones member, George W Bush.

Skull and Bones - Blood Oath

Stealing the U.S. Constitution from the U.S. public is one of the ultimate goals.

Stealing The U.S. Constitution

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:49 PM
Divide and Conquer at it's finest. Here's a n explanation of it. I hope this thread keeps going and going. Divide and Conquer is about keeping people divided long enough to conquer them. Conquering them physically, mentally, or psychologically.

A World At War

[edit on 11-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 09:15 PM
I only sent this story in because I thought it was worth mentioning. I had no intention of it being upgraded to a ATSNN story which it did. That's awesome.

Thanks ATS for the upgrade.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 05:47 AM
Well, I haven't heard any news in regards to this news story in the media since I posted this story. I know the saying news is good news...but has anyone else heard anything about this or a follow-up story?

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Well, I haven't heard any news in regards to this news story in the media since I posted this story. I know the saying news is good news...but has anyone else heard anything about this or a follow-up story?

Is anyone following this story, or not? I'm curious if anything else happened from the demonstration with protesters.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
The protesters have the right idea about to close down a facility such as this, but they do not know to keep looking for other precursors after this event.

So what would you suggest we do with these people that are housed inside? Let them go? Put them in federal prison in the US? Kill them? I would really like to know...

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 05:22 PM

What would happen to them?....

Why I can tell you that!

Of the many that have been through gitmo, dozens have been found back in Afgahnistan or Iraq dead or captured again.

Someone has to realize they are POW's (I do not agree with the government NOT classifying them as POW's because that is what they are) And every war has POW's, and that we treat our POW's VERY VERY WELL ... To use fear and intimidation (that is not torture, torture is causing severe and consistant and inhumane bodily harm to a prisioner) to get information is not illegal either. Who cares what the hippies say, I do not see them understanding how war opperates. Of course, if they want to protest the fact that our invasion caused them to pick up arms, and that if we where not over there they would not pick up guns and come over here, but that is another story for another thread.

The bottomline is this. If we have no prisons for prisoners, we kill them on the field. Or we move it over seas to some darka nd issolated place where unspeakable acts of violence can be committed. I personally think there is, of course, a political agenda. Inspired most likely by people who come from the likes of the sick and deranged cindy shehan.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by PrepareForTheWorst

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
The protesters have the right idea about to close down a facility such as this, but they do not know to keep looking for other precursors after this event.

So what would you suggest we do with these people that are housed inside? Let them go? Put them in federal prison in the US? Kill them? I would really like to know...

Kill them? They haven't been charged with a crime. If someone hasn't been charged with a crime...why should they be held? That's called being a hostage. If a crime has happened, criminal charges need to be filed, trial held, and adjudication, and whatever from there...either jail, prison, or death sentence, depending on the actual crime.

Being a "terrorist suspect" is just that...being a terrorist suspect. What's that mean? Well, suspect means you're under suspicion, last time I checked and a terrorist mean using terror in order to inflict terror.

Terrorist suspect, under the suspcion of being a terrorist. You can't charge someone for being suspicious...if that were the case...well everyone in Congress is suspicious of being a criminal...everyone I know and everyone I've ever talked to has stated under the suspicion of the people they are supposed to be representing...we should get the Police in Washington D.C. to round all of the Politicians up, house them in a prison for being suspicious of being criminals and not let them have visitors either, no lawyers, no family, read their letters, etc.

You get the message?

[edit on 15-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 10:39 PM
I don't really agree with them being in the status that they are in either but like rock said...I would rather them be there than in some deep, dark dungeon that nobody knows about.

I think it might be fun to give them trials, and if convicted sent to our federal prisons. I am very much sure that our inmates would have a lot of fun with them. Of course we can't do that because all the hippie human rights activists would get all flared up.

If I had it my way we woud give them a fair trial, if found innocent..sent back to whatever god forsaken country they came from. If found guilty...immediately taken out back and shot. This would definitely be cheaper than the current situation.

Also, being a terror suspect is a lot different than being the suspect of grand theft auto. Here in the states we can monitor a person and if enough evidence is gathered we can find them. If we were to send a person back to Iraq, Iran, many people would they possibly kill before we gathered all the evidence?

I say give them all POW status!

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:06 PM
The problem I see with Gitmo is this...being held there makes you a political prisoner. If they "shut down" Gitmo, it won't be for good. It will be shut down on paper, thereby shutting off the papertrail of accountability, responsibility, and humanity.

Whatever any of those people's crimes were who are detained there, whatever lives they have taken, whatever human rights they have stolen from others, they still deserve to be treated like humans. I'm not saying a TV, with cable, weight lifting, and air conditioning.

What I'm talking about is human dignity. Do you know what it's like to be tortured? I don't but I know I sure don't want to experience it. I've read enough, seen enough, and heard enough about torture. It's Hell on Earth.

Imagine what happened in the movie G. I. Jane with Demi Moore's character happening to you. Would you want that happening to anyone else? Don't consider the nationality, the ethnicity, the crimes they've done or are only accused of doing, the hatred for you or I. Only consider, would you want it done to you, or worst yet to someone you love.

An eye for an eye? Violence only begats more violence.

Break the negative cycle.

I am not condoning any actions taken by any parties, either the U.S. or those "suspects" held without trial.

But I'm not for them either.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
The problem I see with Gitmo is this...being held there makes you a political prisoner. If they "shut down" Gitmo, it won't be for good. It will be shut down on paper, thereby shutting off the papertrail of accountability, responsibility, and humanity.

Whatever any of those people's crimes were who are detained there, whatever lives they have taken, whatever human rights they have stolen from others, they still deserve to be treated like humans. I'm not saying a TV, with cable, weight lifting, and air conditioning.

What I'm talking about is human dignity. Do you know what it's like to be tortured? I don't but I know I sure don't want to experience it. I've read enough, seen enough, and heard enough about torture. It's Hell on Earth.

Imagine what happened in the movie G. I. Jane with Demi Moore's character happening to you. Would you want that happening to anyone else? Don't consider the nationality, the ethnicity, the crimes they've done or are only accused of doing, the hatred for you or I. Only consider, would you want it done to you, or worst yet to someone you love.

An eye for an eye? Violence only begats more violence.

Break the negative cycle.

I am not condoning any actions taken by any parties, either the U.S. or those "suspects" held without trial.

But I'm not for them either.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

Anyone heard any recent news about Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and the potential for it being closed down through political pressure? I'm just trying to catch up with current events.

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