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Saddam was killed by a bunker buster in March, 2003, not on 30-12-06

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posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 05:24 AM
I found this site which thinks the man they just executed wasn't the real Saddam.

The man they have "on trial" is a willing imposter. The media is playing the American public for fools.

Regard every media source that discusses the fake Saddam Hussein trial with suspicion. Chances are that one of your most trusted news sources is really a psychological operation sponsored by an intelligence agency like the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, etc.

Then goes on to state this.

By the way, here's a collection of fake Saddam pics with some realpictures of the late Iraqi dictator thrown in. Can you tell the difference?

Pictures on link at the bottom of the page.

Did the government want this trial and execution to be played out, regardless of whether they had Saddam or a willing imposter?

To add to this conspiracy theory.

March 20, 2003 bombing

At approximately 02:30 UTC or about 90 minutes after the lapse of the 48-hour deadline, at 5:30 am local time, explosions were heard in Baghdad. At 03:15 UTC, or 10:15 p.m. EST, President George W. Bush announced that he had ordered the coalition to launch an attack on a "target of opportunity" against specified targets in Iraq. According to The Pentagon, 36 Tomahawk missiles and two F-117 launched GBU-27 bombs had been used in this assault. Other reports have the number of missiles at forty or more. The targets were high-level Iraqi governmental officials, including Saddam Hussein himself, and were based on specific intelligence which led the U.S. government to believe it knew his movements.

Shortly after he made a televised speech, but many were not convinced it was the real saddam.

An address apparently made by Saddam Hussein was broadcast on Iraqi TV later on March 20 at approximately 21:00 local time. Iraqi state television claimed that this report was live. The person making the broadcast refers to the date of the bombing and the fact that it was at dawn. He was wearing glasses and reading from handwritten notes. This broadcast did not convince US analysts that Hussein was still alive. Analysts seized upon the glasses and notes as two big differences from Saddam Hussein's usual TV appearances. Additionally, a former mistress of the Iraqi president said it was not him. Senator Pat Roberts said that he had been told that US intelligence officials that at least some of the Iraqi leadership had been killed in the attack. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that "The CIA's assessment of the tape is that it does appear to be the voice of Saddam, but there is no conclusive evidence about whether that was taped before or after the operation began."

And he is well known for his doubles.

Hussein was widely regarded as a "master of survival," making any assassination attempt difficult. He supposedly made use of body doubles, who have reportedly had plastic surgery and learned his mannerisms. He shied away from public appearances, preferring to use doubles for any such events. He is reported not to have slept two consecutive nights in the same place for years. He also had a network of bunkers and tunnels designed to withstand nuclear overpressures. They may not be able to withstand direct hits from purpose-built "bunker buster" precision bombs.

Here are what the site thinks are "real" and not "real" pictures of Saddam.







So what do you think, im not sure myself.

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 05:43 AM
So is this the face of a smiling imposter?

FAKE Saddam Hussein(Saddam Hussein, 1937-2003)

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 06:15 AM
The real saddam or not?

Picture on link. **warning-image of a dead body**

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 07:13 AM
All the men in those photos to me are the same person.
The person being hung in the footage, to me is the only one that could possibly be a fake.

I gotta ask but,
how is it they cant find a camera to use during his execution that isnt pre 1990's technology?


posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 07:21 AM
I did notice that a few of the supposed real and fake pictures had some minor differences. The most notable was his ears. In some of the pics of the"real sadam" his ears were different from the "fake sadam" pictured in court.

Who knows.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 07:30 AM
thats absurd. That Saddam had doubles is well known but what double would be willing to take the ultimate fall for a man 3 years dead? No he would have been screaming bloody murder at the trials that he wasn't Saddam.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 07:47 AM
# cant i just enjoy it didnt they capture his look a likes

[edit on 3-1-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by d1k
I did notice that a few of the supposed real and fake pictures had some minor differences. The most notable was his ears. In some of the pics of the"real sadam" his ears were different from the "fake sadam" pictured in court.

Who knows.

Here's some more differences between recent pictures and the older ones.
Notice the dental work.

Again, nice teeth.

Now bad teeth.

Again, great looking teeth.

Now, a later picture, a double?

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:46 AM
Enlarged picture of his teeth before capture.

And post capture picture of teeth.

Compare the alignment and condition of the teeth in these photos of Saddam, before and after his capture. Though with age some change could be expected, it is strange that such crooked teeth could emerge from a once well doctored smile. You decide.

