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Dreams about God,Christ or Faith

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 11:54 AM
I have had a number of dreams that are related to Christ and things dealing with Faith..

It really makes me step back and realize that Christ and God both speak to us in dreams..the question is do we listen.

Heres some of mine...

Feb or March 2005

I saw a golden mask. In it was the face of Christ. He spoke to me in a Loud Voice…
“You were (are ) already Dead “ and I awoke. (n) It could have been you are already dead.
The eyes of Christ I thought looked as though they were closed. Possibly sewn shut.
The mask was a large rectangle. Maybe the size of a twin bed. It was over me, maybe 8 feet. The dream was startling.

Spring 2006

Seeing A room with multiple .cocoons in like a brown or yellow stone. I was standing in front of one. put my hand out and said “ you shall live, or you will live “
Someone arose. A Blonde Girl Got up. The stone turned to a blanket. The girl was my Girlfriend.

Oct 26th 2006

I was holding out my hands to show someone that I didnt have burn marks on my hands..I held out my right hand palm up. As I did, there was another hand there that was also a right hand that was palm down and I was feeling the hand for nail holes..

I saw man on a Donkey who was wearing like a front of the building I was in.

December 2006

I was on a street corner with some people. I was cleaning my sunglasses on an otherwise partly cloudy day. I heard a boom like the sound of Thunder and suddenly the whole sky went to dusk. ( Rapture? )

Dec 1st 2006

I was walking with man who was speaking French. We were walking through some Castle gates. I was holding a Digital Camera in my right hand. I was looking at the display as we were we walking. At first I couldn’t make out what the image was. I thought I saw a part of a woman in the camera. I did a double take. When I looked at it again, it was zoomed in on the roadway that we were walking on. It was a close up of a stone road of some type. As I looked at the image, I saw the Crucifixion of Christ in the reflection. It was shocking, like a horror picture. I looked over to my left, and in front of a wall, I saw Christ Crucified. His head hanging to his right. When I looked over, he looked up at me and smiled? I said were going to take care of this..or Im going to fix this, or something like that.

Dec 31st

I was in a residence that was on an upper floor, where there was a Golden color fireplace. In the box there was a fire burning. The Box had Gold edges in which the air could get it. It had a clear glass with a Jew Star symbol on it and said “ Made by God “. ( btw , I was cold in my bed ). There was a gentle fire burning inside the box. On the left end was a piece of wood painted black that went into the box and would not burn. You could push it in or pull it out to control the rate of burn in the box.
There were computers in the room that were Jewish made. No one told me they were, but as I was looking at them, I somehow knew they were

Let me tell dreams have my attention....

Heres one My Girlfriend had....

She heard a out to here..

Ba Ba Ba,

Then she heard...

Rock Rock Rock,

Then she saw the written word.." Messiahs "

What you dont know is that I have a gaming name in world of warcraft called Rauck...

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

I have seen both....


[edit on 2-1-2007 by HIFIGUY]

[edit on 2-1-2007 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 12:49 AM
This was a very cool read... I do find it pretty amazing that both of you remember dreams so well. Anytime something is written in my dreams, I find it impossible to recall the words. But I got chills reading this at the end lol, thankyou.

I had a dream where I had to write a one page paper about Jesus for one of my favorite professors. I did not think I was doing a good job until the last line I wrote. It was something really cool. I turned it into my professor and a minute later he said that he really liked what I put on that last line. I woke up, couldn't remember a word of it. I think it had to do with Jesus's acceptance. (Edit: And now I remember that it had something to do with Buddha too) Both are very accepting as far as I have learned..

I had another one where I actually went lucid and thought, "I want to see Jesus" To see what would happen (Heard of some pretty incredible dreams when this sort of thing happened). Nothing happened but then I thought well it must be alright to know what he feels like (Hint hint, lol). Then I thought, "No, I said I wanted to see him." After that I felt bad, and that I shouldn't press my luck. So I thought "I wonder what he feels like." Then it felt like I was 2 at once, and I was sliding over myself, I felt an absence of pain.

Like sitting here right now I would say I'm not in pain, but feeling like I did in that dream, I would then realize that I was actually hurting all over.. Slowly rolling over myself somehow, it was so peaceful, and not that shocking really, not mindblowing, not unbelievable, just simple peace.

I don't get a lot of spiritual dreams, those are pretty much the only ones I've had, and I remember a lot of my dreams.

[edit on 4-1-2007 by Novise]

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 01:39 PM
About april of last year, it really started coming on. It takes conditioning to remember them.

What was odd about my girlfriends, was that she has a hard time remembering her dream, and when she heard the voice, and then saw the writing, well, that was unlike any dream she had ever had.


posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 02:50 AM
I was in a room. It was small. There was a toy shelf. On the shelf were many small toy characters like Toy story. They were out of line as far as I could tell. They were up above me in front of my maybe 4 or 5 feet away.
Then a friend of mine calls me in my dream and we talk. He says to me that I finally figured it out. You asks me southing about a 17 or 18. Then I look back at the toys and they are all lined up on the edge looking down at me. I hold out my hand thinking that I can move them.
Then I have a feeling come over me. Its scary. I feel like Im going to die. I feel as though Im prompted for a word. The word was Westpoint.
Suddenly I instantly a spear coming towards me knowing that it is going to kill me. I sense its going to stab me in my left side of my chest. Fearing Death, I say loud..." Christ Save Me"!!


[edit on 25-1-2007 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by HIFIGUY
I have had a number of dreams that are related to Christ and things dealing with Faith..

It really makes me step back and realize that Christ and God both speak to us in dreams..the question is do we listen.

Heres some of mine...

Feb or March 2005

I saw a golden mask. In it was the face of Christ. He spoke to me in a Loud Voice…
“You were (are ) already Dead “ and I awoke. (n) It could have been you are already dead.
The eyes of Christ I thought looked as though they were closed. Possibly sewn shut.
The mask was a large rectangle. Maybe the size of a twin bed. It was over me, maybe 8 feet. The dream was startling.

How did you know it was Christ? Do you know how he looks like?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 02:41 PM

How did you know it was Christ? Do you know how he looks like?

Thornes on the head I think I recall. The interesting thing about Christ in your dream is that you know your with him.


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