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European Nationalist Movements

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posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 12:38 PM
Since the end of the Cold War while Europe has been drawing together economically and politically there has also been a rise in the number of credible nationalist movements throughout Europe. While this can be attributed in part to a reaction against the growth a Pan-European agenda held by most political leaders throughout Europe but could it also be deeper held nationalist sentiments.

Here are a couple of examples of current nationalist movements throughout Europe.


And theres a thread here on PTS about the possible the dissolution of the UK.

UK thread

I guess I'm asking how this apparent growth of nationalism throughout Europe could affect the development of the EU and if it poses a real threat to the future of Europe?

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 05:07 PM
Yes I do think this is a huge problem for the EU,

I live in Germany and the amount of pee'd off people here is huge!

Mostly down to the Euro as peoples standard of living has dropped significantly, there is also huge unemployment problems and the younger generation 18-21 year olds who cant get themselves an apprenticship (Which is neccesary to obtain a job in Germany) The younger guys especially are turning more and more to radical views with groups of young adults starting to support Nazi views.

The situation in Germany at the moment is similar to that of the 1930's when the Nazi party took hold, High unemployment, Dissatisfaction with the system e.t.c

The Nazi marches that take place in different venues all year round across Germany are becoming more frequent and more popular. This is a BAD sign!

If it is like this in Germany then I can well believe it is like this all over the EU, and if it's not addressed correctly now then It could cause huge problems for the stability of the EU in the future.

[edit on 30/12/06 by Jimmy1880]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:18 AM
i've actually heard that neo nazis and far right activists get elected to local governmental positions. is this true? you would think that the german government would learn the lessons of world war two...

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ka47
i've actually heard that neo nazis and far right activists get elected to local governmental positions. is this true? you would think that the german government would learn the lessons of world war two...

What lessons would the Government learn?. This is the people of Germany voting and saying they believe the neo nazis and far right activists will do a better job at running the country.

In Germany's case, the far right is a long way from running the country.

In the UK, the British National Party (BNP) has made some gains at a local level in some town councils and people are up in arms saying this is wrong and they should be banned. I never saw this much heat when the far left is elected in.

This is voter power at work and if voting for the far right is the only way that voters can get attention, then the system is working

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:24 PM
There are no nazis in the german government now, Nazism is ILLEGAL in germany, and for obvious reason. The Nazis overthrew the legitimate government, hurled germany into a ruinious and pointless nationalistic war, and systematically executed millions of german citizens in their death camps.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:33 PM
you certainly have a point. however, we can not afford to allow tyrants like hitler to be "voted" in, and then just simply say "oh,well,the voters made their choice. let's allow unspeakable evils like the holocaust to occur in the name of the voters." this is not about any ideology in particular, this is about recognizing parallels between what's happening now, and what happened in the past,and not repeating those mistakes. if someone on the far left, like stalin, were voted into office, we would have the same situation. churchill recognized in the 1930's what was happening inside germany,and the british generally ignored him. chamberlain attempted to negotiate with hitler, and look what happened. we can see very well what the results of trying to reason with a madman are.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
There are no nazis in the german government now, Nazism is ILLEGAL in germany, and for obvious reason. The Nazis overthrew the legitimate government, hurled germany into a ruinious and pointless nationalistic war, and systematically executed millions of german citizens in their death camps.

No one in the German govenment have admitted/confessed to being a Nazi. That does not mean that some in the German government do not have right leanings

But many of the German people agreed with the aims that Hitler started with. To return Germany to having a world status and be recognised by the rest of the world as a true state. Who amongst us would not agree with any leader who promised to restore the prestige of their country?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:41 PM
What hitler promised and what hitler delivered were two entirely different things. Hitler was scum, who ruined germany. Even IF they hadn't lost WWII, he'd be scum who ruined germany.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by ka47
you certainly have a point. however, we can not afford to allow tyrants like hitler to be "voted" in, and then just simply say "oh,well,the voters made their choice. let's allow unspeakable evils like the holocaust to occur in the name of the voters." this is not about any ideology in particular, this is about recognizing parallels between what's happening now, and what happened in the past,and not repeating those mistakes. if someone on the far left, like stalin, were voted into office, we would have the same situation. churchill recognized in the 1930's what was happening inside germany,and the british generally ignored him. chamberlain attempted to negotiate with hitler, and look what happened. we can see very well what the results of trying to reason with a madman are.

Decided who can be voted on is just a bad as the tyrants who are elected. Who has the right to tell me who I can vote for and if I can stand for election.

We either have a open system or we might as well pack up and let the NWO in now!!!

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
What hitler promised and what hitler delivered were two entirely different things. Hitler was scum, who ruined germany. Even IF they hadn't lost WWII, he'd be scum who ruined germany.

absolutely true

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Freedom ERP

Originally posted by ka47
you certainly have a point. however, we can not afford to allow tyrants like hitler to be "voted" in, and then just simply say "oh,well,the voters made their choice. let's allow unspeakable evils like the holocaust to occur in the name of the voters." this is not about any ideology in particular, this is about recognizing parallels between what's happening now, and what happened in the past,and not repeating those mistakes. if someone on the far left, like stalin, were voted into office, we would have the same situation. churchill recognized in the 1930's what was happening inside germany,and the british generally ignored him. chamberlain attempted to negotiate with hitler, and look what happened. we can see very well what the results of trying to reason with a madman are.

Decided who can be voted on is just a bad as the tyrants who are elected. Who has the right to tell me who I can vote for and if I can stand for election.

We either have a open system or we might as well pack up and let the NWO in now!!!
or,you can vote them in!!!!

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