More pictures on link.

Check out these two images of eyes, the right is the fake.

And the various "saddams" through the ages.

Bottom right, is a very poor double, looks hardly like him.

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 09:20 AM
Now this does look odd, compare the shape and size of the noses in these two pictures.

In the post capture pic, he has a bigger, more bulbous nose.

Post capture, a double.

Before capture, the real Saddam.

And if that wasnt enough, compare these two pictures with have blatant differences, they are not the same man.

The man on the left is not the real saddam.

U.S. officials said they are uncertain that the man, left, who appeared on Iraqi TV after U.S. airstrikes, is Saddam Hussein, right.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 12:45 PM
More interesting links that point to the fact Saddam initially survived the bunker bomb but later died 3/19/2003.

SADDAM DIES IN SURPRISE BOMBER ATTACK 3/19: After last Wednesday's surprise bombing attack by Allied Coalition Bombers, which was directed at "a Target of Opportunity": a meeting that was attended by several members of Saddam's military, including Saddam's sons and Saddam Hussein himself, Saddam was said to have been "mortally wounded and near death" by debris knocked loose by the bunker busting ordinance used by the Allies. The damage to the bunker was so substantial, and Saddam's consequential wounds to significant, that Saddam was taken way "in a panic" for immediate surgery. The source indicated Saddam subsequently succumbed to his injuries, some time within 2 hours of the surprise attack.

DOCTORS WORK FRANTICALLY BUT CAN'T SAVE HUSSEIN 3/19: According to the source: Saddam was taken away from the collapsed Bunker with an oxygen mask over his face and an intravenous line, unconscious, bloody and unresponsive. He was conveyed onto an emergency gurney by rescue workers and then taken by Ambulance to a special underground facility. The facility, with entries not far from the Saddam Peace Palace, is a special Iraqi Government usage underground subterranean command center that had been set up for emergency use by Hussein to fend off future bombing attacks. The center was developed through conversion of a canceled Baghdad Subway project some 3-5 years ago, by European contractors to the Hussein regime.

NSIDE FORT SADDAM: A DEEP UNDERGROUND CITY UNDER THE CITY, AT THE TIME OF SADDAM'S DEATH 3/19: The confidential source described the Iraqi facility, so-called: "FORT SADDAM", as an underground defense center for use as a "wartime emergency capital and defense nerve center". Comprised of a network of self-contained command bunkers buried deeply beneath Baghdad below other surface bunkers, it is thought to be capable of withstanding ordinary Allied Coalition bombing. Within it, he stated, are stored Chemical and Biological Weapons systems, an emergency Hospital for treatment of the Leadership of Iraq and their families, living accommodations with purified air, emergency command centers and sophisticated, Russian equipped Radio and Comm. rooms, WMD containment and storage centers, and other facilities aimed at providing for a wartime Iraqi government to direct it's attacks on other nations. Parts of the center are said to be "armored" against Nuclear attack and fallout, in case a distant government tries to "shoot back". An armored private rail-line links several such disparate subterranean facilities of this "underground city", making it possible for Iraqi Government officials to quickly travel to other parts of FORT SADDAM while escaping surveillance from Allied Coalition airborne surveillance equipment. The source indicates that some of FORT SADDAM had been "damaged, badly" by the continuous pounding of Allied Coalition Bombers during the past five days.

Sorry for the big external quotes but thought it significant in the fact that the real Saddam died in 03, and double was set up.

DOUBLES AND PRE-RECORDED STATEMENTS USED TO MAINTAIN "APPEARANCES" 3/20: According to the confidential source, one of Saddam's four doubles was secretly appointed "maintainer of the Regime's appearances" for the duration of the war: he appeared on Baghdad TV in a frantically prepared hastily steno'd propaganda piece that was broadcast to reassure the Iraqi Military that the leader was supposedly not dead, so as to continue to reinforce the sense of penalties for opposing the will of Saddam Hussein publicly, on the part of both the Iraqi People, and most importantly, the Republican Guard, many of whom are of wavering loyalties.

The more i look at this, the more i believe, the person executed today was not Saddam, and since his capture.
For whatever political reason on the western countries, they wanted this trial to happen, with or without Saddam.

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 09:22 PM
Please look at the eyebrows, hairline, side burns and teeth. Im convinced its a fake, when you watch footage of Saddam back in the day and current you can see a lil difference. Current one looks younger.

I just noticed the neck, real saddam has saggy neck. The other one doesnt.

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Diddy]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 11:13 PM
If Saddam is known to have used many body doubles, then how can you decide which pictures are really of him? If it applies to the more recent photos, then shouldn't it also apply to the older ones? Saddam didn't just start using doubles in the last decade- he had been using them long before that.

I just think that we may be overlooking the possibility that the "verified" Saddam photos that we are using as a base for comparison may not even be him either.

And no offense to Denied, but several of your external quotes contradict one another. It seems like you're using any source you can find to support your ideas regardless of whether they invalidate one another. I don't have the time to pick them all apart and go into precise examples, but if one of your sources claims that he doesn't like making public appearances, then how can you use pictures from his public appearances and claim that it is the real Saddam? Another one of your sources says that he was carried out from the rubble of the explosion, unresponsive and with an oxygen mask on. After that, another source says he held a meeting of his top men (as well as his sons) before succumbing to his injuries. So which one was it? Or are both true, and he just held the meeting among piles of rocks and debries and smoke and fire?

I'm not at all discounting your theories. I definitely think they have merit and I will admit that I have pondered them myself, and continue to do so. But I also do my best to be as objective and reasonable as possible- and that includes questioning EVERY Saddam photo, even the ones that sources claim are positively him (how do they know, and how did they verify this?).

Great work with the thread so far. Keep on digging and hopefully you'll find something concrete.

Just thought of something: If this was a fake Saddam that was hung, and his body was turned over to family members in Tikrit, couldn't they do a DNA test? And before anyone thinks of it, there's no way they froze his remains from when he was "originally killed" in the bombing of 2003. Any moron can tell the difference between a body that died from a bunker buster and a body that died from a hanging- not to mention the real Saddam would have to have the exact same grooming as the fake one they just hung.

I mean, surely if they hung a fake Saddam then his family would want to reveal this, wouldn't they? Wouldn't they want to undermine the government that invaded, overthrew and turned over for execution their father/uncle/brother/leader/etc? Wouldn't they want to know the whereabouts or remains of the real Saddam? Unless, of course, they're ALL in on it and they know that Saddam is alive and well somewhere and they want to continue the conspiracy theory for his own sake?

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Very interesting thread, I always wondered why he decided to keep a beard after he got captured, does anybody know why he suddenly wanted to keep a beard?

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 12:37 AM
I gotta say great work, to me it does look like a fake saddam was planted as a decoy as the real saddam is dead. Question is now why would they want to plant a fake saddam..maybe to draw the attention from the failed occupation that is going on in Iraq?

[edit on 31-12-2006 by Revelmonk]

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 01:47 AM
Good post. I can see why they would do that, making doubles and all. There are some differences I can see, too. Yet, there is one thing you must remember. People age. People also might look a little ragged and definitely different after hiding in holes for months on end. I mean, if you dont brush your teeth for a month, they will definitely look like that. And the beard. Yes, even evil dictators grow facial hair

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 01:47 AM
I have always said that it was not the real Saddam that was captured and hanged. This thread just gives me more to believe in. Whether Saddam is still alive or not I dont know.

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
If Saddam is known to have used many body doubles, then how can you decide which pictures are really of him? If it applies to the more recent photos, then shouldn't it also apply to the older ones? Saddam didn't just start using doubles in the last decade- he had been using them long before that.

I just think that we may be overlooking the possibility that the "verified" Saddam photos that we are using as a base for comparison may not even be him either.

Hi Rasputin, i always had that in the back of my mind, any of the previous pics could be a double as well.
im just pointing out the differences in the various pictures, which are suspicious.

would it of been better for the US & co if they had killed Saddam in 2003, with a bomb?
Would they of got the "desired effect", or did they want to have Saddam stand up in court and be held to account, and then executed by his OWN people.

I think the latter pans out better for the US, whether that was the real Saddam or not.

[edit on 31-12-2006 by Denied]

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 09:33 AM
This is silly IMO.

Go to a photo album, gather all of the photos of yourself or a family member who has lived many years, look at them, you'll see the changes a person goes through in life, and how aging weight gain and loss can dramatically change appearance.

How many of you have had friends or relatives look at a photo of YOU and say something like "Is that really you?"

Why fake all of these pictures of Saddam?

Makes no sense.

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Is truth that Noses can be broken and shape changed, hair lines recede with age, face sag and eyes get droopy.

But what it strikes me the most is the teeth.

teeth do not get misaligned like that because of age.

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